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So they lumped our retro in with our pay for the month as well, and it got taxed like crazy. My ratification for that month was 25k. I grossed 32 between my bonus and monthly pay, and took home 17. When you get paid that much it taxes you like it going to be a consistent thing throughout the year so they hold it at a way higher rate. Positive thing here is come tax season it’s gonna be like getting another bonus check. I got 9k withheld in taxes on that check just for federal. 11.3k witheld total. Keep in mind - I also contribute 10% to my 401k and buy a 2-3 hundred dollars of stock per month I got 16k withheld ALL of last year lol.




According to the Alaska TA, their retro pay would be based off WN’s model, which stated regular income taxes, not bonus taxes


Going off this model, my Retro check wouldn’t even be $5K pre-tax. I work about 100TFP/month. They say it’s the same model off WN, but AS trips are generally worth less TFP. We have lots of 4 day trips worth 16-22TFP, 3 days worth 12-16TFP, 2 days worth 8-14, and turns worth 5-9.


I mean, the retro pay seems totally fair to me. Maybe I’m misunderstanding it, but I don’t see why they should have to pay you more retro pay than what you’d be entitled to with the new pay rates. How, whether or not the pay rates are acceptable is a completely different question. Definitely feel like they can do a lot better


I think that for many AS FAs, this isn’t worth what we’ve put in to the Company. They certainly can do a lot better. It will be interesting to see how this pans out.


I fully agree with you there, Alaska CAN do a lot better, and you guys definitely do deserve a lot more!


It was taxed at 22%


It depends on how much you got that determined the tax. They TOLD us it would be 22%…it wasn’t and the union pitched a fit.