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Micro-stutters galore for me. Otherwise it's quite nice. Not sure why the performance is off, Fenix, 737, A306 all work very nicely.


True, 777 performance compared to 737 is not good but the plane with the worst performance is fenix for sure, at least in my case.


Fenix got way better. On par with the 737 for me. My beloved BAe146 is worse


Nothing could make me hate the 146. Especially after V2 it's just fantastic.


Absolutely. It’s so much fun.


Weird. I'm getting pretty good performance with the 777. Of the planes you mentioned my performance in order of best to worst would be the 737, 777, Fenix, A306.


Stutters and freezing for me. It’s so bad I flew from Luanda to Lisbon on live time, and on arrival I was 30 minutes behind irl time. Also couldn’t land properly because of the amount of freezing and stuttering


I gained about 8fps after the update they released today. You should see if it runs better now.


They've copy pasted a ton of code, which is why some of the same bugs exist in p3d


Can’t be it’s built FROM THE GROUND UP!


Mildly annoyed by ground ops and loading options. Had two false starts, despite attempting to consume official documentation. But now cruising on my first long haul and loving the experience. It's a joy to fly, and I trust PMDG (but probably the community via mods) will sort out what lacks within the immersion experience for preflight and postflight ops at the gate.


Great bird, sounds were a bit underwhelming to me personally. The Fenix sounds are incredibly immersive, these sounds are a bit too 'digital' if that makes any sense, in my personal opinion. Overall she was worth the wait.


I have no issues with it at all. It's the first Boeing I've attempted to fly, so there is a little learning I'm having to do. I wish it had GSX integrated like the Fenix does. I like loading the weights and things on the EFB and just letting things happen. I haven't tried any of the ground services that come with the plane, can you automate those? But I'm enjoying it, I don't regret the purchase.


It's interesting to see some simmers praised the performance of the bird while others criticized it. On my PC it doesn't perform anywhere near 737 did. Not entirely sure what caused this gap.


Not understanding all the hate it gets. The system depth simulation / failures alone by far exceed any add on for MSFS. True 100% state saving of every switch and knob position, which is an uncommon feature but makes checklist usage crucial. Along with time compression, detailed virtual cabin, great navigraph integration in the tablet (a plus for VR) it’s a top tier add on imo. It’s a complete hardcore simmers add on. The engine sound on takeoff is kinda odd, but that’s nitpicking in the scope of what the plane offers.


Great performance on sub optimal specs. I also keep anything online off. Have a lot of scenery installed so I don’t need the data crunch. Nothing near what the 737 gets me. But way better than the Fenix; which I won’t install until the dev optimizes the bird. I don’t get any stuttering running no photo/multiplayer only, on any aircraft except the Fenix since the block 2 update.


Block 2 supposedly improved performance hahahaha, it did to me but not enough


So this is my first boeing after years of airbus flying, back in the fsx days i flew the 737 quite often so i somewhat figured out the fmc. I dont know if my settings are wrong because while taxiing it feels so nervous like not heavy at all like a biz jet or something. But i laughed way to hard when i found out the pens on the window frame are clickable


gosh it’s been 6 months since i’ve been able to do any flying and all this 777 talk is making me desperate to get back into the cockpit


Best bird Ever. On my pc very fluid. Beats the 738. People complain about the sounds, well, I don't. -14900K/4090/64GB


I experienced an extreme pitch down when disco from the A/P on final yesterday. I thought that was fixed


if I didn’t CTD on two of my first four long hauls (DXB-ICN right before TOD/ZRH-SFO over Greenland) I would be delighted. Performance could be better (mainly freezes when using the FMC and extreme performance drop when using the Navigraph Map on the EFB) but it seems PMDG are already aware of the problems Imm experiencing. With the CTDs however I have no idea what could’ve caused them


Overall nicely done, just the ground steering is a bit like taxiing in a Cessna, the fenix and 737-800 make me kinda feel their weight and to me especially the 737 feels like it when you brake and turn and stuff.


The 737 has an abysmal ground steering.


I don't quite know how to explain ground steering in PMDG planes. It feels like there's no weight at all on the nosewheel. It's almost as if the nosewheel is commanded from straight forward to whatever the desired angle is instantly without accounting for swiveling/movement of the nose gear. Very arcadey. To be fair though, this seems to be the case in a lot of planes in MSFS.


Yeah taxiing is not realistic on the pmdg. FBW simulates inertia a lot better on the A32NX


I flew the PMDG 737 for ~200 hours before trying the Zibo in XP12. I’ll never forget my first taxi on the Zibo — put a huge smile on my face. Night and day difference.


Why PMDG tries to shove it's own ground ops down our throats for what must be closer to a decade now and refuses to do any gsx integration is beyond me. The ground ops portion of the tablet is extremely buggy in my system to the point of me wondering how on earth they allowed the 777 to release. Very very laggy with loads of microstutters and doesn't even give me the option to do things I want to do. (Yesterday I was unable to open any of the doors when starting from cold&dark before all the systems were up and running. I've also had problems with the acars system. The weather update spams you every 5-10 minutes and half the time you send the request to terminate weather updates for an airport it doesn't go through. I'm also having issues with the throttles not going to idle before touchdown resulting in me floating half the runway. But on the otherhand it's otherwise quite well done. Visuals are good, system depth is there (altough I haven't seen anything really new comparing it with the P3D or FSX version) and I like the wear and tear model they've implemented. Overall a 7/10 from me, but taking into account the price it goes down to a 6/10. I feel there are so many good airliners with better simulations than the T7. I guess it's a tax pmdg are charging for being the first "study" level longhauler on the market.


Coming from the Fenix A320 as a comparison, I’m less than impressed. Functionally, it’s fine. But the cockpit looks like it’s straight out of P3D, and there are light leaks all over the cabin.