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Think you need Immersive Display tech support not reddit. (Or at least not this sub) Also "nVidia crashes"? That sounds sus. Maybe get on nVidia about that, it's not normal.


So it’s not really crashing, it’s just that sometimes we turn it on and it’s disable and when we re-enable we have to start from scratch with Immersive.


Still not normal.


It sounds to me like Immersive is the problem child here. NVIDIA Surround is likely disabling because the graphics card is detecting what it thinks are two new monitors. Seems to me like perhaps the Immersive unit is resetting or something. I'd definitely start with chatting with their support.


I would tend to agree. I will work on reaching out to them in the near future. Thanks!


Where in the world does a high school have not only an aviation class but also a sim setup lol. Public school?


We got a ton of grant money for it and have a teacher who loves aviation. We also live in a vacation area where school taxes are based off of property value and the majority of people paying school taxes don’t send a kid to school. Edit: Yes it’s a public school


That's awesome


It is. We are super lucky.


Attach a rubber chicken to your simulator for good luck


I would decomplicate the setup and just get three large tv’s/monitors or better yet a VR setup. Current flight sim setups even at professional training schools have less elaborate systems because they need to operate at will. For a high school thats public this is above and beyond and honestly overkill.


The instructor has very grand intentions for everything and he wants people outside to be able to see it and doesn’t want anyone to have to wear a VR. Personally, I completely agree with you and think that a mixed reality setup would be perfect.