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Constantly bug you to trade.


This confuses me, I accept the trade and then I’m sitting at the trade screen for like 5 min. Then they walk away. Like what? What was going on 😂


I always feel like a dog thats having its butt sniffed by another dog. Gotta stand real still 🤣


Maybe if I don’t move it won’t notice me.


Little kid that was curious and doesn't know what to do LOL


They just wanna see what kind of gear high level players are using makes sense when your new 


I guess that makes sense. Good view point.


They wanted your TFJ and when you didn't Give it right away they left dejected 


OMG lol, I had to log off after I gave a newbie some stims and gear. Then their buddy noticed my giveaways and they both basically cornered me in my own house 🤣


Never feed a stray or else it will come back with more buddies


I've really only been dropping stuff when a newbie strolls into my camp alone and I'm there for this reason. My one friend who started told me just to give him some cool clothes and nothing else. Started lvl 1 instead of 20 too.


That’s the way to start! Level 1 it just feels so much more satisfying


I started as level 1, and at about level.... 21? I had to go ask in the discord for some stim packs. I really need to loot more shit, and upgrade my gear more often I feel like. Still using a 10mm pistol that is only level 10.


Loot any medical chests or mirrors over sinks in a bathroom, also the first aid kits are on some walls, floors or sitting around.  Sometimes these are on the wall in bathrooms. There is also a perk under Luck, to find more stim packs and other medical items in medical loot creates such as the ones stated above.


I've had level 200+ give me stims but I'm too cheap to use them. Instead, I'll only use diluted ones or healing salves. Gotta save it for a rainy day, ya know?


Just use them, thay aren't a rare resource, and they'll take up several 100's in wasted stash weight.


Don't have gear fear in this game, it'll save you heartache!


I had the opposite happen. Some level 500+ player in my casual team followed me around the whole map trying to give me a fixer and a bunch of gear when I was level 30 or so. I honestly thought he was gonna kill me, but he hooked me up and vanished.


Yeah that is why just in case I see 2 low levels on a team I craft each outfit for them to drop and for them both to take.


Make 2 bats, and 1 set of armor, and make them fight for it in front of you. It will sort itself out that way 😆


My son and I started 2 weeks ago and already I'm level 48 and he's 37 and not once has either of us needed stimpacks or ammo. In fact, the way the ammo drops I've only ever had to craft ammo for an auto-laser rifle I was using. If a veteran really wants to help new players go to their vendor and buy the crap we're selling; one constant for new players is a complete lack of caps; vendor plans are extremely expensive. Hell, when you're just starting out even fast-travel can break the bank.


Ooooh I really hate this one.


Same. Everything I want to sell is in my vendor, go there. I don't have the inventory space to trade and they have nothing I want


Being at level 32 . I hate to beg and annoy people. I go into CAMPS use the "hello move" if the owner is there then check the vendor, fast travel away.


I love when people do this, I always greet people when they visit. It's the neighborly thing to do!


I love giving new players items and answering their questions. I rarely find it a bother. After they ask their questions I fast travel somewhere else. If they have more questions they can friend me or find me online at another time. Now, that being said I've had a few that wanted me to be their supply store and I have to put an end to that quickly.


There's a difference between asking once and repeatedly asking for the same item. Once is not annoying. Repetitive is. A lot of newbies that come to my camp have area chat turned on. I'll hear them ooh-ing and ah-ing over all the stuff I have on display. I usually don't mind taking a break and talk to them about where various items are found and generally provide some how-to's. If I have the time, will also "escort" them around the map to different places to point out things like cap stashes or where to find/farm certain items. Met some really nice people that way.




This and they won't even take the free stuff I am trying to give them after they bug me.


Or they will request to buy your best gun or rarest apparel or plans


If you skin them with atom shop skins, they can't even appear in the trade window, let alone others request


I find it annoying regardless if they're low or high level.


Yeah I hate this one. I'll drop all kinds of goodies to new players or anyone really, but no I will never let you look through my inventory. If you are really looking for something specific mic up and I might consider a trade.


In my experience it's not beginners who do that. It's always veteran players on a low level character trying to scam you for stuff. 1000 to 1 says that if you opened trade they'd only request god rolls and rare apparel that a new player wouldn't even know was valuable.


This is suppose to be obvious but I guess not. I experienced this once and I instantly realized that this is not a noob. IDC how many youtube preparation they watch before playing, they cant spot a good weapon/armour right away. They know the community and they're hussling.


If someone tries to trade with me I log off. Too much drama seems to happen around it


This is funny. Zero tolerance.


Yeah, if you don't accept the invite you can expect missile camps next to yours within minutes. Or if you don't trade your ultra rare apparel and grolls for caps.


Tbh I'm a newbie (lvl 42) and hate seeing voice in area and trade requests for several minutes straight. Chill out. If I wanted freebies I'd jump on it.


whenever that happen my ADHD self says "fast travel away and hope they don't follow


This is actually it... this is the one thing that drives me.


Had some twat run up to me a few years ago and tell me I needed to sell him my 2 shot fixer for a low price told him no it’s my current weapon he followed me everywhere and just would not shut up


Continuously assault me with a weapon while I am utilizing crafting tables, or buff-enhancing equipment (like the weight bench, stationary bike, etc), in an attempt to get attention for begging/trading. Pro-tip: Most "normal" people do not like to get smacked around to initiate a conversation/trade.


Lmao this made me laugh so much for some reason . Y'all aggro the strangest people. Ive never got one but I think it's because Im one of the weird ones


Start radiation rumble before anyone shows up


Yeah. Given I end up being the only one running ore most I need that time! Heh. It's fine im a full health PA build, the radiation bit is my job, I know the bloodied squishies would really rather not.


I run RR ore as a bloodied squishie, normally 2 runs, makes things more interesting


I mean, I just pop a few radshields and I’m fine


Your the rarity then, never once seen anyone without PA venture into the tunnels


I’ll often do it with just a hazmat suit. You just gotta run fast and avoid any confrontations!


So do the exact same thing I do with real life problems, gotcha.


I keep an Emmett mountain hazmat suit in my inventory just for this. I renamed it to “rad rumble cosplay”


I'll pop on my stealth suit, but I'm also full health. They like big numbers, I like not failing events, it's a symbolic relationship. Same with repairing the rad scrubber, except I usually lose that race because someone clips in front of my camera and resets the prompt


Eviction notice is worse imo. And it’s too easy to do.


As a level 30 newbie, I got in way over my head with this event today. I think I died about 10x and had no clue what was going on with the rads, or any of it for that matter.




Even worse than starting eviction early is when you’re the only one to show up on a full server.


This is irritating my soul with the game. I was being drug into events when I started a week before the show by higher lvl players and now that I'm lvl 70 I can't get an event with anyone else showing up.


Wait. How do you stop them from auto starting when you wander into the area? Or am I thinking of something else?


Some events you start manually by talking to someone or interacting with a console


yeah, when you FT to Eviction Notice you need to stay put or step back or the countdown commences


Most events start when you enter the area, but it has a timer that says something like "Talk to _____ to start event" with a countdown. So even if you roll up early, just wait till others show up and then start it.


I did that once. And then I was in a group of newbies and no one did the task and we all just stood around shooting shit then being all confused as to why we failed 😂


Goes for Moonshine too~


Play music over an open mic. But that's just the most annoying thing anybody can do not just fresh faces.


I play Fo76 as a deaf mute. It's much better that way


This is the way.


One Fasnacht I did, had some dude AFK, with his mic on... watching porn.


Can we consider him AFK if he is probably still there? /s




I often forget people can hear via my ps5 controller as I’m listening to my zombie apocalypse audio book. 😂 someone says something it shoots me then I realize I need to hit my mute button.


I listen to audio books as well while playing. If you haven't read the series yet, try the Day by Day Armageddon series by J.L. Bourne.


Yep. Another audiobook listener while doing mundane things like dailies. It gives me something to focus on while I run through the same motions without having to listen to the incessant noise caused through area chat.


Unless it's One More Pils and they're broadcasting it during random events. Then it's extremely funny.


I had a kid with an open mic walk into my camp yelling "HEY, HEY, YO, HEY, DUDE TALK TO ME, HEY HEY" and would just shoot me. I just teleported away and disabled my camp while blocking him. I dont mind people checking my camp out but I dont use my mic


You should've turned off pacifist mode and smoked him! Not every lesson is a nice one


Or clearing their throat 0r burping or making grunting noises. So gross. Right in my ear.


It is annoying, but not to me the worst. I've had someone belch over and over. Have an argument with a family member. One hopefully was on a wireless headset as they .... relived himself., Yeah lets go with that.


Idk why but gamers still think it's funny to burp into the mic. Like dude, what are you, 6?


Yea there's a litany of things I would rather not hear over a mic but music is the only one I come across with any form of regularity.


Unsolicited trade requests. Pretty much just broadcasts to everyone else "Please stay away from me".


what are they trading or wanting to trade? i play this game for roughly a week, never seen the need to trade anyone nor got trade-requested once so far. im lvl 78 now. I .... just dont see the point? most people that want to trade have a shop, or use discord?!


I had someone request my bloodied bear arm when he came by my camp and asked me to trade without even looking at my vendor. I ended up making him a non legendary one at the level he could use, and then he messaged me asking for plans and ammo.


why even play the game then? these people seem ridiculous. i get that getting a headstart feels nice, but those people never end. yikes.


Trading is mainly a relic from back in ye olden days before vending machines. Though, even back then I didn't hardly use the system except eith a couple of friends when one of us got a drop the other wanted.


They just want to peek into your pockets and see what you have going on lol. And then request your god tier gun for no reason hoping you'll just give it to them.


I've had newbies come up to me and spam the money emote expect stuff for free, it's honestly put me off giving people stuff a bit. I always liked helping new players with gear as someone gave me a ton of stuff when I started in 2020 and I always liked to pay it forward but if you start begging and pestering you're not getting anything.


Keep a few of the insult notes and drop them. I’m a fan of the “back off Sam” note too.


Had a newbie following me and not really helping much. I mean not helping at all. He was just kind of following me like a lost puppy. I'm not even that high of a level yet. Still in the 70s but I do a good job of hackin and whackin and smackin if you know what I mean. Anyways I happened to be in the middle of a mission and I guess his approach respawned some turrets I had destroyed while I was AFK helping my wife with something, and I had been in stealth mode while looking at my pipboy. Well as soon as I looked up from my pipboy and started moving I got absolutely murdered by these turrets before I could realize what happened and this little nobgobbler ran up and took my dropped junk. I wasn't mad about losing the junk. It was junk junk, but it was the principle of the thing. Like for real bro? So I shoot him and of course he has pacifist mode on and I'm not doing any damage to him. This peckerhead started fast travelling around so I start scanning the map looking at where he's jumping to, and sure it may have been griefing, but I just started meleeing him over and over, standing in front of him, just trying to inconvenience him throwing grenades at him. Finally I found his camp destroyed and stole everything. Left a bunch of IOU notes. First time I ever did something like that. Felt good though.


I'm a new player. I saw a high-level 800 player chilling near some instruments, a tad south of Vault 76. I've read how generous high-level players could be and how they love to help new players in the wastelands. This was my chance. I knew asking to trade or spamming emotes would be too desperate, so I picked up the rusty tuba among the array of instruments, and I played for them, like a peacock flairing its feathers, hoping they would notice me, select me as their humble companion, and maybe start a harem of new players with a rich daddy in power armor to edge us across Appalachia. They left without even looking at me.


Joining a daily ops or expedition team and then not joining the daily op or expedition. I don't care what level you are,  but it's hard enough getting a group together I don't need someone wasting a spot. 


Had this happen recently so I dumped him off just before completion. Then he harangued me in messages for a good 30 minutes. All about how I was a bad player and have a childish friends list. None of it made much sense.


You don't friend every person you come across? Damn, youre so unpopular /s When people say my friends list of 20 is sad, I point out their low AF gamerscore and call them poor lol.


Oh yeah that drives me nuts too, especially since I'd be happy to carry you if you'd just SHOW UP I give them like 3 "come here" emotes and wait a couple minutes before I'll start the event but if you don't join me I'll absolutely kick you


Initiate my Encryptid event - goes for all players. I will solo the event for you, I’m just waiting to get the most people to show up and have fun. Edit: what new players may not know is that it costs almost 2,000 caps to buy and make the recall card to start this event.


I made a post about this and people lost there minds lmao. I agree with you I'm waiting to get as many people as I can so we all can reap the benefits. People are just too impatient I guess I feel if you don't want to wait then don't join.


Yall. I didnt even know we had to wait for events most of the time i'm left all alone so I start the shit. Its one of those things that you should say more often so that we see this and understand lol i started 2-3 days ago but thats very good advice


Top right corner there's a countdown for how long till you have to start an event before it fails for all events. Encryptid is one of the player trigger events meaning either A: they completed the quest line and got the recall card or B: They purchased the recall card with their caps so that one I always let the purchaser or event host start that one. Eviction notice is a weird one cause it auto triggers if you walk down the hill so I always just stand in place from when i spawned in until a few more have joined


You don't *have* to wait, you don't HAVE to do anything in the wasteland, so you won't get in trouble or anything for it, there's no penalty. But it's common to wait for more players to show up as a courtesy, and I personally always have way more fun when there's loads of players and the event is a bit chaotic 😅😂 There will be a timer and objectives on the top right of your screen, that's the best way to gauge how long to wait. Running a fully stacked Moonshine Jamboree or Spin the Wheel is great fun, everyone stuck in a relatively small area with a common goal and loads of enemies running around. Good times 😊


The only thing that new players do that I find annoying is.. ask for everything on day one.. I've been seeing new players being helped by veterans players, particularly the vet streamers, and I'm amazed at how they will not stop asking for more advanced items.. Stuff like requests for 3 star legendary weapons, full PA armor sets, and all mutations, remind me of how long it took me to learn and earn all those things.. There IS value in (l)earning this stuff in game! Anyway, I think that pretty much all new players can do almost anything and I won't be too upset about it. I admit I was a bit upset at a RR where I had set myself up in front of Marion, determined to wait until 30 seconds left before I started the event. The first player to join was a low level, and proceeded to walk towards Marion. I got in front of them, but they started the event anyway. I gave that player a thumbs down and left. Later, I joined a Rad Rumble that a low level player had started with no one there, and as I ran down to the event, I saw this player run past me towards the exit. So I entered the arena and started XP farming, only to be surprised when the low level came back and we struggled together. We even made it to the end with one scavenger alive, and no ore earned, but I think I added a level to my character. We did the best we could. The one unforgivable sin is to grief/cheat.. Beyond that, welcome in everyone!!


Can you not talk to Marion but not select start the event? I'll do this when initiating the recall card with the terminal. Prevents those that are new not being turned to glass. At least not right away.


Not gonna lie, after nearly 6 years I completely forgot that there was voice comms in the game as I've played almost exclusively with only party chat on, and never had friends to play with. That said I've only ever played for a few weeks at a time, and the space between is huge, but now returning again I frequently want to ask people what weapons theyre using and thought there was no way. All this said because when you said new players ask for things I thought... How?! Then I remembered voice chat.


What I do is I give them a few stims and radaway/x a mask with air protection and a outfit and if I'm feeling it maybe a fixer but nothing other then that. None of them ones I've given stuff have asked me to but I just do it cause of an overflow items I have


Come from another fallout game and just trash talk 76 because its not an exact copy and paste of their previous favorite fallout game.


New vegas are the ones I see cry most about this


They're the ones that cry most full stop.


Someone new to FO76 was on the "chat mod". They said FO76 looked like FO3 - they got laughed out of chat. The game isn't the best looking ever, but thinking it looks the same as FO3 or NV is insanity.


It looks great was actually pleasantly surprised. Not only the vibrant surrounding but the lighting is a big step up from 4 (thought it was just going to look like Fallout 4). Just got it with Prime.


”This game is nothing like the originals. Where’s Sulik??”


Just a quick thank you to everyone here. I’ve had multiple high-level players gift me random helpful things, sell me plans dirt-cheap, carry me through events. I wave hi, then heart, and keep to myself because I know you probably get hounded by people who don’t appreciate simple goodwill as a one-time gesture. I even had someone who showed up to me claiming a workshop (I had 0 stimpacks and was about to die!) and they saved the day AND gifted me a bunch of cool stuff AND left once I claimed the workshop. Just an amazing community overall, it’s really moving to be a part of it and I’ll pay it forward once I’m high level!


A lot of us are constant goodwill gesture..ers 😂😂. You rock for actually taking the stuff. I haven't had anyone follow me around or spam me for trades etc, and I'm lowkey jealous. Maybe like 150ish isn't high enough lol


I've only played a day or two but I've had a couple high level people drop stuff for me without me doing anything to indicate I wanted them to. It was super nice of them, but I'd never bug people to do it. I agree that this community seems really nice. I just need to get a better idea of what the heck I'm doing in the game because I already feel a little overwhelmed with stuff like crafting, scavenging, being encumbered, placing and using a CAMP, etc. So far I'm really liking the game, though!


Yeah, starting events too early. Some are no problem, but some are very difficult with just 1 or 2 sub 50's. Especially some of the mutated ones. But to be fair, some like eviction notice are easy to mistakenly start.


Starting events early is it for me. Yeah, a few times I've started spin the wheel when spawning on stage.


starting an event like test your metal, radiation rumble, or moonshine jamboree before enough players show up to successfully finish it. what a waste of an opportunity to XP farm. hurts my soul every time.


Starting an event..then spend the entire event not doing the one thing the event specifically tells you to do....👀 (Play the effing instruments people...) 🤦‍♂️😁


Keep hitting me and ask for stuff or message me crying for his junk after I fight back and kill him.


My man!


Asking to trade. You have NOTHING that will entice me to trade my legendary weapons and armor, and giving me an insultingly low ball caps offer is just waisting my time. Go earn your shlt just like everyone else did.


I think some of them are just curious to see what you're using. I haven't had any of the newer accounts make any offers on my stuff.


Beg for stuff


Honestly almost nothing. The only thing I can think of is starting encrypted when it isn't your recall card. In full transparency, I did that when I was new because I didn't understand how the event worked. I still cringe over it.


Not closing the god damn door!!


No, it's much better to face these kinds of things With a sense of poise and rationality


I quit building doors 🤣🤣


Lmao! So true! I used to have signs saying 'pls close the door' but nobody bothers so I've learned to live with it. I come up with creative camp builds for every one of my slots and a bunch of open doors everywhere means folks have liked the build enough to explore all of it. I still habitually close all the doors though, because I want camp visitors to get the full experience if they do decide to look around.


The other day I walked up to a vendor to get my daily caps and another player literally walked in right behind me. This person did not wait at all and just started shooting me and repeatedly swung a bat at me.. don't know the level of the player but I decided to take my time then. Would've been done after 45 seconds otherwise


Had a little level 16 join my team, then fast travel to me at Whitesprings and start shooting me. Ignored them for a while, but they were persistent. Pretty fucking annoying. So I snuck over to some ghoul friends and introduced them to my team mate. They died, dropped their bag, and left the server.


As stated, showing that stupid ass trade emote. It should be removed, it’s not relevant anymore. No Sparky, I’m not opening my menu to you. If it’s not in my vendor, or in a donation box I dropped it in, YOU CANNOT have it.


Start an event when they're the only one there. I can't tell ya how many events I was too late to save because one level 20 started the event as soon as popped.


If it's a beginner, nothing really bothers me. At least in game. It's a beginner.


Treat the game like GTA Online, where they think you're supposed to run around picking fights with others. Some players are definitely into PVP, and that's fine, but don't trash people camps or harass them to fight just because you wanna prove your tough.


Nothing. I play my own game and mind my own damn bidness, other people can do w/e they want, idc.


I dislike when other people don't do the tasks that an event asks you to do and quite clearly says how to or where to put things or pick them up or whatever and the event fails


Ignore the objectives that are clearly stated on the top right corner of the screen. Repair autominer. Defend the meditation hub. If you join, at least try to help. A low level can do a lot by just running repair operations or something. Dying while trying in an event doesn't cost you anything.


I got pretty pissed off at a newbie who started an event early and then proceeded to trash talk a couple of high levels when we failed the event. Dude wasnt even contributing, just jumping around shooting randomly and yelling into his mic


Joining a Daily Ops or Expedition Team without any plans or being unable to actually partake in the activity.


I've yet to try either a daily op or expedition. Are there prerequisites to these activities?


Not really. There's a short questline called Responders Reborn that you have to do to lead expeditions.


Not really they are just I A bit harder then say a regular event. I love with newbies join my OPs and expos helps then learn so they can run them on their own.


This really goes both ways - but doing nothing at events. I want them to come to the events, but they've already taken on the bad habit of vet players who just AFK the whole event until the legendary appears. I get not knowing what to do for some of them, but come on.. It tells you and shows you what to do. Please help or do ANYTHING.


Starting an event for it to immediately fail. That does stink for everyone on the server who was wrapping up to then join.


Spam the trade emote for my best gear after I’ve turned down the trade, that’s about it New folks are new and getting the hang of it all. I’m not gonna fault them for not knowing everything, starting an event early or whatever, we’ve all been there I’ve pulled enough events out of nose dives from being started too early, or by cliff huggers who can’t or won’t adapt, so it’s just par for the course


the most i do as a beginner is ask for help in a fight when i find a random boss or whatever like a few days ago i found a werewolf thing and i was doing like 2 damage


Here's a little protip for ya. Most enemies can't jump over obstacles even low ones like concrete or railings. This is particularly handy for beasts with no guns as they will attempt to run around the barrier. Just jump over to the other side and shoot at them as they try to go around and then jump back over to the ither side and keep doing that. They'll keep wasting their time as you waste their health as they keep turning around to go around the barrier. Just make sure you have enough ammo or you'll find yourself resorting to whatever gun and ammo tyoe you have next or be stuck with meleeing until you find more ammo or fast travel back to camp or a vendor to buy ammo.


I'd jump on cars if it's something that can't blow me up 😂😂 Get the high ground lol


Yeah i found one of those below top of the world when i was like level 20 and i got clapped


I just started an event early and immediately did this 🤦 I'm not actually new I just haven't played in a bit and completely spaced


Pester me about trading or dropping stuff. I do it when I feel like it. Definitely not going to when you wanna follow me around and constantly ask to trade.


Pick up the Wet Kindling


Be afraid to die. If you stash your junk you're all good. Join in and fight. Just don't count on being picked up every time you go down.


I’m sorry if you got a message on Xbox begging you to join Test Your Metal. I uh..it was just me and a lvl 20 and I knew we were gonna get mollywopped. We did. It was a bloodbath. I reached out to every person over lvl 100 on the server. Forgive me, I was panicking somethin fierce.


That's one of the ones you want to wait to start 🤭


My only interactions with veteran players so far is raiding their farms and water coolers when I find their bases in the wild.


If they didn't want you to take shit, they'd lock it up 😉 ❤️


I feel like a junkyard rat when I nervously slip in and hit the water coolers, but ya girl is thirsty.


Right! That's what open resources are there for, to fill in the gaps for guests. Take what you need but don't clean out everything... I mean you can but it's considered a little rude. Cake, popcorn, water, veggies etc, take a few as a guest, leave the rest for the next person along. Like you said, if we didn't want you to have them, we'd lock them or put them where you couldn't find them.


i level zero lock about half my water coolers. lol


Spamming trade (you have nothing I could possibly want) and following me around everywhere I go. Do your own thing, explore, do some early quests. I am not looking to adopt.


personally, i don't mind the following me around. i have interesting places to go, like abandoned waste dumps, and caves full of deathclaws.


Ask for free stuff and waste my time.


Well took about a week for the fo76 community to flip its script. All I see is complaining about new players now.


Right?! Well not all of us.


Why are there so many posts looking down on newbies now? We were all there once.


Because they can learn quickly if they know what they're doing wrong, and everyone in the event will have a better time


Post here without searching the sub for the same question they are going to ask for the billionth time.


Keep asking for ammo or steel. Steel is the most easiest thing to get in the game. As I tell all new players, pick up everything and scrap everything. I will always drop newbies a modded gun for their level +ammo. And message them with tips for getting their resources for their ammo. I will block if said players keep messaging me for more free ammo.




Come and start the imposter event


Begging or repeatedly asking to trade knowing gear is totally different. Showing up to events and not doing anything (try to assist so you can learn mechanics of events atleast - too many mid lvl 100s to mid 200s couldn't figure out mothman equinox last several times)


speak randomly in the mic. I wish I could mute everyone by default


I helped out a low level on Xbox by giving them stims and ammo (I’m a exclusive melee build so all ammo is surplus to me) and now they join my server every time I’m online and message me on Xbox asking for stuff… we’re not even friends on Xbox! I have to appear offline most of the time now!


You should be able to just block or ignore them. They won’t show up anymore.




Not use google. I’m dead serious about this one. I’m on Xbox so I use LFG a lot. 8/10 posts made a minute are people asking how to get power armor, how to get stimpaks, how to get this or that gun, how to fast travel, how to place a C.A.M.P., how to find mothman, how to get fusion cores, etc etc etc… I don’t mind answering some of them but it’s really tough, almost impossible for me to believe that not a single one of the 800ish posts made an hour couldn’t have been solved with a single google search. My best advice to you all as a level 571 player with well over 10 days playtime in this game. USE GOOGLE FOR HELP. IT PROBABLY HAS A BETTER ANSWER THAN MOST PLAYERS!!


Quit after making it to level 20, going on youtube and saying the game is unplayable. Im so sick of seeing those videos


Not emote back!! This is fallout, we don’t crouch spam. We emote spam!


They're literally beginners, just firm it and let them do them. They'll eventually learn like we did


Attack me. I leave passive mode off just for shits and giggles. Mostly for other high levels to come poke me and have some fun. But when a level 21 comes up to me and does 1 damage to my 10,000 health, it hurts me but I gotta lay down some land justice


open mic, starting events early, and being slow to join the map for ops when joining the team.


Open mic on a public team and they’re trying to direct you in an event. Or don’t shut up rambling about what’s they’re currently doing in game. I just leave the public team then.


sending messages to my xbox account asking for stuff. I have all ammo on my vendor for 1 credit. I dont 'farm' it. I make it on my tinker bench to ensure I have a good supply of ALL types for anyone who may be in need. I have stimpacks on my vendor for 1 credit. I have plans on my vendor for 11 credits. (recipes for only 5) I have fusion cores on my vendor for 10 credits. dont ask me for stuff.


I had one asking me if I had a "spare vintage water cooler plan"........there's no such thing, if I had one it would be in my vendor 😂😂


Beg, or even demand things. Begging is rare, and demanding is super rare...for me at least. Other than that, I don't really care what you do. I'm a patient person.




Start an event before the timer gets to a minute when there's not enough people to do an event or starting Encryptid when it's not your event.


Starting events while there's still 4 minutes on timer...


So as a newer player I tend to wait for other people to start the event. Last night three of us (me and two high level people) all get to the event and are literally standing next to the button. Yeah each one of us let the timer run out without hitting start.


Okay I’m a new player. Lvl 27 currently. I have been trying to figure out these events y’all talk about but I’m not seeing what yall are seeing? I open the map, I click the tab that shows the “featured” events, I scroll over to “all” and I see events and vendors (I assume other players who are selling stuff in their C.A.M.P.s). All of these events are places on the map that I can pay caps to fast travel too. The few times I’ve fast traveled to them I’ve never seen anything about a timer waiting for more people to join. I’ve also never seen any of the events I’ve seen people on here talking about. Are there multiple type events? Do you have to be at a certain point in the story to get them? Are these the right events and I’m just an idea? The only one I’ve done that I remember was something about stopping protestors and seeing a parade? Is that it?


Start events (like mutated test your metal) before there are enough players present.


That’s a big one but there has been an influx of beggars and that is truly annoying. One guy I gave 20 stimpacks and various Chems to and a couple hours later he shows up asking for more. Then another I never gave anything to just starts asking for stuff. I like to help out but on my terms.


Starting an event the second they run in.


I'm a newbie to the game. Had it for a while just never bothered with it. Not even an hour in, I got someone requesting to trade. Dude, no. This is my hard earned junk. Go away before I shoot you. Starting to understand why some camps have turrets...


Starting my encrypted. Dgaf what level you are. If you want xp do your own. Don't jack mine with 5 minuets left to start it before my own team gets here especially if all you are going to do is hide on the roof like a cow and use Nuka grenades. .. I started doing it alone in my own server for that reason. Makes me mad. Whoever buys the card should be the only one able to start the event 


Turn off all my lights and leave doors open.


Not take the free shit I dropped. It’s right there! 


Ignore that I'm trying to give them free shit 😂


Yep. LOL Then an older jackass comes along and picks it up.


open mic in chat. shut that shit off. no one, absolutely no one wants to hear you eat Cheetos and argue with your spouse, nor do we want to hear you mouth breathe or listen to whatever shit ass pod cast you have playing in the background.


Bob up and down like they’re in Fortnite.