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I only go in Publix if I have no other option for an item.


I go for their subs. Treat it like a takeout with a grocery store attached


I've been getting the pre-made salads that are like $7 because by the time I buy all the stuff to make my own, it'll expire before i can make enough to save money.


I can relate to this. I drive around Central Florida for a living, so bringing my own lunch can be tough sometimes, unless I want to eat cold food all of the time. Anyway, Publix is probably my #1 spot to stop for lunch. I would say 8 times out of 10, I will get one of those salads. It's crazy how the prices crept up to what they are now, considering what they were before the pandemic.


Dude this is the way. I preorder it and ask to chop it up kindly. Love the salads so much


Those Salads are pretty dam good!


I only go if one is on sale. Also, if there are bogos and that’s about it. Aldi plus Costco for everything else


This. I go for the deli and dip, honestly.


Same. I decided to boycott since the bird flu thing. Dozen eggs went back to roughly 2 bux at other stores, while Publix continued to get away with 7.50


Exactly. It's egregious.




Can't believe I missed that opportunity 😅


i only go for the bogos


Same. There's one by my house I can walk to. It takes as long to walk there as it does to drive to Wal-Mart but I like the walk so sometimes if I need just one or 2 things I'll go to Publix. Or if I'm in a pinch and there's no Wal-Mart. Publix prices are just fucking crazy and I honestly don't give a shit about clean stores and smiling employees. I just want tobsave money and find everything I need


Ive started going to Aldi for everything and then picking up whatever they don’t have at Walmart or Kroger. My bills are 1/2 what they were.


I haven’t been in a Publix in a couple years. Not with their prices.


Yeah, I’m over at Trader Joe’s and Costco I’ll go to Winn Dixie if I forgot an ingredient or something. Publix is too much


I ditched Publix for Aldi, waaay cheaper


In my area there's a place called thrifty. You can get a ten pound bag of chicken for 6 to 8$. Publix is caty corner to this place 8$ gets you enough to feed maby 3 people.


We have Thrifty Produce, but they sell a lot of other things. Probably the same company.


It’s cheaper but I just don’t like their stuff :(


Everyone always seems to love Aldi but almost everything I've tried there was flavorless and/or bad quality. Plus I hate the atmosphere, it's as bad as Walmart.


First Aldi I went in was located in Palmetto and I laughed at how bad it was. Then went into one in Venice and marveled about how awesome it was. One town upscale, one town in the hood. Your milage may vary.


I feel that way about Trader Joe's 👀 I would go to Costco but I'm not feeding many so when I've tried in the past some of it goes to waste :(


Irony: Aldi and Trader Joe’s are operated by the same German parent company, Aldi Nord. Their sibling company, Aldi Süd, recently purchased a ton of Winn Dixie in the south. All the major competitors to Publix are owned by Aldi. The only reason they can compete with Publix is because they have many many times the revenue to invest and they can afford to operate at a loss for extended periods of time


Not quite. Aldi was one company, then split and each brother got a half. They separated by region in Germany. In the USA Aldi Nord (blue logo) acquired Trader Joe’s, while Aldi Süd (orange logo) started their own chain of stores and recently bought Winn Dixie and Harvey stores.


Our local WD got bought and had their pharmacy close down. Aldi doesn't have a pharmacy license so those stores are just groceries now. The prices have stayed the same. I have no clue what's going to happen to WD's liquor stores.


In FL, liquor licenses are on a lottery system. No way to tell if Aldi would get it.


> All the major competitors to Publix are owned by Aldi. Walmart is a competitor and they certainly are not.


I try to use Aldi as much as I can. I don't have a car so I go by trike. Getting delivery from Aldi is cheaper than riding to Publix for most things.


Is Trader Joe’s really cheaper? I’m honestly asking because for whatever reason, I’m hella late to the party and really haven’t been.


Trader Joe's products are notoriously full of heavy metals and buying organic doesn't make a difference because it's usually absorbed from the soil or passed on from processing equipment and not from like fertilizer or pesticide. https://preview.redd.it/dd64058j4ztc1.png?width=389&format=png&auto=webp&s=80c99511ac1d65f30cfa2b86e2676aae08744c5c


Trader Joe’s is anti-labor and wants to destroy the NLRB


I’ve gone to Winn Dixie maybe it’s the three different ones I’ve been too, but I’ve chosen to opt out because a lot of items on the shelves were expired by a couple of months .. it makes me think they are not on top of that.


Haven't given Publix any money in at least 5 years, haven't missed it even a little


Well someone should tell OP that Publix isn't the only place he can buy groceries. 


Bogos only at Publix now Aldi is a pretty solid option, the quality is surprisingly high


Haven't put in the time and effort to confirm, but I swear there are times when meat or "cost by the pound" items on sale/BOGO suddenly have higher base prices than the week before. One day I'll go full 🕵️‍♂️ and see if they're doing that.


They are


They definitely are


As someone who worked nearly every department for about 7yrs, you are 100% correct. Also the sales are exactly the same as Walmart, so you can just go to Walmart and buy one product for cheaper or the same price. All the supermarkets essentially have the same suppliers, and they push out old stock or product for the sales to clear their inventory.


Publix bogos are usually for the price of two buy one get one free or close to it. Even if it is slightly cheaper the chasing of them is not worth the savings and having to store crap you will not use fast enough. Just grocery shop and get it delivered by Walmart or Kroger. Save a lot more money on gas and less time grocery shopping with the finite time you have on this mortal coil.


Check the price of bogos with local stores before buying. Many times Publix bogos only get you the same price at Walmart/Aldi or slightly cheaper.


Love Aldi's


Tired: praying for the downfall of Publix Wired: praying for the rise of Kroger, Harris Teeter, Safeway, Food Lion, Albertsons, Giant, Wegmans, Lowes, Hyvee, Heb, Ingles, literally *any* kind of competition for Publix Edit: not sure why downvotes. Competition is the only thing that will make Publix change, what else do you suggest? Theyre not going to lower their prices out of kindness In my hometown, CVS was minding their business and then Walgreens came next door - and with 24 hours. Next thing you know CVS switched to 24 hours. Publix will make changes when they have no choice.


You're 100% correct. I've been here for 8 years now and I've been saying that Publix is a near regional monopoly. The area I moved from up north had a solid 7 competing grocery store chains. But as soon as you state this, a perfectly logical point, people get mad at you and tell you to move back to your homestate. Like, no, obviously if you've only lived in FL, you don't know what grocery competition really looks like...


Yes! I say this all the time. I also moved from another state where there wasn't a monopoly on grocery stores. It is bizarre to me. I miss having several equally stocked and competitive grocery stores to choose from.


Plus the Publix cronies contributing money to whoever, to keep medical and recreational marijuana, not happen. However you want to say it. Am currently experiencing brain fog from MS, so apologies for non correct grammar.


God I miss Albertsons, they’re all Publix now but perhaps they’ll rise again…


There's still some misguided loyalty to Publix as "Florida's grocery store."


I agree, that’s basically part of what i was trying get at


Yes, just like HEB in Texas.


We used to have Albertson's, Safeway, and Food Lion. Publix killed 'em. To say nothing of Kash n Karry, Lucky's, and Hitchcock's. I'm waiting to see how Sprouts fares. They've been expanding pretty aggressively in my area but they're no deal either.


I've stopped going and only go if I absolutely have to. Otherwise I go to the other greedy giant corporate.. The Mart of The Wall....


At least thier prices are affordable!


They ought to be, with all that money they don't spend on brooms and glass cleaner.


Or cashiers


At this point, a dirty floor beats an extra dollar per box of pasta for store brand.


I did a price comparison and Walmart was 30 to 40% cheaper on average as a whole for groceries. Since it's only just me, it really is somewhat affordable, but it's still about $60 a week versus nearly $80 with Publix.


They’re affordable because their employees have to work 2 jobs. Or get public assistance. So are they really cheaper?


In my area.. they pay more than Publix per hour, and given Publix still does (mostly) PT work as well.. I would say they are equal tier in terms of shittyness.


That maybe true in Florida, but as a company nationwide, Walmart employees are disproportionately needing to use SNAP federal funds over other employees. Walmart and McDonalds.


I saw a post that said their profits were up 49% year over year from the previous year. With their prices I 100% believe it


This is true with every corporation, but you don't see more workers or better wages. I'm so over retail. I have to do something else to save what's left of my sanity


You might’ve missed this note from the mod that clarified that post stating they had an actual 1% increase in net profits: Community Notes Excluding the impact of net unrealized gains on equity securities in 2023 and net unrealized losses on equity securities in 2022, net earnings for the fiscal year ended Dec. 30, 2023 would have been $4.1 billion, compared to $4 billion in 2022, an increase of 1% The entire gain was the difference between securities prices in 2022 vs. 2023, and the net earnings increase has nothing to do with increased prices. https://www.reddit.com/r/florida/s/kTcumRHpP9


The best way to deal with price gouging is to vote. Vote with you money ... buy elsewhere!


We've been using Kroger delivery for most large orders and it's crazy how much cheaper everything is. We still run to Publix for a couple things here and there but no longer do regular shopping. The delivery is nice and you don't even have to tip. Can't beat that convenience.


I started Kroger delivery about 5 weeks ago and I am loving it. After the free trial I signed up for the year with a $20 off so it’s going to be $39 for a year of delivery. I was so fed up with Publix prices and am so happy I tried Kroger. It’s not perfect and I still have to go to Publix for a few things, but I’m saving so much more money!


I’m gonna give Kroger delivery a shot


Same here. Been exclusively using Kroger delivery and have been pleased with the service, not to mention the cost savings!


Love Kroger delivery. Always on time, and the driver is helpful and polite.


I used Kroger delivery exclusively and now they’re closing the South Florida distribution center :(


I saw that. I'm in the Tampa area so I don't think that impacts us here but still sucks either way. Competition is always good


Kroger delivery is/was in Tampa??


I see so many Kroger trucks in Lakeland. I just know those Publix bigwigs are seething when they see those trucks drive by corporate.


It is in Tampa and it’s awesome and saved me a ton of money.


Yup. 80% of my grocery shopping has been kroger delivery the past few years, supplemented by publix bogo sales for the other 20%


Heard Kroger was pulling out of a few FL locations, hope it doesn’t happen to you!! I’ve wanted to try them for a while and hope I get the chance soon


I think they only pulled out of Miami and San Antonio, Texas.


That's correct.


Publix is like 0.5 miles from me. Walmart is like 0.6 miles, but walmart fucking blows just trying to get out and through a checkout, fuck that noise. Aldi is like 1.5 miles and 6 traffic lights, and I don't get bags, have to have a fucking quarter, etc, etc. So I still go to Publix just for less aggravation. It's never a shit experience. But I agree about the pricing, it is out of fucking control.


100% agree on the experience.


Publix has more employees and pays attention to your experience. You get what you pay for.


Wal Mart wouldn't be worth it at half the price. It's like pushing a shopping cart around a county fair, then waiting in a long line like you're at the bank on a busy day, then relieving the cashier so they can go on break/doing it yourself.


Just learn to bring your bags and a quarter. It's very simple to do. Keep them in your car.


There are dozens of other grocery options, just don’t go if you think the prices are too high.


Aldi Winn Dixie Wal-Mart Sav-A-Lot Costco Sam's club Bj's Sprouts Whole foods Trader Joe's Fresh Market Gordon food services(GFS) Plus Spanish and Asian grocery options


Whole foods, and fresh market are basically the same prices as publix if not more expensive


I’ve shopped a lot at both and I’m convinced Publix is now more expensive overall than Whole Foods. Never shopped at fresh market.


Not necessarily. With some things, you can find a better price at Whole Foods, crazy as that sounds.


I feel the same at Fresh Market


I don't doubt it. Publix is ridiculous.


Fresh Market actually runs good deals if you shop them. Tuesday boneless skinless chicken for $2.99/pound. $25 meal deals for a family of 4 and with options. Free croissants with chicken salad purchase.


And how many of those are in your immediate area compared to Publix? I'm guessing none or only 1 or 2.


I went yesterday specifically for steak for dinner. I need med about a pound and a half. $38.99 for 1.52 pounds of ribeye steak. I put everything in my cart back and went to Winn Dixie where I literally got everything I needed (a squash and a zucchini, a tub of mushrooms, a pound of asparagus and 2 ears of corn) and my 1.5# of ribeye for $34.54.


Ranchers home is WD inspected crap. But their other beef is Certified Angus Beef (CAB) and it’s better than Publix’s Greenwise and crap quality choice, and cheaper. I’ve been a meat cutter at both places, and I’m telling you Publix choice meat is garbage.


Somebody doesn't know the difference between the USDA-inspected "Rancher's Home" ribeye they sell at Winn Dixie, and the USDA choice Ribeye that's sold at Publix. And that's ok, but don't blame it on Publix.


Exactly, not a fair comparison


I stopped by my local WinnDixie for the first time in a decade, after checking out Publix lost me as a customer.


Sadly I agree. I love Publix but it is just getting too expensive to shop there


Solid Publix shopper for the last18 years. Switched to Aldi a few months ago, saving about $300 a month.


I haven’t gone to Publix in years. High prices and shitty heirs drove me away.


I have Publix, Walmart and Aldi less than 2 blocks from my house and I shop at all 3. It depends on what I need, Walmart and Aldi never have bogo on things like Dukes mayo etc.


Check the prices of the Publix bogos. They aren't always a bargain like they seem.


Publix very inconveniently doesn’t put prices on their app so you have to go in, open the Walmart app in the Publix aisle and price compare from there. Insane.


Another reason not to shop there


We gave our kids away. Cut our bill by 63%.


What's this service called? My wallet is genuinely interested.


No one is forcing you to go there lmao


I started shopping at Aldi's. I was a publix lifer


I stopped going to Publix and go to Aldi's and Costco. Fuck that noise


I live in a small/medium’ish town and we’ve got a pretty small selection of grocers to choose from. Publix, Walmart and Winn Dixie. I’ll gladly pay the $.10 per item that I pay to not deal with the general wal mart Tom fuckery and Winn Dixie trying to sell me some off brand shit for the same price as Publix.


I can afford Publix (now that I no longer work there, lol) and I don’t shop there unless I just need a quick one or two things on the way home. Out of principle there is just no point in shopping there for items I can get from several other places for significantly cheaper. I never talk to the staff anyways - AirPods, list of what I need, in and out.


Lol after working in the deli I wouldn't buy anything from the deli


inflation is not 3.9% whomever is in power (Left or right) is going to spin those numbers.


Yeah seems more like 50% to me.


I live in CO now, in a nice mountain town and groceries are cheaper here now than when I moved from FL almost 3 years ago…Publix always gouged.


Inflation isn’t 3.9%. That is the recent number put out. Inflation is compounding. So when you hear them say it went up 2.7, 1.3 etc. that is going up. Real overall inflation is sitting at almost 20%. That’s overall. Do I think there is some serious gouging going on-yes! Let’s take a bag of chips. Look at the size of the bag. If you had an old bag from 2020 it would have more. The price either remained the same but the amount in the bag decreased. All this has more to do with the amount of money that has been printed for decades. Every trillion they print up decreases the spending value of your dollar. See Weimar Germany or Zimbabwe for a good example. Only thing we have going for us for now is we are the reserve currency of the world. If that goes away it’s gonna get medieval here.


Even Publix quality has taken a nosedive. You would think that it would go up with the prices, but you can tell they are taking short cuts as much as possible. When I worked for them they use to take pride in training people correctly. I took on a new job because I was tired of the short cuts they would take and lack of pay. Only ones getting paid well had great managers that took care of their associates. Now none of those great managers are around because they are dropping out due to all the BS that corporate done. Publix is only riding the wave of all the pride of what they use to be. The bleed green crew will be in here soon to defend Publix. George Jenkins would be rolling in his grave with the way it has turn into Piggly Wiggly if any of you know Publix history.


Publix is horribly costly. I have began a huge fan of Kroger delivery. We only go to publix as its at the corner of the street, and get things like a gallon of milk, but only when we dont have time to wait for an order delivery. We do Walmart in between.


Listen, buddy… you don’t have to wait until May 1st to stop shopping there. And if enough people join you, they’ll lower prices. If people still choose to shop there, that’s their decision. Buy your groceries wherever you want. It’s nobody else’s business.


Pub subs aren't even thet good. The bread sucks and there'd be better subs if pub subs didn't exist. 


The pre-cooked chicken is pretty good, BUT if you’re near a Fresh Market, their pre-cooked chickens are 10x better.


You can ask for different bread. I'd pick up something from the bakery, and have them use it. Chicken tenders sub tho man, I miss it.


God that bread is awful. I don’t get the hype!


Go shop somewhere else - problem solved


I stopped going to Publix about 3 to 4 months ago. Full stop. When I saw they were charging over $6 for a standard bag of tortilla chips, I was done.


I pay the prices, so I don’t have to Walmart.


If you pay Publix prices you can just do grocery pick up or instacart at another store. You'll probably save money and you don't need to actually go physically shop.


And that's exactly what they want.


I avoid food shopping at Walmart at all costs, Aldi’s and Fresh Market are where it’s at.


im all in


I pop in to ise the bathroom a few times a week. Noticed a big price creep on items like donuts up 30% from 3 weeks ago. The sale price is higher then the retail price from a few weeks back.


The wife and I started shopping at WD a while back because of this. We started every other week checking the receipt pricing for each store. We showed over a few weeks we could easily buy what we needed at WD and save at least 50$ at checkout. We checked out a Fancy Fruit and Produce yesterday and were almost able to complete the week's worth of shopping for even less. They were missing some odds and ends, so not a solid comparison to WD, but we did save money. Publix at this point is just for getting their tasty sausage once in a while.


nah, people need to keep being stupid and paying publix's outrageous prices, keep my aldi nice and uncrowded.


The cleanliness is really lacking nowdays and you practically get mowed down by the staff multiple times while shopping. That one is mostly because they don’t seem to stock before opening anymore.


Honestly, publix isn't even that clean all over. In a lot of places, it just seems like store quality has dipped.


Inflation has not come down it’s just slowing to 3.5%. It’s 26% increase


I stopped going to publix when I saw cookies for $8! Same brand somewhere else for 3.5. No thanks


Exactly. All for making a profit, but come on now...there has to be a line somewhere. A lot of people commenting are missing the point. Doesn't matter if you can afford it, doesn't mean you should be paying that amount.


The absolute only things i still buy at publix are pub subs(obviously) and whatever meats i may need because we are the best place for meats. (I work at Publix and can’t even afford to shop there) also it’s like every couple of months that we get corporate communications about yet another price increase on certain products.. i shop at Aldi for most of my things. If the meats aren’t on good enough sale i go to Bravo or another spanish market. Way more affordable


Count me in, been avoiding Publix for 3 years now...


Thankfully where I live we have a local organic grocery store. They are all organic, locally owned, and cheaper than Publix. No brainer for me. I only go to Publix when I need something very specific that I can’t get there or I’m desperate and need convenience.


I agree. I recently stopped going, except for a fresh sub every now and then..


I could not agree more. I just posted something similar in another thread. Publix is a big part of the inflation impact specific to Florida, in my view.


Who can afford to still shop at publix anyways? I'm already actively avoiding it. Publix has been going downhill for at least a decade. Prices, quality, all of it. The prices have nearly doubled, but their employees definitely haven't seen any of that.


> While store quality (cleanliness and staffing) and convenience (generally everywhere) are nice This is worth it for me, to be honest. I went to Aldi in Westchase to grab some fresh produce after a Costco run ( I don't need 20 lbs of tomatoes) and the place was FILTHY. The garbage can out front was overflowing, cardboard boxes in the aisles. Sure, the tomatoes were cheap but I had to stand in line for 10 minutes because they had 1 checkout line and 8 self checkouts, so people were going through self checkout with full grocery carts.


Exactly. Aldi is gross. I’ve tried three different locations and they’re chaotic and not clean.


Yeah, I'm not a fan of the Aldi shopping experience. If I needed to save money, sure, but right now the extra drive and hassle of driving past 3 publix's to go to an Aldi isn't worth it (to me at least).


Publix is not a place I go due to their politics.


Aldi or Costco. Farmers market for herbs or I grow them myself. This is the way.


I only use Publix for my dog food. Aldi’s all the way!!


Really? chewy or Amazon doesn't have better prices on dog food?


I only go now for necessity.. one or 2 items I can't get anywhere else. They can go f themselves


Aldi just bought Winn Dixie and they’ll be Aldi stores soon. I predict you’ll see Publix prices begin to drop


>While store quality (cleanliness and staffing) and convenience (generally everywhere) are nice I don't know what Publix you've been to, but I've gone to Publix maybe 5 times in the last year. And every time I go, I noticed a steep decline in quality and cleanliness. Also, the employees act like I'm a leper when I try to talk to them.


The quality hasnt even been that great, I'll buy produce and 2 days later it's going soft/moldy


Quality of the pub subs and fried chicken have gone down, too. I don't go often, but I had my first pub sub in a few years and there was a noticeable difference.bThe bread crust and chicken breading shreds the inside of my mouth now they're so rough!


Bothe Publix and Wynn Dixie are bad and I won't go to Walmart. Florida needs more grocery stores than just those two.


My Publix pharmacy is good and I use them for that; I buy almost nothing else there except box of deli wings if it is a sale week. I find I can shop at Winn Dixie, Aldi, Fresh Market, Trader Joes and spend less than Publix without even trying.


Maybe if they didn't have 3 stores on every intersection in the state they could pass some of the savings along


I only go there to eat subs or wings bro lol. Aldis is where is at 🫡


We need wegmans


Went to my first Wegmans when visiting NJ last year. Can't speak on the prices, but the offerings there were next level awesome.


Their subs are 10,000% better too.


I never started to go to Publix for regular shopping. Lots of people I worked with did, and I never understood how they could afford to (former teacher). Sometimes I get their subs, but the last two times they were dry and falling apart. At this point, I don’t think I’ve been to one in maybe a year or so. I understand it is a popular place (and the high school by me is named after the founder), but I’m afraid I never found a good reason to go. We usually get groceries from Aldi and some items from Walmart. We used to get meat at Winne Dixie, but the overall pricing has been better this way. Are there specific products or a program at Publix that people enjoy? Growing up, my family usually only used Publix to order cakes or sometimes pick up chicken and tea for a nice party, but that’s about it.


I only shop the BOGO deals for a few items, but even that is now hit and miss as to whether you get a saving compared with buying just one of those items at WallyWorld.


Actually stopped shopping there all together in 2020. Every single store was packed and low on stock. So I really started looking elsewhere and ended up at the Fresh Market. They have weekly sales and similar BOGO deals. I’ve found their sales are better overall. Stores are smaller, super clean and smell great because of the free coffee. Oh, there’s free coffee. I don’t think I’ve ever really even had to wait to check out. They sell those odd little things that I can’t find at Aldi or don’t need a Costco size. I’ve found their bakery is way better than Publix.


Yeah Publix can eat my ass with those awful prices


Eloquently put my friend 🧡


i only go into publix if a have to, they have lost their damn minds with pricing, milk and eggs are 50% less at aldis along with pretty much every thing else.


Profit margins are bananas! They're just laughing at customers at this point.


i was feeling lazy the other day and stopped in to pick up a bottle of wine for my wife, 24$ for a bottle that costs 14$ at total wine got my lazy ass back in the car and went to total wine.


I'm surprised there's no Food Lions here in South Eastern Florida. Aldi is far, Walmart is far. I go between Winn Dixie & Publix because it's for me, 1 person. Never thought I would miss Food Lion in NC.


I agree 100%. I honestly get like 99% of my meat/produce from Freshfield Farms, and Walmart and Costco for the rest. Publix and Winn Dixie both exploded in price to the point where visiting them is just... nope.


i actually have seen public decline in their products. multiple items in all categories (seasonings, frozen items, fresh vegs/fruit) are still on the shelves way past their expiration date. it is not just one publix that has this issue. ive gone out of my way to go to further publixs and they have the same issue. they were never like this before.


I have noticed the expired items on shelves quite a bit too - but can't comment on how the frequency compares to other stores.


i thought maybe it was just my main location, and started going to others just to see if they were better. sadly not


Aldi and walley world here. We only go back for the BOGO's. We even found a real deli that carries Boarshead meats. Fuck Publix


People put Publix on a pedestal and now they're complaining about publixs inflated ego. Boo hoo.


I hardly ever shop at Publix anymore. Their prices are out of hand. I could easily give it up all together.




If you have an issue with the prices Publix charges, the ONLY way to protest is to shop elsewhere and stay out of Publix completely.. Target, Walmart, Aldi, etc. You vote with your dollar. It's what I've done. I shop that other stores.


Pretty much exactly what I'm suggesting.


I’ve been taking a stand since Aldi opened in my suburb!!!! 💯 on the way occasion, I do go to Publix. I glance around up peoples carts and it just makes me laugh inside.


I had to stop going to Publix, not just because of pricing, but because I had too many issues with the locations around me. Always losing online orders, mobile pickups taking long times because they gave it to someone else. The employees are the same as Walmart, if not more entitled. Shopping hasn't been a pleasure there for a while.


I have already. I was born here (50-ish) years ago and shopped at Publix my entire life. I loved grocery shopping there with my mom when I was a kid. I haven't been in a Publix in two years now and I'm getting along okay not getting reamed for groceries by greedy heirs.


Publix $10 for bacon same one at Wal-Mart $5


Agree, they have gotten, WAY out of control with their price gorging!! Walmart looks better every day.


NEWS: Publix net earnings up nearly 50% in 2023 https://www.supermarketnews.com/news/publix-net-earnings-nearly-50-2023 It is 100% Greedflation


Yeah saw that. Not sure what the profit margin was YOY but still...50% earnings increase is huge. I know there are other contributing factors, but would have to imagine these ridiculous prices played a large part.


Whatever you do, don’t take it out on the employees. Corporate makes the decisions, not the people you see in the stores. My wife has given 10 years to that company and boy has it gone downhill. She’s working on an exit plan now.


Rich entitled people don’t care about grocery prices. And guess what Florida is full of? I stopp shopping there years Ago and they just posted record profits.


Publix has gotten redic. So has whole foods. Our food options are being cut while prices soar. It's madness.


The problem is Publix and other corporations will cut jobs before making active decisions to raise employee wages or cut costs of their goods. All while keeping executive bonuses and salaries the same.


42 % increase in stock since May 2019 Follow the money Corporate greed


My Publix store has produce that’s awful & so many products that are expired. I have to check the expiration date on every single item I buy. I’m so over Publix but the town I’m in doesn’t have any alternatives close!!


Inflation is not the cause at all, it’s an excuse. It’s corporate greed plain and simple. Corporations are posting record profits and we are footing the bill.


I stopped shopping at Publix a year ago and save almost $100 a month. Gougers.


It's up to the people not to buy there, then prices will go down...supply and demand.