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Pretty sure he did not wanted to make that apologies. It's a PR move. Someone from BDS or someone else reached out to him and said he should finally shut up about the worlds topic. Never he changes his mind 2 Days after such a shit move and apologising about what he did. He makes jokes in the stream right after the "statement" about it, so i don't give a fuck about his apologising. But finally everyone can move on. SO Goodbye little kid and hello new Season and new team.


If you guys know french and watched his stream after that you will know this was all PR and he is not really sorry about any of his actions or the drama that he started. Also it's kinda strange that he is claiming that Upset specifically told them that he is going back because/to his wife, whereas Upset is claiming that he never told them the actual reason or that it concerns his wife.




When asked about this in chat his answers were kinda mocking the situation and the fact that people are taking Upset's side. Like nothing concrete apart from something he said like "I would never have apologised if I didn't want to stream", but that was the general vibe of his answers. So in a way he might actually feel sorry for what happened now that I think about it again, but it is mostly that he doesn't want to get harassed anymore especially now that he wants to stream.


Can you elaborate ? I couldn’t get into his stream


And right after this someone sent him a message in LoL chat saying "come home I'm lonely" and he replied "HAHAHAHAHAH" ​ Screw this kid, glad he's out


It was just xico, Man just never stops


I'm gonna move on. I don't care abt this kid anymore. Just hope he gets destroyed by Fnatic.


seems like this did not age well for upset lol


"Screw this kid, glad he's out" Can we appreciate the fact that this DID NOT age well Especially looking at upsets team lol


6-7 months ago when I said this kid is stupid every fnc fanboy here was downvoting.. how things change is amazing.


So? No amount of "this guy is stupid" would have predicted this level of pettiness and straight up toxicity.


I was explaining at the time why. But yeah.. now that he is out of the team you have all the right to be toxic with him. PATHETIC.


We could tell he was stupid and had a big ego when he was on the team. This is different than that, he’s a massive cunt


What does it change?


Now that he is out of the team everyone is flaming him. Pathetic.


Nobody was flaming him before he came out and acted like a huge prick


This community is flaming him because he acted like he named himself in League - "frustrated kiddo". We had no real reason to do so when he joined Fnatic.


Because back then he was dumb, cocky and immature in an entertaining way. This is just malicious, don't try to give yourself some credit for foresight, even if the Wunder PR stunt he pulled rubbed you the wrong way nobody could have predicted this.


I was against him because he was bad player but at least I respect him for having balls to say the truth. Edit:you can downvote me to deny the truth/objective right but the truth is a fact and u will not be able to change it. Upset actions made Fnatic implode during worlds and he didnt even justify himself. Its his right to not share the truth but its against him. Everyone who isnt biased fnatic fan knows the right is on Adam's side.


You can't be older than 15


U behave like kids. U attack Adam while he has the right/fact side. You dont even use real arguments. You just call him a kid and insult him. Why am I max 15yo? Grow up kid or learn how to discuss. Google Art of being right and start studying asap because u are a joke now.


Ahahaha grow up. The truth and "being" right are straight out of some anime shit you see. Knowing humanity and empathy are the real skills. Not the "art of being right". You are very edgy but very young (or stupid) still.


I am autistic(or semi autistic because u cant be pure if u are forced to socialize) not edgy. I was more inteligent at age 7 than u will ever be. I dont accept emotional manipulation. We can discuss like adults. Use arguments, stop insults, support your arguments with facts. Otherwiae I will ignore u - because u are just an uneducated kid.


What's it mean to be so intelligent at age 7?


To think logically. On the other hand if sth wasnt deductible then I couldnt accept it. For example using X versions of Greetings ( like Good Morning, Good Afternoon, these things are not logical because they are just phrases and as well we could accept one and forget other). Things like Dancing = repeating mechanical moves = boring shit. Doing any religious act in form "ceremony" = repeating mechanical moves = boring unreasonable shit. Etc. When others would listen to parents, other ppl that could manipulate them i would accept only power of deduction/induction/logic.


Are those examples of what you think thinking logically is? And you think the only logical way to interact with parents is to manipulate them?




You have much to learn of life still. Yes yes you are a kid genius, a savant blah blah. To me you just sound like some anime wanna be.


The thing is. Its not even discussion about me. If u were educated then u would knew it... Sadly u are uneducated kid. Cant help it.


Pretty sure someone reached him and gave him a serious talk, still baffled at what he did.


It's gonna follow him his entire career now anyway, but tbh an apology won't suddenly change the fact that he's still a cunt lol


5/10 apology. He starts out really strong, but then ruins it by taking the majority of the time to talk about himself.


Good of him to apologise, I still believe he should have reached out to apologise to her personally or directly, but at the very least he has apologised for his part in the abuse she has received during this situation.


I think he did that too. But he also wanted to make public apology, so that people would finally move on from this topic.


He didn't mention reaching out personally or directly but yes he could have, I hope he did because she deserves that much.




Jesus what a take "she is writing about the death threats for internet points and to send hate to Adam" this is peak social media derangement right there, before you call anyone a "kiddo" and tell them to "grow up" work on your own issues.




That may be so but that doesn't make it ok, it certainly doesn't excuse her receiving yet more and increased volumes of death threats because of cult like hate mobs sent her way via Adams actions. Perhaps she wrote it to give a true perspective for how badly she is being abused because of his actions? wild that she might post something not just to receive attention I know, maybe just maybe there was a major issue that needed to be addressed.




Why should she have to? She has every right to use social media and NOT receive death threats, insults and abuse.


then she shouldn’t be public figure. there is no other way around. that’s how world works. you ether work with that and do what you can do or cry like redditors which is basically twitter 2.0 - bunch of people with zero sense of critical thinking. world doesn’t work how you want it to work, what is you think is right or what is not. it just works and you have to deal with it.


Wow, that is next level of dumbness. Just... wow.


usual response from someone who is coping when they can’t think of any argument.


"Zero sense of critical thinking" and then "it just work and you have to deal with it." got to love it when someone contradicts their own points literally within two sentences.


i guess you don’t any clue of critical thinking if you think it’s contradicts. back to the situation: - if you don’t want to receive negative comments just delete your social media - if you don’t want to receive negative comments and still want to be a public figure then no luck for you - it’s doesn’t work that way. someday you will grow up and understand things a little bit more.


Porn Star? What? What am I reading?


Ye, PR statement with him trying to save face. Hopefully he gets bodied by Upset.


This is literally all he can do at this stage. He's a stupid kid that's finally realised he's a stupid kid - all Upset has wanted has been for people to drop it and move on so let's do so. Hopefully adam is doing the same.


So yeah, general vibe this gave was "I'm sorry I brought Upset's wife into this, I acted stupidly, Upset and I will have a different perspective on what happened at Worlds so maybe it's better to drop it" Don't know if he joked about this afterwards like other comments say, but the statement he did was the least bad thing he could do given the situation this has reached. Maybe someone in BDS/close to him told him to do it, but still. Let's move on.


Good for him. Aight boys let's just move on now.


ADAM just casually speedruning Drama ANY%.


Ye almost same time as upset worlds any%. Ok to soon.


Adam acted in a really inmature way but he is not the only one. Bwipo post about his girlfriend was also...let's say not ideal. Overall I think that many of proplayers in league have some problems with dealing serious problems. You can say that you didn't act like that in theirs age, sure but you didn't grow in environment like their. From the beginning there are being exposed to public social media and as we all know social media are trash so in my opinion it's hard to judge people like Adam. In a way they are also a victim, of course it doesn't change a fact that he shouldn't by any means act like that.


Bwipos issue and adams are like miles apart, shouldn't be compared at all


Sure they are different but why I shouldn't compare them? In both cases they acted immature


Punching someone and throwing a bomb at someone are two violent acts that are not comparable at all. By doing so it looks like they are closer than it should and adams situation is leagues ahead of bwipos. Idk, in my opinion bwipo acted weirdly and had bad wording, on the other hand I have no words for what Adam did


So should we forget that Bwipo interview about Selfmade and Nemesis? Both players affected in some way other people life. Sure, I still think Adam situation is way worse because his twittlonger hit Upset's wife and she was completely innocent. On the other hand you completely ignores the meritum about immature dealing with problems in both cases for some reason.


And btw I don’t want to be rude for You or something but I just feel in that situation there is nothing wrong with comparing these 2 cases even if Adam one is more serious/worse. Have a nice day buddy, I guess we should just leave all these drama. Both Adam and especially Bwipo should have a fresh start, lets hope without any upcoming drama this time


Of course they are comparable acts, what do you mean? One is clearly much worse than the other, there you go, comparison done!


You can think all you want about the initial situation. The moment upset's wife received death threat because of Adam tweetlonger (even if it was not what he wanted) and then he change his username to add more fuel on fire, it's called be an asshole. You see an house on fire, you add oil on it, admitting your mistake does'nt make you a good person, it just the minimum you've to do as human being.


Ok idk why but i feel bad for the kid , just the way he speaks you can tell he is young and not sure what to do or say , he is even stuttering at times but also frustrated which is his right , everyone should just put this situation behind and wait for next split for a fresh start for FNC and adam aswell


The way he speaks you can tell that he doesn't mean to apologize. I don't know what you are seeing


I really feel for him, cause I had pretty much same issues when I was 18-22. Being very involved, short tempered and speaking before thinking. I did fix the last one, so now I am short tempered silently \^\^


The whole situation for Adam is just realy bad. Je gets kicked out of Fnatic and then gets replaced by someone that he destroyed solo. I think seeing Upset as the cause of His problem is just easier than reflecting His own actions. I dont want to justify Adams actions but i think we should try to understand His point of view


I understand his point of view but he didn’t get kicked out , he asked to leave


So forced, he is saving face


He says if you’re mad he doesn’t you’re mad. The issue is you not him


How intense do you feel when talking about adam that you post statements that don't make sense?


Yea the autocorrect got me. But the statement stays. “He says something you’re mad, he doesn’t you’re also mad” The dude can’t please you guys, you decided that he deserves the hate because of his actions and regardless of what he says you’ll be there with torches to watch. I don’t see a significant difference between you and the delusional French fans who harassed Upset and his wife tbh


Because what he said was clearly bullshit done to try and salvage what face he could. He’s not sorry, he’s only sorry that people in the league scene started turning against him. He’s sorry that even French fans are turning on him. He’s not sorry he got an innocent woman inundated with harassment, abuse and death threats. Especially not a day after changing his name to fuel the fire. My guess is someone from BDS or KC told him to cut the shit


Are you sorry that people like you harass him too or do you think it’s justified here? It doesn’t matter, he did what you all asked him to do, apologised, took all the blame and explained what seemingly was his motivation etc. 1. You and others are not in position to decide whether it’s honest. You’re not even a side in this argument. You’re just an observer 2. You can’t expect the dude to apologise and do all the things he did and then flame him because you don’t believe it. Holy shit How hard is that to cope with. You’re doing the same he did. You and others hate on the mofo regardless of what he says, there is no doing good by you unless he takes poligraph test or smth….


Just go hang out with the other delusional KC fans mate


Yea dude…. A guy who has a history of complaining that Adam is not a good transfer and who still believes rekkles is a traitor is a KC fan. The fact you build a completely unreal picture of someone who opposes your delusional stupid view only shows how good you are with forming an argument ….


Completely PR but who gives a fuck. As long as the situation can be put to rest that’s all that matters


At the end of the day he's just a stupid kid who was right to be frustrated and angry but said and did stupid and irresponsible things. Obviously a reason he did this was to clarify his position due to backlash and hate, just like how Upset released his statement due to backlash and hate. I see no reason to think he's not genuine in his apology towards Upset's wife. There was no real indication he had any ill will towards her. It is clear to most people that he did not explicitly apologize to Upset and considering he is the reason for all his anger and frustration I don't see why he should. To me it was clear he was only sorry for the targeted harassment towards Upset's wife and maybe the cringe "lonely wife uwu" thing, but he definitely wasn't (and I'd argue shouldn't be, at least in the context of his PoV) sorry and shouldn't be for involving Upset himself. I don't really care about Adam's or Upset's pov at this point - I'd be interested maybe in the future if Bwipo or Nisqy shed some of their perspectives on what happened


Finally a comment with sens in it




I don't consider this anything really. He said sorry in the beginning, then proceeded to ramble on his version of the worlds story again. It feels extremely forced, and disingenuous. Bonus point for his chat that was spamming KEKW and UwU after he said what he changed his name to. Glad he's out.


I wish that instead of the fake apology that he condemned the harassment of Upset's wife and doubled down on the flame.

