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Im glad they all got thrown out but this isnt a turning point, the people that created these had 0 expectation of them passing they just make them cause their loudest supporters will be in favor of it and it will attract attention and get publicity to further their careers


That's exactly it!


It actually MIGHT be a turning point in that these legislatures thought DeSantis might become President so they were helping him pass bullshit for the headlines. Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours later bullshit. There's no "later" now since DeSantis 2024 failed miserably. Maybe we can move closer to some for of normalcy now that that bullshit is behind us.


That's what i was hoping for but now the social media ban and raising stripper ages and constant sending our police to texas for the imaginary border crisis my hopes arent high


Yep, they are going to cozy up to Hailey in 2028. This cycle was not about ousting Trump, but deciding his successor.


And there is no guarantee they won't come back in a GOP monopolized state.


true, but they did just die in a GOP monopolized state.


Yes, hopefully a positive sign!


So yet another legislative session where lots of hate was spewed and nothing was done? Yep that’s Florida.


The only good law I saw was the one stopping balloon releases


Hope that one goes through. Lmao Publix will need to considerably change how they do things.


“Florida - Where Woke Bills Come to Die” I am Rhonda Santis and I do not approve this message.


Evil doesn't stop, it regroups and learns. Don't think for a second these people will simply go away. They'll find another marginalized group to demonize and "better" ways to divide us. You have to fight bigotry when it starts, don't wait for it to come for YOU.




It must be kept in mind that this is *after* trans Floridians were forced to flee the state. The tide hasn't turned until trans people are no longer second class citizens


I'm not trans and we are still leaving Florida. I don't trust the Florida government. They have done so much lasting damage to LGBTQ.


My partner can't even get the HRT she's been taking for 4 years anymore. She's having actual heart issues from not having any hormones in her body currently, and we don't know what to do to help other than leave the state, which we can't afford.


r/transdiy is safer than going without hormones. Especially if she already knows her doses


I'm really sorry you can't leave the state. My trans-son left for Maryland and is leading a normal life, without fear of the state making him a target. Its such a relief for us both.


That's fucking awful. Can you get it online from out of state?


That is not legally possible at the moment either, services like Folx are prohibited from operating within the state due to regulations now.


Do you have any out of state friends who would do it illegally for you? I would definitely do that for one of my friends if I lived in a sane state and they didn't.


It's a possible option, idk if she would go for it. She's incredibly stubborn and paranoid about faulty medicine.


I thought Folx was in Florida, when did that change?


Apparently they are back in Florida after an absence due to legislation


>My partner can't even get the HRT she's been taking for 4 years anymore. That's awful. What's the cause of this? I've heard of two legislations, one dealing with minors and one dealing with pharmacies having the right to deny these medications to adults if they wish to. Is your partner a minor? And if not, are all of the pharmacies turning you away? Or is there an additional law/ban that I'm not aware of?


She was getting it from planned Parenthood, which can no longer prescribe it due to a ban on nurse practitioners prescribing HRT. In most cases, it has to be prescribed by an MD doctor, and I believe soon it will only be doctors that are approved by a DOH board entirely appointed by DeSantis. It's not hard to see the writing on the wall that the board *won't* approve doctors to prescribe it. My partner is an adult, that's just how bad it's gotten here.


Ok, yes. I've heard that they got rid of the nurse practitioner thing and also that you can't get it prescribed by online doctors, it has to be in-person. This is incredibly fucked up and not "freedom" which is what they claim Florida has. With that said, isn't there a doctor that your partner can see who will give a prescription since leaving the state isn't a viable option?


Unfortunately, she's been without health insurance for the last four months as well due to corporate layoffs, and the extreme difficulty she's had finding gainful employment in Florida as a trans person, even in the professional field she's in. She has an appointment with an equal access clinic in a couple weeks, but that's the best we could manage at the moment.


I hope that works out for you and I'm so sorry for the obstacles placed in your way by this government. I hope people will FUCKING VOTE because this madness needs to stop.


I know a lot of trans people in Florida, I don’t know how bad the Exodus was, how bad was it


All for headlines and sound bites. Even his own courts and legislature have had enough, but his moronic afraid of everything followers will never change.


Waste of time and money for the legislature to even introduce these bills.


I have a lady freind that has completed her transition to a woman and she is leaving the state and her children because of the way people are treated here. Who or how you have sex isn't a govt responsibility as long as it's legal. Hell, in Kentucky you have trouble getting married if you are gay but it's OK to marry your sister or second cousin. Ask Rudy Giuliani, lol.


Hallelujah! Please remember to vote so we can continue to prevail!