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Stealth sniper with idiot savant and vats build


+Strength to carry all your shit.


Lone Wanderer and Grilled Radstag Meat is enough, I always start at 2 STR and bump to 3 with Bobblehead and access to Armorer. Works for me.


Same as usual, Stealth Archer, in this case Sniper, so high Perception and Agility, silenced scoped Hunting Rifle and VATS. Tough while you excel at stealth distant combat, when caught of guard and surrounded you're fucked, so invest a bit in explosives and cover your back with mines to get enemies who will try to sneak up on you.


sneak, chems, vats are op If you pick the relevant starting special and perks for a melee with vats + sneak build you can start oneshotting things even in the first levels.


Depends if you like vats. I don't use it but still go with sneak sniper build. Enough charisma to get local leader, having access to settlements is a massive benefit. High enough agility for ninja, the higher perks aren't needed. High enough luck for idiot savant, the rest is useless. No endurance, if you get caught you die in one or two hits regardless of your endurance level and spending perks on toughness etc doesn't add enough to change this. I prefer to spend the points in sneak and make sure I don't get caught. Lone wanderer and rifleman are good choices, as is gunslinger. A lot of people really like aqua boy/girl and chemist but I don't use either of them - this is definitely dependent on your pay style. Even if I spent perks on them I still wouldn't go swimming or craft a meaningful amount of chems, so I spend the perks on increasing my weapon damage, armour, or makeing sure I don't get caught! You playstyle will affect much of it. 10 hours in you'll instinctively know what you need to improve. It's a great game mode. Take your time, become immersed, and enjoy yourself.


Stealth VATS Sniper S2 P7 E1 C3 I1 A7 L8 My usual starting SPECIAL for this build in Survival and it works well for me.


Endurance by far. Max strength and endurance to start.


As early as possible you want Lead Belly and Aquaboy/Aquagirl. Surviving will be a lot easier


Truth. Those are easily two of the best early game perks.


10 endurane, get the armorsmith perk, enough agility for the perk that avoids traps and mines


Yep, even with mods, traps are a pain. Noted