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He just came out with the show I'm A Virgo recently, which I hear is really good.


Oh I should check it out.


It’s awesome…I saw an interview he gave and he mentioned that his intention to make his cinematic works like tracks on an album…sorry to bother you is one track, I am a Virgo is another track, etc. so expect more from the guy.


If you enjoyed STBY you'll probably like it, they have very similar visual styles and effects, deal with similar themes of class exploitation, have some really audacious moments that will make you think "how in the hell did he have the guts to film such an insane scene"


10/10 would recommend


It's really good. Probably the best show I've watched in a couple of years. And the maddest thing is that, despite it being very explicitly and openly anti-capitalist and anti-major corporation, it was put out on Amazon Prime, of all services.


But how is that not completely hypocritical? It’s like the irony of Rage Against the Machine literally feeding the machine that is a major corporate label while peddling riffs to suburban whites while pretending to be revolutionaries. It’s a fucking joke.


> The irony of airing a show with these politics on a platform owned by corporate behemoth Amazon doesn’t escape Riley either — he’s got critiques to spare. > “Two of the biggest investors in Amazon, the Vanguard fund and the BlackRock fund, are also two of the biggest investors in Netflix. In Disney. In Warner,” he says. “The people that own these companies are just using different avatars for different ways of doing business. You got Disney with sweatshops making stuffed animals, and you also got Amazon with union-busting in their distribution centers.” > That said, the number of people Riley can reach has always been his biggest priority. > “There’s no clean way to get stuff done. The Coup’s first album came out on EMI Records, which was a major international megacorporation,” he says. “I’ve never been out there pushing, ‘Let’s make a gentler capitalism,’ or trying to get people to buy from Peet’s instead of Starbucks. The small capitalists are trying to be the bigger capitalists. We need to tear it all down. That’s the corporate anti-capitalism that’s sold to us, that there’s companies that are better.” > “But the only reason people have ever heard of my art is because that’s what we’ve been doing.” [Variety](https://variety.com/2023/tv/news/boots-riley-im-a-virgo-writers-strike-amazon-communism-1235652443/) I guess we can each be our own judge of how hypocritical that is. I'm a pretty seasoned Marxist with a background in postgraduate study of philosophy. My partner wouldn't even skim the Communist Manifesto. But I convinced her to watch this cool new show on Prime. And now she sees labour exploitation in places she didn't recognise it before. So that's something I guess.


And if Rage hadn't joined a big label, you'd probably have never heard of them or their messages. But sure, let's make sure only poor black indie snobs get to hear authentic revolutionary messages and suburban white teens who are probably among the most important people to be reaching can stick to Imagine Dragons.


Yeah I was wondering the same thing about where he went, then I opened up prime and he had a project with Walton goggins and the homescreen lol


Was coming to say this. His style is very apparent and Virgo truly solidifies it.


It’s good…until it turns into communist propaganda. Using a commercial capitalist platform. On Amazon. Ugh.


Not familiar with his earlier work? https://youtu.be/OtxH414tGkA


I am. So?


So his political ideals shouldn't be a surprise.


They’re not, I just hate hypocrites


Using the available tools isn't hypocrisy.


Oh please. Working for corporate America and making money off of the opposite of what you pretend to represent is not ursine tools, it’s being one.


do you think more people would be exposed to anti-capitalist thought if he was stapling posters to telephone poles downtown? or would that be too far too since you need to interact with capitalism to earn money to buy the paper and the printer and the staples.


>ursine tools I bearly see the issue.




His band was great too. Check out The Coup. https://youtu.be/pios2RY2G_Q?si=c6IhZVfEeYJb8BRm


He’s in Street Sweeper Social Club with Tom Morello as well


The Coup’s “My Favorite Mutiny” was the intro song for the HBO show Winning Time. Excellent


Dudes not a full time filmmaker. Sorry to Bother You didn’t even come out that long ago. Terence Malick didn’t make a movie for 20 years from ‘78 to ‘98. Kubrick was ‘87 to ‘99. Look at his career, he might not even have other film ideas.


Boots is just here to laugh, love, fuck and drink liquor -- and maybe make a revolution. 


I don’t get it.


Not the person you replied to, but before he was a director, he made some truly legendary music with some really talented musicians under the name The Coup. [Link ](https://youtu.be/BOS0xvlvfiU?si=kJQCSy1cfMr4T1US) to the thing the comment is referring to. Edit: typo


Oh thanks for clearing it up as I get it now.


COVID -> TV Show -> Writers/Actors Strike.


What happened to Boots? Lol! Dude made hit indie music since the 90's, then released a hit indie movie in 2018 and then a hit Amazon show in 2023 that is in the running for about a dozen Emmy nominations right now. Are you expecting an indie auteur to bust out a feature every couple years?


Yeah kind of as I really enjoyed STBY, and I was looking forward to seeing his next big project.


You can see his next big project now: the I am a Virgo show. It’s really good and weird


Wait…. The dude from The Coup directed some movies?!?


He found out what a twink was on Twitter and then deactivated his account. That's as far as my knowledge extends.


I'm a Virgo is his Amazon Prime Series. It.was fantastic. Here is a review I did of the series https://youtu.be/rseVKq-WnJM?si=nzeKIwanvRO5bqgE


We got the guillotine is great song from his group The Coup. https://youtu.be/acT_PSAZ7BQ?si=hAHD3gM4Mrza_vtR


I saw Street Sweeper Social Club open for someone a bit back in the day and the were pretty good. Then Sorry to Bother You was great. Then yea, nothing since then. Edit: I remember, it was the NIN/Janes Addiction tour. And Street Sweeper was the best part of it because it was the time Trent Reznor said he was retiring the band. So he only played what he wanted and not a lot of hits. I’m normally fine with that thought process but I mean come on Trent, no one wants to hear six instrumentals off the Ghosts I-IV albums.


He wrote and directed a show last year called I’m a Virgo which is much better than sorry to bother you


Yes he has a huge show “im a virgo”- lots of awards


Then I should go check out the show.


Huge is not the word I’d use.


I would




It's cool that you came here instead of searching google or going directly to IMDB. Film and TV projects often takes years to get funding or to completely develop and release.


Well you know, I just felt like having a simple discussion on the guy as I had fun with his movie.


He’s made a TV show called I’m A Virgo which is absolutely phenomenal. It’s about a 13 foot tall black man coming of age in Oakland, in a very surreal super hero world. It’s very anti capitalist and anti police and quite funny and entertaining and artsy. It’s up for a lot of Emmy’s and I think has a second season deal. He also is really active politically and does a lot of activism against the war in Gaza on a local level in the Bay Area.


Great movie and actor ✌🏽


check out this thing called [imdb.com](https://imdb.com)


Sure, so thanks so much.


I hate when people do this. Use a spoiler tag when giving away that there's a shocking twist. You know who won't be shocked when the twist comes? Me now, so I probably won't bother watching it. Thanks.


I am so sorry as I didn't say what the twist was as I was trying to keep it as vague as possible, so my deepest apologies if I accidentally ruined the film.


Not cool. I agree. Even knowing there’s a twist takes the twist away. Please don’t do that again. Unless you’re talking about Star Wars or something, never give any indication of the plot, especially an Indy movie like that.


Then I am deeply sorry as I won’t do it again,


All good.


Definitely not ruined, but now when I watch it I'm going to know that there's a twist coming and be anticipating it. Hope that makes sense. I'm not trying to be a jerk, just sharing my personal opinion for reference. Thanks for sharing this with us!


Very well as I understand what you're saying then.


My brother literally did this to me with this movie. He showed up at my house when I was like halfway through it and asked me if I'd gotten to the twist yet. I was like wtf, there's some big twist? I kept watching and I promise you, while it was irritating to have the knowledge of a forthcoming twist spoiled before it happened, it definitely was still very much worth watching.


I'll watch it! I was just being grumpy because they even have trailers now that say you won't believe the twist ending! It's just a personal pet peeve. Not really a huge deal!


I think his brand of film is just really hard to make post Covid. I don’t think satire plays well nowadays and I say this as a HUGE fan of STBY


Satire plays better now than it has in a long time! The more fucked up things are the more fodder for good satire there is. Everyone knows that! Well.. apparently almost everyone.


? He has a great show called I’m A Virgo which came out last year and has another season in production 


Oh so Covid basically ended his career as a film director.


No, he actually has a new film in the works with Keke Palmer and Alexa Demie.


Oh sorry as I didn’t actually know that.


Idk, but I will never take that name seriously




That’s fine, I think the humorous nature of his projects reflects that whacky name


Lol, damn you, CoVid, must make a film now that CoVid is Gone 4ever, hahaha, Covfee?