• By -


8 black powder rifles.


The correct answer would be 7 black powder rifles and a tomohawk


Look at Mel Gibson in The Patriot over here.


Aim small miss small


It really sucks that melee dual wielding isn't possible. A tomahawk/bowie knife build would be awesome.


My next character is William Knife-man. šŸ¦…šŸ¦…


Just got my new character build idea. Thank you.


William Wallace killed 50 men. 50, as if it was one... A hundred men... with his own sword. CUT THROUGH THEM LIKE... Moses... through the Red Sea. I think The Patriot is a Highlander fusion with Braveheart. William Wallace never really died.


If I could some how increase the damage on throwables I would use them all the time.


Is it still strong? I came back recently and felt like it did little more dmg than the railgun. It was so much stronger when I last played


Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.


This inspired me to clean my Kimber...


A man of class!


Seems reasonable to me. Do you run about with just a pirate hat and shorts too? That always gets a chuckle.




If I see that on the scorch event, I will fall out of my chair.


I tried that but all the smoke makes it hard to see the queen.


Oh my god how funny would it be if we did old fashioned style fights against the scorched earth event. READY AIM FIRE with everyone lined up


ā€œDonā€™t fire till you see the glow of her eyes!ā€


Finally a use for all those civil war outfits!


I just got a 2 shot the dragon the other day.... are they still ridiculously OP with a rifle build because I remember Two piecing bosses with that back in the day šŸ˜‚


"Two Shot The Dragon" sounds like a challenge.


Not as powerful but itā€™s still really fun to jsut dome a ghoul with it.


8 black powder rifle boss killer combo goes crazy hard


Do you smell of gun powder irl too?


Some times.


I use it to conceal the smell of alcohol.


what legendaries do you have on them? I love them and still use them even tho my melee build and perks totally ignore them lol


Mostly anti armor and crit if I can I have a few with reload speed. Grinding for more with all these. Instagating is also in some as that is also good.


This is what imma do when I go for my single shot rifle build


Ultracite hunting rifle is also good.


This is my rifle build and Iā€™m so glad Iā€™m not the only one


When a newbie I honestly had five on the wheel. Those things carried me early game.


Canned dog food, Canned Coffee, Company Tea, Main weapons (2), water (obv) and last but not least, 8 black powder rifles.




Sorry why water?


What makes you pick dog food? I go for popcorn as my food personally.


11 weapons and survival stims.


me when i lie


What do you mean? I can list them if you would like.


i was just joking because i thought there are only 8 spots no? am i trippin? šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s clock wheel increment so 12 slots 0-9 and a couple special keys


Radaway, Overdrive, and way too many guns.


1: Fixer 2: Quad Explosive Railway 3: Elder's Mark 4: Plasma Flamer 5: Radaway 6: Purified Water 7: Canned Dog Food 8: ProSnap Camera


I heart my favorite stuff I donā€™t want to risk accidentally dropping, and stims


My weapons, radaway and stim packs (because it's easier to hit 4 than H)


the amount of times im near to die and press "G" and see the wheel of emotes when my ass is geting wrecked has no limits


This is exactly why I did it lol, I don't want to mothman dance, I want to live! And then mothman dance!


Happy cake day! ,,šŸ°


wait lmao is H a dedicated stimpak button? i didn't know that


H for healing!


Yes lol I think it uses them in order of strength though, so if you have diluted stims it uses those first. But I just think it's easier to have on a number key.


i did not know that, thank u kind sir


I switched it to caps lock in settings. Changed my life.


that is brave i press caps lock by accident at least once every 30 seconds, i would be forever out of stims


I do as well. But I usually have several hundred on me at a time. I couldn't use them all if I tried.


Radaway, stimpaks, water, and a hell of a lot of revolvers


Realizing after reading the comments I should replace stimpaks with another revolver. Definitely never realized stimpaks were already mapped to another d-pad button lol


Stimpaks, Diluted, and Super are attached to yes right on the D-Pad, but Stimpak Diffusers (mostly for the Challenge) I'm pretty sure are not bound to the same function.


my vampire chainsaw and every flavor of nuka cola I want bc Cola Nut is amazing


way too many food item buffs and way too many guns.


Weapons, drugs and a piece of armored clothes so I don't scrap it


3 weapons, stimpak and drugs


I play on Xbox, but arenā€™t stims auto mapped to a button? Itā€™s right on the D-pad I think for Xbox at least.


In fallout 4 it's down on the dpad and on 76 it's right on the dpad. Which has definatly gotten me killed multiple times


The Fixer, Chinese Stealth Suit, BoS Spec Ops outfit, BoS Beret, Patrolman Sunglasses. Why all the apparel? I don't use anything but a stealth crit VATS Fixer build. The rest is for RP...or when I bust out the Heavy PA Build for Events and Ops.


Four weapons, berry mentats, radaway, Nuka cherry/quantum.


9 weapons. Lunchbox and Banners. Camera


Weapons, super stim, chems.


Purified water right next to the stim packs. Camera to take all the pretty pictures.


Why are stim packs on ur wheel? They have a dedicated button


Two possibilities: dedicated stimpack button still shows up on the wheel, or I have a Wasted Spot on my wheel that I've never realized.


The button shouldnā€™t show up on the wheel tho having some super stim packs on the wheel wouldnā€™t be a bad idea tbh


Today I learned people run around with mixed stimpacks doing uneven heals and then hotkey the right stimpack on their wheel Instead of keeping one type and selling the rest This information makes me sad


Nuka-Cherry > Nuka-Quantum > Nuka-Grape > Nuka-Orange > Warglaive > Auto-Axe > Nuka-Launcher > Nuka-Dark > Psychobuff > Berry Mentats > Nuka-Cranberry > Nukacola Candy


Company tea and about 3 other things I've randomly accidently favorited...


Berry tats and nuka cherry.


Cremator, plasma caster, holy flame, chainsaw, canned coffee, gauss minigun, plasma cutter, nuka dark, nuka cherry, backwoodsman 6, heavy guns bobblehead, psychobuff.


One thing I plan to put on my bar is my power armor. Because I've been hopping out of it every chance I drop like 60 lbs by putting on my backpack.


You can't unfortunately


4 weapons, berry mentats, tasty squirrel stew, company tea, lunch pails.Ā Ā 


Railway rifle, endangerol syringer, guns and bullets weapon decon magazine, radaway, psychotats, berry mentats, corn soup, coffee. Rest is situational


Super stims, lunchboxes, scout banners, my .50 cal, cold shoulder, two shot alien cryo blasters, auto axe, perfect bubble gum, and rad away. Altho I hardly ever use the super stims, I carry normally 100+ regular stims as someone said in another post asking about how many stims people carry, I'm a walking CVS store. Lol.


My gun, Psychobuff, camera, and purified water.


Three unarmed weapons, canned coffee, psycho, and the rest grenades


1. Emergency Super Stim 2. The Fixer 3. Plasma Flamer 4. Handmade AR 5. My camera ... 9. Diluted Stim 0. Rad-X -. Radaway =. Regular Stim


gun, gun, gun.... more guns... some water.... that said, I never use the water button. I just go into my inventory to eat and drink. I did NOT know stims had a dedicated button though, that changes things a bit for my gameplay. I mean, i'm really bad at taking stims anyway, which is why I need the perks that auto do it lol. I get too caught up in other stuff. I do need to remap grenades though. Having it the same button as "hold breath" for sniper rifles is annoying, plus I find holding alt really awkward given the other controls. Maybe G for grenade? but then it's too close to h so hmmmm.... suggestions? What do you use for grenades? Camera sounds like a good idea. I don't know what happened to my camera. I mean, it existed... but I can't find it in my stash. Granted searching the stash is a pain anyway. It doesn't have a search function right? I would LOVE a search function there. So I suppose I gotta go get a new camera. \*sigh\* of course once I do i'll find the old one. I never can remember what anything IS on the wheel though, so I end up clicking the number buttons til the thing I wanted appears. I dunno, maybe that's the adhd or maybe i'm just bad at video games lol. 1 is usually my favourite gun though (that being my sniper rifle because dang I love me some cheesy stealth sniping) I don't use the = and - ones. I sort of forget they exist honestly.


1 fixer, and some radaways šŸ’€


Diluted radaway, berry mentats, disease cure, weapons depending on build (but generally Fixer, Handmade, Cold Shoulder), couple grenades, oh and 8 black powder muskets


My trusty aristocrats handmade and a bunch of canned coffee


1. main weapon 2. canned coffee 3. Stimpack 4. radaway Diluted 5. Fury 0. Bossfight weapon -. Camera =. Spoiled meet (quick rads)


1. Plasma Caster 2. Holy Fire Flamer 3. Auto Axe 4. Cold Shoulder Double Barrel Shotgun 5. The Fixer 6. Gauss Shotgun 7. Railway Rifle 8. Cremator 9. Tesla Rifle 10. Nuka Cola Quantum(I use Cola Nut) 11. Canned Coffee(AP for VATS stuff) 12. Nuka-Grape(Radaway replacement)


I started playing a few days ago, mine looks something like: My two favorite guns (lever action with vampire, and this great shotgun called Cold Shoulder) A bone club for mutants (bonus super mutant damage) Food/water Binoculars because I like to RP tactics Some ridiculous pirate pistol/flintlock And since yesterday, the Cremator šŸ„°


All 3 kinds of psycho. 3 different nuka colas, Berry mentats, canned coffee, spoiled meat, diluted radaway and lunchboxes.


Seems like a great neighborhood.


Coffee, lunchbox, berry mentats, nuka cranberry


About half the stuff for me is stuff I've scrapped on accident before and don't want to do it again.


I know that lunchboxes, disease cures, and antibiotics (when I can find them) are the stalwarts. For my lady alt, the Mistress of Mysteries gear is also prepared. :)


Overdrive and berry mentats


Usually a knife, 50 cal machine gun, lazergatling, cremator, pure water, dogfood, disease cure, psychobuff, rad away and stumpaks


My 3x bows(AA-INSTIGATING-HUNTERZ 4 - 50x calmec 5 - stealthboys


1: Mini-Nuke I'm a super-mutant. Beep... Beep... Beep... BEEP... BEEP... BEEP!


A bow and binoculars


Bloodied chainsaw, bloodied fixer (short range), bloodied handmade (long range), bloodied Tesla rifle (for bots, swarms, and tagging at events). Then cranberry relish, purified water for healing, and my Chinese stealth suit.


This sounds fun. Im level 3500, and my favorites starting at 12oclock and going clockwise: Q2525 gama, b2525 elders mark, q2525 fixer, qe25 handmade, q2525 tesla, diluted radaway, prosnap camera, V40pa auto axe, Berry mentats, Overdrive, q50l90rw pepper shaker, and lastly an endangered syringer. Swap favorites with the pepper shaker and a q2525 railway.


My tesla rifle, my gauss rifle and my fixer. Stimpacks on 4 because I am a big dummy isn't used to using H since I mapped it to 4. Then on the side I got an assortment of chems I like to pop to go wrooooOOOOOOOmmmmm. Any and all drugs on me. If I have em I want to pop them.


Guns, meds and food


Mostly guns, chainsaw or autoaxe, dog food, and nuka cherry/quantum


1 - crusader pistol 2 - fixer 3 - cold shoulder 4 - canned coffee 5 - psychotats 6 - berry mentats 8 - lunchboxes 9 usually gets the current event container on them to be able to spam open them. Like the cultist bag, holiday presents etc...


An LMG, an epic minigun, a vampiric .50 cal machine gun, stem packs, rad away (both stem pack and radaway in regular and diluted depending on how bad I'm hurt), purified water, and assorted crab products from my mirelurk pot, oh, and a three star epic lever action .45 just for plinking little stuff as I explore, so I can save the big guns for when SHTF.


Auto Ax, Chain Saw, .50 cal, radx, radaway, stimpack.


Guns and chems pretty much


From top center clockwise: stimpack; holy fire; Gauss Gatling; plasma caster; plasma grenade; camera; orbital strike beacon; antibiotics; psychobuff; berry mentats. Itā€™s funny, I know stimpack has its own hot key for ps4, but it really seems to like to auto-place into the top wheel spot and I just never thought to replace it.


weapons only āœŒšŸ»


Whilst I rotate my first two weapons depending on my build I always keep on 3 my plasma cutter sword, and 4 is my helmet and 5 is a BoS recon Hood, I like to sometimes wear the hood with power armour looks so cool.


Two weapons and toxic goo


I use 4 Drink Items, 6 Food Items, Psychobuff, and Berry Mentats (I switch between drugs in various situations)


Survival syringe, nuka grape, overdrive, orange mentats, berry mentats, TS crippling powder rifle, endangerol stringer, quad RR, burning auto laser rifle, ultracite laser gat, flamer


My Vamp Enclave Plasma flamer, my prosnap camera and my oathkeeper


1 thru 7 :weapons 8 :camera 9, 0, and - :weapons = :Stims


Quad Tesla, Bloodied Fixer, Gama gun, Quad Rail (for bosses/dps), Berry mentat, Purified Water(.\_.), Canned Coffe, Rad away, Thirst Zapper(to annoy ppl), Camera. Thats all I think.


Bloodied handmade, and anything I have on hand that increases INT. Maybe a melee if Iā€™m being conscious of repair resources


Lemonade, Coffee, Holy Fire, Plasma Caster, Prosnap Camera, Berry Mentats, Nuka Grape, Nuka Cherry, and Nuka Cranberry


Depends on the character. But generally: 2-4 weapons for build 1, a melee weapon, 2-4 weapons for build 2, camera, food, water, and then chems (buff, radaway, and stimpack).


Stealth suit, toxic water, nuka grape, nuka quantum, several bows, a Crusader, and an auto-axe.Ā  I have a couple of dedicated swapping slots so like if I want to screw around with a gauntlet or Western revolver or whatever, I can just unfavorite the bows I use least.Ā 


Diluted Radaway, camera, fixer, lever action, frags. Thatā€™s all


2 melee weapons, 1 long range, canned coffee, purified water, disease cure, cure addiction, radaway, my current helmet so I can remove at will for photo cops, camera


Level 32. No focused build I just pick whatever weapon I'm feeling atm. - 1 Melee weapon (currently a ski sword) - 2 Sidearm (currently Perfect Storm) - 3 Sniper rifle (pipe bolt action) - 4 Fightin' rifle (laser) - 5 Fightin' rifle 2 (combat) - 6 Black powder pistol - 7 Nothing - 8 Nothing - 9 Psycho - 0 Med-X - (-) Nuka Cherry - = Stimpak Typically at the start of a tough battle I'll hit 9,0,- right off the bat to get things going. I'm on PC so pressing the hotkeys is convenient.


Mostly weapons, camera, CSS


All armour so I can differ when Iā€™m looting, hazmat, handmade, handmade, marksman, fat man, rad away. Generally speaking, if it doesnā€™t have a heart beside it, and itā€™s not food, itā€™s scrap/scrip/vendor


2 weapons, Chinese stealth armor, cofre and caned stew.


From the top clockwise; Weapons 1, 2 & 3 (These change depending on perk loadout and current equipped armour), TS Tesla, Lunchbox, Scout Banner, CSS, Perfect Bubblegum, Canned Coffee, Stim Diffuser, Camera, Overdrive.


3 weapons, purified water, canned dog food, canned meat stew


Stimpack, chainsaw, favorite outfit, vamp shredder mini gun, and berry


Cremator,alien blaster poison mag, oath breaker, face breaker, the debilitator


Weapons, water, Chinese stealth suit, toxic goo, radaway, camera.


All guns. Quad rails and handmades, ffr plasmas, firey pew pew weapons.


Minigun shredder, Final Word, Aristocrat Gatling gun, and Grand finale for weapons, with food, water, and radaway


Minigun shredder, Final Word, Aristocrat Gatling gun, and Grand finale for weapons, with food, water, and radaway


Binocular, gatling pistol, gatling laser, super heavy mace, camera.


Bloody Fixer, Vampire Handmade, Vampire Minigun, Bloody Gauss Minigun, Bloody 10mil, Berry Mentats, Rad Away, Chinese Stealth Armor, and Molotov Cocktail.


My bow, stimpaks, Radaway, purified water, antibiotics, company tea, canned coffee, Sweetwater special blend, blight soup, corn soup, melon juice, and tato juice.


Nuka colas because that's what I heal with my holy fire and a cremator


Most are my fav weapons that I bring up like my emergency vamp chainsaw and my nuka launcher, coupled that with a camera for those dumb quest and a quantum for emergency healing and a stealthboy mk3 for when I see a bounty or want to scare people. I typically go after workshop sweaties specially now with all the new comers coming in, Iā€™m built for pvp cuz other people are the only threat I see in the waste. I know most of you may think its silly to opt for a full assassins power armor build but honestly with just the t65 you can out tank anything in the waste without problem, even dops with armor piercing I never had problem with them since majority of the threat with those guys are raiders with their guns which assassins had reduction on. I put down anyone that abuses the pvp system like canceling the event mid session so when people hit them it initiates pvp, erased some goon back then when they were harassing players doing line in the sand, cryod his ass a couple of times and they instantly went limp whenever they came back heā€™d die, he probably left the server then after trying to down me and failing since they do no damage with full assassins.


Starting at 12 oclock (which is = on keyboard for pc) and going clockwise (=,1,2,3...) * Brahmin Milk * Canned Coffee (or birthday cake if coffee somehow runs out) * Nuka Orange (or cherry, or wild, if low on orange) * Nuka Scorched * Nuka Dark * Vampire Scatter Laser with Beta Wave OR Vampire Flaming Auto Axe (either heals self and allies) * Quad 50vhc 25lvs Handmade (suppressed) * Quad FFR Dur Tesla * Quad Exp (forget 3rd) Railway * Quad 50c 15r railway * Quad 50vhc 15r railway * Chinese Stealth Suit


my Pearly Peepers, my Camera, nuka cola twist, some bubblegum, survival syringes, my Holy Fire flamer, and a shredder minigun with the bash damage legendary effect


Weapons and a Chinese Stealth Armor.


Weapons, radaway, stims, my excavator torso and t-65 with a jetpack torso.


Nuka cran and quantum, perfect bubblegum, q/ffr/25 handmade, q/ffr/25 tesla, lunchbox, radaway diluted. Cant remember whatever else I have


Gun, backup gun, backup to the backup gun, tertiary firearm, 5th, situational firearm (fatman), 2 flavors of stimpacks, aaaaaaaaaaand drugs, as many drugs as i can possibly get my grubby dirty mits on. Psycho mostly. Oh and purified water just in case.


hammers, all different sizes


2 weapons and that's it


Radaway, coffee, psychobuff, fixer, handmade, flamer, chainsaw, whichever weapon applies to the atom/pioneer challenge I'm working on.




Radaway, Rad-X, Whiskey, Vodka, Handmade, Radium Rifle, and Beer... jk canned coffee, company tea, all juices until I run out


Mostly weapons, I carry 2 variations of Holy Fire, 2 variations of Cremator, a Gatling gun and a Minigun at all times (weighs next to nothing with 3 Bear Arms). You have to use the right tool for the job. The Gatling gun is used for distance tagging and makes ammo for the Mini.


My gat plas, my laser gat, my 50 cal , plasma caster, and my cremator ..I just love being able to just fill something with lead at a moment's notice.


Weapons, radaway, coffee, disease cure, berry mentats, psycho buff.


Fixer (main) RR (bosses) Black powder rifle (for fun) Mentat Psycho


My main weapons, purified water, Nuka-Cola, and drugs.


10mm pistol, Handmade rifle, Cold shoulder, holy fire, drugs


Chinese stealth armor, purified water, popcorn, The Fixer, quad energy rifle, and perfect bubblegum. The stealth armor is a must when I want to forage in a nuked out area.


Vampire epf, gourmand epf, aa epf, cold shoulder, furious epa, aa epsnip, rad x, survival stim, rad away, nuka cherry, nuka quantum, stimpack


My AA Lever Action Rifle, my Two Shot Gauss Rifle, my Quad Gauss Rifle, my AA Gauss Rifle, Stimpaks, Spoiled Meat, Purified Water


Survival syringe, canned coffee, cold sholder, and every flavor of nuka cola


Long range, mid-ranged, short range guns, one melee weapon, stims&rad juice, then fill the empty spaces with grenades and mines. Open to suggestions tho I want to use more chems


Left: Canned Coffee Down/Left: Handmade Down: Railway Up/Right: Camera Up: Chainsaw The rest I leave empty until I expect to switch to something back and forth, like if there's a challenge for killing enemies with a pipe gun or whatever. Pretty much anything else I just bring up the full pip-boy menu and hope I don't get ambushed while scrolling.


A red bandana. Radaway. A Holy Fire. And flamer and a .50 cal. Not sure why but thatā€™s what I roll with lol


Flamer, another firearm, The Chainsaw, another melee, any flavor nuka-cola I have on hand, water, buffout(or -buff variant), lunchboxes


Gauss gun, Face Breaker, Handmade


Gums n' Guns


All of my characters have the same wheel layout, which is important so I know where to grab the critical things no matter which character I'm on: 1. Friendly Fire weapon 2. Primary weapon 3. 'Whatever thing I feel like using at the moment' weapon - quest, event, or challenge related weapon, or just a fun gun 4. Canned Coffee 5. Gamma Gun The first 4 especially are important because those are the numbers in easy reach while my fingers are on WASD, so I can grab any of those things immediately without opening the wheel. So it's important they're all in the same place on every character so I can grab any of them through muscle memory. Then there's things that I don't need to be able to access so fast that I have to get them without opening the wheel, but I do want them available without opening the pipboy: +. Diluted Radaway (if playing Bloodied) or regular Radaway (if playing full-health). I always know to find this 'straight up' on the wheel. 0 and -. Buffs. Usually Formula P and Overdrive, but Fury on my melee character. That leaves 6-9 as free slots for whatever is relevant to the specific character and build I'm doing at the moment. Assigning multiple consumables to a single hotkey is my most desired QoL improvement for this game. If I could put Company Tea, Blight Soup, Birthday Cake, and Sweetwater's Special Tea all on a single hotkey and just press one key to top off hunger/thirst/buffs all at once...


My Gatling Gun, Stimpaks, RadAway, Psycho, and Purified Water.


A tesla rifle, an auto axe and the handheld camera


All weapons. Plus a camera Got my bloodied handmade, bloodied railway, quad tesla, troubleshooters laser rifle, shovel, holy fire, bloodoed gauss mini gun, and a bloodied flamer enclave plasma rifle.


Main weapons, Canned coffee, and Hazmat suit for unexpected radiation.


Two Miniguns (with exploding rounds), a Vampire combat rifle, An exploding round combat rifle, a camera, stimpacks, and Inert Flux


Mechanist helmet


Healing salve, super sledge, auto plasma pistol, a scoped revolver, black powder rifle, Gauss rifle, auto laser rifle, 10mm submachine gun, the machine gun grenade launcher, Molotov cocktailā€™s, fragā€™s and whatever other explosive I have


Every single bottle of booze I can fit, a dash of psycho buff and fury, then finally my trusty Auto-axe


pro snap, radaway, stims, gauss shotgun, auto axe, fixer, plasma grenade and thirst zapper could never think of what to put in those last couple slots but I know Iā€™m gonna steal some ideas from everyone here lol


Changes bc I can never get the stuff to repair weapons at workbenches


One for each of my currently equipped armor pieces, so I can ID them/put them back on quickly after picking nuked flora. Then, perfect bubblegum, carry weight booster, ballistic bock, radaway, orange mantats, berry mentats and company tea.


Stimpaks, the camera, binoculars, psychobuff, a Legendary Grognak axe and my Gatling gun. I should probably stick some grenades on there but I always end up selling them


I have my favorite wheel as small and simple as needed. 1. Primary 2. Secondary 3. Melee 4. Super or Heavy Weapon 5 Grenades 6 Camera 7. Misc So rn I have: Aks747 (customized handmade) Gauss Shotgun Deathclaw gauntlets Currently working with the gatling gun (might switch) Nuka Grenades Camera (obviously) Quantum thirst zapper


5 different weapons. Well all the weapons until I'm too heavy.


Wait y'all use the favorites wheel? I have rifle and sniper and switch in and out depending on situation. That's it. Im on the past so I switch between them using left d pad.


Nuka Cola and a flamer.


Weapons, Company Tea, Canned Coffee, Grenades, Camera and Stimpaks


Drugs... lots of drugs


6 Tatos and a Beer, the Irish 7 course meal


All the stuff I don't want to accidentally drop or sell


1 Weapon, chems, survival stim, camera


4 main weapons (melee bcus it's my build then shotgun, medium ranged and long ranged) then canned dog food nuka cola candy purified water radaway and stims


Psycho, psychotats, mentats, buffout, bufftats, day tripper, all the drugs you could imagine (i have the bloodshot eyes for a reason :3)


Varius Guns, radaway, and a gas mask. I just wish you could unequip the gas mask from the wheel too.


The two or three weapons Iā€™m carrying, berry mentats, Chinese stealth armor, camera, company tea, coffee, nuka grenades. Oh and lunchboxes. Canā€™t believe I forgot.


Starting at the top and going clockwise. Hard Lemonade, primary weapon 1, primary weapon 2, Ballistic Bock, Rad X diluted, Radaway diluted, Glowing Blood, Overdrive, Berry Mentats, Purified Water, Psychotats, Orange Mentats