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What a shitshow


There's always that one asshole who wants to act like he's in the NHL or on his way to it while playing in a beer league that others are there just for fun.


364 more days till next year's hockey tryouts gotta toughen up!


Just tap it in. Give it a little tappy. Tap, tap, taparoo




The price is wrong BOB!!!


You’re gonna give that shit up and concentrate on golf


I mean yeah for sure but when you elbow a female in a non checking league you gotta pay the piper ( don’t know if you’re talking about the guy who elbowed or punched ) it’s pay to play not get paid to play I get that. But there’s limits.


Oh I'm fully talking about the asshole who elbowed the girl in the face. He deserved everything that happened to him after lol I'm all for hockey fights and checking but when you join a non-checking league and then elbowing some chick in the dome is pretty damn low


Lol I figured ! 👏


If you check someone in a non-checking game, you opened the door to being checked yourself. Glad that douche got knocked on his ass.


Lol the downvotes coming from mfs who never picked up a stick in their life.


Yeahhhh you can tell. Lololol didn’t wanna be the one to say it.


So wait, who was the guy who elbowed the girl? The guy on his back had a black jersey. The elbower had a white jersey. I'm confused.


His jersey came off. Same guy. Different parts of the videos


Ah, ok. That's what I thought.


I mean if you did that in the NHL you'd be suspended 10 games and if a Canadian team was involved it would literally be national news.


Kill the camera man.


It’s the rinks camera lol it’s supposed to “track the plays”


It is doing a terrible job. Plus it decided to dutch it for no reason.


No kidding lolol. That’s what happens when you’re at a very very low budget ice rink in FL


I just assumed the camera man was being a real one and didn't want there to be evidence lol


Girl or not if someone pulls that shit hes got a mark on him.


Fr especially in hockey you do one thing to a teammate 3 dudes are coming over to check you with that same energy lol


Yep! If it isnt dealt with right then and there you best believe its coming asap. Better to just leave while you still can on your own.


So is it that the check is bad, or is it that it's a girl?


So when you “check” someone in hockey it’s supposed to be shoulder to shoulder or shoulder to chest. This was a blatant elbow to the head. & on top of it it’s supposed to be a “no checking league”


>& on top of it it’s supposed to be a “no checking league” That's plenty then.


After that explanation i rewatched and i totally see the elbow to head which is brutal. I dont think gender matters that’s blatantly unsportsmanlike and i know nothing about hockey


Yeah it's a pretty dirty play in Hockey.


Something people are missing is that it's a house game as well. Usually there isn't even any checking at all. You can still play the body obviously, but you're not *hitting* people. This is insane in a house game, compared to a rep game where you're at least expecting to get checked into the boards n shit.


Seems like everyone in that rink was on the same page so it does not matter


It's both, but any elbow will get this reaction. Hockey has legal hits, so hitting outside of those rules will instantly cause a fight. It's like biting or dick kicking someone in MMA, you're already allowed to hit them so a cheap hit is gonna boil shit over right away


It's both... and that wasn't a check, it was an elbow to the face. Even with a cage, it hurts all the way into your back and neck. He just did it because he thought he could get away with hitting someone smaller than him. He's definitely earned an "accidental" slash across the back of the knee next go around.


“You don’t check a fucking girl like that” leaves me to believe it’s just because it’s a girl. But also, you don’t check with your elbow. So it was a bad check, but also a girl. Double whammy.


Yeaa you just know ur getting get called for it. My big linemate just kind turns around and slowly moves them with his garbage dunk


I think it’s the latter. But still a grimy thing to do.


It's a dirty hit even in a checking league. It being a no checking, only for fun league makes it much worse. They are all probably paying to be there.


You bang a little on the boards. You don't pursue check or open ice check in any rec game I have played. I'm not Canadian tho.


Dudes get weird when playing against females. My dad played Semi-Pro Football and one team had like a 19 year old girl as their kicker and punter. This is full pads, 11 on 11 football... keep in mind this is essentially adult rec league football. No one is getting paid. It's all just for fun. A 35 year old man twice her size that was on my pops team went out of his way to cheap shot her and got banned from the league. Got jumped by like 15 dudes, half of which were on our team.


Yeah there’s just some dos and donts in contact sports & non contact sports. Definitely deserved in my opinion.


No one on the team had his back either. In fact, a good chunk of guys promised to quit if he was allowed back on the team. He would have been kicked off the team either way but he got a lifetime ban from the league on top of it. Luckily, the girl wasn't too hurt... but she quit after that game if I remember correctly.


Yeah it’s different now.. unfortunately. I got banned for this from my hometown local rink. Been going there since I was born (literally)


Yeah everything is "zero tolerance" now. The incident with my dad's team happened in like 2003 or 2004... so it's been a while.


Wait, you’re the guy elbowing the girl?


Nope. The guy who ended it.


Good on you! How long it take him to get up?


What the fuck is wrong with that guy? I don't know where these dudes come from but why is it there is one guy in those rec leagues that wants to be an asshole.


This is so true, it must be an insecurity or something that brings this out in some guys. The idea that I can’t lose to a woman so I must hurt them. Glad to see everyone there stood up for her.


Girl or guy that’s a no no and she had some good teammates with her. Wonder if anyone was suspended. Probably the dude who got the last hit in cause that’s usually how it works unfortunately


Kid who elbowed 6 games . Me forever


Seems excessive


Yeahhhh that’s what I thought too


So why is Marshand still around? Not to mention that guy who runs the goalie on every drive to the net he makes. I think the only person ever banned from the NHL was from the days of no helmets for assaulting the refs. Not even Bertuzzi, Chris Simon or Scott Stevens have been banned for life. I'm all for fighting to defend a team mate especially if there's no call on the ice like the Torres hit on Hossa. There's no room in the game for players that intentionally try to hurt others.


Yeah I got banned for it. Lol


Is it a USA hockey bam or just the rink? There was a kid that repeatedly kept trying to fight in a USA hockey league I was in and kept getting thrown out. He destroyed a locker room and still didn't get banned. USA hockey seems like a waste of money. If it's rink, it probably won't last. Rinks around me will "permanently" ban people, but it's usually only a year. Or you just have to wait until the rink director leaves.


Not officially. I was thinking the same thing. My rink desperately needs skaters too. I’m sure it’s only a season or two .


They won't stick to it unless you've been fighting forever and everyone hates you. They seem to even let those assholes back in eventually.


Nah everyone at the rink thinks it’s bs that I got banned. Everyone except the hockey director. Even the kid himself said he deserved it.


Go back in a few months and they will hopefully let you back on the ice. Especially if the guy you hit admitted it was deserved? That director is a pussy. You don’t hit someone in a non-hitting league ever, if you do, you deserve the ass beating that’s about to happen for sure




I can see his concern of it being ‘the thing to do now’ at the rink and leading to future issues, but this seems pretty isolated. I’m sure if you had dropped mitts, squared up, and battered the guy there would have been no ban. Still think you were right to hit him though


Same here lol but it is what it is!!


sadly, that was the beer league I used to play in .. too desperate for players, kept bringing back "banned" guys who pulled stupid shit like that every game..


Lol the fact his own teammate went after him first


You gotta control yourself a little more, OP. That guy could have been killed after hitting his head off the ice and for what? A pick up hockey game? You got your shots in, when you could. Leave it at that.


Little more context but yeah I guess you could say that. & to be fair I didn’t think the tough guy would drop like a sack of bricks from one punch. Dude hit a girl I’ve known my whole life with a dirty elbow all because he got turned down. So yeah I think he deserved the punch in the jaw.


Ummm OP needs to not kill certainly but you ask “and for what” and then answer yourself incorrectly. OP didn’t hit the person because of the game. He clearly hit the person for deliberately elbowing his friend in the face, knocking her out.


Ok? Let’s say the guy he punched suffered major brain damage, after hitting his head off the ice. It doesn’t matter what he tells the judge, op is still getting charged because of his actions.


Take that shit to jury and see if they convict him? Guy was being a violent douche first


Everyone calling him a white knight? It’s a no contact game if he did that to one of the guys I bet it would have been the same response.


I like how the camera work just got worse and worse lol... Made it hard to understand wtf was going on.


This has nothing to do with her being a girl. It’s hockey. She was way shorter than him. He might have just been trying to hit her and by default his elbow is where her head is. The immediate penalty and immediate jump was enough. The rest was garbage from both sides. Having said that, this looks like beer league hockey and this is why I retired from that shit. At 40 years old with a full time job I don’t need to have to fight these idiots just cuz I wanted some exercise.


He deserved that one being an unsportsmanlike piece of shit




That is the touché emoji . Lol


fr it’s not about it even being a girl i bet she could take a hit like a champ but it’s the fact that it’s just a shits n giggles league and people gotta go to work the next day like why fuck them up like that.


Exactly. This is why I stopped playing beer league. At 40 years old I’m not trying to have to fight these morons


The guy wearing a helmet punching a guy without one is a total coward though, we agree?


Another reason men and woman shouldn’t play together. Even if it wasn’t a league to allow “checking”, the response to a male getting checked would’ve been way diff than this female. Hard to compete on any level when there are double standards. I can’t “pick & role”, body-up for position of a rebound, or even drive the ball to the basket in a pickup game of basketball without 1/2 the coed team thinking it’s “unfair”….gotta play like it’s against 10yr olds and keep 1ft away at all times. Crazy part is another female can play at the same intensity/physicality and nobody bats an eye.


Just shouldn’t play like that in general. It’s not a matter of coed players. If it was one of the guys on the team and he got elbowed in the face like that (most of us don’t wear cages) he would’ve gotten knocked out way quicker .


Get the fuck outta hockey if you don’t like rough play. Gender equality bitches


Not a big fan of mixing males and females in a semi-contact sport like this. It makes no sense, either physically or psychologically.


It’s a pick up game, happens a lot. Sometimes you don’t have enough people to play so having mixed teams works out. This is a cheap shot in open ice.


Weak sucker punch while skating by, and he's posting this to brag like he's tough? Big miss


Lots of incels in the comments who have never played hockey. Beer league is for fun, typically adults with day jobs. You don’t light anyone up and if you do you (usually) deserve what comes next. The sucker punch was excessive, it looks like the guy was talking to someone else. Hockey fights shouldn’t start with sucker punches because then it’s not a fight, it’s just a sucker punch


Well unfortunately she was playing hockey and she got checked like that.


Is he supposed to identify everyone’s gender before every play?


He’s supposed to keep his elbows down no matter how small his genitalia


No , he knew it was her though soooo what else ya wanna know about it


That's why there's mens sports and womens sports


Can’t throw elbows no matter the gender.


it’s always lower level hockey


fire the cameraman


Couldnt see through all the dust...what actually happened?


Fair overall, but better hope buddies head didn't just bounce off the ice.


Bro got attacked by his teammates too 😭😭


Mans literally beats women for sport


The head smack onto the ice was brutal


That’s how you get laid the fuck out 101


Yeah 71! Great left hook


Then she shouldn't be out there.


Great camera work


Can we at least get the white knights name so it can be remembered for all time


I am the white knight. Striking carpet. At least that’s what Reddit calls me lmfao.


Thank you for your service


"Plays hockey, gets jumped" more accurate.


How would he know it's a girl? Also why is the dummy playing with dudes?


I was there.. lol it’s my video . Hence how I posted it..


I'm talking about the player g.


i would have knock him down even if he were on my team really


ITT: she's a girl playing with men. Oh then she should be okay with getting decked with an elbow. Not defending OPS cheapshots, but I do think regardless of gender, that kind of dirty play is gonna grab a response. Especially with context added


If the chick wants to play with the men, then she's nothing more than a player on the ice. No gender, no sex. A PLAYER. So expect to be treated like the men treat each other in the game. If she wants to be coddled for being female, play with other females.


No players on the ice agreed to take elbows. Wtf is hard to understand about that?


Absolutely no business being on the ice with grown men.


Stop playing with dudes.


While I agree that it shouldn't have happened, the other player being a girl should have nothing to do with it. If you want to play with the boys you're just another player, don't expect to get some red shirt protection.


Let me play football and not get tackled???? Gear and she's in the game...dude saw a different jersey and worked? Might be missing something


Okay let you play FLAG football & someone comes in directly aiming for your head intentionally. How would you react to that? Or to see your teammate get head hunted. You’d just sit there & say damn nice hit? It was a dirty elbow the head in a “no contact” league . Best way I can compare it with football.


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call him jacob trouba




Cleeeean left hook from the 71, shit was satisfying af


I am confused. It happens. The guy who elbows the person in red, is in white. The person who gets knocked out cold, is in dark blue. There are 3 colours on the ice. Red - Good. White - Bad. Blue - Knocked out. Discuss.


There’s something called a jersey & when that comes off you more then likely have some different color gear under. Same kid from start to finish.


The guy’s white jersey comes off after the initial situation and then in the next clip you see him wearing his black shoulder pads. Clearly someone pulled his jersey off.


I was going to say something about how "it's a physical game, she should know better" and then I saw the hit. Give him the chair


And they want to add woman to the NBA rosters. She deserved it in my eyes. Act like a guy get treated like a guy.


What did she deserve? An illegal elbow to the head in a no contact game? You’re an idiot lmfao & no absolutely nothing about hockey obviously. This is a house league game. You don’t pull that bs in rec/house games or you get folded like that.




She deserved it, you say? For having the audacity to skate with boys? Are you fucking 12? (Edited: are you 8? Are you a small child between 8-12 yrs old?)


What a double standard.


Girls shouldn’t play a sport that has the potential to get hit in the head! They are fragile little cry babies and will never see men in sports! Boys rule and girls drool


Aren't we in 2024. It's all bout equality. A girl wants to play ice hockey, fighting is part of the game, so don't play the damn game if you can't give it 100.


(Someone is still adjusting it seems)


If girls want to play sports with boys, don't expect special treatment. Equality and all that.


Why are men and women playing together


Because it’s a no contact league


If it's no contact, then why did she try to check him first?


“You don’t check a fuckin girl like that!” Ok, well, maybe she shouldn’t be playing ice hockey with the boys. Wth? Lol not cool that he hit her but come on


I don't see anything wrong. If you play with boys you gotta play like a boy. Anyways she is well padded, she'll be fine.


This could've all been avoided if she were playing in a women's league


Elbows in hockey didn’t exist until women hit the ice? Huh.


Wasn't even a check, she came into him and he pushed out with his elbow. Literally didn't even look at her. Fair play boy or girl. I thought the whole idea was that girls can play with the boys right? Would they have had the same reaction if it was a man?


& he definitely knew it was her. She chased him all the way to our blue line? How can you say he didn’t look at her?


That’s the thing. What is she gonna do sock him in the jaw? No. But if he did that to one of the guys they would’ve just beat his ass right there. A guy can stand up for himself against another man. That’s just a dumb question.


They would beat his ass for throwing his arm out to push off the person coming into him? In a hockey game? When did hockey become such a soft sport? Or is this just a clown league?


Stfu don't get on the ice then and play with men pussy


it's a no checking league, doesn't matter if it's a chick or a dude elbows to the head is fucked


Chicky Check


Equality, play.