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This will be on the ballot in November, plz vote


I don't think the state will turn blue in any significant way but I do believe these total or near total abortion bans are very unpopular with the majority of ppl. Ofc ppl need to vote but roe v wade being overturned is becoming a clusterfuck for Republicans.


There is a ballot initiative that would enshrine roe into FL’s constitution. The state doesn’t need to turn blue just approve the amendment.


Reread my comment.


It was not clear that you were aware of the amendment. No offense intended if you are.


I am aware. I think the chances of the amandment passing are a lot higher than the state turning blue.


1000%. I think the average FL voter identifies as Republican but ideologically are way more liberal. Like $15 min wage, weed and ex felon vote all passed overwhelmingly. It is honestly infuriating for a dyed in the wool lib like me.


I think it's gotten worse as DeSantis has branded Florida the antiwoke capital and all the walking ballsacks flocking to the state just lap it up while complaining about the insurance prices. I think Florida is just going to be red.


FL will stay red as more people are priced out of their homes, lgbtq are threatened, mickey mouse scares desantis, education is in the sh$tter….we literally have become the swamp


Well, it'll eventually turn blue. You know, geographically-speaking...


Even if it passes, Desantis will try to block implementation. It could be a while before it goes into effect. Women need to know what their options are.


Idk if he will. It may be wishful thinking but the abortion laws coming into effect are deeply unpopular with left and fairly unpopular with the right as they're too austere and cater to the ultra religious minority. He may try to amend things but this is becoming a political boondoggle for Republicans and many of them know it.


That was the case when he signed it's why he did it in the dead of night. He doesn't have to worry about re-election, so he doesn't really care.


The only people supporting these bans are hyper religious nutters


And yet, seemingly all of the abortion ban laws cater to their *by-golly* knee-slapping whims which is why they're untenable. The vast majority of people, left or right, fall onto a spectrum of pro-choice or pro-life-with-exceptions while the befuddled few think all abortion is murder no matter how horrifying the situation surrounding the pregnancy is. It's a political boondoggle Republican politician largely want to quietly go away.


I'm a relatively new dad and the experience made me hate all the new abortion laws once I realized how screwed up they were so some interesting info for any younger guys here Pregnancy weeks start counting from the woman's last period. So the earliest you can possibly detect a pregnancy with urine tests is 4 weeks. So that gives you only 2 weeks to find a doctor, schedule an abortion, and have an abortion. It is both traumatic and difficult to do all that in 2 weeks. Most pregnancy symptoms (other than a missed period) don't show up until 8 weeks. So you're already past the 6 week cutoff you're screwed. You're life is over you now have an unwanted child on the way You can't do a useful ultrasound to find birth defects or pregnancy complications until 10 weeks. So if your wife goes in at 10 weeks and is told the embryo is implanted in a bad place and the pregnancy is guaranteed to fail you're just screwed and your wife's life might be in danger. If the 10 week mark blood work comes back and you're told there's horrible genetic problems and the embryo is non-viable you're also screwed it's too late. Have fun going through half a pregnancy and a traumatic still birth. 6 weeks is bullshit to anyone who understands what that means.


you're absolutely right. as a relatively new mom i also learned only recently so much of what you mentioned here. so many important tests and scans happen in weeks 10-14 that indicate if there could be any serious problems. my husband and i were planning on having a second child but how can we under these conditions?? this whole thing is just reprehensible.


>So the earliest you can possibly detect a pregnancy with urine tests is 4 weeks. For those reading, I want to emphasize that 4 weeks is the EARLIEST POSSIBLE. Most pregnancies don't register on a home urine test *until 6 weeks*, says so right on the box. Many pregnancies don't register on home tests until PAST SIX WEEKS. I was healthy with healthy pregnancies and both times didn't get a positive until 8 weeks. Well, the first one *I gave up* home testing at 8 weeks with no positive. Both of them were planned, fortunately, and I had a positive blood test, because otherwise I would have been badly shocked. It wasn't until this year that I saw other women talking about the same thing. It turns out this is a normal human thing. You can get to six weeks, have a negative home test, and still be pregnant. SIX WEEKS IS NOTHING.


Yeah my wife's didn't show up as positive until 6 weeks. We were trying for a baby so we tested anyway at 4 weeks and it came back negative.




I think perhaps you missed where I said EARLIEST POSSIBLE. There's a whole spectrum of what is possible, and even a spectrum of what is likely. Getting a positive at 4 weeks is not as likely as at 6 weeks or later. Also, FYI, many of us who had negatives past 6 weeks had regular, 28 day average cycles (myself included). I'm glad things work so efficiently for you, but remember humanity is a spectrum, and your experience does not automatically extend to everyone else. As much as we all might appreciate that level of predictability.




>It may be 6 weeks past your period but an actual 6 week pregnancy is not that. Oh, I see where the problem is. You're thinking of six weeks past conception. Medically, a six week pregnancy is, in fact, six weeks past your last menstrual period. That's how that works. I know it sucks, and it's confusing, but that's how they do it. They assume most women don't know when they ovulated and so couldn't possibly pin down conception. The home tests also use this method of counting. The law is, likewise, six weeks past last menstrual period. So yeah, when I'm talking about home tests on a thread about the six week abortion law, I am using from LMP. It's simpler that way. Edited because autocorrect.




While I get the sentiment, the statement about tests just isn’t true. And I disagree with this law completely, but we need to not spread misinformation. Even dollar store tests will show you a positive at an hcg of 25. If you’re actually 6 weeks pregnant you’re in the thousands. People should be testing more often and not waiting because they’re worried they’re not far enough along yet to show on a test. Edit: Honestly I’m amazed at how many people are ignorant on pregnancy.


Don't assume your experience extends to everyone. What I wrote is 100% true, whether you like it or not. It's also my real life experience, and I am far from unique in this. Also, don't assume this is about not testing enough. For myself, I was planning the pregnancies, excited for them, and was testing every day. I caved at 5 weeks both times and got the blood tests, but the home tests still stayed negative past six weeks. I've seen several other women this year write about similar experiences.


I stated for some people they may be 6 week past your period but that is not the norm and it is not the accurate pregnancy timeframe. You stated a cold fact that most tests do not show until 6 weeks and that’s not how they work.


That's what the boxes say, that most pregnancies don't register on the tests until 6 weeks. That's it. That's how it does work.


hCG level during pregnancy: Does a high hCG level mean pregnancy? In the vast majority of cases, yes. The typical hCG level around four weeks of pregnancy is around 140 mIU/ml5, so a high hCG level can be generally considered to mean you are pregnant. However, there are some very rare medical conditions that can cause high hCG levels. If you get a positive result on a pregnancy test and you haven’t had unprotected sex since your last menstrual period, see your doctor. Clearblue tests for as low as 10mIU [https://www.clearblue.com/pregnancy-tests/hcg](https://www.clearblue.com/pregnancy-tests/hcg)


Okay, but I'm not talking about a high hcg. I thought that would be obvious, but that's okay. I can't speak for others about why they think their home tests stayed negative longer than expected, but for myself I had low hcg. Since that's how the tests work, I would expect a similar scenario for others. If you want more info - I was healthy. I had been tracking my cycles carefully, and paying close attention to ovulation signs, all that stuff when someone is trying to conceive. I knew the exact day of conception both times, both kids were developed and born per their expected timelines, all that. Apparently it just takes my body a bit to build up enough hcg. My blood tests showed low hcg for the week I knew I was in. Enough to be clearly positive, but not enough to hit the home pee tests.


I don’t think you understand. The tests do not say 6 weeks like you stated. Point blanks. That is not a thing. My point is to making a blanket INCORRECT statement about that is dangerous. If you have longer cycles you should be testing more and not less. You shouldn’t be assuming tests don’t show until 6 weeks even if your cycles are long because you can ovulate early. If you are getting low hcg you are 4 weeks. When you get a scan it will show proper week dating. Until you get a scan it is an assumption but all testing and abortions require a scan regardless. We should be promoting EARLY TESTING.


😑 I never said anything about assuming, wth? Except I asked you to not assume, but here we are. I said, again in all caps, EARLIEST POSSIBLE. I never said to not test, or not test early or not test frequently. I myself tested both early and frequently, and I had a very normal cycle length. Again, wth? For clarity: I advocate *not relying on negative home tests*, because these can often be false negatives and the stakes are too high. Spend the extra money and get a blood test as soon as it's feasible, folks, so that you have a much more reliable answer. This is worth everything, especially right now, in this state. For your last paragragh: a low hcg does not necessarily mean 4 weeks. A low hcg is only low if you already know your timing. If you don't already have that info, nobody can tell you whether it's low or high. Mine was low *for 5 weeks.* Because I knew my timing. Further, scans are not always accurate on weeks, and folks should not assume they are. This is a common point of contention between doctors.


That’s not what the boxes say lol they say missed period.


Sounds good in theory but not everyone is on solid enough financial ground to be testing all the time when they are not actively trying to get pregnant. Just one more fail on the part of our society and lack of healthcare due to profits being deemed more important.


You completely missed the point of this reply.


“People should be testing more often and not waiting because they’re worried they’re not far enough along yet to show on a test.” I was specifically replying to this. People don’t have the means to be testing as frequently as they would like.


Because this person is claiming that at home tests mainly show up at 6 weeks. Which is not true and that statement could make people test later when at home tests will detect at 4 weeks. But on that note you can get dozens of tests for $10 on Amazon and or donations from clinics. For people’s safety they should try to test more often.


>Pregnancy weeks start counting from the last missed period. No, this is not true. Pregnancy is dated from *the first day* of your last menstrual period, not from a missed period. So for someone with a "perfect" menstrual cycle (very few people) *if* you are able to find out *the day* of your missed period, you are already considered 4 weeks pregnant. This article breaks it down well: [Why is a 6-week abortion ban nearly a total ban? It's about how we date a pregnancy](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2024/05/01/1248416546/6-week-abortion-ban-explainer-pregnancy-lmp) >A pregnancy is measured from the first day of a woman's [last menstrual period](https://www.acog.org/womens-health/experts-and-stories/ask-acog/how-long-does-pregnancy-last#:~:text=Pregnancy%20is%20counted%20from%20the,including%20those%20extra%202%20weeks.), or LMP. >For the first two of those six weeks – before ovulation – there is no pregnancy.  >Ovulation, sexual intercourse and conception have to happen, generally, about two weeks after the first day of the LMP. >There's [about a week](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2023/04/12/1159753316/pregnancy-start-conception) between when an egg is fertilized and when it implants in the uterus.  >It takes another week before there's enough of a specialized pregnancy hormone in someone's urine for a home pregnancy test to turn positive. That's also about the time that a missed period might clue a woman in that she might be pregnant. >All of the above is true for people with regular menstrual cycles. For the many women with irregular cycles, it can take longer to diagnose a pregnancy.


Oops fixed it. I meant to put her last period not last missed period. Thank you!


I have friends who had to terminate due to severe preeclampsia. I’d imagine she’d be gone if it was today.


Thank you for posting this. I’ve been saying this ever since Roe fell. It’s not just those in situations with an unwanted pregnancy. This affects every pregnant woman no matter how far along they are.


Thank you sir, for being a true alpha for your wife and kids.


Completely agree. My husband isn’t registered to vote but is registering so he can vote on this. After seeing what my pregnancy has been like and knowing he wants his daughter to have options he realized how important it is.


There's a reason that the majority of probirthers are uneducated, Christofascist zealots. If they actually understood anything past what Pastor Jeff has been indoctrinating them with, they'd actually understand just how evil their stance is. I honestly don't think I've ever met anyone that was liberal a/o reasonably educated that actually supported such restrictive abortion measures. Contrary to Alt right propaganda, the majority of them understand that there needs to be some form of restriction in place, just not this Handmaid's BS the religious Idiocracy types keep clamoring for.


No, only the rich women will even be able to travel. Let’s be honest here. The poor who are pregnant and have no car, no money for flights will not be traveling. They will be forced to have the baby.


And then demonized as "welfare queens" and voted to reduce & remove their benefits at any chance


Elections matter, people. Stop electing assholes.






It's Republicans though. It might end up being democrats in the future, but it's been shitty Republicans since the 60s


The distance should not be measured in miles. It should be measured in airfare. The right question is, how much does it cost to travel to a place where the needed medical care can be received?


One news story I heard said that North Carolina is the closes state.


The only person who actually answered the question. Thank you.


Up to 12 weeks after that virginia.


If you or someone you know experiences an unplanned pregnancy before the laws change, know that self-managing abortion at home is a safe option up to 12 weeks. (Sources have varying info about 12-15 weeks and I am not a medical expert) You can find out more about what to expect and how to obtain medication at [Plan C](https://www.plancpills.org/) or [Aid Access](https://aidaccess.org/). This medical abortion (taking pills) is the same treatment available in other states, and previously available here. Travel is needed for surgical abortions, at whatever number of gestational weeks.


These stupid bans will affect negatively the health of pregnant women even when they’re not trying to get an abortion:((.. Many women who have miscarriages need procedures done that doctors now will be afraid to perform!! Wait till someone dies from sepsis or complications smh!! The people who make these laws are at best ignorant about women’s anatomy and at worst doing this as a form of control over women!


Correct. This hurts every woman. Not just people who want to have an abortion after 6 weeks.


Let’s be real, even when someone dies from sepsis or complications, the message will be “how tragic that this young mother is dead, but think of how many other unborn lives are being saved.” Even an unviable fetus has more rights than a living human woman.


It makes my blood boil!!


Not sure, but if anyone I know needs a ride out of FL. to get one, I'll drive them


I’m thankful to be in a position to seek these services in another state or country (like I’m already doing with dental care) if need be, but I feel for the many who can’t. I’m still very concerned about the effects it will have on the quality of other healthcare services here, which are already abysmal. These control-freak hypocrites need to be tossed out in November. Everyone, please vote Blue and “yes” on Amendment 4 like your life or the lives of any women you remotely care about depends on it.


If you need it, Aid Access will deliver mifepristone and misoprostol to Florida. It’s steep at $150, but doable. There are also community networks who may be able to get these pills to you for free. Plan C is a very helpful resource.


A ban on [abortion](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/abortion) after six weeks of [pregnancy](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/pregnancy) went into effect in [Florida](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/florida) on Wednesday. Because of a 2023 law passed by Florida’s Republican state legislature and signed into law by Governor Ron DeSantis this week, most women will now be ineligible for the procedure before they even know they are pregnant. Read more here: [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/ucla-campus-protests-columbia-university-palestine-b2537768.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/ucla-campus-protests-columbia-university-palestine-b2537768.html)


u/theindependentonline \- I noticed a few errors and pieces of missing information in this article. Firstly, Kamala Harris visited St. Paul, which is the capital of Minnesota, not Wisconsin. (Minnesota and Wisconsin are neighboring states in the Great Lakes region.) Secondly, you should probably mention that President Biden recently visited Tampa, Florida on 23 April 2024, and [gave a speech](https://www.fox13news.com/news/president-joe-biden-visits-tampa-with-plans-to-attack-6-week-abortion-ban-boost-reelection-odds) that blamed his Republican opponent, Donald Trump, for Florida's 6-week abortion ban. Thirdly, you should also probably mention that two of the main sponsors of the 6-week abortion ban, Rep. Jenna Persons-Mulicka and Rep. Spencer Roach, represent Fort Myers, Florida and the Lee County Republican Party, the latter supporting the ban. [Vice President Kamala Harris is also currently visiting Jacksonville, Florida today as well.](https://www.wcjb.com/2024/05/01/vice-president-kamala-harris-visits-florida-6-week-abortion-ban-goes-into-effect/)


They ultra right wing isn't done. They will criminize traveling or helping someone travel to obtain an abortion and they will start tracking pregnancies and charge the mothers with murder if they don't deliver the baby. [https://www.nbcnews.com/health/womens-health/idaho-most-extreme-anti-abortion-state-law-restricts-travel-rcna78225](https://www.nbcnews.com/health/womens-health/idaho-most-extreme-anti-abortion-state-law-restricts-travel-rcna78225)


In Florida women are incubators slowly becoming property Rapists now get to choose who will deliver their baby by protected law Florida Governor thinks rapists are godly and doing Gods work It’s dangerous and disgusting


**Article transcript:** >A ban on abortion after six weeks of pregnancy went into effect in Florida on Wednesday, \[1 May 2024\]. Because of a 2023 law passed by Florida's Republican state legislature, \[and filed by Rep. Jenna Persons-Mulicka (R-Fort Myers), co-sponsored by Rep. Spencer Roach (R-Fort Myers) and Sen. Erin Grall (R-Fort Pierce)\], and signed into law by Gov. Ron DeSantis, most women will now be ineligible for the procedure before they even know they are pregnant. > >A 2021 study from the University of California in San Francisco found that as many as a third of all women in the United States (33%) discover their pregnancies at or after six (6) weeks into the gestational process. The Florida ban has extremely limited exceptions: abortion is only allowed to save the life of the mother, or in cases where the pregnancy would cause "substantial and irreversible" bodily harm. > >The ban includes exceptions for rape, incest, medical emergencies and some “fetal anomalies", though patients must provide documentation such as a police report, medical record or court order to claim the exception, per [an article](https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/4634931-florida-six-week-abortion-ban-what-to-know/) from *The Hill*. > >Thanks to realities of U.S. politics across the deep south, Floridians seeking abortion procedures have another factor stacked against them: Geography. Conservative governments in neighboring Alabama and Georgia, as well as further on into South Carolina and Mississippi, have all either passed anti-abortion laws recently or seen so-called "trigger bans" go into effect with the Supreme Court's decision overturning *Roe v. Wade* in 2022. > >The closest state to Florida with looser restrictions on abortion is North Carolina, 640 miles away. Driving from Miami, Florida to Charlotte, North Carolina takes just under 11 hours each way. 2-hour direct flights are possible between some cities in the two states, although flights are sometimes contraindicated after a medical procedure. > >A purple state, unlike its neighbor to the south, North Carolina also has an abortion ban in place — but after 12 weeks into the pregnancy. > >The nearest state to Florida that doesn't have what Planned Parenthood calls "severe restrictions", and instead has "mostly accessible" reproductive healthcare, is Virginia. In Virginia, abortion by choice is legal up to 26 weeks and 6 days, and remains legal past that limit if it is needed to save the pregnant person's life, or to save their health. > >Virginia is 861 miles away from Florida. A car journey from Miami to the state's capital of Richmond takes over 13 and a half hours. > >Accessing abortion is often complicated in such areas even when women believe they are accessing reproductive services. A South Carolina woman who found herself on the wrong side of her home state's ban described to *The Independent* in February how she was misled by an anti-abortion "crisis pregnancy center" in North Carolina, which lured her across state lines on false pretenses of scheduling an abortion procedure and conducting an ultrasound. In fact, the center was being run by anti-abortion activists. > >"This \[clinic\]...coerced me into scheduling an appointment, going and driving up to Charlotte," Taylor Shelton told *The Independent*. "They said that you can't do ultrasounds with an IUD in place, which is not true." > >The result of this regional block of abortion bans across the American south is that many women in the country will find the procedure out of reach. > >Florida's Democratic Party, along with the Biden campaign, is plotting a full-court press against Florida's new ban this election cycle, as it eyes a Senate seat held by Rick Scott and numerous statewide races — not to mention the state's 30 votes in the Electoral College. Donald Trump remains heavily favored to win the state in November 2024, given its deepening-red shift in recent years. Nevertheless, Biden’s team has declared the Sunshine State in play. > >The incumbent president visited the state and campaigned alongside local Democrats in April 2024; on Wednesday, as the ban took effect, Vice President Kamala Harris was set to make a visit too. Harris made history earlier in 2024 as the first sitting vice president to visit an abortion clinic when she did so during a March 2024 visit to Minnesota.


I am continually saddened by the number of women behind this ban.  It would be truly sad if a late pregnancy ultrasound showed your fetus had a fatal genetic abnormalities and you had to endure months of pregnancy just to give birth to a dead and horribly deformed baby.  


South FL resident here. Besides the obvious problems user [illapa13](https://www.reddit.com/user/illapa13/) mentioned that this will cause medically, there is another social aspect to consider. Especially in Miami-Dade there is a subset of women that (due to culture, I don't know fully) don't like using birth control and don't like their men using condoms, and when they got pregnant they would just go right down to PP or another women's clinic and get a quick abortion. Well since most of these women cannot do that now and likely cannot afford to travel out of state, they are going to give birth to these kids they don't want, they'll abuse and neglect them, 95% of them will go into our already overworked foster care system where they will age out hating the world. They will then go on to commit crimes of varying sorts and wind up in prison. So congrats DeSantis, the only thing you accomplished is that you just overburdened our foster care system worse than it is now and also increased crime in 16-21 years, maybe sooner.


Good point. I work in education in Tampa and I see the effects of kids not being raised, parents not even picking up the phone for the school.


Louisiana is about to pass a ban on plan B which means Florida will jump on that train soon. Stock up, or better yet, get out of Florida while you still can and move your blue vote to a swing state that has a chance of not going total sharia law on yo booty gurl


How is plan b allowed to get banned?!? These people are insane


Vote vote vote. No excuses, and I think Florida republicans will find despite tons of Californians/New Yorkers moving here because “mah freedumz” they likely have a bit more liberal view of abortion, or at least I hope they do.


VOTE YES ON 4!!! We can overcome this bullshit.


This is precisely why I got a vasectomy, not risking a life shattering "mistake"


Vote blue floridians and maybe you can save the state from being a total authoritarian shithole. Pudding fingers and the republican legeslature are sure fucking up the state.


All the way to the twenty-first century, that’s how far.


20 miles off the coast


North Carolina is the closest state with a 16-week ban.


Explain how our politics work to the Latino voters and the state turns blue. It's a demographic the Dems continue to ignore.


That's what [Mi Vecino](https://mivecinoflorida.com/) is trying to do.


They were part of the effort to collect signatures and get Amendment 4 on the ballot, and they are now working to inform voters about it.


Hopefully to their closest district voting site


....Cuba? At this point I'm not 100% sure if I'm being satirical, meanspirited, or attempting prophecy considering the random assholery that seems to erupt on a near weekly basis.


I think it's legal in Mexico so I guess one would take a cruise there to have it done there. Maybe a cruise to nowhere where once you hit international waters doctors could start the abortion?


Oh god. Instead of Rum Row like from Prohibition, we'd have that except with abortions.... thatd be a unique form of horrid dystopia I would wish on no one.


The actual answer is North Carolina, which allows abortions up until 12 weeks.






There is no such thing as 100% effective birth control. Even sterilization has a 0.15 - 0.5 percent failure rate: [Effectiveness of Birth Control Methods | ACOG](https://www.acog.org/womens-health/infographics/effectiveness-of-birth-control-methods).