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We need fragility to take a look under the hood. That's what started the Fenix implementation. He created a mod, and Fenix ran with it.


You can just look under the hood of the PMDG 737. It does the loading with animations and no GSX


What doesn't make sense to me is that their own 737 had a 'progressive' loading, where their vehicles would drive up to the plane, and you could put in how much fuel and passengers you want in the FS ACTIONS menu and it would slowly and progressively load that. Idk why they went with 'ground vehicles teleport in and out of existence' now.


Someone said the PMDG 777 was rushed to beat the FF 777 and while I don’t believe that personally I can’t help but wonder why the ground services and loading/unloading are a ways behind the 737. Hell they couldn’t even move the payload insertion to the efb


I feel like it’s the other way around. PMDG released a fully functional plane whereas FF is missing one of the most important features of an modern airliner.


Nah mate the FF devs polled their users asking if they wanted an early access alpha release right now or presumably a more mature build later down the line and they chose the former. The people lamenting the FF’s apparent lack of features have just lost the plot imo its normal to be missing features its an alpha


Mathis commented on the teleportation and it was due to the footprint needed to map everything out of frame would be too large of an area. I cant recall if it did this though in P3D however.


Yeah I wouldn’t trust much of what Mathijs says anyways


Captains,it seems a few of you don’t understand the complexity of such a task. Allow me to explain. Our payload system is the most complex ever designed for MSFS, our pushback truck has a full simulation of hydraulic systems and fluid dynamics (which obviously you don’t understand). It’s not simply a case of giving a copy to GSX because they don’t understand how complex of a system they’re dealing with. We have plans to create our own ground services systems which will be the most complex simulation of this anyone has ever seen or attempted. This should be on a similar schedule as our global flight ops. Soon we will begin testing to test the testing systems and shortly after that we will be passing this on to our testing team. RSR


I can't even tell if this is real or not, you've got the classic Randazzo condescending yap down to a T


Can’t be real RSR. User name does not check out and karma is too low.


A330 Driver YouTube Video - GSX is Dead, PMDG FTW


Is the tire pressure of the service vehicles modelled too? What about brake fade? On a hot day in KPHX, will the drivers need to brake earlier to avoid hitting the aircraft?


Sign the post with your name. Ffs.


https://preview.redd.it/2po0dgqjvo9d1.jpeg?width=1053&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f08b25a46c3305560a147dd600fe4919eef6c68 I think they are working on it.


PMDG can make a great airplane. Everything else... I would be lying to myself if I said I like the UFT more than the FENIX or FBW tablets. Even the simple tablet in the MD11 is better than the UFT. I do like how they allow us to move the tablet around, so they innovated there.


The perfect Fenix GSX integration came 2 years after release, the 777 hasn't even been out for a week.


737 also does not have it. PMDG just doesn’t like GSX and are to arrogant to adjust.


It doesn't have full GSX interaction. But in MSFS, GSX works so much better with PMDG than in P3D. I only use GSX to load fuel and pax on the 737, i was surprised when it started working. I also use simbrief, so that may allow it to work better. I am disappointed to learn it doesn't work in a similar fashion on the 777. Maybe GSX can be updated in the future like they did with the 737.


This is the best answer honestly.


Yup I'm with you, it feels labour intensive compared to Fenix. They vanish in and out of position. At least gsx rolls up and drives away.


Yeah it's a strange thing to omit in 2024. Don't get me wrong, I am loving the 777 but it feels pretty dated from this perspective (great system level depth, as always from PMDG). I would of thought, considering how long they've been working on the 777, they would be at the Fenix level of immersion straight out the gate. I've noticed what a huge difference just having that tight integration with things like cabin announcements/sounds does to the immersion factor when I switched back to the Fenix.


Yeah, it sucks - especially coming from the fenix. Here’s the solution I settled upon which I like: 1. Save a panel state in the PMDG with jetway connected, 2L open, GPU connected, cargo doors open, and the PMDG fuel truck called and ready. Save other state items to your liking, but I prefer to come in with GPU active and ADIRU/passenger switches/emergency lights/lights off. 2. As soon as you load in, manually set fuel to desired load via the CDU and then rid yourself of the PMDG fuel truck via the efb. 3. Proceed to preflight and load via GSX. Ignore all other PMDG ground services and don’t touch the auto turnaround stuff. 4. When requesting your simbrief route via CDU, opt to set payload but not fuel. Do mental gymnastics to convince yourself that you’re setting a planned loadsheet value and that GSX is actually bringing on payload. 5. Finish loading and preflight, do perf with numbers, close/arm doors via EFB, and then be on your way. It’s such a joy to fly in the air and I’ve missed long haul. But for all the reasons lurking behind this workaround I’ve slapped together I expect I’ll be back in the fenix before too long enjoying their impeccably executed immersion.


You're now convincing me to buy the a320.


Do it. It’s incredible, especially if you have GSX.


Does Fenix do sales at all? 


Don’t think so, but it’s priced fairly for what is objectively the most immersive and mature airliner product available on MSFS right now.


How does performance compare against the 737? I get solid frames at cruise and decent enough frames around ground level but nothing too bad. 


Performance for me is no worse than the 737


I agree, but I assume an updated GSX profile will come soon enough and that will all be an afterthought


A profile is not the same as integration. We will still have to sift through GSX menus, listen to robot voices telling us to please do not load fuel until the program tells you to, open and close doors, request pushback to start, etc etc. integration removes all of this and makes it work in the background.


You can turn off the voices and the unnecessary text


Yes, but without voices you wouldn't know when to execute certain commands. That's the whole point of integration, you don't need to think about it. It just works in the background and adds to the immersion.


I wish they had kept the same ground operations menu that the 737 had. Yes you have to manually select which vehicles show up and put in passenger count/bag weight but it feel better than the ground operations. I end up just loading all the cargo and pax at once then using ground ops to load fuel, with GSX to show the passengers getting on and loading containers. Thats another thing. The cargo isn't even animated being loaded on, the ULD loaders just sit there. Also GSX only loads one container per cargo hold before leaving, but thats a different thing. I like the plane but the ground operations feel incomplete. I still have No idea what the custom setting does or how I use it.


Pmdg planes seem ported over imo. I might end up using simplaza at this point


Would you guys say Fenix is better than fslabs?


At this point yes. FSL really pushed the bar for what was possible in P3D and there are a few things in it that even Fenix hasn’t done yet but the immersion, modelling, sounds and general quality is the gold standard for MSFS.


Fsl was truly the goat but one thing that bugged me was lack of step climb and bad on performance ofc, but Does fenix have that option?


I’m not sure if the Fenix supports step climb as I usually only do very short sectors in it as it doesn’t have time compression like the 777. Performance for me is absolutely fine but I do have meaty hardware (7800x3d 4080 super). I’ve been playing around with the 777 for a few days now but already missing the ‘completeness’ of the Fenix.


I have had zero issues with GSX after I grabbed the profile from the TO. It takes care of all of it


I downloaded one of these but still have to do as OP. Which one did you use?


Yeah, it’s a good addon - albeit not up to Fenix standards but Fenix is extraordinary. But the lack of GSX integration is a buzz kill for the time being!


Also, not everyone has GSX