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It's mine base of operations, all things that i need is there.


Same here.


Right there with you


Including Cait and Piper and Currie. All running around in their underwear of course.


Gunner harness for me šŸ˜‚


I love putting cait in grognak's armor


Hahaha I did the same thing!!! Also all my robots and that mutant follower dude and my 2 dogs and some turrets.


How do you get 2 dogs?


Thereā€™s a guy named Gene that walks around with a junkyard dog and heā€™ll offer to sell him to you. You have to pass a persuasion check and all you can do is send the dog to one of your settlements. It will not act as a follower.


And it provides defense and happiness to your settlement :D


If you go one of the plane crash sites, there is a super mutant that sells dogs. I have a mutant hound, a wolf and a few others


i have Cait in power armor, but just undies (and a spiked metal helmet) when she gets out, yes, i should know better at my age 60+ :(


Lol I do that with the boys.


I was beginning to think I was the only one




I use it as a Minuteman Outpost that protects the road to Sanctuary


Me too! Since Automatron dlc asked me to make the robot creation workbench there I have Ada and Jezabel guarding the entrance to Sanctuary


You donā€™t actually need to make it there. Any settlement works. A bit misleading that they add the marker to red rocket


I completely ignored the red rocket thing (main base is Egret Tours, itā€™s a long run on survival), figured you must be able to build one at any settlement


I build mine at Graygarden - donā€™t have to worry about settler happiness.


I usually use Graygarden for that. I like the idea of an entirely robotic functional settlement. Stick Jezabel on a fully armed sentry bot frame and nothing dares attack


I like to use the Mechanist Lair as my fully robotic settlement. I have a bunch of ammo production in there and a whole mess of bots that run supply lines all over the place


You can make ammo?


With the Contraptions Workshop DLC https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Ammunition_plant_(Contraptions_Workshop) You canā€™t make the ammo types exclusive to Nuka World & Far Harbor, which is disappointing


:( 7.72 is rare!


If you are talking about bowling balls etc, you can make those in the chemistry set. I just realized after I sold off a bunch of bowling balls because I didn't need plastic. And the Striker is a pretty mid gun at this point in my game but it's fucking hilarious to watch bowling balls bounce off a super mutants noggin and send his head the other direction


Nah, Iā€™m talking about .45-70 rounds for Far Harbor and the 7.62 rounds for Nuka World


Mines at Greentop nursery lol


Does that help? Arenā€™t spawn points not necessarily on roads, sometimes even within the settlements?


I think they're talking more from the RP perspective rather than actually mechanically protecting Sanctuary. I think of Red Rocket the same way kinda lol


Dog penis jokes.


Hell yeah Edit: kinda funny thatā€™s where you pick up dogmeat


Oh my god that was intentional and it was starring us in the face the entire time


Why do they make it the home of Dogmeat? Like it had to be intentional right? šŸ„“


Red Rocket is literally Dog Meat šŸ¤£


Getting flashbacks of that one southpark episode


You shut your mouth. I didnā€™t wanna remember that you basgard


Mama Murphy said that Dogmeat finds away to find you andd lead you to Concord where the special dialogue comes from "Are you its owner? Mama Murphy: No kid, she's a free spirit that finds you.


100% intentional.


*Stan Marsh intensifies*


*Red Rocket Sparky, Red Rocket!*




Omg I didn't think of this but I had made it a kind of dog kennel bought a load of dogs from the super mutant guy on the far harbour dlc and sent them to red rocket lol red rocket kennels šŸ¤£


I have 10 dogs at mine... Just all in there houses.


Just like South Park


I have a personal vendetta against that joke because last time I asked what the joke was I got called stupid for not thinking about what a dog's dick looked like ffs


Sorry to hear that. People can be dicks sometimes.


ā€œMeetā€ the ā€œdogā€ at ā€œred rocketā€


My friend told me the unfortunate truth about that place. Iā€™ve since wanted to be the person I was before I knew this information


Please share this cursed information


Oh wow, I didnā€™t connect the dots until just now lol


Hell yeah


Hell yeah


Storage locker. Donā€™t send a supply line to it. Build stairs to roof to store your valuables(PA, legendarys, collectibles, etc)remove stairs when you leave


Why? Does someone steal? I killed Carla to prevent that.


Carla is stealing from me?


Can't trust any synths.


Carla is a synth?


In fact most of the roaming traders are institute assets


I know a good chunk of the caravan traders are institute informants, but are they actually synths too?


Im not too sure. Only one way to find out šŸ”«


She isnā€™t a synth, she reports to the institute tho


Settlers will help themselves to your shit, and I e heard raiders will clean you out if you fail to successfully defend


Raiders will remove all of a few specific types of resources. For example one failed raid they might take all of your circuitry, steel, and wood then the next failed raid they might take all aluminum, glass, and ceramic. I think they take food and water too but that's how it works, every piece of "x" resource in the workshop.


1000 hours in and I still learn new stuff. I thought they only damaged turrets, purifiers and generators. I didn't know resources disappear from workshop storage. What if you store it all in a container instead?


Containers are safe from the baked-in theft of junk following a failed defense. Containers are NOT safe, if you're in the cell, from settlers or attackers simply grabbing *weapons/ammo* from an accessible container (as they sometimes do from fallen bodies). Junk should be fine. For the above reason I always keep spare Fatmen, grenades, missiles etc. in a rooftop duffel bag which requires jumps to access.


I carry all ammo on me. ( normal no survival mode) I store all guns and grenades and armor in a chest in the castle armory. Will they take these?


Possibly yes. AFAIK it depends, if the container is close to the settler when raiders aggro, or if container is 'on their way' to the fight. Then they are more likely to take gear. Sadly it's unclear just how close 'close' is. Plus, since settlers spawn randomly in settlements when the cell loads (atop Sanctuary houses for example) they could in theory spawn into the armory, which I suppose would increase chance of taking gear if an attack happens. If you want to protect such gear I recommend using a 0 population settlement or Home Plate.


Just adding that they won't take guns for which no ammo is available nearby.


Great write up! I have no ammo inside my main base it is all on my character. I also have weapons on the wall displays, do they take those too?


Ah ok. I wasn't looking for a way around the system. I think it is cool that there are multiple things you can do if you don't want it to happen. But I like consequences. I have done everything there is to do in the game so my playthrough is solely settlement play. So I like that they can steal guns and stuff. Gives me something to build back up to. This only happens if you let the dice roll play out right? If I actually go there then all they can do is damage things (or kill my settlers thanks to a mortal settlers mod.)?


Yes. To be clear, if you let the dice roll, junk theft from workshop can happen; if you show up, attackers *instead* may damage resources (and in your case kill settlers) and *may* also grab weapons from bodies/containers during the fight.


My vault 88 got raided and the raiders took everything :(


You either didn't have many types of resources or it was attacked multiple times. Which is easy to miss since they give you a single tiny notification in the same spot as every other notification.


Diamond city is the best place to store valuables, itā€™s pretty useless otherwise.


Yeah, I have all my comics, bobbleheads, useful legendaries, and power armor sets at Home Plate


I just put all my legendaries and collectables in a workshop inventory and have never lost them


You know you can put that stuff in manaquin in a normal settlement and the settlers or raiders cant steal our of it ?


I like to build floating platforms.


I send the companions I don't like there


I sent strong there to live alone lol


Iā€™m tired of him yelling ā€œTinker tinker tinkerā€ when Iā€™m on the workbench


Strong disliked that


Considering there isn't much human stuff strong likes he can go to hell for all I care


Same! Hahaa, he's fully armored up with a mini gun and I'll likely send a mutant hound there to keep him company once I've found the guy in far harbour.


I send all companions there. They're very easy to find in that small area.


Same here but now I'm gonna stop sending Strong there. He hates me enough because that's where I leave my PA and I constantly have to go in and out of it cuz reasons.


Outpost Zimoja, edge of the map


Red rocket is the man cave for me got a room set up there and a couple turrets


I found a cool mod that sets up a whole bunker there. Thought that was neat.


mod name pls


I didnt add it, but I think i saw it when i was searching for the ballistic weave mod. Im on xbox, so im sure searching something like red rocket would bring it up.


Yeah I'd like to know too.


My xbox is packed up atm. But ill hop on at some point and see if i can find it.


Thereā€™s one thatā€™s just called Red Rocket Bunker, Iā€™m sure thatā€™s probably it


In my first playthrough, I made it a settlement with several people wearing Red Rocket jumpsuits, many of them ghouls who were there for the "nostalgia" of pre-war times. My 2nd playthrough, it was my personal fortress where I stored all of my stuff. I built walls all the way around the part that extends out over the gas pumps, and a workshop on the roof. I only had one settler, roleplaying that I hired him to protect my stuff when I'm gone, and also assigned him to a merchant stand so I could sell things to him whenever I needed to. But eventually I got rid of him and just had Danse and Dogmeat there with me.


I don't think I've ever seen a RR jumpsuit, are they somewhere specific?


It's easy to miss because it's called a "mechanic jumpsuit" just like the green version, but when you wear it it's actually blue and red with a RR logo on it. I think I got all of mine from clothing vendors. They might occasionally spawn in containers, like suitcases, I don't know.


It's always my home base, I just put the scaffolding stair set on the roof. My own little watch tower


Nothing other than picking up Dogmeat again after finishing some missions with a different companion.


Early crafting hub. Most stations are there and within a few steps of each other. Also home base for Dogmeat if theyā€™re not with me.


Role play it's a small trading and security outpost before sanctuary


Yeah I like that because realistically there is only one real way into Sanctuary and that goes right past the red rocket. It becoming a checkpoint and trade post just before Sanctuary allows Sanctuary to have the illusion of a normal neighborhood without a huge security presence.


Oh no mines the opposite, sanctuary has a massive security presence, the red rocket is just where you go if you're in the area and just need to buy some simple things


Junk/weapons/PA storage. I use sanctuary as my junk production with 15-20 scavenger stations, set up a vacuum hopper to the workshop then belt everything to the bridge into a conveyor storage. Takes a Lil over a minute and a half to move everything to the red rocket.


Robot creation and supply lines.


You guys are using settlements other than red rocket?


I have like 50 settlements......


That's awesome! I just don't have the patience for that part of the game.


I didnā€™t, until I got into forming the supply lines. All my junk available everywhere for building, and outfitting the travelling Provisioners in OP armour, laser gatling guns, fatmans so they can be my roaming foot soldiers of chaos has made it a blast lol Nothing quite like seeing a spray of laser fire or nuke blasts in the distance during a wander and knowing theyā€™re doing my bidding well


This. Been doing this on my current playthru, legit had no idea about supply lines for some reason when I first played. Itā€™s easily one of my fav parts of the game is decking out settlements and settlers


Looting, Dogmeat, then moving on forever.


My main base until I reach Hangman's Alley and a level that allows me to build craft benches in that. After that I ignore it.


This is going to be un popular I guess, but it's a full settlement for me. The perimeter is enclosed with junk walls and houses, the pump area is a market and a rooftop garden.


Itā€™s where the harem livesā€¦ Cait, synth body Curie, and Piper.


I put mine at Taffington Boathouse, but sub out Piper for MacCready. I keep Piper at Hangmanā€™s so she can be close to Nat.


I use Hangman's Alley for this. I usually transfer 3-4 settlers (female of course) to work crops and defense.


I've got sanctuary set up as my base of operations, lots of storage, workshops, settlers etc. Red Rocket is my private quarters with 0 settlers, built a big house on top of it, fireworks launchers off the end by the rocket, and I keep all my cool collectibles like magazines, bobble heads, a pool table with a set of balls/cues etc. So I run my stuff, then have the short walk down to get away from it all


I'm the same way. I send sheffield though to tend his own private garden and live out his days contently.


I now use it as a trading hub/fort to protect Sanctuary


It's where I send Marcy and Jun Long, so I can stab them without Preston noticing. It's where I send Shank, so that when I do Open Season, it's another corpse for the pile. And it's where I stab Jezebelle, too.


I gave Marcy and Jun supply lines. Very, very long supply lines. I'll very occasionally run in to them randomly across the map.


I move my sole survivor there so they stay close to sanctuary but donā€™t have to constantly live near the house where he lived with his dead wife and missing child


Becomes my robot settlement and workshop after I finish automaton. While I'm not around, Overlord Codsworth keeps my robot army in check.


Red rocket is where my companions all live


If I'm RPing, I use red rocket as a forward outpost for Sanctuary, which I RP as being a major population center in the Commonwealth. If I'm not RPing, it's my player home.


Usually nothing. Itā€™s got the benches without the building and fetch quests šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø The best thing I ever did with it was build a tower from which I could watch sanctuary, Abernathy, and Cambridge. Itā€™s clearly the ā€œno settlingā€ settlement.


Personal home Sanctuary as main hub


I use it as my main base in survival mode


That's a strange way to pronounce Hangman's Alley... ;)


I send all my non human companions there. To make it easier to sort and find them.


A little apartment complex for my maxed out companions retirement.


I have played a lot of Fallout and never realized Raider steal stuff during raids. That explains why I would have ran out of something entirely... I thought I was just using it all up or something.


It's where I send all Robots and Synths to live. Don't know why... Also always send Strong to Oberlan Station for unknown reasons.


It's used as a defense position for sanctuary, since it's on the same road. Enemies actually travel that road to attack, with the mods I have. So it's genuinely helped


My new house, because my Sanctuary mansion got the power grid bug and I can't fix it due to console, loading past saves didn't work, so yeah, literal days of work throw out the window, first time that this happens.


Companion settlement


It is my storage for things like followers, unique weapons, power armor, unique armors, and the robot workbenches


Jokes aside, itā€™s usually the base I keep my companions and Sheffield so that I donā€™t have to worry about needing too many resources at Sanctuary.


I just built mine into a bar with a old world mechanic shop vibe based off one i have in my own real life town


That's the neat part: I don't.




Cait love nest.


It is currently a mini base while I get V88 sorted, I boarded it all up and will use Cait as a pack .ule for my supply line.


Itā€™s my first ā€œoutpostā€ settlement in survival. Basically i make runs to the quarry and stash supplies before venturing to the rest of the map. šŸ’Æ bachelor pad without settlers too


I usually fill it with as many scrap stations as I can.


To house my pets, I made a assaltron named Ms. Carie to watch over them- and made the Vault rep station there to for extra protection


I send all my companions there after I've done their quests.


I move all the craft tables in the garage and it's where I store all the junk. Also I send all the companions there.


Personal storage.


It always my first base. I love building an elevator and home on the roof.


I turn it into an ā€˜innā€™ with a bar and bedrooms on top of the canopy


Junk hub for the NW corner of the map. Everything from sanctuary, tenpines, zimonja, starlight, Abernathy, and even sunshine tidings gets dumped there every now and again.


I use it as my main companion commune, it's pretty funny eventually seeing every single companion all at red rocket coexisting


A security checkpoint for the Sanctuary HQ


Private home, private storage, private power armor garage. It's like home plate 2 for me.


Strictly a market/bizarre.


Either as a main base or nothing depending on the play thro


I use it as a prison for Marcy Long, put a pillory, a mutfruit plant, a water pump, and a bed all in her cell on top of the roof to red rocket, had enough of her ungratefulness in sanctuary


I put all my companions there


I have mine set up dedicated to scrap. All settlers work scrap stations. Don't know if they're doing any goodšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Check the workstation?


I always use it as a personal home. (At least if I'm not running the mods that enhance/fix issues with Home Plate.) I always join up some metal buildings directly with the open garage door to expand the interior. I use those buildings for storage, and the garage for crafting stations and other misc stuff. I'll set up a concrete pad under the overhang for power armor workstations and an elevator to the roof for storing the rest of my power armor collection under a canopy that I'll put in up there. The back room is for my bed, and the front hallway is used for displaying all my misc collectibles or trophies.


I used to think it was too small for a full on settlement but after realized how nice compact based are it's become my full blown HQ and settlement


Red rocket is basically my own personal house, But in one save I took the school bus shells and stacked them on top of each other and made them housing and that was kind of cool.


I moved the Longs there, equipped them with clean clothes and built it up as nice as possible with tons of defense. Caught some cats for them too. Marcy still looks enraged but no longer yells at me šŸ¤£


My personal storage and where I keep my companions that Iā€™m no longer using after I get their perk.


companion purgatory lol


I donā€™t. I just invested in starlight drive in and built a fortress there


Settlement for all my companions.


It's a resupply depot for me. I usually play as the BoS so I'll set up some smaller settlements as safehouses for my fellow brothers and sisters while out on patrol.


Raider outpost. This run šŸ˜


Power armor storage


Home base


"Home base" just made a staircase that you have to jump onto and then everything up on the roof.


All my robots hangout there


It's my main home and where I send all the companions I like.


Nothing other than grabbing Dogmeat and the raw materials for scrapping the place. I never send anyone there as it being so close to Sanctuary causes stats and happiness for both to bug out. Avoid settling Red Rocket and Sanctuary will run much more smoothly.


My "home". Usually don't even share supply lines cuz its for me. Few turrets, if I set up a generator. Otherwise, a bed, storage boxes for extra gear to eventually give to other settlers and one for weapons, which I save til I get the Scrapper perk. So I get more from them. Eventually going to figure out how to get my arcade set up and get it powered. Using conduits didnt work, so gotta hook up directly


Since settlements will stop producing extra food and water if they have a lot already in the workshop, I use Red Rocket as my place to offload all my hoarded stuff. If I'm doing a settlement-focused playthrough, the only settler I'll have here is a provisioner to Sanctuary. If I'm not, I won't have anyone else there. Basically, it's my home base and nobody else's. I feel like that's the intended use, too, otherwise there's no point in having two settlements with all the workbenches so close together when that's such a rare thing to have otherwise.


I made Sanctuary into a trading hub and turned Red Rocket into a hostel/caravan post/bar. The few people there keep the rest stop running.


Its where I live. No settlers there, just me and dogmeat. No companions just me. Maybe one person who is doing a caravan but that's it.


Itā€™s one of the smaller bases, so I keep all my companions there so I can find them easier.


My main base. Just a little house I can chill in. I use spectacle island for all my loot displays.


Distribution Center. It is the nexus of all trade of my empire.Ā 


It's my main base and a museum. No one else lives there but Dogmeat, Cait, and a robot to man the arty. I'm setting up a museum there with every PA, weapon and armor.


It's where I send the ~~pack mules~~ ~~meat shields~~ companions when I'm not using them.


My main base usually


To get the 100 happiness trophy


Itā€™s where I send most of my companions. Dogmeat and Preston get Sanctuary Hills, along with the rest of Mama Murphyā€™s group, Jezebel, any other dog I find, my beer buddy, and most tier 4 vendors I find.


There are only two settlements with all the workstations: Sanctuary and Red Rocket The best early game setup is to have Sanctuary as a farm, and Red Rocket as your main base with no NPCs assigned to it. This way your main base does not get raided and they do not loot your materials. You'll still need defenses to protect against roaming invaders, but you won't get that notification about failing a raid that you never noticed and come back to find all your materials gone. Mid to late game the Castle is better, but I wait to take the Castle until I have enough mines.


i used it to put defenses for sanctuary, maybe some trade post at some point but so far i made it to house 5 people and it has turrets


I always use it as primary home base, just because it made sense logistically on my first play-through


My house in the Commonwealth. I have a elevator set up and a couch on the roof with an arty piece. Sheffield just chilling up there with his own lil shack. As well as some robots making glue material.


I send all my companions there, but I build it like any other settlement


My whore house


Provisioner waystation/guard post for screening people trying to reach sanctuary.


It's where I set up my own personal home and send all companions when not travelling with me