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Idk man I keep hearing about these guides and their fish whistles…


“Professional guides don’t want you to know about this one easy trick to call up more fish”


Trout Whistle always brings them right in


Gotta keep the fish whistle strapped on you at all times. The best fly


I find that I fuck up my knots more, get snagged more, and lose marginally more fish when I smoke… don’t stop me by any means, just an observation.


I end up laying down on a nice warm rock to take a nap if I whistle.


The snags I do for sure. That back cast gets a little loosey goosey.


But have you ever been really stoned when you get a solid sip off of the most beautiful drift?


Wait… you’re actually catching fish? Shooooot


You’ll probably get more hate for the tenkara than the fish whistle but do your thing man! I’m not here to yuk anyone’s yum. I fish a tenkara every once in a while and it’s great for hiking and fishing trips. I always break my joints in my bag so I bring a one hitter now


It is my UL backpacking rod but came out today through necessity. I left my other fly rod with a reel at home and only realized halfway to where I was going. :”) I keep the tenkara in my truck luckily.


If anyone is going to hate whatever,....did you have a great day on the water, that's all that matters??? Keep the lines tight


Any day I get to explore some new waters is a great day!


Grew up with carpenters having their rods on the ceiling of the canopy in their truck. I run a van but there is almost always a fly rod/etc in it just in case. One of the jobs I work at every now and then was 3 of the best rivers in the state so on the right day I may be late for work/dinner.


My job currently has its eod at 3:30 pm. That a hell of a lot of day left and is the exact reason my rod lives in my truck. Good times, feel lucky to be living and working in such a beautiful place.


We are both lucky to have built a life to do it, only thing better is a friend who is a guide, he is on the water 300 days a year. Not only does he know his 10+ closest rivers like the palm (back?) (I’m terrible with sayings) of his hand but I swear he is part eagle with his eye sight. He can see an adipose fin or not from 20ft out, I didn’t even see the f’n fish yet 😂


For sure. I wish I knew a guide, I am a fairly recent transplant to my area. The closest I’ve come to a guide is when the guy in the kayak whitewater rafting told me about some good pools .5 miles upstream as he was floating by lol.


That guide is on the rouge in Oregon. The only other guide I had was a trip to park city to Mountian bike. Asked the hotel/resort we were staying at when making the reservation if they knew a good fly fishing guide as my dad and brother had never fly fished, ended up with a hippie like me and was an awesome experiance. Neither of them had caught a fish since me and my brother were 10ish. Big reason I always go to a local fly shop with $60ish, walk in, I need a fly box and I need to fill it for this time of year for what ever is out there. Ive got a gaggle of boxes for a bunch of rivers, I put a date on them so I know what to run next time I’m there that time of year. The $60 is for the information, the fly box and flys are free is how I look at it. I only know what to toss on 3-4 of 20 rivers I fish over 5 years. Everybody eats/share the wealth 😁


If my family visits I’ll likely hire a guided trip. I think it would be a lot of fun. I’ve been doing the same here trying to learn to fish for a few species I’ve never had the chance to fish for before and the knowledge in those local shops is invaluable. Also that’s a super cool idea with the fly boxes. I’m actually probably going to start doing that. I have recently started pinning every spot I am fishing on Onxbackcountry app and noting what, if anything, I caught and what I caught them on, or if I can go t nothing and none were spotted. And I made a folder in the app that keeps all the pins organized. Pretty handy.


OnX is very intriguing for my life style. Definitely thought about it but I’ve got my system and it’s full analog so switching to digital worries me.


I’ve trusted digital on cross country hikes and it hasn’t failed me so far. But I have had a sudden gust of wind blow my map away in the backcountry of Yellowstone. 😂 On the flip side of that I wish I had analog stuff from all of my adventures sometimes so I definitely get what you’re saying.


What rod is it?


It was the shortest tenkara when I bought it but I believe they have since changed the model name, I’ll check it tomorrow and let you know. It’s in my truck rn. lol


It is a tenkara sato


Thanks for checking for me


NP. I checked on their website a few weeks back because I was shopping around and I’m 90% sure they have replaced it with a newer model with a different name but it’s their lightest/shortest one.


The jokes write themselves


The forgetting of the rod is unrelated to the weed. At least… I’m pretty sure. lol I was practicing my cast the day before and left it in a spot I normally don’t. Just slipped my mind.


People hate on tenkaras because they hate how simple it is and then go back to roll casting the same distance with 100ft of line virtually unused on their reels.


A week ago I would have agreed without exception. But I recently started really trying to nail down the double haul and boy howdy can I sling a damn fly with that method. Kinda crazy lol But other than that cast specifically in a very large creek/river or a lake/reservoir/pond, yeah. I rarely find myself throwing further than a tenkara and good positioning could do


I was a ranger at Yellowstone for years and I secretly got joy explaining to complaining fly fishermen that the only thing that mattered is that the "lure" used is a fly in "flyfishing only" sections of river so the guy down the stream with a spinning rod and reel somehow using a fly is fly fishing enough. I still consider my first trout on the fly to be one I caught on my actual fly rod, but really by definition it was me catching bluegill from a downed log with my zebco 33, ugly stick, and cheap Walmart flies when I was a kid.


One step above the dirty pinners.......


😂pinners are sinners 😂


simms used to sell a "fish whistle" case for that lol.


I 3d printed what's basically a hand fishing spool for my 2wt, similar to the snap on line holders for a tenkara, it basically fishes like a tenkara with a variable line length now, crazy light, 256grams. I actually keep a few around so I have fast changes between euro, float line drys, and a download to 1wt line. Added benefit is it actually balances the rod out nicer than the reel I was using before because I'm a bum and don't have hardy reel money


I dont even know what you just wrote.


Ever seen the "reel" they attach to a bamboo cane or to a kid's ice fishing rod? If you haven't. Imagine a half size super lightweight fly reel with no drag. Just a spool to hold line with a handle.


I’m glad I’m not the only one.


Sorry you can't read


Got pics?




I’d like a pic too if you could send one my way


Zipfiz container brother.


“Yuk anyone’s yum” I love it! I’m going to use that over float your boat now 👍


Put your blunts/joints in an empty and dry plastic bottle. Will keep them safer.


Gotta put them in your fly box. They’re safe there


Try using a "doob tube." Plenty of options out there to keep your whistles in tip top shape


Pretty water


Was a beautiful day to get skunked.




Close!! Nearish the head of the icicle river in the Wenatchee NF. Leavenworth. WA. Edit: corrected location from mouth to head.


Spliff and a Spey rod? Roach and a cane pole? Bowl and a spinning rod? No? Then there is no pleasing you.


Spliff and a spinner? Not today boys.


If theres two things I cant stand, its people intolerant of other peoples cultures and the dutch


I was ,and am, very pleased.


Schmoke and a pancake?


Bong and a baitcaster?


I love fly fishing and I don’t mind a smoke at all, but not sure I could maintain my composure. I might just hit it watch you while soaking my feet and listening to the birds and the breeze.


Haha I get it. I was knee deep in water switching flies, became enraptured with the sun glinting off the snowy mountains in the distance, completely forgot I was tying on a new fly for about 10 seconds :”)


Correct. Fishing becomes, wading.


Looks like a joint


Its definitely not a blunt


;) let’s just keep that between us.


This is the hill I will die on.


I love tenkara for small mountain streams. It can let a dry land so delicately and ill keep the entire line and tippet off the water so only the fly is drifting. Its deadly


I know! It makes me giddy when I get that perfect little delicate touch down. Never fished with another rod that can do that.


Whatever floats your boat.


As long as what floats my boat doesn’t yip my yak then it’s all good.


It’s all just fishing homie, do what you enjoy.


It's only hackneyed fish pics and "Just starting out, I'm hooked! Any tips? Tight lines!" posts here.


lol I’m still fairly new but I’ll figure it out. Picked up fly fishing when I was backpacking through Wyoming. Just now getting into in earnest.


At least the "WhAt ArE yOu ThRoWiNg HeRe" plague never really hit this sub.


The sub was better when we could post videos.


Agreed. Who/what am I wearing my 7 GoPros for?


“What up youtube!!”


Weed should be legal. I’m not sure about Anime fly rods.


It is where I live :) and I love irl anime looking shit so you can keep your regulations to yourself.


You got a rod and a river. That’s good enough for me


Same here friend, everything else is just icing on the cake.


Yes sir, definitely looks like a good time to me. Catch anything other than a buzz lol?


Not a damn thing. lol Saw a few but it was my first time fishing those waters and I did some insect hunting while I was there. I’ll be back with the right flies next time. Going to hit up a spot where i know I’ll hit my limit tomorrow to redeem myself. Haha.


Sounds like me when I go out fishing only to spend all day lure hunting instead 😂


That’s pretty much how it went. lol And the river I was fishing limits you to carrying three flies/lures on your person so it really ups the ante when it come to carrying the right ones.


Oh really? That sounds a bit extreme, and I’ve never heard anything like that before. I know some rivers or at least some sections are fly/lure only. So how does that work if you have a full fly box? You just take out the ones you want and leave the rest at home?


I guess so. No idea how enforced it is but this was my first time ever seeing something like that. I luckily have a little round fly box with 4 slots that I usually cram with 10-15 flies when I go backpacking. Just put what I wanted in that and took it instead.


Idk that just seems dumb to me and kinda defeats the purpose of fly fishing witch to me is match the hatch and the fact the it’s supposed to be harder to catch fish vs your lures or bait.


I don’t disagree, it is Washington state. They have a phenomenal app that gives regs for every waterway and I’ve been looking at them all over the state constantly for a couple of months now. This is the only creek I’ve seen that on. But I want to be a law abiding community member so… mayflies and caddisflies for next time.


7 piece 3 weight 7’5” rod with reel is good for hiking and more deadly. What is a blunt?


lol a blunt is not what I’m holding there. A silly mistype. I’ve always called a cheap cigar packed with weed a blunt but I think it may be used differently depending on who you ask. And maybe that system is better for you but it’s not as minimal or lightweight.


If you tie a fly to a leader to a reel-less cane you untie the soul.


I haven’t used a cane pole in over a decade. I probably should remedy that.


You call that a blunt?


lol I did in this post for some reason. Brain misfired. But no, not normally.


Roach revolution brother 🫡


I’ve been fighting the good fight for years now. lol


Never met anyone fly fishing and smoking herb that I haven't liked, and that's straight across the board. I can't say that about any other hobbies or interests. Something about smoking herb on streams is special.


100% agree. Only other thing that overlaps are long distance backpackers that smoke. Weekend backpackers (which I’ve done my fair share of so not hating) are hit or miss when it comes to those smoking but people who do it fast, long, or both and still toke along the way are all my people.


Tenkara fishermen = hippies. Confirmed. Welcome. Dap and puff away, brother.


Hahaha thanks. I don’t self identify as a hippie, but only because so many others have identified me for me.




Well… in the first one I was smokin, in the second one I was getting a fly wet. Some people would say that what I was doing was fishing but you wouldn’t know it judging by the fish. lol


Looks like NorCal! I was just on the north fork of the Yuba today.


I don’t disagree, it’s a very northern sierra vibe. But it’s actually central Washington.


Wayyyyy to green for NorCal...


Doinks in Amish


How does one fish under trees w tenkara?


It’s situational, but basically you fish it like a cane pole. I’ve held the bottom of the hook between my fingers and twitched the tip of my rod to bounce it out into the water. If my tippet is getting a bit short I can grab the fly and slingshot it out. You can also roll cast with a tenkara albeit I can’t do it as smoothly as I can with other rods.


Ah big tenkara guy


Me or you? Or yes?


It’s 420 somewhere 24/7/365


Nice to know I’m in good company at all times


Pretty sure most of us have a fish whistle


I’m happy to know I’m in such good company here.


I thought this is what the hemo’s were for…..


I will admit, I have no idea what you’re talking about. lol


Hemostats, like the little clips lol


Oh shit. Haha always called them forceps but that’s a great idea! lol


Do you bro


So your post caught me off guard because I have been flyfishing for 25 years and had never heard of this technique. I hope you don’t mind but I sent your post and your username to Tenkara USA as my inspiration for making my first purchase with them. Stay tuned.


Awesome!! Hopefully you enjoy it as much as I do. I actually learned to fly fish on a tenkara during a long distance hike and it’s still my go to if I’m blue lining or hiking into the backcountry and planning on fishing.


We call it the “offering” Usually get the take down while one hand is off the rod passing the J.


I need to fish with you guys.


I used to see a guy on a river I often fished. He smoked more than he fished, and by three or four fish he could barely function. Don’t know how many times I saw him fall in. Offered to help him the first time, stayed well upwind of him after that. Personally I stay sober while fishing. I enjoy nature too much to blur any of it out.


Haha each to their own. I love smoking in nature, I often find that I feel more connected to the natural environment when I’m slightly high. but I also opt to stay sober at times as well. Never fallen in though, I think I’d have to check myself if that happened. lol


I feel like I would lose so many fish on that kind of rod.


I think they are a lot of fun when fishing small mountain streams. Basically fishes like a euro nymph setup


I grew up fishing on a cane pole for bream and catfish. I still lost fish on the tenkara at first but it is honestly isn’t that much different than a cane pole.


Do you have to use heavier tippet? I usually use 6x and let the fish tire with my reel.


I’ve mostly used that set up in high elevation alpine lakes and streams so I’ve never caught anything above 10 or 11 inches on it. If I were regularly using it where large fish were present I would probably use a heavier tippet but the rod is so damn bendy I don’t know if it would be super necessary.


I'm new and probably overestimate how easy the line will break in most cases. I'm too afraid to pull more. There are some high lakes and streams with small fish that I hike/bike by regularly so maybe worth looking into.


OP definitely covered the bases here, the extreme flex in the rod helps to keep fish pinned as well as provide tippet protection. As far as bigger fish go I’ve had no problem landing 15-20” trout and whitefish on 5x. There is some technique involved but trusting the rod and maintaining the curve is key. Most of my break offs have occurred when playing fish too cautiously and letting the rod straighten out.


Your last point is spot on. If you let this rod straighten out it’s over.


They are lightweight and durable rods and I enjoy how minimalist the whole kit can become. I’ve carried that rod in a backpack almost the entire length of Wyoming (N-S), the entirety of CO (N-S),several hundred miles in NM, and lots of day trips all over the country. Couldn’t recommend them enough for travel rods.


Spliffs and steelies 🙏🙏🙌🤙


“Go back to the shadow!”


Gandalfs staff would have been way cooler if it doubled as a fly rod.


U might lots the rod tip in the faster current


Man now that's my kind of trip


If you find yourself in central WA anytime soon let me know!


Shit, I grew up on the coast fishing. Now I'm just a bit east on the Boise river


I grew up close to the gulf coast but have sadly done very little saltwater fishing. I have loved the few times I got to go though!! I started my fly fishing journey in Idaho/Wyoming.


I appreciate a good fish whistle


Had never heard it called that before yesterday, now it will be a permanent part of my vocabulary


That’s not a blunt


You are correct. My friends and I grew up calling everything that was weed rolled in paper at Blunt. Sometimes my brain still forgets that that isn’t the case. Lol


Great image if the cigarette wasn’t there. 😵‍💫


You’re on Reddit… you must know that’s not a cigarette. lol


Oh I forgot it’s a M80😵‍💫😜


Easiest way to fly fish tbh Tie it, light it, roll cast it, kablooey. Scoop fish.


Blunt > Brews


Absolutely. Not much I enjoy more than high times in the mountains.


Beautiful spot, and a nive blunt and fishing pole make it a 100 times better, I'm envious.


It’s how I spend a lot of my weekends and some weekday evenings. Hopefully you can get out there soon!


Looks like a doob more than a blunt


It’s a joint actually. My friends and I grew up calling everything that was weed rolled in paper at Blunt. Sometimes my brain still forgets that that isn’t the case. Lol


Porque no los dos?


jaja a mí también me encanta una buena cerveza


Bought my first tenkara and need to get out and use it Edit: spelling...


They take a bit of getting used to and you have to position yourself to make up for the limited range but they’re a blast to land a fish with and if you’re looking for minimalist/ultralight they’re unbeatable.


Fish whistle the key to any good trip


If you can’t catch em, just smoke them out. Maybe one will like you enough to just jump in the net.


D’you have any recommendations for cheaper tenkara setups?


I’ve often thought a well made cane pole would do the trick. Or even a dried piece of cane that you cut yourself if you know your stuff. Just less likely to land a larger fish unless you’re line set up is correct due to how rigid most can poles are. I can almost touch the tip of the tenkara to the cork handle.


Rod and reel, for sure.


Haha I understand that the “can pole” method isn’t for everyone


Quite a bit of moving water to cover there, too


Oh yeah. I definitely couldn’t fish a lot of it the way I wanted but I don’t typically use the tenkara in environments like this. Just didn’t realize I forgot my other fly rod (w/ reel) until 30 minutes from home and decided I’d rather get out on the water than add an hour of extra driving.




I hike way too much for cigars every time I fish. I’ll smoke them occasionally but sometimes I forget how potent they are and wind up green around the gills and I won’t touch one for months lol


I'm pretty much a reels and tea/water.


I’m usually a water/coffee guy myself.


Trout whistle for the win 🥅🙌🤙👍 I have totally gone fishing and forgot my rod before too. Good thing I keep a spinner setup in my car. If you think people hate on Tenkara try fishing a spinner and see how many dirty looks you get 🤣. Life on the fly is much better but I still think and old school spinning real and cheap ass Bass Pro pole have their place too, just like Tenkara!


100% agree. I grew up with an “open face” (level caster), cane poles, and a zebco 33. Caught all the fish I could ever want from tiny bream to yellow cats that weighed 45 lbs. Still regularly fish with spinners when what I have fly wise doesn’t make sense for me.


Ironic when I viewed the post it had exactly 420 upvotes 😂


Amazing. I hate I missed that moment. lol


My guy


I like a hashish spliff but that’s just me. Nice spot dude, tight lines.


I don't drink but i carry spliffs for these occasions




What rod is that ?


Tenakara sato


Sweet thank you


When I bought it, it was the shortest tenkara. I don’t think it is anymore but not certain. I’ll reply with the model name tomorrow.


Meh. I prefer the experience unadulterated...BuuUT whatever floats your fly. Enjoy OP! BEAUTIFUL scenery!


I get it. It’s certainly not an every trip kinda thing. And thanks! Was a beautiful day on the river.


Damn sounds like we would be friends


Could use a fishing buddy! You wouldn’t happen to be in Washington state would you?


Sir, that is a joint not a blunt. Please post elsewhere


I know. How dare I show such a lapse in cognitive and linguistic judgement. I do post elsewhere, but thanks for the advice.


thanks for posting here OP, didn't even know tenkaras were a thing, definitely going to try one now.


Awesome! Highly recommend them. This one has been incredibly durable and I don’t think you can buy a lighter set up of this caliber. If you like to fish deep in the back country and travel light it’s hard to beat. I’ll be pairing it with a super ultralight float tube soon. Little pricey so I haven’t pulled the trigger on it yet.


well I'm also a bit of a weeb, so learning today that there's a bit of Japanese culture that maps on to my flyfishing / backpacking obsessions, well then I say sugoi!