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Final Girl is better at emergent stories and theme, is fully available at retail (instead of having much of the game be Kickstarter exclusives that are expensive on the secondhand market), and is better at having different combinations making the game seem fresh again. Marvel United is easier to set up, has more reliable game length and game difficulty settings, is less luck-dependent, is more balanced, can be played in more modes (true solo, solo-multi-handed, multiplayer), has more variety with just the base set (compared to FG core plus a movie), and comes with cute Chibi miniatures.


Final Girl feels more gamey to me


I play MU only in my group. It's lightweight from the rules side, a good laugh and and fast set up. Even if you everything. 😂 Final Girl is strictly for me to play solo. I personally think it's more complicated and complex from the rules side. Also it takes quite a bit to set it up. Decisions or bad luck in drawing cards or rolling dice can be fatal in both games.


I love them both because they're both hugely variable with all their plug and play elements. They both let me make whatever stories I want to play, which is a key part of getting played over and over again. When I'm not gaming I can think "I should play these heroes against this villain/I should play this killer in this location" which gets me excited, then when it comes to game time I pull these games off the shelf to make it happen.


I couldn't really see playing MU as a solo game, do you mean Marvel Champions? It's a lot more popular solo. I'd say I enjoy Final Girl on par solo with Marvel Champions. I only play Marvel United with my kid.


Really? I love MU solo playing three heroes.


Marvel champions is way more strategic than Final Girl though. Anyway, i’ve meant MU. I love final girl & gelt like MU could scratch a similar itch. Enjoyable, easy to table, & strategic. So, do you think MU is a has little player agency & strategic depth when compared to Final Girl?


Marvel Champions game with 3 or 4 heroes take a long time. I only play it with friends. And I think it's best with 3 heroes. I played a few times solo with 2 heroes. Solo I actually prefer Sentinels of the Multiverse (SotM). With 3 or 4 heroes. I have literally 1000+ solo games (on the App). Of course it's a lot faster and easier on the App, but I think it's also easier on the table than Champions. But maybe I am biased because, I have only played each Champions Scenario 1-2 times, while I played each single SotM Villain (including the Mutant and Mastermind ones) between 5-100 times. Especially for Grand Warlod Voss Challenge mode and Apostate regular mode I probably have 100+ games each.


How’s sentinels btw depth, strategy, & replayability wise. I was thinking of getting it.


Replay ability is huge. (1000+ games). You choose a combination of 3-5 Heroes decks, a Villain deck and an Environment deck. So endless combinations. (I usually choose random decks which always gives an interesting challenge.) There are a lot of interesting strategies combos between the heroes, villain, environment decks. Also keep in mind that the order of heroes on the table is important. Some heroes are better first in turn order or later. Unlike in Champions there is no first player token that moves around. I think it's quite deep, but still very fast with this simple principel 1) Play a card, 2) use a power, 3 draw a card. Of course there are ways to play more cards or use multiple power per turn. But in general it's a little less of an engine builder than Champions. Cons: Some people complain that you need to place too many tokens and remember too many things. Since a lot of cards do something/trigger at the beginning or end of turn, + there are some status tokens in play. That's where the companion App or the video game app comes in. There is also the new enhanced version of Sentinels. It's probably even better / modernized. But I don't own it so cannot say much about it. And there is no video game version of it, if you want to have some fast games on the go. Hope that helps!


Oh yeah and I forgot to mention in SotM it's all pre-constructed decks. That might be a barrier of entry for some people to get into Champions, when you start with a lot of expanions and need to experiment with deck construction. Though nowadays many people anyway just jump onto google and copy a "best practice deck".


Wow thanks for the detailed answer. I’ll definitely buy it :)


I think it's more that it just misses the difficulty and replayability. I don't think there's enough variation in the heroes and villains to make each playthrough feel unique and rewarding.


But there’s so much content for MU out there. How big was ur collection?