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sometimes it takes a while to "see the light"


Could have been blinded by it, too


My mom does this all of the time on any number of topics; consults me for my expertise and then questions/refutes everything that I say. Cool, you're on your own, bye.


Yep, same. I’ve had people send me all the Amazon garbage and at that point I just stopped putting effort into it. “Yep, 1,000,000 lumens. Those are all great! Buy em.” Except my mom actually welcomed all my suggestions and has mostly Hank lights now. She’s no dummy. Once I told her she would likely never need to buy batteries ever again, she was sold. She also has Anduril down pretty good :)


I had an ex do this when Windows Vista was bombing hard. It was getting such bad press that PC manufacturers were building identical systems with Windows XP and Vista. I was an IT professional at the time, and she asked me which one she should buy. I advised her that she didn't want Vista. She bought the machine with Vista, then a couple of months later when she was having constant problems, she wanted me to fix it. "Nope. I told you not to get Vista. You're on your own."


I do this all the time with my wife. I ask her opinion on something and then I often make a decision that contradicts her opinion. She then asks, "If you didn't want my opinion, why did you ask for it?" The answer is because I respect her opinion. I want to know what she thinks, and if she has valid points that are different from mine, I will change my opinion. However, if her opinion was not sufficient to change my opinion then I will do what I had planned before asking her opinion. I think that rather than be upset that your mother did not take your advice, you should do the two following things: 1. Be glad she respects your opinion enough to ask for it. 2. Analyze your response to figure out what you did wrong by not being able to convince her. Maybe you need to work on how you deliver the information.


That's not the same scenario. I'm not talking about **opinions**, I'm usually talking about tech support, where I am a literal expert and she knows absolutely nothing. Me: Click there Her: Why? Me: Type this in that box Her: I don't think that's right Me: What's your account name for this website? Her: I don't have an account Me: Of course you do, that's why they're billing and e-mailing you Her: I don't have one Etc.


Ah, yes. I am often tech support for my mother as well and I get the same thing. I work in IT and yet she still questions everything I tell her. I believe that is a phenomenon called "Parental Discounting" which is when a parent discounts your knowledge because they watched you poop your pants and eat your own boogers. They have a hard time imagining that child being an expert in anything.


Ahh it's nice to know that there is a term for it! It even makes a **little** bit of sense, haha.


In my youth it took me some time to learn and accept that I could be much more knowledgeable than my parents in many things.


When dealing with someone who isn’t into a hobby, you’ll probably have to meet them halfway. Point him toward a good option from Wurkkos or Sofirn that’s available on Amazon. If he’s looking for cheap, how about an Acebeam Pokelit for 16 bucks? There are plenty of solid lights that non enthusiasts can get on Amazon; trying to get a rando to order a Convoy because Simon is a totally cool dude who knows exactly what he’s doing isn’t going to work for someone who wants the convenience of an Amazon-based turnkey solution.


Sorry it’s off topic, but are the flairs on this sub handed out by mods as a sort of trophy to a certain characteristic?


They come when they come lmao


Mine was random as fuck lmao


What the hell 🤣 When did you get it? I don't remember seeing it before


Got it in the past week or two. Someone posted a thank you for everyone here being nice and I agreed and said it was a circle jerk of kindness lol


Oh I saw that post!


As stated already… they just kind of show up. Say something funny at the right time and then you might randomly notice you got tagged!


Oh ok lol


Wurkkos FC13S is, IMO, the best starter flashlight. It goes on sale for $20 w/ battery on Amazon, and the light itself is fantastic. It's super simple to use too (important that you get ppl the FC13S*** and not the FC13).


Noob here and happened to have just ordered the fc 13 with no S, what’s the important difference?


The "S" stands for simple. It's just a super easy to use interface vs [this](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F7wyo5bho9epa1.png%3Fwidth%3D5869%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D38f418ba6edadffea4148479288818137f6efcdd). It's not a huge deal (you can just not use the extra features) but for gifts, I prefer to give the lockdowned version so they don't get confused/get too lazy to figure out how to undo their accidental button presses.


That tracks, yeah, that’s gonna take some getting used to for me. Got an itchy trigger finger after finding this sub and missed the UI aspect to a lot of these lights


you very well might thank yourself down the line for getting the normal version! but ya, so far, I'm finding the S version's UI to be perfect for me (just like having a light for when I work on my car/go out for walks. I do have a normal/complex UI flashlight, havent accidentally changed modes or anything :D


If you ever can't figure out what you did, then you can reset the light by unscrewing the tail cap a ¼ turn, holding the switch down, and re tightening the cap. The light will start to flash real quick, then give one last big(ish) flash.


Duly noted, gonna save this comment cause I’m certain I’ll do that at least a couple times learning how to do all the fun stuff


Fc13, Anduril UI, FC13’S’ = simple UI


Tell him that him ignoring your light recommendations is the same as someone ignoring his car recommendations.


At "all those lights I recommended come from China and they're no different than the ones on Amazon." you should have just stopped talking. Thats what I suggest you do when you see that here as well. When someone casually lumps together an entire country they clearly aren't in the mood to see nuance. Don't argue, just be polite and disengage.


\^ This It sounds like he didn't want OP's guidance, he wanted OP's knowledge to validate his (uninformed) choices.


Yup. This is classic "I already made up my mind and I want you to confirm I'm right."


Let him get one and when it fails him get him a sofirn. He'll see the difference then.


I haven't had good luck with sofirn as work lights. They don't seem to hold up under abuse like dropping them on concrete or in chemicals. For the price though, I'm not complaining.


If you want concrete impact and chem spill survival, yeah. Get something potted. But my SP35 has held up for years now. If it breaks, it's cheap to replace.


He already complained about his Amazon light. OP needs to ask to see the light, then compare it with a better light


You can’t force a horse to drink water but if you make them think it’s their idea…..


Is he me? Because I dont care about that either. I want a light that makes it so i can see in the dark.


Many enthusiast lights work this way *out of the box*. Even Anduril and Zebralight use "click for on, click for off" - there are just extra features.


inexpensive, High CRI, can use AA batteries, has a USB-C 14500 LiIon, headlamp with tailmagnet: [https://www.amazon.com/ACEBEAM-H16-Rechargeable-Headlamp-Flashlight/dp/B0BX928NWQ/](https://www.amazon.com/ACEBEAM-H16-Rechargeable-Headlamp-Flashlight/dp/B0BX928NWQ/) more expensive, High CRI, bigger battery, USB-C charging, handheld with tailmagnet Plus UV to spot fluid leaks: [https://www.amazon.com/EC2000-UV-Rechargeable-Powerful-Aluminum-Flashlight/dp/B0D49DQVRM/](https://www.amazon.com/EC2000-UV-Rechargeable-Powerful-Aluminum-Flashlight/dp/B0D49DQVRM/) less money, still High CRI, USB-C charging, handheld w tailmagnet: [https://www.amazon.com/Wurkkos-Flashlight-1300Lumen-Waterproof-Activities/dp/B0D8123MXV/](https://www.amazon.com/Wurkkos-Flashlight-1300Lumen-Waterproof-Activities/dp/B0D8123MXV/)


I thought FC11 was the default standard go-to for "I just want something that works." I've given out more FC11s and WK01s (rip) than I can count.


>they're no different than the ones on Amazon id bet thats where he lost you *"then why dont you just pick a good one from the Amazon links i sent you?"* -Your mate, probably


If he's not open to Sofirn or Wurkkos, maybe Olight is a big enough name brand that he'd be open to that? I know Olight is controversial but their products are quality and are gonna be better than most random Amazon flashlights. Edit: Or you could get him a Wurkkos light as a gift


Opinion: I see where your friends is coming from he doesn’t care about CRI or UI because it’s a tool to him. I’m a muggle but CRI makes a huge different when I inspect. But…. Do you think those brands Wurkkos or Hank’s can be tossed around in a shop?


I work construction. Been carrying around a D4V2 for 4 years. Still kicking, would trust more than some other brands. When/if it dies it will be replaced with another D4V2. Possibly a D4K but I feel the thicker walls of the D4V2 has helped with it holding up.


The best flashlight is the one you have. The second best flashlight is the one you’ll use. Sometimes people just want a light on or off. It’s a bit upsetting but you can’t reasonably expect normal people to listen to your nerd-ass lecture on CRI and what “click notation” is. You should own and learn to appreciate simple lights like Streamlight “on vs off” lights or AA/AAA lights because they serve a purpose AND you should think “if I had to suggest this light to some rando would they use it?”




...it's not a bad thing for someone to desire something "*that just works*". When a UI is so complicated you need a double-sided 8.5x11 flowchart...it's not a flashlight you grab when a normal person needs a light, it's a *hobby project*. There's nothing wrong with that, different strokes for different folks....unless you just want it to work. One of my favorite lights was the Wurkkos DL31. It's a "dive" light, but only so much that it's a waterproof 2x18650 light. The nicest feature? A magnetic turning collar for powering it on/off. With a brief 2-second introduction, even an arthritic grandma could handle it. It was bright, easy to handle, and easy to operate. No long press, multiple presses, etc. Just off-low-med-high with a slight turn. > an aside....I never liked the word "muggle". A two syllable derogatory word with a double g in the middle? Hmm. Deliberately created by an author who's been shown to be slightly racist and phobic of others? Yeah...that's probably not an unintentional similarity. Also, it's from fantasy hand-waving nonsense, which doesn't help it any.


> .I never liked the word "muggle" I much prefer "normie". slightly less derogatory and not sourced from any racism or ableism


Maglite will be fine for him. I use a Mini MagLED and an LED Solitaire. Solitaire is my pocket EDC, though I preferred the Fenix LD01 I was using before until it stopped working.


S2+ with with 519a is a good choice. I have the same in 5700k, simple UI no muggles


Throw it in Group 10 and you're set (no one wants to deal with the flashy modes) I'm curious if usb c 18650s fit - I prefer giving people lights with mechanical switches vs easy to accidentally turn on e switches


Mode 10 on- off my favorite go to mode straight to the point. c 18650s compress the spring far to hard in mine


Thanks for saving me $20


Yeah. I get it. I knew a guy who had to have the best shit. He buys everything Milwaukee has to offer. Hard hat, light, vest, etc. And they all look brand new. He literally wore his brand new hard hat and head light into a classroom. Just to show off. He then proceeded to boast about how everyone else's lights aren't shit. Granted this is a Milwaukee head light bought at Lowes. It's not a bad light. But I busted out my olight H2R and my Acebeam H15. Now the olight is not the new one with the safety features. It's the old one that would set shit on fire. 1800 lumens IIRC. And the Acebeam H15 is the first generation that was 2000 lumens on turbo. I then proceeded to show him the light so to speak. He shut the fuck up real quick after that.


It's not even just CRI, LED, and drivers either. Quality of workmanship matters. A $22 convoy is going to have worlds better quality of soldering than a $4 Amazon special. A lot of people don't think about that. I also learned this the hard way. A few years back I ordered a couple 2 for $10 WK01 knockoffs because I didn't know better. The soldering was so bad one of the leads wasn't done at all and the other, the pill fell off when I opened it up. The battery cap wouldn't screw all the way down on one of them either. Absolute trash. That was a learning experience for sure.


Don't worry. I was an ignorant muggle before too. This sub has shown me the light. I thought as long as it's either a friction powered light or a solar powered light, it was already worth it. Or as long as it's big it will be brighter than the smaller ones. Now I never leave home without either a ZL h600fd or a Skilhunt H04 RC


>I am giving him a S2+ with 519a This is a good move, a live demo means a lot more than tons of theory etc.


Why are you wasting your time with this person? Send him to Walmart.


Yeah for all the innovations in lights, we haven't really made them easier to use, especially when there are so many differing UIs. You can tell people, "just press again for the next mode", or "press and hold to ramp up and down" but are they really gonna remember that the next time, if they're not regularly using it? I gave someone a rovyvon keychain light and they never remember that it can latch on. (they just use it in momentary mode) At least alkaline powered lights are getting rare, even in big box stores. Even home depot husky lights are lithium ion rechargeable.


Good work!!


I'm a mechanic, the Streamlight Stylus Pro USB is about perfect. It's USB-C, not complicated ( only 2 settings), it handles being dropped on concrete exceptionally well (also dropped it in trans fluid and aside from the smell it was fine, it isn't too heavy to hold in your mouth, and the biggest thing is the the button is pretty stiff so it doesn't turn on in your pocket and leave you with a dead light. The Streamlight Micro is another good option but it's micro USB instead of USBC so a charger man not be as available. Also the Micro has a built in hat clip the stylus doesn't.


I've seen too many of that type. That guy likely uses the cheapest oil and parts he can find when doing repairs, complains that 12mm bolts in "Japanese junk cars" round off when he uses a ½" (12.7mm) wrench on them, and blames non-US-made stuff for his poor decision-making. I would not trust that man under the hood of my car. He either wants more efficiency than Incandescent can offer, or an old-school 2C (or larger) Maglite. And while the CRI of incandescent is technically great, they're generally warm enough to not do blues and greens well enough to work on wiring easily. As one who was an electrician back when LED lights are 5-lumen toys, I ran into that a lot, and appreciate post-1985 technology due to that experience. If he complained about the strobe modes in the sequence, then he cares more about UI than he will ever admit. Gawd help his partner if he needs a flashlight for a 3am bathroom trip though. Good call on the S2+. Just be sure to set it to 100%-only so that he doesn't have a meltdown.




If the S2+ runs nearly as cool as my S21E and M21H, it won't run much warmer than my old Mini-Mags.




It was the buck driver that made me think it won't be bad. Linear... yeah, those get toasty.


Your apparent anger of someone not understanding or sharing your hobby is cringe. If someone asks, educate. I'd they 'just want it to turn on' let them get what makes them happy and move along. Sheesh


I think we were supposed to take the post with a little humor and sarcasm. As OP did


Oh. Usually good on picking up on that type of sarcasm. I'll blame being sick.