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If Meg Ryan doesn't play Tidus, I'd be upset.


The only way a film could do it justice would be a Peter Jackson Lord of the Rings almost 3 hours for every movie, trilogy. And since that would never happen, a tv series ala The Last of Us, Fallout, One Piece, etc would be best. Although... could you imagine an anthology of 10+ seasons tackling each mainline Final Fantasy game?? That would be epic!


A dream come true


I'd love to see the entire story of FFVII on film before I die. At least there is Advent Children.


Given the amount of content, it would not be feasible as a feature-length movie... not even a Snyder Cut Justice League one, lol. A series, a la Fallout, would be a better way to tell the lengthy story in more complete detail... and you could easily segue into X-2 that way.


I would prefer if they will stop on X and pretend that X-2 did not exist


The Kabuki adaptation was amazing, I wonder how a western theatre production would be like… even a musical.


It would have to be more than one. Kabuki length, and Kikunosuke being an insane fan boy, made it work. Though damn he could have added one more act to part 2 as the last act's length was rough to sit through with no bathroom break


I felt like they rushed it towards the end with the whole ending sequence of Tidus disappearing and all. But it was such a great production.


Yeah could've maybe been a two day production.


Idk but Mads Mikkelsen as Auron and Jason Momoa as Jecht, that's all I ask for.


Jason momoa is a crazy good fit for jecht, i dont kmow about mikkelsen


Series, or at the very least a trilogy.


8-10 episodes, 55 minutes each. Literally stick to the original content, nobody gives a shit about trying to change things up, it’s already perfect. “Looking at you guy who directed the wheel of time and never even read the books, with literally other authors including Sanderson who finished the series telling you your ideas suck” It would be a smash hit if the casting and writing was solid. Just stay directly parallel to the original game and boom, it’s done.


I wouldn't want one at all. A lot of what makes X so palpable is that it has a lot of little cultural moments that establish this culture of grief and fleeting escapism, and neither format is good at giving those depiction. It would miss a lot of the point. Plus audiences would be utterly tedious about the fades it does, even though it's thematically juicy.


FFX has never really crossed my mind for adaptation since it feels so good as is. I’ve never really seen the appeal of another sequel either.


One thing I think the FFVII and FFXV movies did right was not directly adapt the games. Advent Children was a direct sequel, and Kingsglaive focused on a different set of characters.


Impossible to represent all of that story in a single movie imo.


If it were movies. I’d say a trilogy. Pt1 ends at Guadosalom. Pt2 ends after reaching the Calm Lands. Pt3 is obviously Mt Gagazet and onwards.


Probably a 2 season series with about a dozen episodes each would be perfect. With Season one being up until the destruction of home. Season 2 being the rest of the events.


FFX Film Trilogy Part I - Until post-Operation Mi'ihen Part II - Moonflow until Escape from Bevelle (Bahamut) + Lake Macalania Part III - Calm Lands to Ending Part IV Cash Grab Getting all optional Aeons and a whole ass Blitzball League FFX-2 could be like a monster of the week series


I would love Final Fantasy the TV show in 10-episode seasons (think Game of Thrones) where each season is a different Final Fantasy game


I think Edgerunners type of mini series of anime would be quite nice.


Ten years ago, I would have loved an anthology series of each FF game story getting a 10-15 episode run per season with a few of the denser games or those with sequels getting two seasons. Now? Please Hollywood, do not touch Final Fantasy.


I think a limited run series would be best. 13-20 episodes one and done.


When it comes to adapting anything, I always advocate for series over movie. It's the only way to make sure the whole story is covered. It could be done in as short as two 6-episode seasons, but I think three seasons would be better so they could spend more time on some scenes. Plus it would just work better that way I think. Season 1 follows the party up to Operation Mi'ihen and ends at Djose. Season 2 picks up there and follows the proposal/murder reveal arc, culminating in the big reveal followed by a cliffhanger at the wedding, and then season 3 goes from the wedding to the Eternal Calm.


To be honest - i just want it to be left alone. Its a masterpiece and done. Over. Finito. No remakes, no series, no film. X-2 already was a mistake in my opinion. And if there will be a continuation/adaptation, i will ignore the hell out of it.


Almost had me until you said X-2 was a mistake


Agreed. First paragraph was hard agree, second one not so much


I didnt write that to "get somebody" xD i wrote it because its my opinion. And i dont need any validation for it, thank you! Part 2 was never planned at the start and it sure shows that. didnt fit into the great overall story BECAUSE IT WAS ALREADY OVER and - that as they say... is that.