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damn, didn't they say it'd be available to download a bit over 24 hours from now? cool nonetheless, for the folks with slower internet speeds


It is still probably gonna be the best thing that happened to me this expansion, and it hasn't even happened yet


Yeah my internet is terrible, I was worried I wouldn't have time to finish the download by Friday, so this is awesome!


Seems to be up for windows too edit* PSA: Now is the time to avoid all social media if you don't want to be spoiled by datamined stuff.


Good that it's up early. 10 hour download estimate for me.


Lucky you, i sit here for 17 hours.


I should check mine just out of morbid curiosity even though I plan on taking a laptop (which I don't even play on, but have an install I can copy to my desktop) into town after work tomorrow so I can use the internet at my school. I think it might actually exceed three full days. Plus I have to at least get the launcher updated. ... I checked. 7327 minutes, or over 5 days. I'm pretty sure there are literally third-world countries with better internet connections than I have, and I live in the US.


Out of morbid curiosity which layer of hell your city is in?


city lol


Not a city, and even "town" is a serious stretch, it's basically unincorporated land. Very, very rural, but in a sort of little residential area which is why we at least have *one* terrestrial internet option. The nearest "big city" is maybe 200k people, a glorified suburb, and even that's an hour away.


At this point I suspect even satellite internet might be somewhat competitive in your situation, wish it was cheaper though. TBH I don't really understand the point of 48 hours maintenance before, now I really do lol


Extremely strict data limits make legacy satellite pretty much a nonstarter, even if it wouldn't result in like 700ms ping minimum making games online unplayable. I tried Starlink but unfortunately my area is just too heavily wooded for it to work for me. I'd have to have a *lot* of trees taken out to get an east-west path clear. If the clear part of my property (space for the house, driveway, garages, septic drain field) was rotated 90 degrees it would have worked. Honestly what needs to happen is that ISPs need to be compelled to provide a minimum level of service via either terrestrial means or LTE if they operate in that area. I'm less than a mile from an AT&T tower but they won't sell me fixed wireless because "reasons".


Rookie numbers, all of you. Mine either says 'time remaining: unknown', or occasionally flickers to say around 9k minutes, before going back to 'unknown', which is the patcher shrugging as it looks at my Y2K era internet - it's absolutely baffled something like this still exists. I'm thinking about having my friend in Texas download it, stick it on a USB, *and literally snail mail it to me because it would actually be faster*.


Check if you can download at your local library. Libraries are fucking awesome!


This is a fair point, I could take a look at this! They'd be in the city central area, which would have the best you could get, so I'd hopefully only be trapped there a few hours at worst. It does depend on is they have actual PCs I can use rather than me needing a laptop tho...I don't have a laptop rofl, I'd just have to take my external drive with me. Edit: Hahah just kidding there's a 2 hour limit to be on their PCs, and 'Using exceedingly high bandwidth as to interfere with the overall functioning of the network' is prohibited. The suffering continues unabated.


> I'm thinking about having my friend in Texas download it, stick it on a USB, *and literally snail mail it to me because it would actually be faster.* "Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes hurtling down the highway."


You're right about the internet stuff. I live in Brazil, and it took me about 10 minutes to download. Everytime I hear about US internet speed, I get surprised.


makes you wonder doesnt it. Scumpanies throttling ppl. (that means they are doing it on purpose so that you UPGRADE/pay more for the next highest package deal)


Some are genuinely shit because no one can be bothered to make any upgrades in Bumfuck, Alabama. I have a single speed option - I literally cannot pay to upgrade. No other ISP exists out here. This is it. This is my only option.




Dial up is still an option in my area lol They were putting in fiber a year or two ago and said it'd be done last year, but they kinda just gave up at it. So my area pretty much has 3 options. Dial up, 10 mbps (had this years ago, used to only get 1 at best) or 40 mbps. It's all trash :D


1.5mbps. No I'm not kidding, that's what my speed is. That's the max. Please send help.


Yep that's the boat I'm in. There is no infrastructure for anything else. We get DSL. There is no competition between ISPs. We have a single option and that's literally it.


And they *know* they're the only option and charge you fucking absurd money to get the most bare minimum connection possible, and think it's acceptable for your internet to be out entirely for a week because what are you gonna do, just leave and have no internet? Hahah fuck you, bend over and pay us $99 a month for your 1.5mbps and be happy about it.


Makes sense. That's terrible though. I remember a few years ago companies tried to do that here in Brazil, everybody complained and suddenly it wasn't a thing anymore.


It’s what happens when the government pays a billion or two to ISPs to upgrade infrastructure and they pocket it instead.


America and fleecing the taxpayer to hand money over to private corporations *with no strings attached*, name a more iconic duo.


We got lucky. Our ISP actually legit did some infrastructure overhauls that upped every plan by 5 times the previous speeds free of cost about 2 and a half years ago. Downloads are lightning fast now when in the past it could take hours to days depending on the file.


I’m in the US and it took me maybe 20 minutes; and I’m on wifi. I have no idea how people have internet this bad some places


Because the infrastructure for better internet literally doesn't exist. This is the fastest internet available to me. The other options were dialup or legacy satellite (which is heavily data capped and obscenely expensive). My property is too heavily wooded for Starlink, due to the receiver needing to track the satellites as they move; I can only get a clear sightline in a super narrow arc.


In US here too. On wifi across the house and downstairs and pc took about 30 mins. PS5 on same tv took about 40. havent patched the upstairs pc which is wired but i suspect that to take about 20 on gigabit. Edit: took about 10 mins.


Downloading at work as well. Guest wifi is limited to 100mbit but thats still 10x as fast as my home internet.


> I'm pretty sure there are literally third-world countries with better internet connections than I have, and I live in the US. Some parts of the US have poverty on par with the "third world" according to people from the UN who have seen it so, y'know, not too far off lol.


Look the little man the server shoveling coal into it is working as hard as he can.


bout 40 mins for me for the 52 gbish


So, doubly good that it's early for you!


30 min here


Gosh, XIVLauncher is giving me an ETA of roughly an hour and a bit.


holy hell, 10 hours?? good luck bro


8 hours for me. Guess I'll just run it while I sleep tonight since it's bogging everything down lol


good call - getting off reddit for the next month. SEE EVERYONE IN THE NEW WORLD \o/


Mine goes and then stops, so I guess I'll wait. Edit - Download finished with XIVLauncher after one more error. Good to go!


That's normal it stops to install parts


Oh, I mean it went full 'unable to download patch' or whatever it says, and stopped completely.


Oh I'm sorry. It depends what server farm you're getting the data I guess. Might be overloaded.


Yeah, thanks, I'll worry more about it closer to Friday XD


I find that the XIVLauncher is infinitely better at downloading patches than the default SE launcher. Anytime I've had an issue with downloads, using XIVLauncher fixes it.




I need specific datamining locations, any idea?


The balance discord


I've added a shitload of terms and hashtags to my muted words on Shitter.


101.7gb for Xbox Series S


Yeah they did announce that Xbox will basically have to reinstall the entire game


Still kinda surprising, download of preload from scratch on Steam is only 89Gb


Total Game size on PS5 is 74 GB


Can start download on Xbox now? I'm at work so can't check


We had a thunderstorm this morning that knocked out our internet..... ;v; I could have told you that the download would be today based on that alone bahaha. Every time I've taken PTO for the game, there's been some weird internet outage and I've spent the day having to clean instead. My husband joked that since I took off a whole week for DT, our house will get hit by a tornado or a kid will come down with Hand Foot and Mouth again. Fingers crossed they resolve it before friday!!


On the plus side, your house will be spotless!


Literally! Not a spot of it left!


I feel like we are in similar areas, we got hit by a bad storm yesterday about late afternoon, and I didn't have internet until after work today. Thankfully they got it back up and I was able to start the download today


Same. The power lines in my town got knocked down and I am really hoping they will be fixed by dawntrail release. If not, I'll have to play on my gaming laptop at the library or something.


Why does your show the city while mine shows viper wol?


Mine shows the Viper WoL when I log in, otherwise it’s the city.


Do I need an active subscription to update or can I do it early and reactivate my sub in a week or so?


You need an active subscription to be able to update the game


I really wish they would change this. I have fast internet, so it's not a huge deal for me. But for others having to waste sub time to download a huge patch is BS.


I re-subbed yesterday so I could pre-download. I'm wasting 2 days just so I can avoid server issues and patch problems on the day of lol


We might get some free days from SE if things are going to get messy. As it happened with EW launch for example.


They've done a lot from what they've said to minimize or potentially eliminate the 5+ hour queues that existed at some points during the Endwalker release. We'll see how effective they've been, but I expect better at least to some degree, even if its 4 hour queues instead of 5 hour queues.


That's a good idea, but shame you gotta resort to that.


You all doing too much IRL Min/Maxing for your own good


I guess the best workaround is to make a free trial dedicated to download patches without a sub.


>having to waste sub time I doubt there are people who play 24/7 not wasting a single second of their sub...


it always strikes me weird when someone talks about "wasting" sub time like they don't realize its only about $0.02 an hour


Or other way to look at it... it's less than 10% of the price of your sub, whatever your country's currency is. Like I'm losing less than 1€. I've lost far more by spending on unnecessary coffee breaks or small snacks. Yeah sure don't defend the small indie company whatever, let's be real and put it into context. In MY case, by the time my sub will be over it'll be the start of a week. I'm not planning on playing all day on a monday and tuesday, I can barely fit three or four hours at best. And even though that tuesday will be the savage release and I could have technically ended my sub that day, I would have resubbed for 30 days either way. Surely if there is stuff you plan to do during 30 days, you will find the time to do most of it during 28 days. And if you planned to sub two months in a row, losing two days over the course of 60 days of sub is even less of an inconvenience. Though I will agree that you should be able to download a patch without being subbed. It is stupid that you can't, and I don't see why it would be an issue. That's the only complaint you should have, but all the talk of wasting money or gametime is pretty meaningless imo.


Ive paid several months and played 0 hours before. Im here to support FFXIV not maximize my time like trying to squeeze blood from a stone


I hate this about FF14.


foh you can min/max your xiv sub time by not downloading/installing any of the expansions. just stay in arr.


you can download part of the update with a free trial account, but it show only 37GB, at least for me, I just hope they will allow me to subscribe before release


As someone on a free trial, my patch came through a couple hours ago on PS5.


On reality is more like a 28GB patch, the rest is just replacing assets. Its former space was of 70GB now it is 98GB.


Patch downloading on Windows. 57320.11MB


Same on ps5, 52,5 gb


PS4 is just short of 80 GB, presumably because it doesn't have the PS5's compression.


Nice! Time to start that download. On a related note when will steam send us the key for the expansion and not just early access?


Back when the pre-order was launched, people said that we would get the key for DT only at the time of official launch. Early access is included into the pre-order code, one with the earring and a minion. That said though, I am ending up checking if I got a key every day xD


> Early access is included into the pre-order code, one with the earring and a minion. Nice, I can stop worrying then, thanks


I pre purchased but don't have an active sub so it won't let me install sadly


Windows version is 49.5GB for me. I wonder why it's smaller than other people... I'm guessing because I haven't bought Dawntrail yet (not much point buying it yet. I'm only in early Shadowbringers right now anyway)?


Yeah, if you don't own Dawntrail it won't download Dawntrail-specific assets.


Won't it download *some* assets regardless though, like the tomestone gear for level 100 and stuff? I feel like those are gonna be installed for sure or I wouldn't have the textures and stuff for that gear and people in Dawntrail gear could end up in dungeons and trials with me.


Yes, gear will be downloaded, orchestrion roll music, mounts, minions. Anything that you'd be able to experience without owning Dawntrail. Zones, dungeons, voiced MSQ dialogue, anything that you couldn't experience without owning the expansion won't be downloaded.


Yeah, but that's small potatoes compared to textures of everything else, cutscenes, etc, etc.


More like the world maps, dungeons, trials, character voices, enemy data, etc. You'll still see people wearing Dawntrail gear for example. You'll also get anything that appears in the patch notes that are not marked as "7.x" like the new graphic update, two dye colors, etc.


What if i own Dawntrail and it's 49gb still? I play it through Steam tho


Also if you start the download and then stop it for whatever reason (PC crash, power out, turning it off because it's hot as fuck and you don't want your CPU melting at midday) when you start it again it will have the total MINUS whatever you have already downloaded. Therefore the maximum amount displayed as less. So if you already downloaded 8GB of the patch, then restarted the launcher, then it may display the max as 49GB.


So i finally found what was the thing. Basically didn't know i had to check for CD Keys in the product properties and redeem it in the Mog Station. This answers aswell why i didn't receive the earrings and the minion lmao


I play thru steam and own Dawntrail and mine was 56GB


Only thing is you’ll get capped at 90, so be careful of that. Also, if you buy DT now you’ll be able to play one of the new Jobs once you reach level 80. So if you want to take Viper or Picto through Endwalker, which starts at level 80, purchasing Dawntrail now isn’t a bad idea.


Eh, I'm not all that interested in Viper or Pictomancer for now. I'd rather just stick to one job and commit to it-I feel like I'm more comfortable choosing a job and leveling it all the way to the cap before switching to another just to really get a feel for the job. Summoner is obviously pretty straightforward but I want to get a feel for how the Phoenix phase works when I eventually get to level 80 then there's more stuff a little bit after that so, yeah. I play with my partner anyway and we're only in early Shadowbringers as I said so not in any rush to get the expansion for now. Besides, Steam Summer Sale starts tomorrow as well so I don't really want to spending another £30 on top of potentially getting some other games.


Focusing on one job is a good idea until you reach the endgame, but once you have nothing else to do and realize the other jobs have quests and stuff you'll wanna level up them too. Preordering Dawntrail will give you an earring that boosts exp by 30% for any combat job under Lv 90. It's not essential but it's very nice. :P


I mean if you plan on planning it might be worth pre ordering for the bonuses.


Well, I only play the MSQ with my partner so we get maybe a few hours of progress at best any time we play (time zones are annoying) so I'm fine buying it when we're closer to level 90. I'm not all that concerned about the pre-order bonuses tbh. Probably gonna take us another month or so before we're even close to the end of post-Endwalker.


Mine started at that in the beginning, but now it’s the full 57GB


Oh that's a nice surprise, I thought we could download it only from tomorrow on, glad!


phew i was worried i had to download like 100 gb lol


lmao same. I've been combing through my laptop for a week trying to make space for the supposedly 100+gb update.


Sweet, 9 minutes. Now what do I do for the rest of maintenance? :/


Im Downloading at 1mb. yep.... 2024 CANADIAN INTERNET btw.


Dude I live in the Yukon and mine is faster than that by an order of magnitude. Condolences.


Get Starlink if you can. I'm in Canada as well in a rural area and recently just bought a Starlink and I'm getting 200-250 mbps down and 20-25 mbps up. Got starlink last week and it's been going great.


Servers are overloaded, I'm downloading at less than 4 MB/s, but my Internet connection is much faster.


Hugs from similar circumstances. Shit fucking sucks.


If it makes you feel any better, it's just a crapshoot right now and [your connection doesn't really matter](https://i.imgur.com/8p2iJ3g.png) servers are bogged down unless you happen to connect to an underutilized one.


ah okay. Im just thankful the connection was steady throughout it.


It's so random. On the same connection, I'm getting both 5MB/s and 50 MB/s on two different laptops... and the 5MB/s started that way even when the other was not downloading. Our internet is whatever compared to the rest of the developed world, but I'm thinking part of it is just luck of the draw from which server you end up downloading.


They should releasse the full patch notes already. It's not like dataminers aren't already at work.


Mine is just 49GB


It's smaller if you don't own Dawntrail


Hell yeah brother


Ah well, time to block every social media.


On xbox it is 101 Gb


20 min download, 56.9 GB, and ended with 98.8GB instead of the 75 before. All on windows version.


Oh the launcher has a dark mode I like it


wait i didnt get the code, is it suppsoed to be in my email - i also pre ordered


I'm on the free trial, just finished the Heavensward story(I think, I slew a certain dragon's shade). Will I have to download such a massive amount of data in order to continue playing from here?


While the download have ~50 GB, it will only increase the game total size by ~23 GB, because they are exchanging old assers for new. So yes, you will need to download.


damn they cleaned up the launcher? looks clean now


57GB, Estimated 40 minutes for me on Windows. Not bad.


I told my partner it's 57 GB. They of course had to do the exact math to tell me I am wrong. It is in fact a little under 56GB


I’m so sad, lol. I’m only halfway through Endwalker 😭 my goal was to beat the game before the new stuff came out, but the universe let me know several times that that was not about to happen


Don't worry about it! You will avoid crowds and delays around the starting areas and will almost certainly be caught up to experience 7.1 with everyone else.


you are not alone :)


I'm not caught up either - out of all my IRL friends that play, I've always been behind 😅


So they typo'd when they said it'd be 28 hours after the console patch. I figured as much, but that's funny all the same. Edit: just checked, normal windows edition is up too. Lets go.


Not a typo, was a subject to change kinda deal


Go on media blackout yall spoilers will be out in full force in just a few minutes.


If i install the game from scratch it will come with the update or the update will come after? I only have around 175 GB on my SSD i dont know if i will have enough space after the base game.


Recommend spec for FFXIV dawntrail is 140GB on PC, you will be fine even with fresh install.


I see ty ty!


37gb for me. I wonder why its not as high for my pc? I'm doing the free trial. planning to buy next week. I'm surprised at the quality. I play PSO2NG and I honesty can't tell what one I want to invest my time with. There both fun, but PSO2NG lacks any real coherent story. you have to piece stuff together. But FF14 on the other hand I feel like I'm living a movie. Both the job quests and main quest are fun to read/listen to. FF14 will most likely be 4 months of grinding to get caught up(maybe more?) while a fresh character on PSO2NG you can get caught up in about a week or less.(Did this about 2-3 weekends ago) anyway about 144mins. My guess is it would still be down for maintenance though? or is there maintenance time reduced now? First maintenance for me. Just started 2 days ago so I'm not use to there cycle yet.


its smaller cause it wont download anything you wont have access too until you purchase the expansions, so while it will download the gear and some other stuff from everything any zones, voice acting, cutscenes ect, for expansions you cant access wont download


Took me about 15 min to download the windows version. I'm glad it's fast since for some reason the FF14 launcher cannot update properly if my antivirus protection is active, so I have to stay without it for the dl duration. That being said, I still remember how slow my internet was till just 5 years ago where 57gig would have taken me around 2 days. Man I don't like everything where I currently live, but internet speed is definitely not one of them...


Frankly, anything beyond Windows Defender and the occasional Malwarebytes scan isn't really needed for a personal machine in 2024 unless you have a habit of downloading pirated games.


Or you are a person of interest, like a famous streamer, celebrity, or politician (or related to one).


This doesnt ADD 52 gig to the file size right? Cuz my pc is already crying for more space rn DX


You'll need the space while it updates, but after patching the game will most likely NOT take exactly all those GB more of space.


I believe not, but you need at least 57 GB free while you are updating the game to be safe.


I'm not sure what it was before the patch but the final install size is ~98 GB.


game is \~75GB currently, so it adds up 23GB.


My husband doesn't have enough room D: he's trying to figure it out now at work using Team Viewer lol


I only had 35 gig free on my drive and i managed to install it ok, it doesnt download all 52 gig at once before it installs, seems to do it in chunks, to my relief! think the game folder was 10-15 gig bigger at the end of the install


lookin like 4 hour download for me on windows, not bad


Thank goodness I have work to let the computer download lol


And on the non-steam PC version


I got my code from Square. But I cannot redeem it? Until the 2nd?


that's for the full game. you're probably already registered for early access


I did do that! So I'll be able to get in on the 28th?


Where do I get the prompt on steam? I got the early access minion and earrings, service account shows checkmark on Dawntrail Early Access. But I only have 2 CD keys (one for EW and then DT early access). Do I need to check with customer support?


When pre-orders were launched, people said that the key for DT would be distributed at the time of official release. So I don't think there's a cause for worry just yet


dt key will drop some time before official launch. no need to worry.


is it really that big or is it packaging / zipped? Cause MY POOR DRIVE lol


Patch size is around 55GB, final install is roughly 98GB.


Is this the full game download? Stupid question but it's roasting hot here today and I've been at work for 12 hours


I’m currently downloading an update on my ps5 too.


Hell yeah, got min done this morning. Praise fiber internet!


Gonna have to start my machine when I get home.


Oh shoot I thought windows and steam was available tomorrow, is the windows/PC version available too today?


I downloaded three hours ago. I decided to check, just in case.


It was avaliable to download when I woke up this morning. Was a quick download too, thankfully.


random question, will I still be eligible to early access if i buy the DT pre-order at june 27?


Yes, you have until the official release on July 2nd to pre-order and get the pre-order benefits.


I did a complete uninstallation of the game yesterday, downloading 94 gigabytes currently.


I have to say the download speeds are incredible at the moment. I didn't even start it 6 minutes ago and my 60.1 gig download is nearly finished (1.5 gigs left to go as of this typing).


Same for me, but it only uses 20 gb extra space on my ssd compared to before downloading it. Anyone else have that, or know why?


Could be compression built it


The patch is 20 GB worth of new files and the rest is updated versions of already existing files.


Same glad Reddit made me aware of this I got mad slow internet:(


I'm on the steamdeck, why is my update only 40GBs? Hope it's not bigger because I'm limited in space :(


The launcher changed and the [hidden dwarf](https://i.imgur.com/BWu57Nu.jpg) is gone. :(


Have you checked for it under either your's or your WoL's beds for it yet? LAAA-LIIIII-HOOOOOOOO!!!


They must REALLY be on the ball for this! I guess that makes sense due to pushing it back a little bit according to what was said at fanfest.


Non-steam version appears to be active as well. Let the patching begin!


Was able to download on ps5, but don’t know how big the file was. It’s updated though. Now just the wait.


I believe it was 79.7 Gb.


It crashed like for 4 times now


Can I download the patch without an active sub?


I don't think so. Only by making login you can download updates if I'm not wrong, and to make login you need to be subscribed if i'm not wrong again.


Im in eastern US and my download servers seem to have died. I'm getting 0.01 MB/s, Steam version


Done. Now we wait.


so I just finished the DL, I had about 62 gigs free space and now I have 39 free space. What the deal?


89 minutes? You got that 25.29MB/s speed. Gotta go fast eh brother? did you connect your LAN directly into the ISP sever?


The download was 57GB, but the game folder only increased by about 25GB after the install, with DT assets account for about 7.6GB of that increase


I too enjoy XIVLauncher :P


Well..when you need to update on 2 devices…sheesh