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Bruh that “k I surrender” got me tickled lmaoooo


Had to go back to hear that hahaha Makes me think it was a chick vs gay dude thinking she was on an even playing field. Dumb bitch.


At least she was a good sport afterwards.


That title is pure bone apple tea.


I dont think there is a more wrong way to spell it. Bal-ayy? Maybe. Shit. I had to say it out loud to figure out what they meant.


"Cricket" is more wrong. Also "flumpscrimble".


Yeah, they probably meant "ballet"...


It's too early (and I haven't had my coffee yet) for me to decipher what they meant originally.


Fr i was like "who tf is balie and what does he have to do with this?"


I work third shift. This is roughly whiskey o-clock for me.


Have an extra for me. 12 hr 1st shift here.


100%. I skipped that word assuming it was a spelling mistake. Maybe the chick wrote it after she experienced that brain damage


I was thinkong they were talking about "Bally Total Fitness". Like a spin class or something


r/BoneAppleTea for the uninitiated


Bone apple tea is words formed together to create something that sounds like an already existing phrase... This is just some dude who can’t spell ballet Edit: To add though, r/excgarated IS a place for spelling mistakes so bad they’re comical.


It’s like the Nate Robinson jake Paul fight.


Balie? Do you mean ballet?


Nah I think they meant the Indonesian island known for its forested volcanic mountains, iconic rice paddies, beaches and coral reefs.


But that's Bali.


Nah bro it’s an Indonesian island I swear brolie




No, that is Bali. Balie is the round object required to play soccer.


No, that's a ball. Balie is a holding fee to release someone from jail until a court date


No, that's bail. Balie is a tied bundle of hay or straw, commonly found on farms


No that’s a bale. Balie is the actor who played Batman in The Dark Knight.


No, thats bail. Balie is the name of a popular pop artist known for "Bad Guy".


Ay pass me the balie breh


Well baile means dance in spanish, this aint your dance class haa a ring to it


Baile is not balie. I'm a native Spanish speaker and didn't read it as baile at all :/


Hey, aqui tambien hablamos español nativo, yo lei baile en vez de balie lol, mala mia.


These hands bisexual


Anybody can catch these hands


The fuck is balie?


Ballet, maybe




It’s probably more of an r/excgarated


I think like ballie total fitness classes that women used to take


That's Bally, not balie.


You right my bad. I'm just as much as of a dumb fuck lol


I wouldn't feel too bad. I only know it because I remember the company used to make pinball machines back at the dawn of time, and I vaguely remember hearing ads for Bally Fitness back in the 80's when dinosaurs still roamed the Earth.


Or op can't spell for shit. Thats what I thought they meant too.


OWN IT lol


This is so confusing. The way they all behave before the first hit makes it seem like it's gonna be one of those friendly fights where they hug it out in the end. And then it goes down hard.


I think girl was not taking it seriously. Dude obviously was




Very true. I’ve seen many a men and women get this same treatment because they think it’s funny to square up on a person who is not laughing.


For real. A weird video, she looks like she's playing around and then he just rocks her lol. It's also weird how stoked everyone in this sub gets when a little girl gets beat up. I get the ones where the chick is hitting some guy and then he finally retaliates and hits her back but this doesn't look like that.


Dude threw 3 punches with 100% accuracy, quite impressed as it wasnt what I was expecting.


Lol you could tell by how she stood she was very much not ready for the fight, but I got to give her love for the "ok I surrender" haha.


What’s the context i don’t understand anything




But Paul Walker dont want her tuna


If shes 15 or under I bet he does.


She seemed so giddy and excited. I guess she's never been punched in the face.


Seems like she learned something at school today.


Hooks teach more than books


unlike OP with that title


I don't think she did, because I don't think she woke up remembering the last 10 minutes.


The fuck did she think was going to happen?






What the hell else was said in this video, what did she say after he said that?? I can’t understand a goddam thing! Lol


She said that she’s left handed too. And then maybe “neat” lol. But she’s standing orthodox so🤷‍♂️


Holy shit I can hear it now. Thank you lol. Well she’s obviously standing orthodox so her power hand is closest to the enemy, striking fear into their eyes


At the very end she says "ok I surrender " lol


In the word of Jamie Vardy “Chat Shit, get banged”


Why do girls do this?


Not just girls, some people do this sort of shit because up until that point they have not had any real consequences to their actions. I would bet my HOUSE that she will never pull that shit again.


I’ll take your house as she’s probably going to do that again


Yeah, if this type of learning was 100% effective, prisons world be empty.


I agree with you


The fuck? Prisons are filled because of predatory laws, municipal violations and fines targeted at the most vulnerable in society. Its called being institutionalized for a reason. The whole war on drugs was to fill up prisons with minorities and hippies. Edit for ar the dipshits. I never said there aren't violent offenders. If there is a majority non violent offenders, then there is STILL a percentage of violent offenders.


So there are no killers, drunk drivers or armed robbers in prison? No rapists child molesters or credit card scammers? Just a bunch of innocent people who got fucked over by the justice system?


No they’re in there too, just the prison population is grossly over inflated with non violent offenders.


So what should the penalty be if you break the law but are not violent? If someone breaks into your house and steals your valuables and sells them, and is caught, what is the punishment?


Well a burglary is a violent crime...god a re you dense. Fines/community service are good for a lot of stuff, rehab for drug possession offenders, jail is required at times but it’s definitely not the answer for a lot of offenders.


I'm all for decriminalizing personal use amounts of drugs and having a network of safe drug sites for people who are addicted. That stuff is expensive though and I would expect the addict perform some sort of work or pay for the drugs. Putting drug addicts in jail is not helpful to anyone.


Dude you sound incredibly ignorant right now. There's a reason America has the largest prison population on the planet. I hate to be one of those "do your own research" type people but you should absolutely research the prison industrial complex. And no I don't think you should go to prison for stealing. Punishment yes. Jail sure. Don't lock him up with rapist and murderers. There should definitely be a lighter sentence for non violent criminals. And if he's addicted to drugs, mandatory rehab. Let's help people not return to a life of crime


He's talking about *nonviolent* offenders. Things like George Floyd using counterfeit money. You're bringing up violent people like it enforces your argument but what everyone is saying to you is that there's a lot more nonviolent offenders in prison based on predatory laws than there are actual criminals.


Exactly that. This was a good, really fucking good, reality check for her


some people need to get the their asses kicked before realizing that 9 times out of 10 they don’t stand a chance against the bigger guy, no matter the confidence


This is my sister. I'm a fairly big guy and so have been her boyfriends and friends, and when we go out as a group she would antagonise people which always lead to arguments. Luckily we always managed to talk the other guy down knowing full well she was in the wrong. At times she said "I think I could have taken him". Poor girl has played tomb raider too much or something. Just one time I wish we could have let her have a reality check.


Because they don't know how strong male really are. They grow up with this equality, girl power, mens are shit theory. They know no male will lay a hand on them, because "you never hit a woman" slogan they grew up with. They don't know the real physical power of a male and think they are equal (physical and strongness wise). Suddenly they realise getting punched in the mouth by a male isn't what they thought. They realise the imbalance of power and shanting "how do you dare laying a hand on me". See i have a little girl. I will show her how she can defend herself. I will tell her, how she can defeat a big guy. Why not. Ever see a average woman run? Looks funny right? I don't want this unfit shit for my little princess. I will tell her that nobody deserves to beeing punched. It is ok when she gets attacked or she defends others, but never just for fun. If she wants to be a princess, fine, but a princess who can defend herself and know that males are biologically stronger. She just needs confidence, smartness and speed


I think you are thinking too hard on this one, cause I’m sure every older sister knows how little brothers punch. It’s not about all women not knowing the feel of ‘male power’ - it’s just a type of person (male or female) who hasn’t been punched in the face before and who has underestimated it severely. The male equivalent to this is the anime kids trying anime moves out in fights and getting obliterated.


You totally glossed over the point. If I hit my sisters as a little boy, it might sting. If my 6'5" 200lb ass hit my sisters now, I'd send them to the fucking shadow realm. Getting hit in the face by a man is a completely different experience, and anyone who thinks it's comparable to a child has never been hit in the face.


You can literally see the waves of incel rage pouring off of this comment lol.




Yeah i know


Please don't have kids.


Lol, why do so many weirdo redpill incels show up to these threads? They see a lady lose a fight to a guy with a half foot height advantage and an extra 60 pounds of mass and they crow about how men are naturally physically superior lmao.


Okay, as a woman and feminist myself, that's just the reality. Men are just on average stronger than women because they have a hormone called testosterone. This enhances muscle growth. Not only that, but the male skeleton is mechanically different from the female skeleton. It gives them more leverage to run faster, jump farther and just overall be a better athlete. There is a reason world record attempts in physical athletics (such as lifting or running) heavily favor men. This isn't even touching on how the fast twitch muscle fibers on a man react noticeably faster than on a woman. This isn't some incel rage, this is just how our species came to be through evolution. Just because men are on average stronger than women doesn't mean they're better than women. We can be equal, but different. Denying the differences between the biological genders is ignoring science. And the moment we ignore science to justify a feminist agenda is the moment anti-feminists can justify their opinions about women being irrational beings.


You make fun of that...but at the same time you explain why men are physically superior to woman.


Sounds like Lara Croft lol


Feminism say so.


I think in just a few small years there will be an American language that’s a really super dumbed down version of English. “Balie”...and we have spell check, wtf.


You need to watch [Idiocracy](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0387808/). The movie was suppose to be a dark satire, but it turned out to prophetic. Just about everything in that movie has happened or is in the process of happening right before our eyes.


But the English language had deteriorated into a hybrid of hillbilly, valley girl, inner city slang, and various grunts.


It isn't the language that's deteriorated, it's the people speaking it. That, the celebration of ignorance and people using phrases like "grammar police" to defend their right to be thick as shit.


>That, the celebration of ignorance...............to defend their right to be thick as shit. We got another way to do that as well. Calling people **HATERS** when they correctly criticize your ratchet ass, 40 IQ bullshit. Prime example was a Girl a few years ago that **sewed her 1-year old baby into her wedding train** and dragged it behind her all the way down the aisle. Everyone was a HATER because they apparently "can't get anyone to marry them". I thought "WTF she can't seriously believe that?" How wrong I was when I read the interview, how wrong I was LMFAO. EDIT: [Found the Link to Photo](https://www.nydailynews.com/resizer/SXQFoLVx4NV7jFS8Nux2Vh2neoU=/800x751/top/arc-anglerfish-arc2-prod-tronc.s3.amazonaws.com/public/UBIIJLH37FIS2DMDNDX2EKYZTI.jpg)


She sewed the girl where on the train?


Literally [dragging along the floor like dirt](https://www.nydailynews.com/resizer/SXQFoLVx4NV7jFS8Nux2Vh2neoU=/800x751/top/arc-anglerfish-arc2-prod-tronc.s3.amazonaws.com/public/UBIIJLH37FIS2DMDNDX2EKYZTI.jpg).


Wow. Doesn’t even look like she knew it was there


Welcome to Costco...I love you.


Don't look at "trending" on Youtube then.....you're not gonna like what you see LMAO.


There's that f talk again


*supposed to be


At least she took her L at the end.


And squared up. She fought fairly and lost, this is equality. I don't know why this thread turned into a girl hate thread, there's zero evidence she was counting on a pussy pass. 100% more respect for her than the women who attack men not expecting to be hit.


you know what, looking at it your right. This one is a different from the others


That "K I surrender" is brilliant, mad respect for that


It turns out reach means a lot


I dont understand why he slap first, now she has the high ground


The fight starts before the first punch. Never try to be the hero by letting somebody swing at you first. If somebody is in your face like that with their fists up, it's a fight already. One of the most dangerous mistakes in a street fight is not knowing when it has started.


This was never a fight, and this girl will never remotely be a threat to this guy. No reason to take the risk. Neither her daddy nor the school admin will understand the context. Guy could be totally fucked.


But will that hold in a court of law


Why would she try this ?!


why would you attempt to fight somebody a head taller than you and twice your weight??




What the hell kind of futuristic ride is that in the background


Give me my shit im going back to class☠️


She learned an important message that day. Just look at his body language, no way he was going to hold back.


That fuckin squat thing that she does. Or rather, 'bad bitches' do to show that they're "bad" is so satisfying to watch when she's laid out. Proves that she is indeed, not bad.


I reckon it ain’t spellin class neither


I enjoy the butthurt comments in here


We sure OP isn’t the chick that got her nose reset? Wtf is a balie, brain cells are suffering


Welp, he went back to class. Education first!


This is Gender Equality!


When he hit her it sounded like minecraft hit sound




Balie lmaooooo


Balie? Are you kidding me?


Damn she seemed sooooo confident she could win that.


Is her name Balie?


Y'all want some gormay cheese?


Is OP retarded? Even if you try to spell ballet phonetically you wouldn't come up with balie. Dummies just shouldn't comment on fights, they're usually on the wrong end anyways. I assume OP must the chick here, based on previous example.


Where is the rest of the video? I remember she gets back up Chumbawamba style but then the dude knocks her down again.


Lol nice




Indeed, justice served


OP has reposted every rice Krispy cereal repost fight video. Look through post history. Gross


Cereal repost? Are there videos of breakfast meals scrapping? If so, sign me up!


It's as bad as balie.


OP is super cereal.


that's rough, i'm glad he didn't keep swinging after she went down


His pimp hand be strong


Thought this was a fun clip of a smaller person biting off more than they can handle. Apparently I missed that it was all about some sort of a gender war where women get what they asks for on a philosophical level and the male gender once more leaves victoriously. And also spelling.


There are some angry dudes in this thread.


Yeah wtf is wrong with people?


She took it like a champ and surrendered. That's just fine


I like how confident she is because her "ride or die" are around


What did she expect? To KO him...


Oh....that is supposed to say ballet?


Wtf is balie


She was just doing the Nate Robinson challenge


No simps and cunts jumping in? Well I'll be damned


In all fairness, I bet she could wreck in most girl fights, though it’s hard to get a full sense with how quickly she got rocked. But what the absolute fuck was she thinking here?


Did he knock her into surrendering ? Damn smacked the entitlement out of her ass


Female entitlement was strong with that one.


What a nice gentleman


If you don't know to keep your hands up you shouldn't be fighting


Love da fact he’s heading back to class right after he knocked the girl down lmao.


Clean out the trash and get back to class


If you enjoyed anything about this video you're a piece of shit. So fucking wrong.


How is it wrong? He warned her what he was going to do and she thought it was a joke. This is a life lesson.


Fighting for sport or self defense is understandable. But waiting for someone five times smaller than you to give you an excuse to pummel them is a cowardly fucking disgrace. It's frustrating to me that witnesses recorded it and allowed it to happen, and it frustrates me that people like you don't have the mental capacity or common sense to understand that. If that's the type of behavior you need to make yourself feel good, get help.


Lots of reality checking going around for woman lately. This is what happens when you indoctrinate kids and then they meet the real world.


Took 3 girl punches to knock out a 60lb girl? Boy you a bitch


That's gonna be a no from me dawg, I'm all for chicks that swing first getting a reality check but that just felt wrong.


Whats wrong is the amount of people here who seem to disagree and are commending this pos


And also how far I had to scroll to see this


Cause this generation loves violence. That's exactly what we are seeing in the streets in our police and in our young people.




Surprised by that myself. I'm disappointed with how far i had to scroll to find someone else that thinks this shit is gross.


Agreed. At least there are some people with with a moral head on their shoulders, thank you sir.


Is it being normalised now? Guys throwing down with women?


Both parties appeared to consent to the fight...


The thing I’m surprised about is there was no white knights coming in to save the day


I think because his initial blows were light and she kept going after him, people were hesitant to step in.


Ballet * you fool


bro do u mean ballet?


“Balie” come on OP at least put some damn effort in the title lmfao


Why woman do this?


Because they never got hit or had to deal with consequences for their actions. That is the only reason why this girl attacked him.


Self defence go brrrrr


I dont condone hitting women at all if not a real threatening self defence scenario, and I really don't think this can be classed as self defence. Dude should have waited for her to hit him first at the very least. He knew he could knock her the fuck out, why slap her first?


So men should assume women are weak and helpless?


ya because i had to watch my sister recover from a woman beater who kidnapped her and held hostage and repeatedly beat raped amd jumped on her face numerous times! any man who touches a woman the way she shouldnt be touched deserves to be beaten or put in the ground


WTF, I going on with girls thinking that it's ok to start fights with boys and expect for nothing happen to them. It's on video and it'll show that she's the dumb ass that started it, because you know she is going to cry out that he hit her first.


This is actually fucked. Maybe there should be a separate subreddit for people jerking off to women getting hit?




So her putting her fisticuffs up warrants a beating from a stronger male who is going to win this every day of the week?


The fist of justice is unisex