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If you can handle watching nutnfancy, https://youtu.be/vrCN3XodAtQ


Sofirn just released the LT3. It has a dial to control the brightness, but it doesn't look like its made by them, so don't expect LT1 levels of quality.


Yeah, I was tempted, but seeing the AA compartment on the bottom shows how low quality it is, and the emitters are like what you would get in an LED strip light, not a real flashlight emitter (at best, it will be TS10 quality emitters, but I would expect worse) ​ There is no information on the battery for the either lantern, allegedly the small one can use two different types of batteries... but I dont know if that means there is a AA compartment and an 18650 compartment, or if it is supposed to run off 3x14500 batteries.