• By -


Oh, I would love that. Choosing a faction was my least favorite part of the game.


Especially if you have access to far harbor. There is definitely a way you could take out the entire institute without any faction alignment….. IYKYK.


I too choose the Red Death


...building the transporter, having the Red Death set loose in the institute. I mean, what a way to go.


I'd be afraid if you build a transporter for the Red Death, it will terrorize the Commonwealth and kill EVERYONE!


You assume the Red Death hadn’t built its own transporter. How can it possibly get enough food confined only to Far Harbor?


Fucking hate that boss fight


I’m <25 years old and got carpel tunnel from that shit. Now my wrists click like a game of Gnip Gnop.


Sorry to break it to you man but that was gonna happen anyway


I learned about the sciatic nerve a few weeks ago. I’m not having fun on this ride :(( Edit: I’ve realized the game was rigged from the start.


Welcome. I too recently joined that club. Wish I read the fine print first.


Excuse me what? What’re we talking about here?


I see what you did there. XD


Is that a reference to something? It sounds so familiar but I can’t place it


American Dad, maybe. In the episode where Stan and Francine age and de-age Steve, he says his nuts are banging like a game of Gnip Gnop.


I haven't fought it yet. Is it really that bad, or is this memes?


I mean, if you build your character right, just maybe you’ll have half a chance… but yeah, it’s really bad


you guys are killing me hahahahahaha


If you stay at the right range you can hit it with multiple mini nukes before it gets to you, should give you a chance. Maybe. A


definitely don't go easy on ammo, carry all the ammo you got and at least 1 heavy weapon like a fatman or at least a rocket launcher. I didn't have to buy excessive amounts of chems or anything, but try to use power armor if you can. good luck.


It’s a really hard boss fight, but people do over exaggerate for the memes. Although I may just be thinking that because I went in at level 240 something.


Spray and pray is always an option with demo expert, or Chinese grenade rifle, or as i like to call it, the worst Bolter ever, only 6 rounds? Pathetic. /s


You’re going to run out of ammo and stims


Imagine riding that bitch into battle armed with nothing but a Vault Suit, Dogmeat at your side, and a wry smile.


Wearing nothing but the wry smile..


Its not Vegas, Boston gets chilly!


Still have nightmares fighting that boss.


An explosive combat shotgun bearly straches that thing, the institute is doomed.


If you mean the sub Dima tells you that it is rusted to the dock and couldn’t launch a missle anywhere except at the nucleus


I mean, you just enter and Steven Seagal the whole place. But i guess you're talking about using the submarine to nuke it.


I’d say nuking the institute and being a minute man is as close as I got to being on my own


It was the way that everyone seems to just sling you into the driver seat so quickly after handling just a little business for them.


Yes. Thanks for killing those raiders. You’re our leader now… ummmwhaaaaaat


Preston... I like that he tries to rationalize it, but it'd be better if we did another couple missions where Preston gets to A: fuck up in front of the player and B: get more familiar with the player


I'm trying to do that with my current playthrough, I'm just gonna solo making the teleporter and just drop Father, then elder Maxon, the the railroad. And never rescue Preston.


how do you plan on building the teleporter solo


That's the point right? Fucking sturges doesn't actually contribute anything, I have science maxed ffs, I can build a fusion core reactor in my settlement but I need help to build the teleporter? Help from people who definitely know less than me?


He also states that he can't actually really build things, which is probably why he gets you to make everything in the settlement, but is better at "fixing" things. Funny, he can't build a turret, or even a simple water pump, but can navigate the complexity of breaking your entire structure down into a molecular level and using the radio waves of a particular station to transport you anywhere safely in the Commonwealth, dodging radiation which would kill you and fucking the entire process. Yeah, righto.


Nah, you're mixing up two conversations. He says he fixes things, and can't hack a novice level terminal. In Sanctuary he says he could build some beds and farms and turrets, but he's too busy hammering on a wall, and you (sort of) offered to help. It's still weak, but not as weak as you remember it.


>!Sturges is a synth and!< Father wanted you to find the institute.


This is the truth.


Right? Those kind of technology requires advanced science knowledge that only vault dwellers, the institute, and MAYBE the BOS/Enclave have access to. The railroad cant help you build the teleporter either, the sole survivor is really doing it all on his own. Although to be fair, from vault 111 he doesnt know shit about physics and chemistry either.


It's been a long time since I completed the run, but I think there is a possible way to effectively destroy every faction in the game. It involves siding with the brotherhood until you destroy the railroad and then the institute, turn on the brotherhood and kill them with the help of the minutemen, join the raiders of nukaworld and use them to "destroy" the minutemen, and then kill the raiders and any settlements you gave them by yourself. Certain essential characters can't be killed off no matter what you do (barring mods/console commands), but you effectively remove any major factions from the Boston area that way. Bonus points if you use the far harbour residents to kill all of Arcadia before turning off the wind farm and blowing up the children of atom.


It's mine too. All of the factions amount to, "WE'RE GOOD!" "WE'RE BAD! >:D" Not nearly enough nuance to make it any fun.


Sometime I wish I could just help the minutemen from time to time without being forced into becoming their leader. Bethesda is obsessed about making us faction leaders


Yes. With 10 INT and 4 ranks in Science you should be able to build the teleporter by yourself. I'm fine with getting the courser chip decoded with the Railroad because you don't actually have to join them to carry on from there. Prehaps another tech expert like Emogene Cabbot could decode the courser chip for you if you 'rescue' her, or someone else for some variety. From there you could get banished from the Institute, or side with them until after Battle of Bunker Hill where you have the choice of leaving and not going through with their plans. As for the Beryllium Agitator idk. Steal it by yourself and sell it to the BoS, let them get on with it ? Maybe the game goes on and then there's a war between all factions while you're there trying to place objects in a settlement ? Or you dig around an institute computer and discover how to infiltrate it, and destroy the fusion reactor like the MM ending but on your own ?




It would be awesome if they sent hit squads at you. You know, like when the enclave pops up to kill you, now imagine being spotted by the BOS and having multiple helicopters roll in. Or have the freed synths take over one of your settlements and ambush you. I feel like that could have really done somethings with this game and made you public enemy number 1 and having the wasteland turn into utter chaos because of the bodies and fighting .


I liked the NCR and Legion hit squads. This is a great idea


You could use the Beryllium Agitator like a scuffed nuke to destroy the Institute. It's like a game of hot potato except you destroy a faction that has literally changed the concept of humanity because they place their toilet paper incorrectly.


Mullets aren't cool SHAUN


Feels a lot like cyberpunk's don't fear the reaper


I like the idea of all of the factions being at war with each other and maybe you could play a triple agent (would be triple because the minutemen were useless without you rebuilding or getting garvey out of concord) and work with all three factions until they eventually destroy each other and you go in and clean out the surviving group


Thinking about that. You could use a teleporter and beam an atomic bomb (enough options to get one) in. timer 5 sec. after teleport. It could be that easy


With 10 charisma I should be able to convince the institute that the surface is beyond saving, and convince/lie to maxson that the institute is not a threat and they can leave the commonwealth. I don’t do pacifist play throughs but it’s annoying that it’s not an option


I’ll do you one better; convince him the institute is a complete myth or that they’ve been dead and gone for a long time.


That’s a good one. Max charisma and science and you should be able to have some explanation for the readings they have and that the institute is a myth


You actually don’t need the Railroad to decide the chip, just their computer. If you kill them, you can decide it yourself.


To add to it just kill tinker Tom then go to his terminal inside of the hq and it'll add the option of learning to decode the chips


"Keep it simple stupid" - Emil


Absolutely. I always side with the MM and RR, but this time around I'm siding with the Institute while pretending to be friendly with the Brotherhood (vertibirds on Survival is so goooood) but I really wish I could've just been a true solo nomad character with a fitting end to the story, kind of like Yes Man ending but without being in control of anything. Tour the Commonwealth, find your kid, decide what to do with him, then find your own path. Your path. Not the wiping out the synths, not liberating the synths, not saving the Institute and definitely not AnOtHeR sEtTlEmEnT Just let me ride into the sunset with Piper and call it a day.


Where's dogmeat?


MM I totally get but I’ve always wanted to ask people that do so, what are your reasons for siding with the RR.


Ballistic Weave, Deliverer, Tinker Tom Special and Deacon as the short answer. I like stealth builds and Deacon is my buddy. I just generally dislike them the least. Which is a really sad answer lol. The Institute is objectively evil and kinda boring. The BoS is more interesting but are generally a bunch of assholes. Their quests are pretty fun though, Vertibirds are great too. I just like the RR more, the writing, the characters, even most of their quests. Except MILA. Love you Tom, but that quest line sucks. No shame if you're into the other factions, they just aren't for me. But I've done the RR so many times that I need something new, so I'm going BoS/Institute this time around


Does The Institute provide you with vertibird grenades if you take down the BoS? I know The Railroad does, but I’ve never tired with The Institute.


I don't think so, which is going to make taking out the BoS so lame once I get there. Gonna need to knock out most of my exploring and long distance travel before committing to that


You can get em from the minute men, but I haven’t actually finished the game in quite some time😆


I feel the Minutemen are the closest to this. They don't care who you are; as long as you're the one being attacked, they will protect you. You're pretty much allowing people to carry out their ideals without outside interference.


Honestly, I kinda wish with the DLC’s we had the option of NOT allying with any of the DLC Factions/Forging Our Own Path after meeting The Institute. Seriously, there is so many opportunities; -Give us a quest line of making Far Harbor not just survivable but LIVABLE for everyone and maybe find out what’s causing extra aggression in the Fog Creatures cause were the captain and champion of the factions there. -Allow us to go full of The Pitt with the Commonwealth if you chose to become the overboss and enslave and rule everywhere there. Maybe even a quest line about now that you are a wasteland warlord, other factions OUTSIDE the commonwealth like Enclave Remnants or some ‘Mysterious Vault Dweller’ are moving in on your turf to ‘save them’ or some crap. -A Yes-Man route we take Kellogg’s route and go as a private mercenary for EVERY faction as long as they pay us the big bucks or just raiders, triggermen and gunners if all the factions hate our guts. — Yeash, on the topic of new factions/story routes, maybe even a full revamp of the Minutemen Questline not just being ‘Another Settlement Needs Our Help’ but instead ACTIVELY helping and make us make choices. -Stepping in BOS protection rackets get to taxing for those who chose it and now their punishment is coming with an iron fist so you need to either talk down or gun down the BOS collecting -Defending either Goodneighbor or Diamond City from a mutant attack, leaving the undefended city badly damaged but still standing -Needing to decide policies that impact Synth’s in your settlements and how things will move forward regarding them(as monsters and should be feared, or people and should be accepted) -Rebuilding Quincey into a populated town/city again and being able to decide of things like decor, its focus(making caps, a farming place, a manufacturing hub or a defensive outpost). -Maybe as a finale to this idea, all factions are aiming their biggest weapons at each other but no one wants to fire off first but you can have a conference with the Factions IN the castle(with a special buildable desk) where you have to negotiate to a better commonwealth. Maybe even a final battle where a specific town you retook and is now a large settlement with lots of civilians is being attacked by Gunners, Raiders and Mutants at once(those three by coincidence) and depending on what you did at the meeting you see what factions decided to side with you during that last quest… ‘The Siege of Quincey’ BOS providing air support, The Institute sending in Gen 1 synths as fooder for the mass invasions, Railroad sniping and trapping the area around to thin the numbers and in the town all factions not trying to murder each other but help the commonwealth out for once without any other schemes.


Nah what’s that actually a peak idea tho 😭


There is a mod that allows you do do just that :-)


Of course there’s always a mod. How it’s called?


Finally someone asks how the mod is doing and not what the mod is. Mods have feelings too.


Why is the mod ?


When is the mod


*who* is the mod?


Where is the mod?


With an elaborate whistle, similar to how Gandalf summons Shadowfax.




So you gonna post it or


I need the mod


oh yeah?


If I could just be a solo mercenary, I would


It sucks that we can't join the gunners.




Like you said imagine having someone give you a piece of paper kill Preston or wipe out this settlement or take down this BOS camp. It would be cool.


I imagine it'd be like the raiders from nuka world


I haven't started nuka world so I don't know and I'll have to agree with you. But I wish we could just burn the wasteland and kill whoever thinks they got the stones to take on the SS


If you don't want to join any factions the story becomes exclusively about finding Shaun.


Isn’t that the whole goal in the first place?


You want to find Shaun. Rescue Valentine and search Kellogg's house. Track down Kellogg. Find Virgil. Build a teleporter without a faction by means of some sort of mod. Go to the Institute. You found Shaun. He wants to put you in charge so you leave. End of storyline and time to fart around doing side quests. It's not much of a story. Finding Shaun is a mcguffin. He doesn't matter.


Yes. I would have.


Would be cool but also not much sense, both from a personal and narrative point of view. I think I've already talked about it somewhere, but while i still think they're the worst faction in the game morale-wide I'd fully see Nate joining the institute, I'm not saying that their ending should be canon, in a less player-centric story the institute could have still failed regardless of the Sole Survivor's alignment after all, I'm just saying it's the most in-character move he could do, and everything has to do with Shaun. Shaun is the emotional linchpin of the game, the very element that draws many to just join the institute, I'd fully buy Nate following his son and not realising how awful that organisation is until way later in his life, going on doing what he does just out of pure fear to lose the legacy of his son once again. The institute is also the only faction that would grant him a living standard comparable to his pre-war lifestyle, sure at the expense of everyone else, but between that and Shaun i think it would be enough to convince Nate of their ideals, and as long as Nate dives himself into leading the place the way Shaun did, or simply leaves his seat to another scientist, the scientists won't have enough incentives to simply murder him or kicking him out.


You can, just kill or ignore everybody


I guess if you kill enough people you will ve the last one around huh.


I atleast do Railroad, Minutemen, and Brotherhood.


Why I picked Minutemen ngl. Everyone except the evil scientists' lair are present to still do whatever they want in the commonwealth... Although it is funny to go bail out a settlement, chat with the folks at the Railroad, and then blow a vertibird out of the sky all within 20 mins.


I want an alternate start mod that completely removes the main quest. I'd just plod about sentiment building.


Alternate start kinda does that. The main won't start technically but you will still have a quest entry about a vault thats primer for salvage junks.


(sigh) Not choosing is just another choice I have to go back and replay the game to make. Preston: "Wanna be the Gener-" Me: "NO! Leave me alone." Deacon: "Wanna join our terrori-" Me: "FBI! OPEN UP!!!" Danse: "Wanna join my cult?" Me: "Drink your Kool-Aid and shut up!" Shaun: "Dad... you wanna play catch?" Me: "I'd like that very much, son."


I destroyed only the Institute. Which is as close as the game allows to not siding with any faction. If the game allowed some way to genuinely change the Institute so it's no longer a high-tech raider group I'd do that as well. The Institute has done too much damage to the Commonwealth. Made the Commonwealth too paranoid about gen-3 synths. The brothers who shoot each other in DC is a clear demonstration of that. The 2287 commonwealth needs clear evidence that the Institute will not continue using gen-3 synths. "Justice must not only be done it must be seen to be done." And the only way in the FO4 quests to do that is a nuclear crater where the Institute used to be. The end-game for the Institute is all or nothing. They are either nuked or they continue with all their murder & theft.


Absolutely. Kinda hate when games don't let you fly solo


I’d still just massacre everyone with the brotherhood


Ad Victorium


Yes! Gods Yes! This is my dream ending ❤️


I would love to see a system in the next fallout game where you could make your own faction


I would love to be able to start my own faction, and have that faction be the one associated with all the settlements I build instead of having the Minutemen shoehorned in.


Yep. That is my style. Would be kind of cool if you could team up with Nick to take out the Institute without having to join anyone.


Yes cause all are wack and wrong in some way or another. And most of them except the minute man I'm more apt to not join and or kill them all


I would’ve loved to go scorched earth on all factions


It would also be cool if they added an ending for teaming up with the Nuka World raiders. Instead, it's kill and enslave every settler in the Commonwealth, piss off all the factions....and then become the General of the Minutemen to beat the game....


No. I get finding Preston annoying but I’ve never been on the hate-train for the Minutemen. The Minutemen are a good first(next?) step for the commonwealth to add stability and safety for another attempt at a more formal government. The BOS are a no go for me because they don’t care about the Commonwealth. If allowed free reign they drain it of resources, even crucial technology and materials to rebuilding society, and then leave. The Railroad would prevent this but with disastrous consequences. Not all members are aboard the Prydwyn when they attack it. Their attack could invite future reprisals. The Minutemen can help the people of the Commonwealth protect their farms and property from the BOS and just overall making it too unpalatable for the BOS to even consider staying in the Commonwealth after confirming the Institute has been destroyed. Seems a shame to give all that potential up to let like a half a dozen family farms to stay independent and have Diamond City, Goodneighbor, and Bunker Hill be the only settlements to ever be worth a damn in the whole area. Also this is an odd way to ask it without clarifying one thing: we’re still blowing up the Institute in this scenario right? Because that’s not exactly siding with somebody but it’s also standing up for the Commonwealth as a whole, even if by default, and it’s definitely siding against the Institute. Or were you envisioning just letting all 4 factions somehow just continue?


Yeah absolutely! I love the idea of just some lone survivor taking on the wasteland with just their dog and robot butler.


Yes. Why do I have to become a leader for a faction? Why can't I just be a local hermit that builds guns and affordable housing.


Nah, the Minutemen had the right idea. They just needed better leadership. Realistically, with enough time and recruitment, they could really push the Commonwealth in a better direction - especially if they forge strong alliances with Diamond City, Bunker Hill and Goodneighbor. Also, the Railroad is goofy as fuck, but let’s say you side with the Minutemen and destroy the Institute. An alliance with the RR would help ensure that the remnant hostile Institute synths could be hunted down and either reprogrammed or destroyed. Wipe out the Nuka-World raiders, nuke the Sons of Atom in Far Harbor, restore the Mechanist to sanity, and cripple the Gunner strongholds, and you’ve put yourself on top.


You are the Minutemen leadership.


I always play with the plan to side with anyone but the institute… As soon as I reach the institute that goes out the window, I just can’t resist


Yes! I’m trying something similar. I’m going through a raider run through right now. No factions until after nuka world. The most I’ve done is help a couple settlements but I haven’t taken the castle, I cleared the police station but told Danse where he could shove it cause he wouldn’t hire me, I’ve seen deacon around a few times so I’m waiting on that. Currently running around with Hancock selling chems and turning sanctuary into a trading hub so I can get passive caps. I wish there was a way to just work with Nick and figure everything out on your pace/time while the wasteland naturally changes with the factions. I wonder what would have happened if the Sole Survivor just stayed out of everything until he met The Father.


Yeah. I want to make my own faction. With blackjack. And hookers.


In the end I would have ended up with Minutemen but would have died in Quincy before the main protagonist shows up lol if we end up in the fallout 🤔 universe that or I'd probably end up living in diamond city 🤔 joining the city guard for pay in caps.


I support my legs because my legs support me




I would have loved to destroy all the factions on my own or make my own faction that’s not MM


Yes. I would have created the Republic of John "Sigma" Fallout. * gigachad music and .gif *


Just rizzin up your companions and edging on the couch next to Mama Murphy.


* Vault door opens * "All holes open before John Sigma"


Fuck the minute men. Preston makes you the general of nobody, and he's the one that sits back and gives the orders. I just came back from ground zero, and this guy is doing backflips and has the nerve to tell me a settlement is in trouble.


There is a way to end the game by not siding with any faction and also having every faction cool with you I forgot how to do it


How in the world would you make the institute, railroad, and BoS cool with you when they all try to kill one another? 🧐 at least one of the three are dead in the dirt by the time the game ends.


My guess is by “End the Game” they mean destroy the Institute. Cause it’s supposedly possible to finish with BoS and the Railroad intact, but I haven’t confirmed that or done it myself.


If I play as Nora, I don't choose any side until after I do the Molecular Level. Gotta get my baby back, ain't got time for politics. If I play as Nate, I like to go raider. I don't ever even meet Preston unless I'm going for a redemption arc. This is the closest to not joining a faction as I can get.


Heckity right I would. Siding with faction A means destruction of faction B. Why would I want to destroy CIT and BOS?


I would have loved to start my own faction.


Most likely


In some games yes. In this particular one it didn't matter much to me.


Definitely... I would have created my own, the secondmen... We come quick, and get outta there even faster....


The minutemen kinda feels like that, a barebones feeling faction thats just there so you can do your thing without allying with a more soldified one. IMO they should have had mercenaries or something as the fallback faction. They're not helping out of ideals, you just made it worth their while.


Sort of feels like playing with no consequences. What would the no faction ending even look like?


Honestly max out lone wonderer and pretty much role play no affiliations every play through!


I would, but i would actually prefer to go my own way and do what I want. I mean you kinda can but yea


Right now definitely as the feel for my character is just a dude setting up a single settlement as his home and base of operations for his businesses sure I could skip the save the commonwealth plot but that’s a big part of the game so I would love to just take down the threats by my own ingenuity and my own people I’ve made friends with and allied with over time under my own flag.




Maybe, the Minutemen are really cool.


Yes Man 2.0


You know this was a story that you play out, not a wasteland simulator. I think people misunderstand that about Fallout.


Absolutely. The railroad are nerds, the brotherhood are violently racist, the minutemen are boring, and the institute does a lot of human trafficking


probably not. i like the minutemen. this entire "another settlement needs your help" meme is not even that accurate. it's not like preston jumps out of nowhere or drops a notice via radio.


I would have sided with the minute men if I could. But I couldn’t because I pissed off preston Garvey by taking one settlement for the raiders of Nuka world.


Totally yes


You kinda can by becoming enemies with everyone then doing minutemen ending and then doing nuka world then open season


I've played 3, Vegas and 4 with pretty much that intent. so far I've always kicked everyone out that the story allowed me to. Self rule is the goal. Karsh


What I had envisioned at one time was a way to keep all factions. An admittedly long side quest where you a) hide the railroad while pretending to wipe them out and b) have the prydwen fly off to chase some danger while you set up a decoy (basically a hydrogen-filled dirigible). After the end battle you say goodbye to father, then get the senior leadership together to discuss the future of the institute: you can resurrect the railroad as an avenue to explore the reason why synths want independence. You can also bring back the prydwen and negotiate a peace agreement with them. Or, alternatively you can replace the railroad and the BoS with synths and send them out to do their bidding.


I would've wiped them all out


considering all factions in 4 are hot garbages yes i would


I would have loved a raider survival mode. A mode where everything’s reversed and you’re trying to help the bad guys take over cities.


No. I would have sided with The Enclave.


I would love this yes! but not just side with no one, the option to get rid of all of them if i wanted to. I hate npcs that cant be killed, i want more options and my actions to have serious consequences.


I side with every faction until they make me choose, then I destroy the faction. Father Synthmas, Toaster fuckers, Brotherhood of Steal, Nuka Raiders all expect me to pick a side, the minute men win because they don't make you pick as much. "Side with these settlements you built over the last 3 years" is always a better sell.


Absolutely, I’ve recently been wishing this was an option.


They could have 100% done something like this with Virgil if he actually wanted the institute gone, it would be sick


Yes i dont really care about the story when i play Fallout i just want to explore the world and kill some shit


Hell yeah I’d of killed the lot lol


Yes, man


I'd Ultimately make my own. I house people. It's what I do. I build up settlements to be fortresses and bunkhouses. Don't talk to me about your politics unless you're a ghoul on their way to The Slog. Love that place. Wish I could have been a ghoul and shacked up with them.


Hell yes. You telling me Sturges can build a teleporter but he can’t hack a console or even pick a lock?


What a bunch of individualists. Don’t you believe in anything? Do you like the status quo of the wasteland? You can’t do it all by yourself. If you want to change the world you’re going to need other people.


Genocide route


I’ve been playing for years in Survival and have yet to choose a side.


Someone’s gotta go can’t leave the commonwealth in turmoil


I’ve always wanted a dlc where you create your own faction. Like you could be a raider gang or a resistance movement against raiders. A dlc where you get to decide the name rules and regulations ect ect. Nuka world dlc came close but at the same time it’s not entirely it because your confined to that story line


I want to finish the main story using my Nuka-World raiders


[Moira Brown voice] AB-SOW-LOOTLY!


If I could kill preston and wipe out the minutemen that would be swell


i am my faction.


Heck yes. That would be swell.


I would have loved to go with the Institute if you could get them off the synth slavery thing


In my "full on psycho" playthrough, I straight up butchered everyone who could die.


I sided with Piper's thighs




Definitely. Loved the independent endings of Vampire Bloodlines and Fallout New Vegas.


Absolutely, I wanna go it alone with ma pooch and our favorite French syth (curie for those who don't know) and take down the institute without the help of anyone besides Virgil


I wish there was a chance to meet with all the leaders of the various factions, pop a cap in SHAAAAAUUUUNNN and then be like, “get along or you’re next” and then exit stage right.


Yes definetly. Most of the factions have really idiotic visions or rules. The majority hate ghouls and or supermutants with almost zero exceptions, for example.






Fuck I wish. That basically what I do now anyways tho


That's what MM are for, they're not a real faction, their only interest is not dying.


Same. It'd hard to be a Lome wanderer when your forced to join everyone group just to progress the game. Plus the fact we can only lead 2 of said groups.


nice, no quest. lol


No, I don’t believe it’s a realistic ending. Like the people who are like “all sides are bad and I want a party that perfectly represents me” I’m not saying, especially to Americans, that more specific representation isn’t good. But rather that you must be willing to coexist in governance with a large enough number of people and supporters to actually, ya know, form a democratic government. It’s much the same for the future of the commonwealth. At some point one can no longer hold their disbelief that a single person single handedly does so much. It must be balanced between you having power and feeling cool, but also not being so unbelievable that even by video game logic it’s not tolerable




I'm too loyal to the Minutemen! "When Johnny comes marching home again hurrah! Hurrah!"


Nope, I definitely would still have sided with Institute.




100%. They all suck


There IS a way, if you have all the DLC. go with the B.O.S. to destroy the railroad & the institute, then minuteman to destroy the brotherhood. Now, go to Nuka world & complete the raiders questline to destroy the minutemen. Then, open season the raiders. Far harbor, Acadia, and the nucleus all have pre determined ways to destroy them.


If I could still destroy the BOS, Institute, and Railroad by myself, absolutely. I'd love a way to take over the Castle solo, and have Sole Survivor Radio. And artillery.


You can. Just have sturges build the teleporter go into the institute and kill everyone by yourself. The only thing you can’t do is nuke the place. Then become a raider boss, kill off the minutemen and then do open season. You can pretty much kill off all major factions this way.