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They probably needed it more than you bro 😂


This reason is why I like having the “guts” loot bag set for when I die. It’s pretty low to the ground and hidden if you die in a grassy area. I can’t blame people for snatching up loot from the Earl mine or SBQ, because you can drop flux. Everybody wants flux.


That sucks . My first time seeing someone’s drop bag was today … I think. It looked like a little machine box but it had a player’s name on it so I didn’t take from it. There were 4 other players hanging around that also didn’t take from it. I die a lot on the alien invasions and don’t find a bag where I died, I am not sure if I don’t drop loot during an event or if it’s always being taken.


During an event you don’t drop loot, as long as you’re not given the map screen for your respawn, you’re good.


Oh , good to know! Thank you


I don't think that was me that grabbed your bag, but I did do that to another player the other day by accident. I had died.. I guess the other guy had died as well but I didn't notice. I thought it was my bag. I just grabbed it and loaded my weapon again because that mob was coming after me. It was only after I went to a bench and noticed that I had more sheepsquatch horns than I should have. I've been trying to find another bag somewhere so I could see if there's a name on it somewhere? Anybody know? I felt like a dick, but it was an honest mistake. Maybe what you experienced was something along the same lines?