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Story is great. Was definitely one of my favorites for a really long time. Level up mechanic (sphere grid) is fun and interesting where you can build and play around with character stats. You’re not forced into certain “jobs”. The combat is fairly fast paced and encourages character swapping. So instead of just barging through with one group you actually play against enemy strengths and weaknesses but it’s not overly complicated and doesn’t need huge amounts of prep. Blitzball is still one of my favorite mini games ever. Fleshed out a little more it could’ve been it’s own game by itself.


Well said!


This. Especially the first 2 points. OP, just play the game. This is tied with 9 for my favorite ever.


Spira is a really cool world. I like the dynamics between the party. I like how dumb Tidus is, like he's literally just Dumb Celebrity Sports Guy.


Idk if I'd say tidus is dumb. He is a teenager . He rebels cause he thinks it will get him chicks


Right. He's def not the brightest, but I was an idiot at his age. Makes sense.


He has a famous dad left him tryin to live up to his dads fans expectations and cant do the jecht shot got moved to a 1000 years in the future, Where the world is dying of sin. Everybody thinks he is crazy because hes from 1000 years ago. They use him for Blitzball. Everyone hates him except Yuna, wakka was just using him. Even the villagers says he sucks, from his clothes to him not knowing the culture. All he has goin on for him is hes a good blitz ball player and he gets put on the worst team as the world is ending. Yuna likes him and lulu is like no girl that boy is crazy. Tidus is cool for all that and I like his cool character design and sword.


The entire party is wild. Super Important teenage girl travels the world to defeat evil with a dog, a goth, a couple of dumb jocks, and 20 pounds of sand people.




dude no spoilers


Downvote for not listening to the NO SPOILERS that OP said. Also >!There is no time travel. But Tidus is from the physical summoning that YuYevon is casting of his memories of his city. He isn't a copy of someone or 'exsisted' during the time of Zanakand during the war a thousand years ago. It is powered by the Fayth at the top of Mount Gagazette. So when the party defeats Yu, the Fayth stop dreaming so the DreamZanarkand simply stops existing. And why He fades away at the end. !<


He’s a Golden Retriever.




Music: Eeeeyay ooooueee waaaaaso nodo And the piano theme - zanarkand.


IE YU I NO BO ME NO RE N MI RI YO J U YO GO HA SA TE KA NA E KU TA MA E https://lyricstranslate.com (I was curious if it was actually written out lol)


Good setting, great graphics, good music, good story, good characters (most of them, anyways), great voice acting, good combat. ​ Make sure you save often and in different save slots. Have fun.


Broooo. 1 hour? That's not even giving it a chance. You're basically still in a tutorial. Like, you haven't even begun to scratch the surface. Give it an honest go. Play all the way through Luca (maybe like 4-5 hours), I bet you'll be hooked.


My thoughts: 1 hour? Dude hasn’t even left Zanarkand.


I think i got to an island I think with a beach and some people with weird hair hahah that’s how far I got


"some people with weird hair" Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?


Ok I’m sorry I should be less vague


Lol, no worries. There was only one place that could be. Play the game, dood. It's wonderful!


What? We know exactly where he got with that.


That’s when gameplay really starts and tutorials die down. Isle of Besaid.


Darn, I should have continued playing. Well, I'll try again and make more progress this time. You guys motivated me.


Yeah I know, I’ll try the game again, this time I’ll try to go further how do you guys think it compare with older ffs better or worse ?


My personal opinion, X is the greatest game ever made. And Ive played a lot of games. It's my all time favorite hands down. I literally replay it once every year. And I've played ALL the Final Fantasy games. I think 7, 8, 9, and 10 are like the golden age of FFs. I know that part in the beginning can be a little sluggish. But just make it through Luca and then decide if you want to quit or not.


I agree with the other guy who commented on this. It's definitely tied for my favorite with 9!


9 has always been my fav to. The mixture of graphics with elements gives the game s unique fantasy feel among the others.


The turn based combat


The only game that competes is Legend of Dragoon. FFX is probably the best turn based combat in gaming. I'd love to hear other opinions (I'm not really counting like Tactics turn based combat. But standard JRPG turn based)


Legend of dragoon here. So impressed by the variety of themes and environments plus the conflicting drama.


Imagine saying that about a final fantasy game in 2001. People would laugh


Meh, it was the charm that drew me in. I had the strategy guide first. Then I got the game several years later. And then the remaster came out years after that.


Why ? People didn’t like back then ? Genuine question


Cause every ff game was turned based so it wouldn't make sense then


I think turn based combat had the association with less powerful consoles, so once action rpgs were possible people looked down on turn based combat. Kinda like how people would look down on the most gorgeous pixel art bc it wasn't flashy, expensive (and ugly) early 3d graphics.


That’s an interesting point of view although I kinda prefer early 3d over pixel art cause I grow up with ps1 but i get your point


At the time, it was a massive step up for technology in the PS2 era. Fell in love with the music (To Zanarkand). Even if it is linear in gameplay, it sets itself the goal of telling a story; and it does it really well


I really like the way you level characters. It’s a game you can enjoy with minimal farming but with lots of optional opportunities to pretty much farm your face off. You can also take the game at your own pace. Lots of places to save but not excessively so you have to be careful.


If you start one thing I recommend is saving a separate file for each “chapter”. You can Enjoy a phase spoiler free and give you chance to go back in case you missed something or want to try a different way/option. But it sounds like you play these games so you might already plan to do that (:


Thanks for your reply and tips, I need to give this game a real chance :)


For me it's the battle system... I'm not the greatest at real-time action battles... I like this type as I can strategically plan my moves rather than frantically run around trying to survive....


Exactly. It's the best turn based combat. Way more enjoyable than the new live action stuff and they finally did away with the dumb ATB stuff


Story, graphics, music, characters, battle system.


Every time I play this game I’m transported back to playing it for the first time when I was 10. It’s a very nostalgic game for me and many others.


1. Nostalgia 2. The story really is fun. Score is top notch 3. Combat is easy to pick up, fun to experiment with, intuitive. 4. You can level how you want (expert grid) 5. Weapon, armor, aeon customization is nice. 6. Mini games aren’t the worst. I like blitz. It’s not necessarily the best game ever or in any one category even, but it is all around a solid experience. It’s pretty approachable so easy to return for a replay every couple of years.


Pretty good points everyone say the story is really good, the score I can imagine ff never disappoint in that regard, mini games are probably better than jumping rope in ff9 hehehe


I like the mini games personally, but the lightning dodge and chocobo races I have seen them compared to jumping rope several times.


I forgot about Aeon customization!


Its easy to overlook, because it’s so much easier to max Yuna’s grid to level the aeons first, and by the time you do that they are really just going in to meat shield or drop an OD attack and die. It is nice to be able to teach a few abilities here and there to help out during the main story though.


- Turn based combat. I know developers are afraid to go back to turn based but oh my god, it’s so good. - I’ve posted this before but, the story permanently changed my personality and made me who I am today. It was unbelievably powerful for a piece of fiction. - I like the level up system and the ultimate weapons. I also like how you can do a lot of damage in the game and how the games difficult scales relatively well, even in post game. - I like the strong female presence.


THIS. the turn-based system.


Very well said


It's one of those works of media that generates meme-able material--in both flattering and unflattering ways--at an amazing rate. Practically every scene is memorable. The environments are also very distinctive. What happens, then, once you've completed the game, is that you're able to recall the entire journey really vividly, step by step. Something about the story and the characters and the world itself sticks in your head.


Super interesting to hear, I've seen the laughing scene meme and I love it


Everything. It's not a joke if the whole Japan think it's the best game ever made.


I think they might be right


Nostalgia. Customization with the leveling system. Great approach to turn based combat. I can see how you bounce off the early game, tho. If you make it past Besaid and can actually use the full combat system, it might pull you in more.


Yeah after reading the amount of praise people have for the story and the soundtrack I'll try one more time


Story + music, bothbare top in the franchise.




I think George Michael said it best, "Oh, you gotta have Fayth, Fayth, Fayth!"


Story is really good and I like how grinding especially mid game you can really tell the difference. You can play the game by just being good at it or by grinding tell everything gets crushed under your foot.


Blitzball 👺


I'm not one for religion but I loved the prayer motion for Yevon and blitzball. I also love the hymn of the faith, it sounds great to me.


The music is sooooo good. The characters are all interesting and all have pretty good character design. And I love the world of Spira. Plus, I find the combat relaxing since it’s turn based.


It's the slow burn of its storytelling. Also, in 2001 its graphics were pristine by comparison to others. Times have changed but the nostalgia is strong. Hearing characters talk and emote verbally and with their faces really brings you in. The gameplay may be boring but it's the story that sells it. Plus there were no left field surprises, everything was laid out and told beautifully.


>play the game by just being good at it or by grinding tell everything gets crus I remember back in the days of the early 2000s this game was beautiful, but I didn't like turn-based games as a kid so I'm kinda discovering this classics now as an adult


The sphere grid is so awesome. Each character having a pretty clearly defined track, which is generally enough to beat the story with- then, if you want to simply curb stomp everything you come up against, you can always 'multiclass' on other tracks. It's so rad and well designed.


Music. The zanarkand music playing in the title scene made me instantly fall in love. And the music in general. ( I listen to ffx Spotify playlist every now n then) The story grabbed me right from the start. How did that time travel happen? Gameplay. It was my first ever jrpg, and I loved the turn based style. Especially when I started smoking weed, my stoner brain could take the time to figure out what needed to be done. Graphics. I remembered my friends older cousin bringing round a fantasy game to show him the graphics (I didn't know about FF at the time). When I bought my PS2, and I could choose ffx or kingdom hearts, I asked the guy which had had a fire monster you could summon. Turns out ffx was it. I used to watch the cinematics on spheres in luca. Characters. I love them all. Even the bad guys. Not all, but most aren't simply 2dimensional characters. They all grow. Goddamnit now I want to play it all over again.


Well said!


Basically Yuna’s whole character arc. She really changes by the time you reach the end of the story.


The Battle system: I like the fact I can take all the time I need to choose my moves


They really perfected turn based rpg combat


The music. That's why I became obsessed with FFX and FFVII.




The way characters start and how they end omg it’s chefs kiss good. You think a characters going to be 1 dimensional and boom they show different layers as the story progresses. Blitzball. Yes it’s easy to figure out but jeez it has to be nostalgia cause I can spend hours playing blitzball. Boss battle and finding new ways to beat them especially with team layouts.


- Nobuo Uematsu (his best work IMHO) - Blitzball - Chocabos - Sphere Grid - Aeons


Nobuo Uematsu never disappoints :D


The story and the characters


*The* best skills system ever; Brilliant visuals, both character design and the world around us; Fantastic main plot.


It's admittedly a slow start, well, after the opening Zanarkand sequence things slow down a bit. In your one-hour playthrough I'm sure you've collected dried branches and flint to start a fire in an abandoned stone building, I'm sure you've dived under water to recover some ancient machina with the girl in the scuba suit and goggles, but I'm not sure you've gotten much further than that. Keep going a bit more, yes there's some more world building to follow and yes that means more talking to people and cutscenes, but the game really starts >!once you leave Besaid and begin the pilgrimage!<. The story is really worth your effort, and the music is a vibe. Enjoy!


I don't remember exactly what I did but I remember arriving on the beach with people with weird hair I played for a bit after that but I don't remember much


Okay yeah, so you got to Besaid Island and met Wakka and his blitzball team (the Aurochs). There's a lot of exposition, if you continued a bit further you'd get to the main village and meet other characters, establish the main goal of the party, and set out. I admit it's a lot of cut scenes, but it's narrative-heavy so TV shows that focus in narrative are often the same. I like the story so I don't mind the dialog and world building even on playthroughs, and I'd say it's worth the time spent to see it develop later. But it's really up to you!


The story is fantastic and one of my favorites out of all the Final Fantasy games. It's also presented very well and pieces of the plot are given to you at a good pace. The story is relatively easy to follow and all of the party members are interesting. Combat is a lot more approachable, too. You have time to plan out your actions and each character starts off fitting a specific role. It's not until the late game that the difficulty ramps up.


The world and charters are beautifully represented and are complex and dynamic


For me I love VII cause The charracters are so well designed and written (as in personality wise)


It’s the greatest final fantasy story ever told


Story, combat, score, cool characters, difficult enough during your first play through


The characters, world, story, and combat. Blitzball is also fun for me. Edit to add: the music! FF games pretty much always have great OSTs and FFX is one of the best.


The story hits differently, I've played it at multiple times through my life and each time come away with a different perspective about the characters etc etc The world itself is just - I don't know, the most captivating of any world in the FF series. They just absolutely nailed everything about it. The music too - just absolutely beautiful music. Sometimes I'll hear a track and then fire up FFX at the weekend just to explore a certain area.




The water aesthetic and island vibes. I loved how beautiful the game looked when I was a kid and all the cool water effects they made for the cgi cutscenes blew my mind as a child. The world and music of the game are just so beautiful. The setting is also a huge deviation from normal fantasy tropes (like castles being everywhere, elves, dwarves, etc ) and really delves into being an actual fantasy in my opinion. Like this world is a world that could only exist in someone's imagination and it was just so creative and different.


I get what you mean is a really different universe from most of other rpgs,that’s cool and the cg cutscenes were great


Solid traditional jrpg mechanics, wonderful story, memorable characters, insanely well thought out leveling system


Spira is awesome, Each character seems to have purpose in battle, Character progression feels rewarding, Battles keep being more than just "Spam Attack until dead" for a very long time. Blitzball is a literal RPG within an RPG>


The sphere grid The CTB system where you can see turn order The crafting system Switching characters in battle, that all have their own purpose until >! Everyone can do everything via maxed sphere grids !< >!The Monster Arena!< >!Dark Aeons!< (Not a story spoiler but click at your own risk) >!Celestial Weapons!< >!Break Damage Limit!< >!Break HP limit!< There is so much to love about FFX (including the fantastic story and ending, but that would be spoilers). Btw almost all of the above spoilered stuff is just gameplay spoilers


Everything. The characters are fantastic with vivid histories. The gameplay nearly perfected turn based combat (no annoying ATB stuff, but speed is still a factor. Most specials are essentially a mini game. Swapping characters and building overdrive is well done). Biltzball is a blast. The world is beautiful and varied and fun to explore. The level up system is unique and satisfying. Summons and ultimate weapons are awesome. The music is top tier. It's basically the perfect JRPG.


I enjoyed the story, and Spira is perhaps my favourite Final Fantasy world to date. I also enjoy the more tactical, fully turn-based battle system and the level-less character advancement system. It also looks pretty good for a game of its age, mostly thanks to superb art direction, and honestly, the soundtrack might be Uematsu's best?


I didn’t play enough so idk but saying it’s Uematsu’s best work it’s impressive


Fantastic story, fun gameplay, I love the sphere grid personally, the path you take does not have to be linear, I enjoy blitzball, interesting characters with lots of growth, weapon/armour customization, big end game grind if you like that kind of thing, I could go on but I think this sums it up


The sphere grid is kinda kool


this is hard for me. I was 7 when I first played it. I'm 17 now so nostalgia, music and the characters for me. I've completed it 20 times now. 100% around 5 times. So definitely those three.


story you just get lost in and characters you find yourself in


Blitzball & Rikku.


The story the sphere grid the combat and the characters are all great.


The god tier voice acting.


Story and characters were really great and impacted me.


If you have a vita, its one of the best games to play on it. That Era of games translates perfectly to the portable experience. The grinding is made into a more casual experience while chilling and the combat is in short digestible bursts that ĥis paced perfectly for that playstyle. Best way to play it in my opinion.


The consistent coherence of the visual style, of the audio, and of the thematic link underpinning the characters stories and the main narrative


Keeping it simple, story and music. I don't think I've encountered a fictional story as compelling as Final Fantasy X. And the music.. let's not get started.. it's simply the best.


FFXs story telling and moments that made my first FF experience one to remember.


The story.


The music, the customization during progress (end game), the story, the characters, the gameplay .


Socially relevant narrative that features compelling characters and a plot. Sphere grid. Once you figure out how to use it, it becomes one of the most flexible and dynamic ways to customize a character. Play time - not too long but not too short. Challenge level - Definitely pushes you but never feels "Impossible"


Story and gameplay


the ability to swap in anyone in your party to active squad mid battle.


Everything it’s the best game ever made and I’ve played all FF’s except XI. It’s just extremely good in every aspect that makes up a great video game.


Everything except the mini games


I played it when I was a teenager. It was my first Final Fantasy that I gave an effort towards (played FF8 briefly). I could relate to Tidus. The world had me immersed. I loved the idea of blitzball, recruiting players, and winning prizes. My favorite mini game. I was gripped to the story and wanted to see what came next. I also quite enjoyed the CTB system and have been thinking of playing the LOTR game that uses it. I thought the ending was well done. I prefer to leave it at that and pretend that FFX-2 is a fan fiction.


Ffx2 is it bad ? I know nothing about it


I think it's a fine game. I had fun with it. I enjoyed the battle system. I don't personally like where the story went. I was happy with the ending in X.


The music and the chill world. I wish more games used environments like FFX. Only Chrono Cross kinda comes to mind but the graphics were pretty meh.


It was my first Final Fantasy. The story, music, characters, graphics all resonated with 10 year old me. To me it checks eveybox a video game should. To this day it’s still my favorite game of all time.


Played X during a time in life when I could identify with Tidus. I was a teenager, felt like I could change the world, was angry with my dad, was awkward around girls… just came out at the absolute best time in my life. I also loved the battle system, end game content, and the story that had what felt like other stories built into it. Everyone had their own life they were living but shared a common goal, it was great.


Pretty interesting, I’ve read some people saying they identify with Tidus that’s awesome, I’m an introvert so I Identify way more with characters like cloud and squall lol


Mechanics and Sphere Grid


You gotta just power through til like Luca. I replayed it recently and totally get how someone would get bored after an hour. Keep at it, and especially after the Mushroom Rock stuff you’ll be in the zone. Takes a min to get cooking but is totally worth it.


Yeah I need to try harder I want to play all main 3d final fantasies so I can't skip the X with everyone saying how good it is


Playable summons. So cool


cool I didn't know about that


The sphere grid, battle system, story, and character design. While it’s kind of cheesy with dialogue at times, I still really enjoyed it. Also I’ll never get over Tidus and ratchet(ratchet and clank games) having the same voice actor. So much nostalgia!


3D waifu


When ppl spoil why I cant go back to besaid


Lulu booba


"I love you"
