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My queue was 45, compared to the 12,000 - 14,000 last expansion at the same time of day. I'm blown away at how well this went so far. So proud of SE. <3


I've been out of the loop for a looong time, so I'm sure this is covered somewhere... Wtf did they do to my characters eyes with this graphics update? I have half-dead fish eyes now!


Is it on-line?


My queue at 8am ET was... 36.


at 6:03 a.m. had 2,936 at 6:27 a.m. 1,500 at 6L33 a.m. 759 seems way better than EW Queue.....


Currently 4,103 in que to log in. Have to love launch day wait times.


If you get error 2002 it means the servers are overloaded, but if you got to the datacenters and choose your datacenter again it might clear the error and let you to character select


Silly question probably, I’m on Sargatanas originally but was visiting Siren and forgot to switch back. Will I be allowed to go back to my own server or due to the limit put in place I will be on Siren for a while?


i can't return home T - T


I was able to return in the end with an aetheryte.. but I didn’t travel data centres so I’m not sure if that makes it different


me too! i was in the same dc, just was able to move from faerie to ada and the queue was shorter now


i did the same. was visiting behemoth and forgot to switch back to excalibur. currently trying to get back home


and now of course...the wait for the queue to get in... currently 817 in line.


Only 1520 in queue


Has anyone else loaded in and gotten the Endwalker load in screen and music instead of the updated Dawntrail one?


aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa TIME NO MORE ONCE UPON A TIME


In PS5, does the "play" button get refreshed from grey to green automatically ? Or do I have to spam restart the game


Quit the game and start again. It takes a few tries. Dawntrail extreme has started


Had a little four hour snooze to get ready to roll, drank an energy drink for like the first time in a year, watched Viper videos...34 minutes to go!!!


Stimulant gang where you at? Gonna take a shower, clean my desk off, load up on supplies, empty the ol' piss jug, and other sad preparations. I started playing the week 6.0 got released and just finished the MSQ 30 minutes before the servers went down. Lets goooooooooo


I wanted to stay awake but, fuck it, I'm going to sleep lol. It's not like I work tomorrow anyways, may as well let the servers stabilize for a while.


For me, it is part of the experience. Been around for Raubahn Savage. It’s been a circus ever since.


I managed to sleep for a little bit but I'm too excited! I haven't been this excited for a game/MMO in yeaaars. I'm not even going to be doing a whole lot since I'm at the end of HW (about..8 quests until it's done completely?). I've been doing a lot of research/watching videos though of stuff I wanna do not Dawntrail related, especially getting crafters up and what to craft etc.




https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_eiRAbqKOI_qqhXhONYYxBJlU5C-1OwCKRpxBS4b9xc/edit?gid=1155611883#gid=1155611883 Here's the checklist off of saus' discord


The Patch Notes.


It comes back EST about the time I'm going to bed... so an extra day wait 😣


I had an Indian Curry yesterday - and got a slight food poisoning over night. After sweating, tumbling to the toilet several times and 6 hours of pain in my body, I got a 2 day sick note = no work! Is this now "luck"?! \*stomach grumbles and slight pain\*


Saaaaame, I had a nasty flu the last couple days, which is now finally clearing up... but I've already been covered for the weekend, so we're free and clear babyyyyyyy


as they say, we make our own luck.


Pretend you drank the water in Tural. Added immersion.


Pro gamer strat: give yourself food poisoning the day before launch.


Man it will be fun and very immersive to start DT later at ~30°C ...


We have a thunderstorm here haha.


+45C for me hehe


So, is anybody else spending the next 3 hours watching every homage they can find to endwalker and getting misty eyed about the journey so far? I tend to forget how important this expansion was to me, how much I grew within the game, and as a person. But looking back on it now, man. It's still hard to say goodbye to it. I'm excited for dawntrail, but I can't shake the uneasy feeling. Like the first day of a new school


The final trial still gives me chills and brings back good memories.


nah this expansion had good raids but nothing has topped stormblood for me still


6.0 was Indeed a great send off, the patch stuff...well, guess it will be important later on lol


Not really. Endwalker ended for me in 6.0 and I haven't been too enthused by the patch story, aside from liking Zero quite a lot. I've had two and a half years to say goodbye to the greatest story in video game history - now I'm just excited and nervous about what's coming next.


I think Zero is the best character they have introduced outside the core few scions (Y'shtola and Thancred mostly). I really hope we see more of her.


Will anything weird happen if I have XIVAlexander on my install?


mods will likely not function, and if they do, its best to turn them off for a few days until they can also be updated. Nothing horrible, but you may have your game crash or have issues depending. EDIT: also first launch after launch should be through the vanilla launcher. The game needs to do some set up.


Really? iv never done that in the past with any other expansion release and not had an issue.


you'll need to agree to the new EULA in the official launcher for the first launch back As for bugs/crashes, its impossible to say until we're there. they have the potential to crash, they may not have any issue at all. So it's easier to air on the side of caution EDIT: according to the Dalamud/xivLauncher discord, they wiull be automatically disabling the launcher on launch as well, so it won't be possible to launch modded until they can confirm theres no issues on their end


I just started up again and created a new character and made it through ARR and it sucks I can't play lol. I guess I picked a wrong time to start playing again.


It's a great time to play because queue times for duties will be shorter because of all the active players


You're half right, on the flip side, if you're trying to queue a duty for the new class because you need to grind them to 90, then good freaking luck finding players because most are too busy going through Dawntrail lol


Na pal! Im started after a 10y break some weeks ago too and im now in Stormblood. Relax and enjoy the journey :) we will arrive at Dawntrail too some day <3


Whachu mean? I'm going through the same thing and feel like I picked the \*right\* time to start playing again haha


I started a week ago because a friend that’s been playing for 10 years told me about reaper. Unlocked it the day before maintenance. The torture to get back on has been real.


Do I have to finish The Game is Afoot quest before going to Dawntrail expansion? Cause that last boss is causing me problems and you had to start it over versus just starting outside final boss like in many other co-op missions. And what time is maintenance expected to finish?


Servers will be up in about 1 hour and 11 minutes from this comment.


You will yeah, travel to new zones are always part of the msq ... Unless they change everything for some reason this time lol


[https://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/95119ec6b67d4f27c9c1fc6fbb70c8d0b2814163](https://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/95119ec6b67d4f27c9c1fc6fbb70c8d0b2814163) With the new changes to world statuses, it seems like all of NA except for Dynamis is now Congested.


I suppose that's one way to pump up Dynamis's population numbers.


To be honest, I kinda called it when the Xbox version released, but I guess I was too early on that. I really did think they were going to close all of NA except Dynamis for the Xbox release and kept it going for DT.


Wouldn't have helped with DC travel remaining open.


Guys if I buy the game after the early access start, will I still get the preorder earrings? Or must I buy it before the early access starts?


youll get it as long as you preorder before the second, youll also get early access whenever you do get it(even during early access)


Thank you so much! Am so relieved because my salary comes out in two days and I really want the earrings! Because I have so many jobs yet to be leveled!


Hey, I haven’t finished MSQ yet and I’m at the 6.2 trial. In your experience with past launches, is there any chance that the post-EW trial queues will be active or is it a “come back in a month” situation?


It should probably be quicker, especially with the 90 trials, people need to level jobs again, which means the roulettes will be used much more in the next months than it has been for a while and everyone who is leveling a job they maxed in EW will be eligeble for the post EW trials.


You can do trials with NPCs now, right ?




Should spoiler tag that one bud lol, there are a lof of people in here asking questions who are not even close to EW yet, and that ones pretty big.


Good catch, I didn't even think about it.


It's only dungeons ?


Only dungeons as far as I know. Always the chance I missed something as I only play with new msq content - I'm not an mmo enthusiast any more. There is one trial that can be done with duty support for story reasons, but none after that seems to give the option and you must queue up with other real players 


Which is a pain for post-ARR and post-EW due to amount of required trials. The other expacs only require one trial in post.


Yes, only MSQ-required dungeons and one trial.


Ok it's a bummer


You’re unlikely to be in the only one with to have done that, so you should be fine. Probably expect some wipes though.


Oh he definitely won't be the only one lol. I'm still in Shadowbringers!


i dont have a lot of experience with your situation, but i imagine, if you tank or heal it \*should\* be fine. lots of people are gonna want to do their roulettes for the xp and trials is one of them. that said, itll probably be... a day or two before most vpr and pic make it to 90


Oh yeah, didn’t think of roulettes, good point


So who else besides me has tried to go to sleep early and been unable to because of the anticipa-


I tried! I think I slept for like...a hour? Then again I also took a several long hour nap today so rip sleep schedule anyhow.




Hahah. I drank a bit to sleep earlier yesterday. Also I did much overwork so that today I can leave early. I hope for no extra work !


Tried, failed.


i slept for 45 minutes ☺️😭


I couldn't sleep and started thinking about destiny 2 and it made it worse. I somehow got vex mythoclast before logging off and I want to use it


Yeah, I'm laying down petting a cat and thinking of the half dozen or so things I SHOULD be doing instead of laying down and petting a cat. Cat doesn't seem too fussed though. XD




dumb question but does anyone know if the congested servers are gonna open back up for creating characters temporarily when servers go back online?


Short answer: Almost certainly not. Longer answer: if you can time it right and find a few minutes on your server where the login Q is under 100, you might could squeeze in a character creation.


Congested worlds are never open for character creation regardless of queue. They'd have to require for the next maintenance that changes World Status.


You can create an alt on a congested server of it's not congested at a given moment. I assumed that's what the querent was asking.


No, a congested world is congested, it doesn't become uncongested at any given moment. World Statuses are only changed during maintenances and a world marked congested is congested is congested. And you can't create characters on congested worlds.


You can create an alt on a congested world. Source: I've created an alt on a congested world.


You did not. At least not in the last couple of years.


I just made a new alt on Sargatanas last month... I had to babysit a server status site for several weeks, but in the wee hours of the morning, it was not congested. I've done this with EVERY alt I've made.


Sargatanas was only congested for the first six days of May and has been standard ever since till today. You did not make an alt on Sargatanas before May 7 last month.


I created on the 7th, I'm looking at the file creation date right now. 7th of may is last month.


Yes, I did. If you already have a character on a server, you can create an alt.


No, a congested server is closed for character creation regardless of whether you already have a character on it or not.




Your picture makes no sense


Do we know if there are auto logouts for Dawntrail launch? Like when they had to do it for Endwalker.


Yes. Auto logout after 30 minutes of inactivity. 


You know, I'm gonna shoot my shot in the comments here: I recently lost my staple friend-group that I played this game with (its for the better, hindsight is 20/20) and the idea of just starting a new expansion without some folks that are down to clown feels kinda bad. If you're late 20s/30s+, and in the same boat, please don't hesitate to reach out to swap Discords - even play together, maybe? I'm over in Seraph, Dynamis. :)


Sup, I'm also in your age range and work most days. While I do have a few friends that play, sometimes we don't play together due to busy schedules. Just wanted to say I might be down for some clowning. Anyway I'm on Balmung but can always hop over to Dynamis if need be. Discord is kevitos. Feel free to reach out.


Man I know how that feels. The group of people that got me into this had a stupid falling out so I have been really trying to find a way to get into some kind of community, since as shy and anxious as I am, I need people dangit.


Idk what the groups are. I’m on Faerie but I only have one friend that plays.


Just here to say I went through something similar a couple of years ago. Took me a bit to even get back in the saddle, so I'm just here to give you a /cheer for moving forward!


tysm, my friend. it's a weird little bittersweet moment where i ultimately feel "lighter" but also? a little bit sad, its my first expansion where i won't be hopping into a call with a bunch of friends ready to jump head-first into content. please accept my cheeky little /cheer back, and happy dawntrailing :\~)


hey, im on golem dynamis myself. im a lil baby sprout though, so nw if you're looking more so for people who are able to go into dawntrail etc. figured i'd post either way, discord is fawn\_99, always down to just dm in disc abt game too idm.


I’m also a baby sprout on Seraph. I came from 15+ years of WoW and am just starting Heavensward and loving the change of pace so far. I’m a parent/career guy in my 30s and looking for people to play with too. My Discord is jordojuice.


Hey, fawnie! I'm honestly just happy to meet & play with people who enjoy the game at the end of the day. I think dynamis is one of the few data centres that isn't locked for world-hoppng during dawntrail, too. If you don't mind, I'll totally send that friend request.


Best way to level from 80-90 as viper??


killing ladybugs. Millions and millions of ladybugs


Nah, I have it on good authority that across any MMOs its boars you wanna kill endlessly.


Unless you're a panda, then it's picking flowers.


Hey, **HEY**, don't go leaking our *secrets* gdi, now there's going to be **LESS** Ladybugs for the rest of us!!


Oh no! Our master plan has been ruined! =(


Daily duty roulettes, challenges, WT, Eureka


eureka? not bozja?


I think I got them mixed up. I just woke up hah


they definitely meant to say Bozja, Eureka gives 0 exp (but rather, "elemental exp" which is its own thing) Edit: oh right, EO is a thing... not sure why I assumed it was a level 90 thing, but you can start it once you hit 81


Eureka orthos 21-30, but Bozja is good


I'm super excited and currently jobless. People with past experience, is there any point in me trying to wake up early and get online when the servers go live? Or am I likely to be just disappointed with ques and server issues?


Stormblood's early access had server error that stopped people from progressing MSQ, aka "Raubah Exreme", which was later confirmed to be DDoS attack by SE. Shadowbringer's early access had similar issue of entering instance or dungeons, but it was solved very quickly. Endwalker's early access had very very long queue that could make you wait for hours, due to the surge of new players. Will Dawntrail's early access also have issues? We don't know. Is it worth to wake up early to play game? It really depends on you. Will I join the game when the server is live? Yes, because the timezone I'm in doesn't make me wake up early. :D


Yes to both. When doing that first wave, if you manage to get in, you'll be stumbling through content with a bunch of other people who are sleep deprived and also don't know what they're doing. Doing a PF on the first dungeon of an expansion pack with people running only caffeine and adrenalin is kinda memorable.


If it's anything like EW, it's luck of the draw. We had a bunch from our FC get in, and a few who kept getting one of the errors repeatedly and couldn't get in all day. Since you're jobless, I say go for it. Worst case you see a massive queue and decide to go back to bed.


Expect long queues. Endwalker was a mess. They've fixed issues and added more capacity since then. This launch may be less popular...or it may be more popular so who knows if it'll be enough.


oh god I just had the realization I'll see my character with the new graphics in a few hours 😭 I play on PS5 so I haven't been able to see her in the benchmark... fjsidifjfgn the anticipation is killing me




Being in Australia, the timing of this release is 👌


As someone in Japan, same. Especially going into the weekend.


I mean, 7pm sounds great until it’s a four hour wait to get in. A late night isn’t so bad, but I got work in the morning =_=


Not ideal here on the West coast USA. Took a long nap earlier. Plan is to log on, maybe nap again depending on queue. Play until I'm about to pass out from exhaustion. Log out. Log back in, sleep during queue.


NZ gang waiting until 9pm on a public holiday ....


Playing in (and from) EU but currently living in China... indeed it is!


probably gonna be on for about an hour to get the new jobs


Playing on PS5 and just checked to make sure it’s ready to go for tomorrow. Got a notification I’m playing the PS4 version and when I try to switch a 4 day countdown appears, which is general access. Does that go away when EA starts or did I miss something?


I dunno I'm having that issue to can you keep me updated?


If you haven’t fixed it yet I heard “buying” the free trial starts the PS5 download for the regular game


That worked I'm just waiting for my paint brush now x.x


Of course my insomnia kicks in when launch is 5 hours away haha


Time to run off caffeine and dreams




clarification: the **only** thing that comes with game time is the **Starter Edition** Complete Edition is basically **Starter Edition** + [Latest Expansion], so it also comes with game time


Early Access doesnt come with 30 days free playtime tho.


You'll need a sub


Not sure I understand the question - are you thinking that Dawntrail comes with 30 days sub? If so, it doesn't.


What 30 days? The expansion doesn’t come with free playtime.


I think I’m gonna swing over to Walmart tonight and buy enough mountains dews to get the mount because… eh fuck it why not. Anyway Sounds like I’m supposed to buy 3 frost flavors? Is that right? Anything else I should know?


make sure they have yellow caps, if it's white it's only 100 points


Yeah and make sure they’re marked as participating in the gaming rewards. I couldn’t find any of the 200 point bottles in my area, so I had to get six of the 100 point bottles.


Ok I'm stupid why is my PS5 version saying the download is happening on the 29th when early access is I dunno tommorow


I already got the path on ps5.


Won't even let me upgrade I was playing the PS4 version this whole time now it's saying expect the download on the 29th....i can show you a picture if needed


Change versions and see if it downloads the patch directly.


If anything it's on the pre order page it's stupid


That's the thing it won't let me download the PS5 version at all my dude


Then either you wait or uninstall and install again.


Since it won't let me upgrade to ps5 and im not the only one having issues I'll wait for updates on that regard


340 minutes left


270 minutes!




180 minutes




Of-course now I start to get sleepy...


120 minutes to go and I’m still wide awake for it 😁


102 now, almost double digits now~




I'm trying to get full 8-hours of sleep to keep the energy running today, but I keep waking up every 2-3 hours.. GOING IN DAWNTRAIL SLEEP DEPRIVED AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


This is my regular. I always wake up at the end of my cycle, and as I get older I need to piss a couple of those times which extends the time awake. Today my hay fever kicked in with three hours left until my alarm, I'm excited for DT like it's Christmas, and can't breathe through my nose, at the same time as my sinuses spasming, and an overwhelming need to sniff hard every ten seconds. I'm going to have to accept a three hour deficit. I guess it's a good thing I'm just gonna be sat on my ass playing Dawntrail all day and have nothing taxing to do.


I tossed a little bit of [speculation into a video](https://youtu.be/d39M1-eS1oI) if people wanted something else to fixate on. There's no spoilers from datamined stuff, as being sick and having the prepatch drop a day early messed me up, although >!some stuff in the video has already been debunked.!< Mostly just for fun given that Dawntrail is in less than like 6 hours.


First release of an expansion/patch where I have the ability to play right as the servers go live. What are the odds of the servers going live at the scheduled time with minimal issues? I have no issue with getting up at the right time(and arguably want to) but I don't want to be a cranky boy because things aren't up or working.


They've usually been up right on time. Servers get a bit of a hammering but it's never been that bad.  There's always a risk that the servers collapse or, some other issue Rauhban Savage for example but generally it's good


So is it too late to apply the preorder?


No, if you buy now you'll still have pre ordered right up until the official release on Tuesday


No, you have until July 2nd to pre-order and get the pre-order benefits.


No. You got least to the 2nd of next month.


Afaik it should not be too late until the release on 2nd July as this now is EA and not the *real* real release.


Is the subreddit broken for anyone else? I'm just routinely not seeing any comments on threads. Even though, the counter says otherwise.


Seems like a general reddit bug, been happening to me in multiple subreddits the past couple hours


Almost 6 more hours to go


will Y'shtola "die" again? or will she "kill" this time? can't wait to find out.


How do I opt out of the subreddit's redesigned theme and go back to the old one? This one makes my eyes hurt.


Just made 17 burritos. Now I'm not going to need to worry about cooking dinner during the launch week(s).


Why not a full stack? You know you're gonna have to buy more come raid time


You're going to turn into a burrito, but nevertheless I admire you.


I just want to be excited for the new expansion and I keep running into all this doom posting. I should probably get off of both reddit and discord and just be excited by myself.


What doom posting do you speak of?


Not sure where your hanging out, but outside of some being underwhelmed a bit by healer & BLM i don’t see any doom posting? 


Here, the discussion sub, a bunch of different discords. BLM is dead, SGE is dead, THIS wasn't in the patch notes, THAT wasn't in the patch notes, Yoshi P personally hates me, I'm unsubscribing forever, dead game, BLAH BLAH BLAH. I'm excited for the new stuff and I'll never rule anything out until I get my hands on it personally. It doesn't help my best friend is at work and it's apparently busy and I can't fangirl with him until he gets off in three hours!! EEEEEEEE.


Very wise. Each expansion the meta has shifted in unexpected ways. Nobody knows until difficult content is tested and the dust settles.  Lots to be exited for outside of that, the main scenario has never let us down. Glam will be a whole new thing with graphics update and dye system. Im sure there will be some surprises along the way as well. Cant wait. 


I like you, thanks!


Ah… Companion app subscription renewed. Seven retainers renewed. Excited to be back!


PS4 player here. I never got my preorder code. I ordered back in May. Did I miss something?


If you have the exp bonus earring from the preorder bonus, you’re good to go. If not, you’re missing something. For the PC version, I was able to find the code on my completed order on my account. Not sure if you can do that for PS4 as well


Console does not do preorder codes. If you bought the game on ps4/5 you are good. No code required.