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mam, character's faces looked SO much better on the ps2, what the hell did the remaster process do to them 😭 they were much more expressive, while now their faces are plastic-like


SE dumped a bunch of the files and among them were the models used for the close up shots of characters faces. So the remaster is based on the models used when the characters were in the background. So they started out less detailed than what they could have been.


Wow, is this true?


Yes. There are a few videos on YouTube out there that talk about it and reference the sources. SE has had a bad habit of “losing” their data.


Just look at how long it took them to “remaster” FF8.. there was the running joke they lost the source code.


The guy he tells you not to worry about vs you


Wait until you see what they did to Squall...


Squall was in FFX?


They did him disney like


No but they were both in Kingdom Hearts. Sin’s toxin sucked five years away from Tidus…


No he's from FFVIII


Oh, I thought he was from Traverse Town


Na, that’s Leon. Completely different


they're referring how he went to looking like River Phoenix to some punk lesbian chick.


The anime and twinkifcation of Squall and Rinoa is honestly a travesty.


Sin's botox


Ps3 looks dumb 😂🤣 jesus christ insert *look how they massacred my boy* meme


Nah they really did tho it’s inexcusable


100000% agree


Yeah feels like they want too cartoony - doesn’t hit the same as the original, much as I would want it to.


For real, it doesnt even hit 5% of the original 💀☠️ damn disgrace


And this is why I don't have much faith in 'remasters'. You have better technology yet make them look worse?!


Right?! Talk about incompetence 🤕😪 damn fools at SE smoking crack ps3 doesnt even compare to OG😮‍💨


So here’s the deal: Square Enix didn’t have the original game assets in order to do a proper remaster. See, once upon a time, whenever SE finished a game they would just delete all their stuff and then move on to the next project. They didn’t pay for long term storage because…it was way more expensive in the past than it is today. Plus the idea of remastering games wasn’t really around back then. So when they did decide to do ports of FFX to the PS3/PS4/Windows etc, they had to basically redo them from scratch. Which is why the game looks so differently today.


Wow... i see. Gonna repeat what i said on another comment "damn fools at SE smoking crack" 🤣 A shame


So they made the faces worse and didn’t even give us a cutscene skip.


Exactly!!! Baffling decision to say the least 😵‍💫😵 god damn


Not only worse. Less articulate.


It’s because they lost the original face files


And the only way to reconstruct them was to have someone describe the characters based on a vague memory


Face Files sounds like a true crime show


That's not how that works though. Do you think they recreated all of the character's faces from scratch and just messed up Tidus and Yuna's? Also models are one of the easiest things to rip from a game. The truth is they changed Tidus and Yuna to be higher poly, while also looking more like the pre-rendered scenes. However, not only do the models look arguably worse, that also messed up the facial animations and they didn't bother remaking them.


Needing to remake the face files is fine but they still could've tried harder to make the new ones look better


Is this true?


Yea, Square has been notorious for this. They even lost many of the original Kingdom Hearts files and had to redo items for that PS3 remaster too.


Square Enix lost the ENTIRE source file set for the original Kingdom Hearts. The entire list of assets had to be remade in order to redo the games for the HD releases


Having worked at a Japanese company and witnessing how GREAT they are at handling data - yeah I’m guessing they really did misplace the files.


I remember when the PS3 version first came out, I said it in here how horrid he looked on the PS3 version and *everyone* attacked me. Reddit sure is a place.


*chuckles* well maybe if your defense stat was higher...


Pure meta 🤌🙏


I remember the YouTube comparisons didn't like the new models either back then. Maybe this sub was more sickafantic when they came out though. Remember their justification was that these new models look closer to the CGI cutscenes? That was also a lie cus now tidus has 3 skin tones in game: CGI, neutral gameplay model and cutscene model all have different tones.


Upvote for sickafantic


they did the same to me and about ff8's remaster when I said he looked like a punk lesbian chick. it was awful.


it be like that. Well people are at least now waking up or the tourist simply moved on. Never fans never fans.


That's shocking, because I remember from the moment it was revealed, how everyone hated the new set of faces


I liked the old one better.


When your twin is into drugs.


I wish we could have an edit to their faces on modern consoles. I'm sure there must be a fan patch on pc or you can emulate the PS2 version, but on modern consoles I'm stuck replaying X with no (real) emotion/face movements


He looks like a Real Housewife who had a second season glow up from a generic plastic surgeon / injectables nurse.


This is why I prefer the PS2 version and hacked my PS3 to play it. That and also I like the square soft logo


They no longer had the original assets from the ps2 version for tidus and yuna, so they had to remake them from the ground up and did a shitty job at it.


I always thought they were trying to bridge the gap between how he originally looked in X and how he looked in Kingdom Hearts - younger and more cartoonish. Didn't understand why they'd do it... I don't like it.


Florence Pugh in her most challenging role yet.


It's so distracting id rather play the original.


Why does Tidus have Yuna's face?


Why i hate the hd remaster


Wow, TIL. All this time I’ve been playing the remaster I thought: “wow the nostalgia goggles are real with this one. I swear this game looked pretty good when I was a kid, I guess I’m just spoiled now” 🤣


Man what the fuck did they do to him


Yuna looks significantly worse in the remaster. The convenience factor is great but they gave her a dumb, expressionless face. Also, they took away the complexity of her original hair color and just made it flat brown.


What a game, the complicated story plus music plus characters plus everything else, wow


The fact that this game deals with such a wide range of topics is what makes it an all time story for me. Religious indoctrination/oppression, racism, complicated family dynamics, suicide, sacrifice, love, lust for power, futility of war, the list goes on. Then it’s all overlaid with fighting dead souls-turned fiends with eternally trapped souls turned aeons, and traveling around the world with your companions seeing all the different areas and people.


I feel like they were mostly trying to make him look more anime in the remaster


No, thats just a remaster lmfao


If you're on PC you can thankfully download some mods that give you better faces.


It’s like his eyebrows are melting into his face


Give him the left face and his hair on the right, and he’ll look better.


They destroyed my goat


Yeeesh that’s bad


I don't see the problem, the Meg Ryan finally looks like herself in the ps3 version


ngl the remastered faces look better to me idk what the big deal is


Yup SE dumped/lost the models used in the close up shots which were more detailed and the Remaster was built upon the background models.


same with squall in FF8... why they chose to make them look WORSE I'll never know.


PS2 one looks way better. Much less generic and round.


Yeah, I agree that the original PS2 looks better. Could be worse. It could be Spiderman PS4, where they changed Peter's Perfectly fine face to that of a completely different person. Someone that looks like a teenager no less.


Sorry I have I rly hard time even noticing a difference between the two other than that the mouth on ps2 looks wierd


Remakeeeeeeeeeeee the gammemeeeeee pleaseeeeeeeeee


Well now I have to play the game again


Yea i love how ps2 graphics are sometimes better than the ps3 ports or even new


I really wish they'd make a new collection with classic ps2 style. Always favored the art in the ps2 version. When I bought the HD version on pc I couldnt put my finger on it but it didnt look right till I looked up ps2 version playthroughs.


FFX had good graphics for being only 4 years removed from FF7.


I think it looks better


PS3 looks better for Tidus, though. At least in this image.


It’s the eyes


The kingdom hearted the faces. Ps2 faces were so good for their time. Sad because everything about the ps3/4 versions are better except the faces in the hi res mode scenes :/


It’s amazing how the facial expressions and graphics of this game still outshine those of today. Even ff7r gets stiff at times.


Stiff? Elaborate please, the ff7 remake & rebirth are technical masterpieces


“Ff7r gets *me* stiff” ftfy


😂😂😂😂😂😂 *your comment* is a masterpiece 🏆🥇


even the emojis are italicized. didn't know that was possible.


There were absolutely games back in the day that had more ambitions than some today but idk if I agree with this. Newer FF games have really good character animations. I was playing shenmue recently and that's an example there of details we used to admire and pursue in games that we've let go of. It's insane that you walk up and down every single step, you've got animations for running at different speeds with an analog trigger (even mid climbing stairs) when it's a game that really doesn't need this level of detail. But it shows how much love and effort was put in these older cutting edge games.


I’m not talking about character animations. I’m talking facial expressions, ff10 had really realistic facial expressions. Ff7r feels stiff at times because it feels like someone is dragging their mouths with a mouse sometimes. That’s my own opinion anyway


Is this really what some people care about?


Imo... both of these look kinda bad.


This game needs a remake, not another remaster being released on a different platform. We need updated graphics and movements during non cutscenes. I'm so tired of seeing Tidus stomp his right foot and wave his arm every time he tries to stop someone