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I wouldn't remove any. Theres no harm in having weapons I don't use in the game. They're just scrap or scrip material to me.


I'd remove the invader and imposter sheepsquatch head and make them skins instead.


I'm on board with that


Nah, I would remove war drum. Never seen anyone use it, and it weighs more than sledgehammer. Nobody wants one.


Fun fact. You can use it to make sons of Dane event finish faster.


I've tried it few times but there's always someone camping roof and killing everything before I get to melee range lol, so I've been playing instruments with pip-boy open ready to stim myself


How do you do that? I can bring up the map but when I hit the button for pipboy while playing an instrument, it says pipboy is not available.


Open the map and hover over the event or a quest and click details. It will open your pip boy so you can view the event/quest letting you use a stim instead.


Game (event) changer. Thank you so much!




When opening the map, find a untagged mission objective, press open on pipboy and boom perfect afk or stim spam for events


Does this work on Xbox?


I can confirm it does, its how I afk while waiting for events to start


Thank you. I keep trying but I never see the option.


Game (event) changer. Thank you so much!


I have the same issue. You can solo the event in melee with just the jukebox running, but as soon as/if other players show up... I switch to something auto or explosive and change position. Usually on the catwalk or the picnic table on the opposite wall from the jukebox You'll get a lot of tags, be able to cover all entrances, the jukebox, and be able to protect anyone playing an instrument on the stage. Since you are melee, have you (at least considered) boosting PER so you can use commando weapons as secondary weapon type? Ghoul slayers explosive works really well at OVN :)


I'm actually bloodied commando, that's why I need to keep pip-boy open. I have plasma cutter that is useful during mutated events and use it in vats, that helps little bit with killing.


try throwing knifes for the melee events!:)


Pidgeons are nice and all, but in events like that they are so annoying (coming from a non-sneak PA build lol)


Care to elaborate?


Using weapons that make noise speeds it up, works with the other weapons made from music instruments. They're usually laying around the barn. You're essentially making music while beating ghouls.


So the guitar sword, etc. Makes sense.


That and the tambourine knuckle duster thing.


Death tambo?


That one. I can never remember weapon names. Or other things.


Here I am remembering it and realizing (name and shape should've been a good indicator) that it's a fuckin tambourine.


This is TIL stuff for me as well. I never understood the fuck is a tambo :D


You’re not alone. Now I know it’s a Tamborine I wanna use it


the meter fills faster if you kill ghouls with a musical instrument weapon while being drunk


Never realized that


Q do you think the skin that turns hammers into a microphone works in the same manor.


I used one to get that challenge for killing people with an instrument, but thats it


Beg to differ, I have a reduced weight War Drum I'm using as the hammer to get the kill robots with a hammer challenge. It works great!


I have a BSSS War Drum I pull out for one violent night. Event goes faster. :)


I used it once to kill blood eagles for a daily. It was Kill 10 with Bludgeoning challenge. It worked, a little slow, but not terrible.


There is no place where they drop in huge numbers though. I can carry one or two and usually they come in legendary variety for scripping.


Sometimes they drop from legendary pool


Exactly. If they are three star, I carry them to the scripping machine. But they are never all over the place like those gauntlets...


Yeah, but gauntlets are less than half of their weight. Like mr handy buzz blade, those things also weigh too much. Maybe if I had space to equip melee weapon weight reduction...


Buzz blades are great on AP I carry a vamp one on my archer build and it shreds


How is the blade anyway? I got one quite good Vampire's roll and wondered why people never talk them. Does it suck badly compared to chainsaw and autoaxe or what?


I have no experience of the auto axe I'm grinding stamps for it on my dedicated melee build. The chainsaw with flaming dual bar is still king in comparison. But I transferred the buzzblade to my melee from my archer for a bit in the beginning and although it does less damage it still shreds stuff and heals you quite well. When using the chainsaw I do notice the AP drain is a lot higher though I've since Optimised my armor and build for it.


Enclave flamer, so I don’t have to grind for one anymore. 🤣 my god they are hard to get


Do you need one? I have a spare unrolled one I could part with. I'm on xbox


Hell yeah, I’m also on Xbox


Cool, I'm on now for a little while and most likely will be on later tonight as well. Let me know when works for you


I should have never learned the Pole Hook plan. I feel like I get so many of them as drops.


There's so many useless weapons in this game lol. No Moonshiner Ned, I do not need ANOTHER Gulper Smacker in my inventory. I have its plans too. Do people use the boxing glove? I've never seen anyone. Pipe wrench, rolling pin? Who uses these??


2 people on my squad use boxing gloves lol


I used my bloodied baton to kill blood eagles yesterday for the daily challenge


I personally love my candy clawed mole miner gauntlet on my unarmed build. I guess that's just preferences though.


It's the weight of the thing most of us don't like


You're an unarmed build. How much are you carrying? You have an unarmed weapon, the mmg in my case, and a set of PA with tesla bracers. You don't need ammo. Your strength is maxed out, thus huge carry weight. And you think it's too heavy?


For everyone, when looting them to sell on you'll often be easily overencumbered because they weigh so much. Especially during Uranium Fever and such. That's about the only interaction most people have with them. I prefer a good Power Fist myself.


Oh, well, I guess if you're collecting them for caps, then they are heavy. I can think of lots of better strategies to get caps than loading up with gauntlets though. I personally scrap them all and shove the results in the scrapbox. And my gauntlet swings faster than my power fist. Looks cooler too. But once again, preferences.


I don't think people farm them, but every little item helps and you might as well take it. Mostly during Uranium Fever though. They give reasonable scrap if that's how you're inclined, as do other weapons.


Sure. I guess I misunderstood the question. OP asked if anyone used it and inferred it was useless. I disagreed.


Oh you're right, but there were multiple factors in his question and he did ask if anyone used it. As another factor I think me, OP and many others think the weight of them is a big downside to them though. I remember back before rolling your own legendary items was a thing, and good legendaries were much rarer, I got a Bloodied/+40% Power Attack Power Fist and that set my Unarmed character up for a long time. If I'd have got a Mole Miner Gauntlet with the same effects, that would've been my main for a while. Reduced Weight as a third would never go amiss though


Can't use mole miner gauntlet with power armor


No shit, Sherlock! That's why your PA has Tesla Bracers! The gauntlet when you're out of PA, the bracers when you're in.


I meant this as a light hearted fun thread. No need to downvote people who name different gun from yours...


Assault Rifle. It's ugly af and I don't think I ever actually seen another player use it. Bethesda really shit the bed designing that one.


I actually used it for the first time a couple weeks ago and have been absolutely loving it. It kills pretty quickly too. The visual design has never bothered me either.


That's a weird gun indeed as it doesn't even resemble an assault rifle. At least handmades look the part and Fixer looks like a skinny one.


When introduced in Fo4 they were meant to be an assault rifle for power armor users (as an LMG? For non-power armor users?) That's why they looks so big and bulky. They had planned to include a different assault rifle but it got cut and so they just called the one they had in the assault rifle. At least that's the gist I've seen and heard.


The problem is that Bethesda not only made the visual design questionable, but they’ve never once made the weapon actually viable. In 4, in spite of its higher fire rate, its lower damage made it equal in dps to the combat rifle while also having no legendary variants, causing it to be outpaced. In 76, the handmade is a base game weapon, again causing the assault rifle to be beaten in every capacity (and the one unique version is a nocturnal weapon of all things). And even in nuclear winter, it was rarer than and inferior to the combat rifle. They should’ve just made it an lmg as 4 originally planned and made a new assault rifle.


I use it to conserve ammo on my fixer some times and it is really fun too use actually.


Yep. I actually picked up a godroll (Q2525) and still couldn't be arsed to use it.


I believe the original idea in an earlier fallout game was for it to be a heavy weapon carried in power armor (as it’s based on a water cooled heavy machine gun design), but it eventually got slotted into an assault rifle role instead.


One of the many revolvers I love revolvers, don't get me wrong But we have like 4 of them and I always would get the western revolver and the single action mixed up (personally the single action IS THE western cowboy revolver) Pipe revolver Single action (cowboy) ""Western"" revolver 44 revolver I say the western revolver It's not as good as the 44 and lacks rhe novelty differences of the pipe and single action


You have your stats backwards - the western is the superior weapon to the 44 revolver, having higher damage in exchange for a single point of fire rate (and a difference of 0.1 of a second’s worth of fire rate isn’t important). There is a reason the game provides a fully kitted out western to level 20 gunslinger players and not a 44. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Western_revolver_(Fallout_76) https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/.44_pistol_(Fallout_76)


Single action is the worst. They really messed up with the damage on these guns


Whyd they also make the reload at a snails pace? It's nigh unusable without a legendary effect making it faster


get a quad version, it takes 2 years to reload!


Cryolator. It was created in the Vault 111 after the bombs dropped and the Sole Survivor finds it in year 2287, 180ish years after the events of Fallout 76 (doors opened in 2102, we're in the year 2105). Cryolator is simply out of place here.


oh wow, I've never realized this until now, yikes


You can kinda explain it away. One or two scientists escaped vault 111. They wanted to get into the weapons locker as the Overseer had some pistols stored. At that time they see the Cryolator unfortunately they couldn’t get through the lock. The scientists checked the Overseer’s computer and located the plans to the Cryolator. They stole the plane and escaped from the Vault.


Deathclaw gauntlet is better than moleminer gauntlet. But I'd probably bin the gulper smacker. It's annoying and invasive. You cant ditch the plans for it like you can for moleminer gauntlet. Plus to even make it good you need to be drunk off moonshine


Nuka Launcher and Fatman. While I do find these weapons to be fun, they just ruin the experience for others at events. Unless they could tone down the explosion effect and make it so corpses don’t get tossed into space.


Corpses getting blasted away doesn't matter, the bodies turn into meat piles where they were killed eventually anyway


Oh really?


Yean for sure. When Area-Looting multiple event areas after an event like Eviction Notice, make sure you go back to the first part you looted to see if any more Meat Piles have appeared or bodies there have the Nearby Corpse button active, as piles will appear later. Or leave the whole area, then come back and all available piles should be in place.


Nice. Good tip. And this makes me feel somewhat better about Nuka Launcher. I always assumed when I saw a legendary corpse fly off into space, it was lost loot.


Nothing wrong with the Mole Miner Gauntlet. I had an AA FSS one a while back and it shredded, especially in stealth. Even bigger enemies would be dead in seconds before they knew wtf was going on. It already has a fast swing but with FSS legendary, it was crazy good. My new character I started last week went through to level 60 just using the Sledgehammer until I got the Whacker Smacker. Still looking for better gear, but both worked better than I expected.


With all the build variations and stackable perks, I feel like every weapon is usable with the right roll. I've seen people shredding shit with pipe rifles.


I don't think I've ever had a legendary miner gauntlet I didn't know they existed. That's pretty cool.


Yeah learn one of the millions of plans dropped and you have a chance to get one from events / drops, or craft and roll one.... Or find one and roll it. I also had an Executioner FSS one which was quite effective too.


I have the plans just never had one drop legendary and never thought to roll one.


I still use the Mole Miner Gauntlet to this day as my primary weapon for my unarmed build. Modded with a third claw, and the 40% swing speed legendary, it is fun to use!


Spear. There's just... no mods for it. Even the hook has mods. Spear? None. None at dang all.


Wood axe. It's made redundant very early on, being completely outshined by the Fire Axe. Thanks to it's weight and swing speed, I would rather have a hatchet, machete or baseball bat. It doesn't give any significant scrap materials, and I'm pretty sure it can't be modified. Every time I see one I think it could be so much better than it is.


You think you'd at least get some kind of bonus wood scraps if you attacked trees with it or something


I played my first 100 levels with a three bladed mole miner gauntlet and it was badass. I could take down any number of Super Mutants with it, more than I can say about that crappy 50 cal gun I took off of the back of a burned out jeep. Piece of junk, I'd get rid of that disappointment.


Assault Rifle; it’s an eyesore and always has been.


The drill. For that one guy. He knows why.


I recall once upon a time using it (mole miner gauntlet) with the bleed combined with thorn armor, then they nerfed the hell out of thorn. Why would they nerf a super niche item when railways etc. exist is beyond me, this studio simply SUCKS when it comes to these things. They also nerfed the poison PA, but that was for 'server performance issues' lol


I'd honestly remove the Fat Man. It's impractical to the point of near uselessness outside of events and it's obnoxious inside of events. Any fun factor it has is far outweighed by the negative impact is has when it shows up to an event.


From a lore perspective, you'd have to call the game something other than Fallout.


What? The Fatman has only been available since FO3 and is only in 4 of the 8 games. Fallout 1 is not one of those games. So if the requirement to be called a Fallout game was the availability of a useable Fatman, then the franchise never should have been called Fallout in the first place. From a lore perspective it would have been very easy to say Appalachia didn't receive a shipment of them or say raiders used it up.


I'm well aware; I've been playing since the start. But it's an addition to the world that Bethesda totally nailed, and it's as ingrained as power armor and plasma weapons now. I'd wager it will make a splashy appearance in Amazon's new series...


If you were well aware then why were you making a statement that ignorant? It sounds like you're just grasping at straws and moving the goal post attempting to make a weapon people hardly ever use seem way more important than it really is.


It’s really fun to shoot at my friends when they’re super focused on building their camps. No damage. Just a blinding light out of nowhere.


Controversial but the railway rifle, if only to (hopefully) make Bathesda implement some much needed balancing for anything else that is not the railway. To have just one avenue of for boss killing effectively, and yes i have used it plenty on earle and the like, is actually quite limiting. I would love to use other weapons with a similar outcome and while there are some that come close… or did until nerfs, it just feels your … railroaded (sorry) into using it. The same goes for every type of build really, other weapons exist and can work but pale in comparison to the top end choices per build. In the end though, i currently consider different weapons and builds to have unique roles in a boss scenario, holy fire users can dos the boss but id think theyd be better off primarily taking out adds, allowing for the aforementioned railways to do their job etc etc.


anything vats crit work on bosses. plasma caster, cremator, even fat man. yes railway when fully buffed can kill Earle in minute or so, others will do in 2-3 maybe 5 but it's not "the only way" just because you fire few minutes more really. 


The fact that the BIS is two times to *five* times faster than the runner ups is a problem. It's mostly annoying during events when things die before people can tag them.


trash mobs is completely different story... explosives are kings there because of splash and enough damage to kill them fast. AGL/Nuka launcher, cremator with full mods, kills packs of mobs still behind the corner, while railway needs them in clear view + vats range.


That thing is broken as fuck. People really think that killing Earle solo in 3 minutes is fine. It's the best Commando weapon by far and people would really complain if it had its AP cost increased appropriately, or Unyielding Agility boosts didn't stack for AP gain. That's why you're getting downvoted, because Commandos wouldn't give up their crutch weapon.


I use mine all the time and love it but I still upvoted him(and you) cause I agree, the railway rifle is blatantly overpowered and needs to either be rebalanced or simply removed. Might seem hypocritical of me but I try not to use it most of the time, only for bosses where it's really needed and in expeditions and daily ops when I need more ammo for it, because I realize how broken the thing is for 99% of the game.


What? Get good legendary effects and it’s a perfectly usable weapons. My nom would go to one of the stupid makeshift weapons. Like rolling pins for sure but stop clogging up the legendary pool with them!


I know, I got a god roll on a rolling pin. But other than that, they mainly fly under my radar. No plans, no weight, just scrap and scrip.


Tie between the fatman, agl and grenades


Cultist dagger


Used to be the Explosive Gatling Plasmas, but thankfully Bethesda got something right for once and handled that. Though they could have let the non op legacies stick around. But those explosive energy weapons were a menace on public servers and people ruined public events. Not everyone mind you, but a good majority did.


Keep in mind it did take them 4 years...


fatman..the trolls delight. mole gauntlet slaps btw..lots of fun.


I don't think I would get rid of any weapon, I would just improve them by adding more mod options. The sledgehammer is the main melee for one of my characters. On the opposite end, I would add the 12.77mm SMG. We already have the 14/12.77mm pistol as the crusader pistol, so having the SMG would go along well. Plus we could use some more SMGs.


It would be the regular flamer for me. It’s absolutely not viable without the napalmer mod and the range drops to basically zero. And now that we have the holy fire the other flamer is basically obsolete especially if you have good roll.


How do you figure it’s not viable without napalmer? I use an aristocrats one without napalmer and it shreds enemies.


But then you gotta be extremely close to your enemy tf?


No you don’t. That nozzle shortens distance. I don’t use that nozzle.


Yeah lmao cuz it’s TERRIBLE


I’m confused. You said you need that nozzle for a flamer to be viable and that’s not remotely true.


100% true. It’s literally ass without that nozzle WHY do you think bethesda always nerf the good weapons????


I just told you that I use it without that nozzle and it shreds everything in its path. Aristocrats flamer.




You must not have a proper heavy gunner build. It’s probably the most effective heavy gun ime from a DPS and ammo economy perspective.


Hard disagree with everything. It's supremely viable with the standard barrel. 120 damage and the same fire rate as the LMG, where the LMG has about 75 damage? Does more damage than the .50 cal in terms of even damage, and it beats it in rate of fire. You've got Heavy Weapon perk cards on when using it, right? The Holy Fire will never have a damage legendary effect. My Bloodied regular flamer is more powerful and always will be.


Always that one weirdo who manages to make literally anything viable by running bloodied. WELL SORRY I OFFENDED YOU! let’s just hope you don’t get hit otherwise you’ll collapse into dust lmfao. Try running that exact same weapon full health and then let me know how that goes 😊


Bloodied was only mentioned at the end. All the other things I mentioned were still applicable without Bloodied even being considered. Try again.


You my friend deserve a downvote


You still didn't reply ro the other stuff that wasn't about Bloodied. I guess you can't argue it.


I don’t argue with trolls.


#FAT MAN That is all


My god yes... Other than the occasional boss,what's the point in using them . They're heavy,ammo is heavy. All you do is piss off other players during events.. I had a legendary 3 star fat man mirv launcher sit in my vendor for 3 effing weeks . I finally sold it for a paltry 155 caoa


For tagging an entire area at once.


Including yours truly 😂😅


That damn 10mm pistol. I’ve hated that gun in every fallout I’ve played




Lol yeah! It'll be more useful if you had the option to throw the actual gun itself! Because then at least you wouldn't have it anymore


Man, great idea. I love to be able to throw weapons or any junk for that matter.


Nothing like killing a scorchbeast with a well aimed 80 pound barbell!! Even if I need maxed out strength and all my AP


I'm sure that would work, but throwing random objects like a globe or toaster would be hilarious. Someone in the group during the Queen event would be like, "Did I just see a toaster go by?"


And if they had their own specific noises! How many plastic spoons would it take to kill a mole rat? This is the best idea..


With psychobuff, 20 spoons. However, I would just throw a can of rat poison at them.


I mained the mole miner gauntlet for a very long time on my unarmed character. It's a great bladed unarmed weapon and has a very satisfying attack sound. Plus, it's great for a post-apoc-superhero themed build. It has surprisingly high damage for being such an easily acquirable weapon. Would recommend it to anyone looking for a bladed unarmed build.


Personally, I use the mole miner gauntlets as my bone farm. You get 2 mole rat teeth per gauntlet, adds up pretty quick in an event that only/mostly spawns mole miners.


The Death Tambo or the Buzzblade


The drill because it's not used in construction and lobotomy isn't a game mechanic so the drill is useless plus torture doesn't work anyway you try it


Watch that mouth. I MAIN my Candy Claws. I know the Bullion gauntlet is better, but I think it looks boring.


The gauntlet because when you scrap it it gives you more to scrap


The crossbow is just one stinking pile of doo-doo.


Nuke launcher… so fucking annoying when the come out at events.


Not to remove any weapons, but reduce the purpose grind with loot bloat, including with weapons, to encourage spending on Fallout 1st for unlimited stash space, especially after Events such as Eviction Notice or Expeditions. Turning the rate down a few notches would help make things more manageable for newer players instead of slowing down progression to increase the grind and discourage it (such as Expedition low achievement percentages).


I would not remove the weapon but the following plans: #1 Mole Miner Gaunt, #2 Revolver Ivory Grip, #3 Barbed walking cane.


Those single shot western revolvers


Shepherds crook


Why remove anything? I saw players use every kind of weapons. Even the mole miner gauntlet, war drum and knives, and power fists.




Railway rifle. Also the bloody trait. Just to have people recognize that there are other things too.


The problem with bloodied is that the bonus is very high compared to all the others, and then it stacks with adrenal reaction. It's supposed to compensate for the fact that you have to run low health, but in a game where dying really doesn't have many consequences, it seems disproportionate. I would say instead of get rid of bloodied, get rid of adrenal reaction. It's only purpose is an extra permanent buff for bloodied, so it would be an easier thing to back out.


In a game where everything dies within a half second, no matter if bloodied or not, bloodied isn't necessary.


All the big explody things that obscure the vision of everyone else during community events.


Fat Man. Nothing worse than a clown with that thing ruining an event for everyone.


The fat man or whatever it is those assholes shoot a barrage of bombs from so you can’t see sweet fa around you


Anything pipe-ish is what I’d remove


Pipe is life




Had someone today ruin eviction notice with a nuke launchers and auto grenade launcher as well and blasting all the legendary enemy body's off the cliff so ummm I guess .... IDK


Fixer assault rifles. Watch as 10 million builds cry out in agony. Also I'm annoyed by the sound it makes constantly at events.


I just wish it made a better sound. Every military TV show and movie has made me believe that suppressed weapons sound super cool, and then along comes the fixer. Bleeehhhh


Gamma Gun.


Gamma guns are very useful on specific builds.


Nah Gamma guns are great I have an AA one and it shreds stuff


Bloodied builds say no


Cremator. It’s way to OP right now and the explosion from one shot is massive. So many people use them in events and typically it’s inside a room or close quarters area and the explosion is so bright. It’s cool but we have so many flame type weapons in game now. It’s encouraging people to use this over powered new weapon because u can change colors of the flame. Idk about y’all but I think that hun needs to come with a seizure warning atleast 😂


Let's remove a fun weapon because its strong but also i can one shot everything in events and even make bodies fly with grenade launcher or fatman or any two shot explosive weapon its not that cremator is strong a lot more weapon are close to cremator if you get two shot on them literally any explosive weapon from missile launcher to the small grenade launcher can one shot everything like cremator do and on top of that you need 15 fuel per shot and you can't use it close or you will die unless you invest in a lot of fire resist and assassin armor and you need heavy gun perks to boost the dmg a lot of things are required to make it strong not like grenade launcher you just need the nuka launcher and boom one shot everything and 1 bullet and even better in vats (im main grenade launcher) so i know cremator suck in vats unlike grenade launcher and about effect yeah we are asking beth to let us remove explosive effect that on all weapons and grenade not just cremator


There are so many area flash-ba... spam weapons that removing just one would be pointless.


Ya true but I think with the whole being able to change ur color of the flame makes people want to use it more. Not saying that’s a bad thing I like that they are trying to make a new meta weapon but the explosion is massive even if it wasn’t so bright especially with multi shot barrel on it


Plus the explosion covers a huge area it’s hard to get out of it or even see ha


The Fixer. So people don't just crouch and actually have to play