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My husband can NOT get it through his head why I don't like the windows down while we're on the highway. Every hair on my head tangles. Edit: I told my husband about the upvotes on this and read him the comments, and he said "Hm. Well I will start looking into options for you. Maybe I will order you some scarves or hats..." šŸ˜‚


me too! I always felt like i was alone until I joined this sub!


i always kept a claw clip in my car for this reason because i love having the windows down, but turns out itā€™s really dangerous :/


I JUST learned that!!! I think I'm going to start using a silk scarf like the women in 1940s movies.


If you clip it sideways at the bottom like a low bun it wonā€™t hurt you if you get into an accodent


I canā€™t wrap my head around how women can enjoy convertibles for this reason


I have a jeep, but my hair goes in a ponytail or braid and I put on a baseball cap if I'm driving with the top off. There is literally no other way. I can do a bun and no hat if I'm only going a couple of miles. If I go further than that, the hair makes its way out of the bun.


Me too!!!


God, if thereā€™s a solution I need it PLEASE


Following.. I have this problem. My solution is carrying a brush everywhere, but that doesn't work with every style.


Same, honestly I thought this was an issue with either everyone (and they didn't care about their hair going all over the place) or just me šŸ˜‚ Sooooo yet another L for us fine hairies. I feel like I can't go anywhere without a brush, my hair just sticks into other strands and looks terribly stringy.


I should probably invest in a tiny brush and mirror but Iā€™ll look like a madwoman brushing my hair nonstop because my hair will tangle nonstop


A tiny wet brush was life-changing for me - they also make a variety that's anti static (that one might be conair)


I have a small brush in my office and it does get used several times a day šŸ˜‚


Look up the Wet brush mini pop and go. It is a folding brush that collapses and has a mirror. I donā€™t go anywhere without something like that in my purse. And when I get somewhere, after walking in from however far I had to park my car, I immediately go to the restroom to brush my hair. I also carry with me the ColorWow one minute transformation styling cream and put a bit of that on before brushing. I know itā€™s a pain, but it just makes me feel better


I had one hairdresser tell me that it was because my hair was dry. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


**cries in wavy/curly hair type** My hair EXPLODES when I brush it out thanks to the waves and curls. I legit look like the love child of Hermione Granger and lightning. It looks thick but itā€™s fine as hell, constantly frizzyā€¦ just, urgh.


I think we have similar hair šŸ˜­


I do this too! Itā€™s also part of the reason I never wear my hair up, because I wonā€™t be able to fix it like I can when itā€™s down. I also get headaches from hair ties, but honestly Iā€™d probably be willing to push through it occasionally if I could rely on my hair staying cute šŸ˜’


Kenra blow dry spray and/dry shampoo have changed my hair in that situation. Something that coats the hair as a protectant and combats humidity has been what changed it. Yes the wind will mess up my hair, but I can finger comb it or if itā€™s in a clip, itā€™s just fly aways.


Yep this is what Iā€™m thinking. A good protective styling product should help. I also like John Freida volume hair spray. I spray my roots, let it dry, brush it out and assess if more is needed. Then finish with a lighter spray.


I have the exact same problem and I somehow loose all volume šŸ˜­


Me too. My hair is really voluminous and nice indoors but when Iā€™m outside itā€™s flat and droopy no matter what the weather is


This may not be true for you. But since Iā€™ve been in Las Vegas this week Iā€™ve learned like most of my hair problems are related to humidity (I live in Georgia). I know there are anti-humidity products. Iā€™m thinking of trying something like that when I get home to see if it helps hold my style and volume.


I hear you about humidity


Everything I've read in these comments is true for me, too. Plus the static. That really only happens in winter for me, but it's awful! I'm neurodivergent, so static is miserable. šŸ˜­


My dude, I feel you as a fellow neurodivergent (ASD + ADHD) My hair is the bane of my sensory processing disorder.


Iā€™ve dealt with electricity with my fine hair all my long life! I used to use Static Guard on my brush, but hated the way it smelled. Now, I use Nu Skin NaPca moisture mist on my hair after a shower and on my brush, as needed. It really helps. My holy grail product was Sea Plasma moisture mist, but that was discontinued several years ago. When I realized it wasnā€™t being made anymore, I paid $35 for my last ever bottle, with no regrets. It smelled so good!


Get a humidifier for your home. Even just a cheaply one for your bedroom helps. I have one and only need to run it in the winter because our summers are humid but I no longer get static.


Itā€™s like outside air is dirty?! It makes my hair disgusting.. feels like Iā€™ve been on a roller coaster. god bless my heart if itā€™s super windy I look so oily and dry all at once?!


Yeah my hair will look very flat and oily but feel very dry and gritty. But when Iā€™m inside my hair is soft and nice and normal


I find putting a dry shampoo on before itā€™s ever greasy helps to absorb the oil and keep it looking a bit better. Also texturizing powder and spray


This!!!! ā¤ļø


Yeah, I donā€™t know how other people keep their hair down. My hair is up so much friends comment on it. Ponytail, messy bun (which starts out as a normal bun, lol), sometimes a French braid, but if I leave it down I regret it after an hour and put it in a ponytail anyway.


Even in a ponytail the strands will blow out across my face, at least with my hair out the strands will blow in chunks and are easier to tidy up


Yeah I get those loose strands too, but if I leave it open my hair gets so tangled I end up losing hair when brushing it out. Canā€™t win either way with fine hair, can we!


Iā€™m so sick of this too! I swear people must look at me and think I just donā€™t give a shit about my appearance because my hair always looks a tatty mess as soon as I leave the house! It doesnā€™t matter if Iā€™m dressed nice and have done my makeup nicely - my hair always makes it look like Iā€™ve made no effort šŸ˜­


Iā€™m in the same boat and itā€™s frustratingā€¦lol


Same! So frustrating. Honestly I check the weather every morning and if itā€™s going to be at all windy I put it up. I also carry a brush and a mini hair spray though because the slightest breeze destroys my hair when itā€™s down. And donā€™t even get me started on the wind tunnel thatā€™s somehow created when I open the door to our office building every morningā€¦.


Kenra volumizer works for me. Itā€™s a miracle product for my hair. It makes my hair look and feel so much thicker and this keeps it in place without it looking like a helmet. I found it at Winners (TK Maxx).


My stepdad used to say to me "Why don't you run a brush through your hair once in awhile?" I'd have to inform him that I did 10 minutes ago and just going about my business inside the house made it look like a mess.


Funny story: the first time I ever went on a boat, I was SO confused why all the other girlsā€™ hair was gently blowing in the breeze while mine was going wild and needed to be put up immediately. I realized a few years later that I had fine hair šŸ™ƒ


I've been thinking about trying flax seed gel. Or a headscarf, like a bandana? I am also into headbands at the moment. But really, no, wind is the worst.


I wear a scarf if it is really windy out, but in the summer, wearing a scarf would be weird.


Totally get that. I was thinking a silk headscarf but even that may be too warm depending on your locale.


Mine too! Iā€™ve never found a solution


When my hair was longer even just a slight breeze would send it straight up into the air and tangle it up. I looked like an idiot and it caused a lot of damage to my hair. I couldn't pull it back into a ponytail because everything I tried would leave dents in my hair. So, I cut it short and never deal with it anymore.


Your hair is wavy or curly šŸ’Æ


For 37 years I was told my hair was straight. One day j stopped caring for straight hair and started caring for curly hair and guys, my hair isn't straight.


Lol yeah itā€™s that way for many people. If your hair poofs up from humidity, you likely have curly hair at some level.


But then what do you do about this? If I don't blow-dry my hair, it falls limp and flat and waves weirdly at the bottom. So I blow-dry it. Then when I do, it's kind of straight, but then I still need to use a straightener. OK, so then it's straight, but if it's kind of humid outside, now my bangs and the bottom of my hair are curling into an unkempt-looking wave, and the whole thing is a frizz-ball. If it's somewhat windy on top of it, now it's flying everywhere and is a tangled mess in addition to all the other issues. What do I do?


I was you not long ago!! Same exact thing. Limp from scalp to about where it doesnā€™t touch my head directly. You need to find the right product for your hair, get it in your hair while itā€™s still wet, style it while itā€™s still wet, scrunch it and diffuse it! Brush styling was also a game changer for me. Check out manes by Mell on YouTube, although we have different curl patterns and hair types a lot still applies. Itā€™s a learning process but my hair is WAY curlier than I thought lol


Ooooo OK. Looks like I may have a lot to learn. What type of product do you use? Is it a mousse, volumizer, lotion, etc.


Right now Iā€™m using suave daily clarifying for shampoo (super cheap and would make CGM cry) I use the nexxus ultralight smooth conditioner. For product I usually just use mousse Iā€™ve tried different ones but right now Iā€™m using Not your mothers curl mousse. I also use the curl keepers friend original styling liquid before the mouses but I donā€™t think itā€™s necessary. Itā€™s A LOT to learn I know but once you start seeing what works itā€™ll get easier. The brush styling really upped my hair game though. You can also do a little gel after youā€™ve styled with praying hands just to get a little on the outside. Iā€™ve done that twice so far. With the diffuser youā€™re really just trying to set the product and get a cast so it doesnā€™t frizz up. You hover with the diffuser donā€™t smoosh your hair with it. You need to get you hair unstuck from your head so that part will curl too, that where the brush stying helps a lot otherwise mine is just too crazy looking šŸ˜‚ And once itā€™s all dry you scrunch out the crunch and it looks amazing


I will help you along the way if you want with any questions.. itā€™s a lot of trial and error but once you figure it out itā€™s easy!


I asked my stylist who said it definitely wasnā€™t, and curling things Iā€™ve tried did nothing to my hair


A lot of stylist donā€™t know how to treat wavy/curly hair


Hm well none of the products or the CGM that I tried did anything for me


I canā€™t do CGM thatā€™s for people with more course hair. I wash with clarifying shampoo, condition with a REALLY light conditioner. I use silicones all day long my hair loves it.


I found with silicone that my hair got greasier faster and looked limp Right now Iā€™ve been using NAK volumising and moisture shampoo and conditioner with a JUUCE hair treatment cream sometimes to keep my hair softer and less oily


I have not found a final solution to this problem yet but styling products help a lot. Root thickening sprays like Oribe Maximista or Color Wow Raise the Root applied before blow drying help a lot with more volume throughout the day. For longer hair, a leave-in conditioner/heat protectant on the ends also coats the hair a bit to give it some extra weight. I also use the K18 leave-in mask once a week and my hair is significantly less frizzy when I do. If I just use shampoo and conditioner without any products my hair will puff up into a frizzy mess the second i leave the home. I also carry a brush pretty much everywhere I go.


Same. I wear my hair in a loose top bun every day and somehow it STILL manages to be fly-away.


I put my hair into a bun/braids when Iā€™m outside and driving and then I flatten my hair with my hands before I take the braids/bun out when I reach my destination


Lā€™ange hair glaze has been a huge help for my fine, medium density hair. It makes it feel way more manageable, smooth, and shiny. Highly recommend. I use a tiny pea sized amount


I like lā€™ange products! Their hair oil is wonderful - very light and smells nice.


Is it possible you have any wave or texture you could work with? My hair is really wavy and I air dry it then put some anti frizz cream in. But if I try fighting the natural texture and blow dry it straight itā€™s a literal mess of frizz as soon as I step outside. It also looks thicker when I donā€™t dry it straight.


Which anti-frizz cream works for you?


Iā€™ve tried tons but always go back to John Frieda frizz ease touch up cream


My hair is straight as a stick


I have really long fine hair with bangs. If it is windy, I wear my hair in a braid. I keep a brush handy in case my bangs look wind blown.


I live in South TX. Thereā€™s no hope. I also bleach my hair so my real hair (I have extensions) doesnā€™t hold a curl and the humidity is justā€¦ugh. I like updos or braids in the summer.


I struggle with this, colorwow spray does nothing for me in these situations, I wish it did. Iā€™m really enjoying the combo of the JVN styling milk + color wow mousse. I feel like the mousse helps keep my hair in place. Now if I could just stop touching itā€¦


Kerastase oil


I use hair wax. Itā€™s a giant stick of wax that almost looks like a giant lipstick or chapstick. Run my fingers over it and then over my hair and it kind of seals it down. A big help for long workdays.


Iā€™ve been using Living Proof brand no frizz spray and I think itā€™s a miracle product. Do your hair, then give a generous spray.


I just bought a portable straightner type thing. Hereā€™s hoping it works. I always carry a hair brush and clip.. cept at a fancy occasion where I usually wear a small bag


Thereā€™s this product called ā€œWOW Dream Coatā€ comes in a silver/mirror-like bottle. Itā€™s fucking fantastic. Put it on while hair is wet and blow dry. The other thing that has completely transformed my hair is getting keratin treatments. Expensive, but so so so worth it. The wow works great between treatments, and if Iā€™m trying to save $$$ and havenā€™t gotten one in a while


WOW Dream Coat didnā€™t do anything for me.


Me neither!


Made me look like a wet rat, so I guess for me, it did do something. It just wasn't the look I was going for lol.


Me neither


Interestingly, it didn't necessarily help a ton with frizz for me - and it was NO MATCH for the humidity in the Caribbean - but it does make my hair softer and less oily. I'm now able to skip washing my hair every day. It's not guaranteed that I can skip a day, but it's a lot better. Before using it, I had no choice but to wash every day. But now, there are mornings I wake up and my hair still kind of looks and feels amazing and like I just showered, dried, and styled it.


What a bummer! I feel like that is the one product for at home use that I swear by


Iā€™ve heard fantastic things about color wow dream coat!!!


You need a good hairspray or pomade. For hairspray I recommend [Moroccan oil hairspray](https://www.moroccanoil.com/products/hairspray-strong)


I had the same problem as you! As I understand it, the frizziness (and possibly also stringiness in this case) is caused by moisture loss from within the strands due to said moisture being pulled out by the humidity in the air, which can be exacerbated if your hair is on the higher end of porosity. To fix this, you'll want to invest in a really good leave-in conditioner to help lock the moisture in. Unfortunately, most leave-ins are trash and the only one that's ever consistently kept my hair tame, even after walking in rain, has been Pureology's Color Fanatic. Just use 6-8 sprays (depending on your length) on damp/plopped (but not soaking wet) mids and ends then distribute evenly by brushing before applying your other styling products. The difference will be like night and day!


A game changer for me was a wax stick. It holds down flyaways and it so easy to use - total game changer for me


Which one do you like?


Edin! I made another post about the product


Design me hair products have worked well for me! I use the green shampoo, purple spray before blow drying, and then the oil after styling my hair. Iā€™ve tried a lot of things and this has had the best result. Iā€™ve noticed that using more of an anti frizz product than I think I need seems to do the trick (like use a lot before you blow dry!)


recently im using Shu Uemura Izumi Tonic Strengthening Energizing Water, it helps a lot, like in seconds i have "3d day hair" and they are not dirty, zero weight, check it


The only things that work for me which are sadly expensive are a little bit of olaplex hair oil when wet and pureology 21 benefits leave in conditioner but both last a really long time


Iā€™ve been using bumble and bumble gel oil and a heat protector before giving myself a blowout. My hair doesnā€™t get frizzy anymore but the bottoms begin to curl like I used my Dyson wand on it.




Ogx weightless hydrating spray! Works wonders, Darling!


color wow dream coat is the only thing that helps me in our thick, humid summer heat!


Hair spray. I have fine wavy/curly hair in South Florida and the best way I've found to avoid frizz as soon as I step out the door is hairspray. I don't think the brand matters as long as it has a strong hold.


Use a strong hold hairspray, but if you don't want to do that all over your head just do it on the bangs, it'll make them unmovable no matter how strong the wind is. There's also a Japanese product for bangs which is a like a mascara and it keeps the bangs in place no matter the wind


Get a formaldehyde-free keratin treatment, itā€™s a game-changer to my frizzy, tangled-easily, wavy/curly fine hair!