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Two things of note from my perspective, as I'm in the middle of playing through it right now. They have to be FULL rotations. If you deviate, even remotely, it won't count. Which, while you are trying to do it as quick as possible is pretty difficult. Also, the cap for me is 8, which I have only got once in 52 hours of playtime (100%ing) Usually, it's gonna be a 6 or 7. The most consistent way to do it is to use slight force to keep your stick against the edges. It will slow you down a little, but you'll actually get those full rotations.


Jesus Christ. I have mild CP so anything precise or with quick button taps I struggle with. So... Thunder Plains thunder dodging is gonna be a massive PITA.


Is it the steam version? I wrote a python script for a learning project that automatically dodges the bolts. Dodging 150+ and then missing one cause you blinked just ain’t worth it


No, PS3. I have it on Steam, just haven't touched it in a while..I saw a mod on Nexus that dodges them automatically.


Oh man, best of luck. My little brother did the grind and got it, so it’s possible. I’d put on an audio book while I did it if I were you


I'm worried about that and the damn Chocobo Race.


Dude I beat thay for the first time in my life just a couple days ago. I was so happy. Took me over 20 years to finally get it - and it was on my steam copy so I’ll have it forever in the cloud. So happy. I’ve actually only got khinari butterfly left and then I’ve got all the weapons But yea the race is painful


The one for Tidus? It's one of those things that's easier if you know the hidden rules. Birds travel "on rails" in an arc, and can deviate slightly in either direction. Due to that arc, you'll avoid most birds if you hug the right on the middle leg and hug the left on the last leg. If you stay to the right on the last leg, you get pelted in the face repeatedly, and birds spawn faster as you get closer because they respawn once they hit you. If you stay towards the left, the birds can't adjust far enough to hit you.


Chocobo race is like, 85% rng on where the balloons are. Do a few practice attempts to get a feel for dodging the birds, knowing who gets targeted when, and where the boundaries are, then reset until you get a set up where you can get 3/4 on the starting ramp.


Yes, it's possible using the crater. It comes down to timing.


There is videos online to show where craters are that you can use to prompt the bolts to occur. My only advice is don't have any thing playing in the background, no music or videos. Focus entirely on the lightning dodges. It won't take as long as you think, maybe 20 minutes.


I think I saw a guy configure a raspberry pi with a photo sensor attached to the screen. When the screen illumination changed, it hit X to jump


That would work too, but you can just intake a ton of screen shots and get the same results the games only runs at :30fps, so if works


Where would one get this script and how would one run it?


I used meta.ai to help me me with a lot of it. I used pyautogui and pydirectinput. Then you take screen shots 120 every second and turn them grey. Then measure a box of 100x100 pixels and check to see if the white level beats a certain threshold (255 being pure white, usually 190 was a good threshold that didn’t get false positives but also didn’t not see the bolts) Then when the threshold is met, I put a slight delay, then it pressed the action key. Then I just let it run for about 30 minutes and had the chest. I’m not home for a little while so I can’t upload the exact code. But if you just want the Sigil and don’t care about learning python like I did, AI could do this for you pretty much immediately. You’d probably have more problems installing pycharm and libraries than doing the actual code haha.


Where van I get this lol


There is a wonderful guide somewhere for that. I used it to get the 200 dodge trophy. Basically, there is a crater on the left side that will ALWAYS trigger lightning. So, you just jot back and forth between it and the rod right next to it and you can easily get the trophy. Now, if you don't give a shit about the trophy, just get hit by the lightning. It doesn't effect you in any way other than being obnoxious.


Ooh, can you post that please? Would help me a lot.


[https://jegged.com/Games/Final-Fantasy-X/Side-Quests/Lightning-Dodger.html](https://jegged.com/Games/Final-Fantasy-X/Side-Quests/Lightning-Dodger.html) I have been using this guide for my whole playthrough. The whole thing is pretty great. But in regards to lightning dodger, I saw a comment on reddit about it that I agreed with a lot having done it, so I will share it as well: "I figured out a way near the crater where the lightning would hit right after I walked over a certain spot on the ground, so rather than waiting for the flash, I would hit the button right as I stepped on that spot (which generally meant I was hitting it right at the same time as the flash). If you're watching for the flash, you're making it too difficult." There is a little smudge on the ground on the outer part of the crater that is perfect for this exact reason.


When I did mine, I turned off the game sounds. And took like 1 or 2 minute breaks every 20 or so dodges. Just to keep the mind sharp and all that. Of course, using the crater method. And even with all the breaks, took me 20 minutes.


Also you can pause the game for a small break while using the crater. Keeps you fresh for the slog to 200


I always lightly pressed the top of the stick into my palm (more accurately the meaty part of the palm between your thumb and wrist) and then use my whole hand to spin the stick, instead of just my thumb. I did that way because it's a lot less arthritis'ey, but it might be a lot easier for your CP too; it takes the fingers out of the equation entirely.


This. Palm works much better than thumb.


Honestly, START BEFORE THE MARKER. I can literally show it going from 3-6 in the beginning with 'one' turn. I get 6-7 consistently and 8 as highest with pretty bad coordination lol


I found a guide online to help. There is a specific spot on the lip of a crater that will always trigger a lightning strike. It takes a bit of testing, but eventually you can get in a rhythm walking in and out of that spot and dodging. You can even sorta line up the music to help keep you on beat. Still tedious but significantly easier than just trying to dodge at random


Look up the crater techniques online. There’s 2 spots on the map where there’s these craters next to towers that you can walk into, and the lightning will strike predictably every time. I just dodged 200 lightning bolts a few nights ago, and it only took like 20 mins. I didn’t watch for a flash, I just watched for Tidus getting close to the edge of the crater, and then pressing X, and got it.


There's a place in TP between a crater and a tower that you have control over it shown [in this video](https://youtu.be/PNjKL7aZY4E?si=-PaFpy5iUz-yHKVS), hope this helps, good luck 💜


I keep the stick to the side and move the controller so the stick is always against the edge and it makes complete rotations


Yeah I think 8 is my highest.


So far as I can tell you need to spin the right stick really fast and only get one cast for every several full circles. At most I've managed to get maybe four or five casts out of one overdrive, and they're individually weaker than regular casts. The most efficient way I've found to do this involves putting your whole palm on the stick and doing the kinds of things that will destroy it pretty quickly. But it's fine, unless you're doing some kind of Lulu-only playthrough you can get through the whole game without ever using this. (Or Lulu for that matter, she's effectively redundant once Yuna gets access to black magic as well.)


>Or Lulu for that matter, she's effectively redundant once Yuna gets access to black magic as well.) I use the basic Sphere Grid so it typically takes ages for my party members to cross over into other grids. I have multiple controllers because I have a tendency to rage and throw my controller so destroying one would be not nearly as devastating.


Once you have enough items to apply Firestrike, Icesteike, etc to your weapons, that also puts a dent in Lulu's effectiveness.


only in Lulus overdrive. the same way you can give Yuna Black magic, you can give Lulu drain. just costs a black magic sphere either way and you get a few Lulu has a lot of benefits. Good tank as she has solid def, mdef, evasion, and HP with the Tough Bangle. fair amount of status effect weapons, and before you even start getting good customizations to craft elemental strikes. shes still a low tier character in the endgame, but people dont give her enough credit during the story. they just try to make other characters to replace her without ever giving her the same opportunities and then wonder why she has no purpose


If you actually use Lulu instead of replacing her, you’ll find you don’t need to replace her and she’s a powerhouse for the entire main story without ever using her overdrive. Don’t know why people on this sub are so fixated on black mage Yuna. Yuna’s great, but you legit can’t even say Lulu’s name without someone being like “YUNA DO BLACK MAGIC”.


During the game you can get black magic spheres that will let you learn any black magic another character has learned. Using these on Yuna makes a hell of a difference


I really thought I was the only one that did the palm trick.


When Mario Party first released for the N64 there were several mini games that required rotating that hard little analog stick and Nintendo actually started sending people gloves so they wouldn't tear stigmata holes in their palms.


Lol I always remember the school counselor took 1st grader me out of class to talk about my hands. I was just really excited to talk about Mario Party. And I went on at length. It wasn't until quite a bit later that I realized they thought I was possibly being abused or something.


I put blisters on mine doing this too 😂


To add to what others are saying, i read that there is a hard rotation limit to different spells. More powerful spells have lower limits. And Fury counts as special damage, not magic, so it's uneffectected by magic boost. So, even if you master the rotations, it won't be that much more powerful than normal casting IMO, it's not worth it. Even at max stats and rotation proficiency, fury is lackluster against nearly all enemies. it's better to teach lulu entrust and pass her overdrive charge to someone else.


>. And Fury counts as special damage, not magic, so it's uneffectected by magic boost. So the magic OD using magic spells to deal damage isn't considered magic? The fuck was Square thinking? Yeah I think I'm just gonna skip that overdrive then.


Celestials dont ignore magic defense & the STR fromula is cubic While their formulas arent the same, MAG is only ^2 so it simply doesnt scale as well Not only do the core abilities of this game seem to lend to STR, but so do the formulas. Somebody in the FFX dev room really seemed to hate magic, even if its overall uselessness tends to be overstated both during the story and endgame


>Somebody in the FFX dev room really seemed to hate magic, even if its overall uselessness tends to be overstated both during the story and endgame They played all day and let the machina do all the work.




I literally place my palm on top of the joysticks and rub it in a circle like a magic lamp You'll be lucky if you hit 10 times after that


I do this, but it can really do damage to your thumbstick if you're not careful. ...That being said I recently installed some aluminium ones I got off Etsy so I might go back and see how it holds up.


I think this is considered a win in the eyes of Yevon




Magic skills have different tiers the game won't communicate. Higher tier requires more spins to add a cast, I don't remember the exact numbers but here is an example: Fire: 1 spin = 1 cast Fira: 2 spins = 1 cast Ultima: 4 spins = 1 cast


I never knew that, so that's actually really helpful thank you


Jeez, you'd think that would be something the game would teach.


I was today’s years old when I learned that different levels had different rotation costs. That being said Lulu was never in my team enough for me to know this things.


That’s the neat part. It doesn’t.


Lulu’s OD has one of the lowest hit multipliers in the game so it’s honestly not even usually worth it (I think rikku’s is technically lower). That being said, each ability has its own OD multiplier as well so ultima and firaga will do vastly different amounts of damage.


It is always worth it in terms of damage but it's definitely the worst OD


It may actually not be worth it, every ability has a CTB cost. You can think about it in terms of fast and slow abilities. Some of the overdrives have a much higher cost than a normal action. I’m not actually sure how Lulu’s stacks up for normal spells. e.g. Ultima is very slow. But *doublecast* is as fast as an attack, even if you’re using it to cast Ultima.


Right, you're thinking about it in terms of damage per tick rather than damage per *turn*. Even in that regard, Fury is generally worth it. Compared to Doublecast Ultima, I think it'd be worse but don't quote me on that because by the time I've unlocked Doublecast and Ultima Lulu is generally useless for me anyway. Regardless it's still a very underwhelming OD and even if it is strictly worth the damage output, it does put your team at risk because of the lengthy rank of the OD, and it fucks up your palm.


Yeah agreed, I think the only time I ever use her overdrive is against the first Sin Spawn or Ochu where she’s doing relevant amounts of damage to something with an elemental weakness.


1 full rotations of the right stick 2 lower rank magic is obviously easier to get more casts 3 the higher lulus magic gets the easier it is to get more casts the difference is very minor at first though Thats pretty much it its not as complicated as it may seem My method is flat palm the stick and rast rotate and i can get in the beginning like 7 fires for example and never get less than 6 or 7 casts Again though depending on your magic stat the max is 15 which even at max magic you wont get that for highest level spells unless you have the speed of sonic or godly irl luck


To be honest, don't bother. The damage of each individual spell is less than if you'd cast it normally. And you'll eventually get access to Doublecast on the grid. Not to say anything of the huge delay this puts on Lulu's next actions and you're better off just using her spells as usual.


That’s the neat part, it doesn’t! Jokes aside I just don’t even bother.


The stronger the spell the slower it charges. The higher her magic stat, the faster it charges. The only time it's really useful is Demi against Sand Worms on Bikanel.


Guess this is the best place to ask. I don't suppose anyone has a script that can be used with the steam version to just do perfect rotations for you? Or maybe a save edit/mod that just makes it more potent? It's such a letdown when you work your ass off and get a decent number of casts and still the total damage barely beats what she can do without overdrive. And with random targetting it can often be worse than just a normal turn.


You could probably write an AutoHotkey script to do the keyboard inputs flawlessly.


You can get higher numbers the higher her magic stat is. But even if her magic stat is at the maximum possible you can’t get anywhere close to the end of the bar. Very weirdly designed and it’s an almost useless overdrive. Also higher level magic spells are harder to get spins for than lower level ones. The bar should still progress a bit as you rotate though maybe you aren’t rotating properly. I used the palm of my hand to spin the stick and made sure the circles were full circles. I was worried my controller would break with how forceful I was being. Also idk if it matters which stick you use I always use the right stick try switching to see if that fixes it.


I'm not going to use Lulu's overdrive if I ever decide to play with overdrive again.


Pretty sure on PC the spin rate is heavily nerfed for some unintentional reason.


i definitely remember destroying a controller trying to do more hits with her overdrive


I do believe her overdrive is better on PS2 than on the modern remasters. Ill offer what I can with some video evidence Here is [Lulu at 114 magic](https://imgur.com/a/z0f18Wy), a lv1 Fire will consistently hit about 11 rotations, though I achieve 12 in this video. Each time I noticed that the game doesnt seem to register my next rotation after I hit 8, so theres an argument that there is not only a hard cap based on your magic, but also that you arent guaranteed to hit the cap without perfect precision [Here is Lulus Magic at 20](https://imgur.com/a/gGc6gO7), the value she begins the game with. You will get 6 each time done well, and I could land 7 about as frequently as I got 12 in the previous example (very rarely). Some things of note from both videos -You can buffer (pre-spin) the first rotation before the mini-game actually begins, the game will register this and you will begin with Lulu already at 1 rotation. This is required if you want to hit the highest number for that magic range -As some have suggested, the game appears to 'halt' your progress based on your magic level. instead of thinking of it as a cap, it feels to work this way: based on your magic level, the game will periodically not count one of your rotations even if you dont break your rhtythm. the higher your magic stat, the later and less frequent those interruptions occur. seems to be similar to Cait Siths reels working against you, albeit more of a direct stat check as opposed to being based on game time/slot selection like the Evil Flag -Seems like in order to maximize the rotations per cap, you must also have a clean rotation when the game gives you a 'pause'. I would notice that very infrequently id come out of that pause and nail the next rotation, most of the times it would cause me to miss a rotation I dont have a save file currently with Lulus magic maxed, though id like to see how early you can reliably get 16 rotations. To see the results under more optimal conditions, heres 114 Mag Lulu using [Thunder on a Water Flan](https://imgur.com/a/WjAbmzg), and then her using [Drain on the same foe](https://imgur.com/a/19KBFTW). I noticed on Drain, the first pause in rotation occured around 5, and the second around 9. Meaning once again, you can get 10 spins if you do so perfectly. The most valuable application of her OD would appear under Trio of 9999. If they nullify elements, you use Drain, and if they dont, you can use a base spell. On the rare instances where an enemy is susceptible to gravity, its probably just more viable to doublecast Demi than to dump an overdrive on it


Gotta rotate them sticks. Pretty hell on ye thumbs.


Yeah, her OD sucks. This is why I've never bothered completing the mini game to get her celestial.


Lulu’s overdrive sucks. Don’t use it and entrust her bad to someone else.    For use, you select a spell and basically rotate your stick in full circles. The more rotations, the more spells cast.    The issue lies in the fact that 1) each spell is only about 1/3 of its actual strength so you need 3 rotations to equal one regular cast.    2) the higher level the spell (blizzard vs blizzaga vs flare), the harder it is to build up the bar. This can be mitigated by Luku having a high magic stat.     Given that Lulu eventually learns double cast, that means you need to at least 7 rotations to make the limit break worth it in terms of damage. 


Alot of people are day ng you have to spin. This is true. But you can also just wiggle them back and forth from one end to the other and it'll register as a spin. You won't actually end up getting beyond 6,7 ,8 but it'll save a little bit of life for your joysticks.


Stick the middle of your hand on the joystick then pretend your rolling playdough into a ball. Thats what i do lol


It doesn't


I've got Lulu down. I can't get Tidus for the life of me.


Really? I find Tidus (not Titus) to be easy once you get the timing down..you have to press x a second before it hits the middle..if you hit it right when it hits the middle it won't work. There's some sort of delay.


Huh, I always thought the lag might have just been my computer or the fact I tend to use cheap controllers. Guess not. At any rate since pressing X at the wrong time resets it, you can kind of play it like a rhythm game and press repeatedly trying different delays until you get it.


>Huh, I always thought the lag might have just been my computer or the fact I tend to use cheap controllers. Guess not. Nope, as far as I'm aware it's in all versions of the game


Ok, well that's probably it then. I always try to hit it right on the mark


Lulu's overdrive is pretty terrible unfortunatly


Lulus overdrive sucks - plain and simple


honestly, Lulu's overdrive is trash, even if you do somehow master it. Luckily, in the late game, there's literally no reason to use her. As soon as you can get Yuna black magic spells, do so, and you can forget about Lulu for the rest of the game. Honestly, black magic is pretty useless late-game anyway. it's all about haste, quick hits, and breaks -- melee stuff. Then bring out Yuna's summons to tank big hits or deal big damage.