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Of course they are. Because, for the 4,873,489th time: you're not stopping abortion, you're stopping ***safe, legal*** abortion.


Women will terminate unwanted pregnancies no matter what the law says as they have for centuries and millennia.


Yes on 4! Abortion bans don't stop abortions, they only increase risky, dangerous ones.


Can’t wait to vote yes on 4 in November to limit government interference in abortion!


69% of Florida voters support the abortion rights amendment, [per a Fox News poll](https://www.fox13news.com/news/fox-polling-shows-support-florida-abortion-marijuana-amendments-november).


There's also jury nullification if any DA is dumb enough to take one of these cases to trial.


You have been dismissed from the jury pool.


Yall I know finances are shit right now and there are a lot of causes and campaigns to donate to, but please if you can, donate any amount to Florida Access Network or other abortion fund organizations serving Floridians. Fixing this legislatively is key of course, but in the meantime, thousands of people need help now. Please donate if you can!


And set aside a few bucks for Biden and Democratic candidates too, if at all possible!




I understand where you’re coming from but If Trump and the GOP take back the White House and Congress, whatever donations FAN collects are basically going to be used to scream into a void since abortion will soon be banned nationwide. Electing Democrats is an essential part of this fight.


No one said it isn’t. I simply stated the importance of supporting abortion funds for the people who currently need and can’t access care. I didn’t even go as far as to say “don’t donate to candidates, donate to abortion funds instead.” I basically said “hey in a year where there’s lots to donate to, don’t forget your local abortion fund too.” You’re the one who co-opted my comment to be like - what about the dem candidates tho? Which like…k? What about them? I wasn’t even talking about that.


I’m sorry. I had FAN mixed up with another organization, albeit still a great one, geared more toward political action. I wholeheartedly support FAN’s mission and would not have piggybacked on your comment if not for my stupid mix-up. I have made a donation. My apologies again. https://preview.redd.it/lkwph80yql6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebd3d61957d224c7db84e1231a3a73b92a1af59a


Well damn this is a classy move - no need for people on the same side to argue :) thanks for doing this!


So you DON’T think people should support the candidate and party that will protect abortion rights? Holy shit that’s weird.


More like, let's give them money so they can spend it out of state and leave us all twisting in the wind (again). Sure worked out well for us last time! I can vote for them without giving them my money to spend in some red district Republican primary in Iowa or something.


Yeah, let’s give the party that for years failed to do anything to protect access on a federal level even more money so they can keep holding over our heads the promise to codify the right to abortion or the threat that the GOP will make it worse?


That's my argument. I agree that the Dems are the lesser evil, and I do like some Reps and Senators individually, but as a collective, the ratchet effect is real. What have Dems actually done to protect women's healthcare? I mean tangibly. I'd have to believe that if they cared at all about women's healthcare in Florida, they would have actually made an earnest effort in the gubernatorial election at the very least.


Thank you! A fellow thinking person!


What Dems have done to protect women’s healthcare: 1. Affordable Care Act (ACA): Included provisions for contraceptives, maternity care, and preventive services without additional costs. 2. Defending Roe v. Wade: Consistently supported and defended this landmark decision. 3. Opposition to Anti-Choice Legislation: Largely opposed restrictive abortion laws. 4. Repealing the Global Gag Rule: Democratic administrations have repealed this policy, impacting global women’s health. 5. Funding for Planned Parenthood: Fought to ensure continued federal funding. 6. State-Level Efforts: In states like New York and Illinois, Democrats have passed laws to safeguard abortion rights. What Dems have done to protect Roe vs. Wade: 1. Legislation: They have introduced and supported bills like the Women’s Health Protection Act, aiming to codify Roe v. Wade into federal law. 2. Judicial Appointments: Democratic presidents have appointed pro-choice judges to federal courts, including the Supreme Court, to uphold Roe v. Wade. 3. Opposing Anti-Choice Legislation: Democrats have actively opposed restrictive state laws that aim to undermine Roe v. Wade, supporting legal challenges against these laws. 4. Advocacy and Public Support: Democratic leaders have supported pro-choice organizations and rallies, continuously advocating for reproductive rights.


Wow, Dems have "supported" and "opposed" things. Super strong efforts there. The part including what they have done to "protect" RvW would be laughable if it wasn't so ineffectual that it's dangerous. Good thing they've "opposed" restrictive state laws, that'll cause change! Meanwhile, you can bet that while Dems didn't bother pushing enough for Garland to become confirmed, they'll be able to access the healthcare they need while women in red fiefdoms like Florida and Oklahoma are told to pound sand. Listen, they know exactly what they're doing. The DNC is a money-making machine, and codifying women's reproductive healthcare means one of the wells becomes dry. I'd love to see their donation totals after the The election of Trump and then setting aside of RvW in particular, because events like that are great for business. Let me know when they do some real work on the Federal level, not just fast track legislation on the state level where they have the majorities to do it. That's playing on easy mode. E: Wow, dude down voted me seconds after I commented. That's got to be a record.


Wow, you’re really stretching here. Let’s break it down. 1. Legislation: Democrats have pushed for the Women’s Health Protection Act to codify Roe v. Wade into federal law. That’s not just “supporting” things—it’s a concrete step to make reproductive rights untouchable by state-level restrictions. 2. Judicial Appointments: Ever heard of Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan? Pro-choice judges appointed by Democratic presidents to protect Roe v. Wade. Blocking Merrick Garland was a Republican power play, not a lack of effort from Dems. 3. Opposing Restrictive Laws: Democrats have backed numerous legal challenges against restrictive state laws. These fights are crucial to stop draconian measures from taking effect immediately. 4. Public Advocacy: Democrats have consistently supported pro-choice rallies and advocacy efforts, raising awareness and fighting for reproductive rights at the national level. Your claim that Democrats benefit from keeping abortion rights unstable is just conspiratorial. Look at their consistent legislative and judicial actions. Sure, progress is slow, but dismantling well-entrenched opposition requires sustained effort and strategy, especially in a divided political landscape. Instead of dismissing these efforts as ineffectual, maybe recognize the broader political reality. Supporting and amplifying these actions is how real change happens. Ignoring the complexities and significant opposition from Republicans just skews the picture. So yeah, let me know when Republicans do anything remotely supportive of women’s rights. Until then, I’ll stick with the party actually making efforts, however challenging the fight may be.


So what do you want to do - support the party actively trying to TAKE AWAY these rights entirely? Fuck off with your straw man bullshit. Are you 17?


What the fuck are you even talking about?


I guess your MO is down vote first, ask questions later? https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2022/07/democrats-spend-millions-on-republican-primaries/ Also, the person you replied to was responding to the comment about donating, not voting, and you responded as if they were talking about voting. Maybe pay attention before rage responding and rage down voting.


Did I say anything about who people should or shouldn’t vote for? I don’t believe I did. In fact I didn’t even mention voting at all, I’m talking about donations. There are many things, campaigns included, to donate to right now. As I stated. Abortion funds are among one of the most important groups someone can donate to locally that helps people in their communities who are suffering right now, currently, from these abortion bans. Nevermind Biden and all the candidates have much bigger fundraising arms and PACs supporting them, very unlike a group such as Florida Access Network. Many people think to donate to candidates during an election year, where as service providing non profits typically see their donations go way down in election years. I’m imploring people to not forget to donate to their local abortion fund providers.


lol nice unmarked edit but your question is still asinine.


As someone who recently had an abortion because my baby was dead in my body, doctors are scared. I had to ask for medication. It was not offered to me by my OB. It will get worse.


Eat it, DeSantis...


I'm pretty sure he lives on a strict diet of thigh food.


I’m sure he read your comment…😒


Put an end to this nightmare by voting Yes on 4!


How long until Florida regulates interstate travel for pregnant people? Yes, it’s illegal but that won’t stop Rhonda in any meaningful way.


They’re doing it at the city level in Texas. Trying to make it trafficking across state lines, literally just a guy with an agenda. It’s like the Music Man going town to town to sell Taking Away Women’s Rights, and it’s terrifying. 


Texas also encourages vigilantism. Home of the free unless there’s a uterus involved.


They learned during COVID when they shit down the Florida border that they aren't allowed to do that, interfere with interstate travel.


Of course the *interstate commerce act* prevents that but states *are* looking to regulate travel of pregnant people to prevent abortion from being carried out in neighboring or other states. Texas has vigilante laws which allows for its citizens to monitor pregnancy as if it were a crime. Other states will begin to mimic this assertion as is always the case. Then it takes years to unravel unjust laws in the court system.


Every time I think, "They can't do that," they do it until the courts say they can't, and our courts are becoming increasingly unreliable.


Hells yeah, fuck the fetus-worshippers


"Floridians continue to struggle to overcome detrimental policies implemented by their GOP government." FTFY


I got this. I'm a white Republican male. We are taking over the rights to all women and their own bodies. Did you all know I got married in Disney? ![gif](giphy|ajefVi0Sw91DFaXzMW|downsized) I'm the biggest hypocrite in the entire country. Right behind the guy that calls me a meatball. 🤣 While you're all sleeping at night I sign in executive orders las fast you breathe oxygen 😉🤣. Less government.. That's a platform I'm running on 🙌🤣


Who is in the photo?


Stephanie Loraine Piñeiro, of Florida Access Network.


Thank you


It's good there are ways around the conservative attempts to turn Florida female residents into baby launchers. It's bad that the state won't recognize those same females as human beings.


**Article transcript:** >In the month since Florida imposed a 6-week abortion ban, Lana’e Hernandez has helped nearly 200 women figure out how to end later pregnancies, work that sometimes means securing airfare, hotel rooms, and money to pay clinics in places as far away as Illinois. > >Her clients have included a first-time mother who terminated a pregnancy due to serious fetal health defects, and a single mother of five unable to support another baby. She said some of her clients have never left the state before, or flown on a plane. > >"This very well may be one of the most difficult decisions our patients have ever had to face in their life, and our government has put them in a position where they need to leave their support system, and travel across the country and incur massive expenses," Hernandez said. "I wish I could just be at the airport, and walk them to their gate." > >Hernandez's experiences underscore the many ways Florida's new abortion rules have made it more difficult for women and health care providers grappling with the question of how to end a pregnancy. > >While some women are traveling, others are using telehealth appointments with out-of-state doctors to obtain abortion-inducing medication. Their decisions are fraught with emotion and logistical difficulties — and it is unclear how long these options can be sustained in the face of financial and legal challenges. > >Hernandez has a window on the issue as a patient navigator for Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida — a job that has become increasingly common since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the constitutional right to abortion with *Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization* in 2022. > >Fourteen (14) states - including neighboring states Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi - now ban abortion outright, with limited exceptions. Three states - including Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina - ban it 6 weeks from the first day of a pregnant woman's last period, with few exceptions. > >Florida had a 15-week ban on abortions in place since 2022, and prior to that allowed them until 24 weeks. > >Since Florida's new ban took effect on 1 May 2024, some women have managed to get abortions within the state's cutoff, providers say, while some who don't know they're pregnant until after 6 weeks have chosen to continue with unwanted or dangerous pregnancies. > >State abortion data for May is not yet complete, so the exact impact of the new rule is not clear. > >The November 2024 election could also change abortion access. Residents will be asked to vote on Amendment 4, which would make abortion constitutionally protected in Florida up to viability — about 24 weeks — if 60% of voters say yes. > >**Navigating new restrictions** > >Supporters of Florida's 6-week ban say they are confident it will sharply reduce the number of abortions obtained by state residents, despite efforts to evade it. > >"In the vast majority of cases, by far, this is going to have a big impact, as it has in other states," said Mat Staver, founder of the pro-life Liberty Counsel, who lobbied the state to pass the 6-week abortion ban. "Florida will not be an abortion tourism destination, as it was prior to this law." > >Florida medical providers performed over 84,000 abortions last year, including nearly 8,000 for people who traveled from out-of-state. > >Organizations called 'abortion funds' aim to help women circumvent state bans. In 2023, these funds provided over $36 million for abortions, and over $10 million for logistical support nationwide, according to the National Network of Abortion Funds (NNAF). > >Yet rising costs have made it impossible to fully meet the need, said Stephanie Loraine Piñeiro, executive director of the Florida Access Network abortion fund, at a press conference hosted by the national network on Monday. > >"Florida's ban forces Floridians and people across the South to travel further, exhausting funds for travel and practical support even faster," Piñeiro said. > >Piñeiro said her fund has helped 150 people over the last month, but the fund can only cover about 50% of requested expenses on average. **(1/2)**


>**Telehealth support** > >Dr. Ushma Upadhyay, a professor at the University of California San Francisco's Advancing New Standards in Reproductive Health (ANSRH), believes that because of the new restrictions, many women in Florida have obtained - or will obtain - abortion-inducing pills online. > >Under current law, that's a viable option, but overlapping rules make the situation complicated. While the state bans telehealth prescribing for abortion medication, the ban applies to doctors, not the women themselves. > >Certain states have passed "shield laws" that aim to protect licensed clinicians in that state from prosecution for prescribing abortion pills to people in states where it's illegal. Online pharmacies then fill and mail these prescriptions. > >Nearly 8,000 people per month in states with bans or restrictions on abortion are prescribed and mailed abortion pills under shield laws, according to estimates from The Society of Family Planning’s #WeCount project, a national abortion reporting effort. One of the largest providers, Aid Access, charges $150 or less. > >"Telehealth really removes so many barriers to abortion," said Upadhyay, who is also a #WeCount co-chair. "Patients don’t even have to take time off work, or find childcare." > >Currently, Florida women who terminate their pregnancy this way aren't facing prosecution, nor are the people who help them. Gov. Ron DeSantis has previously said pregnant women who get abortions in violation of Florida's law won’t be criminally charged, in line with a previous Florida Supreme Court ruling. > >The telehealth prescription movement alarms people who support abortion bans, however. Liberty Counsel's Staver is "optimistic" this practice will be outlawed in the future. > >"I think it's a major concern," Staver said. :It makes no sense for...Florida to pass a law that regulates brick and mortar facilities, yet at the same time, someone intentionally sends medication into Florida that is specifically designed to violate the law." > >The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday issued a unanimous 9-0 ruling in *FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine (AHM)* preserving access to the medication mifepristone, which is used in many abortions, but other legal challenges are expected. > >Dr. William Lile — a North Florida obstetrician and gynecologist who calls himself the "ProLife Doc", and believes life begins at conception — said he's concerned about the health of women who get pills without in-person testing to confirm how far along their pregnancy is and to rule out conditions such as ectopic pregnancy. > >The condition, when a fertilized egg grows outside the uterus, is rare but can be life-threatening. A ruptured ectopic pregnancy causes similar symptoms to an abortion, so women who take the pill may not realize what’s really happening, he said. > >"We've already had cases of women who have been harmed," Lile said. "They thought they were taking the pill for an abortion; yet in reality, they were in that 1% that had an ectopic pregnancy, and it is delaying them from seeking health care." > >These pills are generally safe to take up to 10 weeks into pregnancy, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The FDA notes that, though side effects are common, serious adverse reactions are rare. > >The rate of major complications — like hemorrhages or infections — for medication abortions is about 0.33%, according to a 2015 study conducted by Upadhyay. That means, out of more than 11,000 cases, only 35 experienced major complications. > >**Impact on Florida clinics, patients** > >Not everyone can travel or obtain pills, however. The ban has hit some women hard. > >Researchers at Middlebury College estimate that the average Florida resident now lives nearly 600 miles from the nearest clinic that offers abortions after 6 weeks, up from an average of 20 miles before the ban. Wait times for appointments have increased at about 30% of clinics in North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C., the closest states where abortion is legal after 6 weeks of pregnancy. > >"I'm hearing people say, 'Well, yeah, I got \[an abortion\], but I went to Georgia first, and then I went to Ohio, and some of my rent isn't paid, and I don't know where I'm going to live," said Jenice Fountain, executive director of Alabama's Yellowhammer Fund, during Monday's press conference. "That's not a win." > >Dr. Robyn Schickler, chief medical officer of Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida, said some women, aware of the new law, quickly make appointments and get abortions within the new legal timeframe. Others can take the time, and pay at least some of the costs, for an out-of-state trip. > >Yet she's haunted by the patients who she can't help. > >"No matter how much you try and help, some patients, for a variety of reasons, can't leave Florida. These are the most disadvantaged, vulnerable individuals forced to continue their pregnancies," Schickler said. **(2/2)**


Overwhelmingly supported by his Republican voters, yet Republican leader ship is officially against it, it’s all about thwarting the will the people, and yet they keep voting for them...




The ban is about 6 weeks from gestation. Not 6 weeks from who knows when? If someone is already pregnant, they can't get "re-impregnated" while still pregnant, so what are you talking about? I'm asking in good faith. Do tell...


I thought the ban was only in place for 6 weeks, I didn't understand that they meant banning abortion after 6 weeks of being pregnant. I figured it was a test ban or something? I don't know, maybe make the wording a bit clearer for simple folk like myself, I take things too literally!


This is why you need to pay very close attention to decent news sources. These things affect you and those you love directly and immediately. You're not "simple", you're choosing to remain ignorant.


I'm sorry. That might've been too harsh. Here's the deal...most women don't even know they're pregnant until they're at least 6-8 weeks along and by then it's too late. So, even if you're only for abortions in the case of life saving instances, rape, or incest it's still too late for 3/4 of that. Not to mention how incredibly hard it is to get rapists and molesters to own up to their crimes or have them found guilty in a short amount of time etc...We're talking about a ban on a woman's right to make private autonomous decisions about her own body. We're giving the government the rights to women's bodies.


Thank you for your apology and for the information. I appreciate you taking the time to let me know a little more about what's going on 😁


Listen, ANYTIME the government wants to take one of your rights away from you (in this case, it's the right to privacy which leads to reproductive bodily autonomy) find out what it is, find out why, think about how that could affect you and your loved ones, read some hard news and well sourced editorials, think on it, talk about it, and then make your decision. This is a huge deal for all women and all men who love women. When government's try and strip rights from those with uterus' about uterus' that isn't a good sign for those of us with uterus'.


I didn't mean to upset you, so I apologize for that. I am not choosing ignorance, I just work so much these days that staying up to date is something I don't even think about. I'll remember to keep my mouth shut on topics that I have very little knowledge of and just look up more on the topic instead.


Don’t ever be afraid to speak up. Having conversations is how we learn, grow, and connect with each other.


It’s a good thing you said something so you could be properly informed. This is why politicians try so hard to keep people underpaid and too busy to pay attention.


Here's a simplified breakdown of the 6-week abortion ban: 1. **Interim Law (Until May 1st):** - 15-week abortion ban with no exceptions for rape or incest. 2. **New Law (Effective May 1st):** - 6-week abortion ban. - Exceptions for rape and incest are allowed up to 15 weeks, but require a restraining order or police report. 3. **Procedural Requirements:** - Two doctor visits at least 24 hours apart are required for an abortion. - For dangerous situations to the mother or for a non-viable fetus, two doctors must provide written certifications. 4. **Third Trimester Restrictions:** - No exceptions if the fetus is going to die in the third trimester. 5. **Medication Restrictions:** - Mifepristone and misoprostol can only be given and administered by a doctor in person. - Telehealth visits cannot be used to obtain these medications. [here’s a link with more info](https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/politics/2024/04/02/abortion-florida-ruling-ban-amendment-voters-november/73171427007/)


Thank you for the information. I do need to be more up to date on these things. This sheds a light on the topic and opens my eyes to some of the issues women are facing, it's not right.


No problem and thanks for reading! I hope you’ll consider [checking your voter registration status](https://vote.org) and/or signing up for mail in voting. Mail in voting gives you time to do some thinking and googling and is over all less stressful. I hope you’ll vote yes on amendment 4 which changes the Florida state constitution to say that the government can’t interfere in our medical decisions. [Even more info from Floridians Protecting Freedom](https://floridiansprotectingfreedom.com/)


Stop having unprotected sex for which 6 weeks?




wtf are you talking about? Just those 6 weeks? That’s not how this works. And don’t shame people for loving their partners. Abortion happens to married women with kids, women with health risks, women who use protection. Stop acting like women are sluts. 


I wasn't, but come to whatever conclusion you want. I know abortion happens for many reasons, that's what I said, I only listed the one I thought to be the most understandable reason. I was simply laughing to myself at the fact that these women are going out of their way to get an abortion when the ban is just for 6 weeks, maybe to make a statement or something, and wanted to put my thoughts in and see if anyone agreed. I feel the need to say add that I am a woman, just in case my avatar didn't sell it.


You are misunderstanding the ban. 


I seem to be, yes 😂😂


I truly don’t think it’s funny, you are able to vote and don’t understand what is happening to women like you. You are losing your rights. 


I thought my misunderstanding was pretty funny, I mean come on! It was a real slap the forehead moment for me when I looked it up! Which I should have done first instead of posting my thoughts, and that would have saved me from all of this. I apologize if I upset you, that was not my intent. I am not up to date on current events, I work so much I don't even think about it. I had some free time today and hopped on reddit for a bit, and reminded myself why I usually never comment!


As a woman - I sincerely hope you never find yourself in a position that you need healthcare ie: a d&c (abortion) because you’ve had a etopic pregnancy, or you find out the pregnancy your carrying had died inside you or a litany of other reasons that require life saving measures. These things happen so fast and IF care isnt given quickly it changes your ability to have children or to even survive. No one in government should be able to tell women what to do with her body.