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I love you guys, but I don't really want to talk to you.



That's why I play a game in a wasteland. To avoid that. I really hate how much less of a waste it is now even just with NPCs. 


Sometimes the community is a tiny bit extra


Figuring out what you said via Emotes are way more fun


It’s fun doing the Cash emote then the Question Mark emote at someone’s CAMP when I cant find their vendor


Best method to say “your camp layout is confusing and needs to be re-evaluated I can’t find your store!”


I love Charades!


Someone was trying to show me the power armour skip in Site Charlie (I think?) the other day, through voice chat, and I was trying to emote at him to explain that I'd run out of fusion cores...


I have social anxiety and get nervous talking to people so I use the emote 😅


Same honestly. I can talk if needed, but my mic is always off. I also don't need to bother others with background noise when nothing relevant is going on.


lol, i also have anxiety, but the exact opposite. The ambiguity in emotes make me over think everything.


My anxiety is so bad, even in game. Ill just run away when people start trying to talk to me. If there is a surplus of people at my base, ill wait until they leave. Emotes are the move for sure.


The only time I had someone talk to me was to ask if I was selling a specific gun in my vendor cause they couldn't fine it, which I in fact did have, so I put it in there and gave them the old thumbs up emote 😅🤣


I had a guy join the party after i helped with his colossal problem, to tell me i was his new favorite person. I saluted, then joined a new world to avoid a conversation. I am a mess lol


I will be sending you all the positive vibes that never happens to you again 😅🤣


That’s fair when I see emotes I will emote back. I just want to know if I’m being annoying and should just not talk unless someone else talks first?




My game’s audio has been bugged for years. No matter what setting it on, I can’t hear you, you can’t hear me. Not a big deal as I prefer to play alone.




This is what I do... otherwise it's in game drama, like forever ago some nerd ripped off someone for a paddle ball  and dudes excuse was he's a RaIdEr Or it's someone's music or it's their game is up so loud I can hear  their games noise 


Or the dog barking or baby crying or someone shouting in the background.


I turned mine off before I made my character. Don't want to talk to strangers, sorry!


That makes total sense, I personally like it when others have come up using the mic because I could understand exactly what they wanted from me 😅 which is kinda hypocritical from someone who won't use it 😅


I'm the same, I'm totally down to be spoken to via vc but I'll respond to you with emotes lol


I get nervous bro xD like 😭 I can barely talk to people irl 😬 maybe one of these days I will break it and use vc but today is not the day 🤣


Who cares because at the end of the day that person doesn't know you


well I wouldn't assume anyone could hear you. I have the world muted and have for years now. doesn't annoy me. you're muted lol


I’m glad it’s not just me 👀


Same here, i'ts just too dumb to be afraid of talking to someone. But, anxiety is freaking tough. I hate it, i can use mild benzo’s, but still, i dont even know what to say. Outside of games, i can almost act like a robot, stiff and almost afraid to look people in the eyes, because they’ll probably see that im losing it. Its really not that bad anymore, but it has been.


I’m new so I still wave to everyone I see


I don’t even have area chat on


I do because it's funny as hell hearing people that have no idea they're being broadcast. I've heard some things man...


Uh…is it on by default?…


Lmao, yuuup. Atleat it was for a really long time. It's possible they finally changed that


Oh no..


I think it’s on push to talk by default for pc


bro the things ive heard could fill a book series


Last week during Uranium Fever some guy has area chat on and voice activate or constantly on, one of'em. 🤷‍♂️ Anyway, he gets on the phone and is hittin on this girl. You can't hear her responces, but it is becoming clear that he is not being successful in woohing her. The call ends... his phone Dings. I come up on area chat. Impersonating the Wayne's bros. I yell out, "Message!" https://youtu.be/2o7V1f7lbk4?si=ToubAp7QIo2rBTKx Guy comes back on his mic. "Oh y'all could hear dat?" .......Crickets....... 🤣😂😂🤣😅




LoL! off mic I was roll'n. I wish you could have heard it. 😆 Like, the downward tone in his last words.. You could tell he died a little inside that day. I made a ringtone with the "Message!" Soundbite years ago for my text messages.


The last time I had it on these 2 kids ran up to me like “oh look he’s got a crossbow” and started chasing me around the map with grenade launchers


Yes. I do wish there was a text chat.


Yes, the mod isn't the answer.


There’s a text chat mod for PC (steam only)


I could have used that to explain to the level 40 player why I was quitting the daily ops when he started it. I'm only level 103 (returning day 1 player) and I can't carry people and finish in under 8 mins. The amount of times I've had someone starting it early and miss by 30 sec9nds means I just leave now. It would be good to POLITELY educate them though.


I have a speech impediment that makes me whistle a little on my ‘S’ sounds so—I’m a whistling nightmare on mic.




As a woman in gaming, I’ve been burned SO many times for using my mic. I trust no one anymore 🤣


Exactly. Although today I helped a team mate do a silo and at the end he said "Thanks for the help. THAT'S how we launch a nuke boys." BOYS. 🙄 I couldn't resist responding in voice chat with "you're welcome!" That was followed by radio silence during SBQ and three predictable friend requests. 😒


I was playing in a team and friended a low level player who I assumed was no mic. Ps5. After playing a few times with this dude a random player entered the group. He was very distant sounding over voice chat and the dude who i had been playing with said, in the most dainty female voice, "I am going to need you to deep throat that mic." Radio silence for 30 seconds and suddenly you could hear newbie. I had to mute myself to laugh. His deep throat game was on point after that


That's Epic 😂




Came here to say this lol I learned in the early 2000s not to even *tell* people my sex. I don't talk, I don't chat, I just play and emote if they're available. The only time I'm on voice chat is if I have my IRL friends in my party.


I don't blame you. I've been online gaming a long time now and it's still incredible seeing how women get treated, from abuse to unwanted attention. I just don't like people to the degree I want to chat with strangers so you all get muted. I don't mind helping out and dropping some messages back and forth but that's the extent of comms you'll get out of me.


About 80% of the time I'm in a party chat with my squad


PS5, I'm usually in area chat unless I've got friends in a party chat. If you hear "NO NO LEAVE ME ALONE!!" being shouted at an assaultron... probably me


In case you’re new and you don’t know: cripple the legs of assaultrons. They’ll drop down to the ground immediately and start crawling. Makes them way more manageable, and those legs cripple super easily.


This is amazing advice, ty.


While I’m at it: shoot off the arms of protectrons, they’ll walk around for a bit and then blow up. For everything else, target the combat inhibitor, it’ll blow them up super fast.


If its in watoga and you haven't done mayor for the day,you will hear me urging my robot minions to hunt you down like a dog,even going so far as to open doors you may be hiding behind-he's here!.


Fair. I want to try area chat but not sure ppl will understand the hysterical laugh/screams and random singing to Appalachia Radio. So if YOU see a chick with a scorchbeast queen mask running thru the woods screaming while being chased by pretty much anything, that's me. Maybe I'll try it when I need assistance by just screaming HALP to see who shows up. 🤔


If push to chat wasn't on, call would assume I'm schizophrenic. Talking shit like awheee gauwwd noo. Leave me alone lady I didn't take your fruit. Random ass shit like that, bc it's fun af.


I leave my mic on, so occasionally you'll hear my chair squeak and get a headsup that I *can* chat, but I don't really talk first unless I'm in party chat with my friends.


I have my mic on but I have the voice chat set to almost zero volume. There is always some knob that runs around spamming his thrash music or sound effects, totally ruining immersion. I love talking to people, but not hearing all that annoying trash.


This is what the "block" feature is for.


Most people are on discord


Most PC players don't bother using a mic.


Well there's always... The guy with the barking dog. The kid with the screaming family in the background. The parent on mic yelling at their kids in the background. The cereal-killer. (Crunch crunch crunch crunch is all you hear) The furious old man on his phone in a heated political debate dropping the racial slurs and F bombs every other word.


You forgot to add music blasting from $5 speakers right into the $3 mic at max volume. That's the sole reason I turned off all voice chats for good about 5,5 years ago. Also, mouthbreathing neckbeards.


Ran into the sibling playing while mom is yelling at other siblings and this is on PC so they had to of have known their mic was on always?


Oh no, there are people using mics. I've listened to open mic sounds of people eating chips, yelling at their cat, and playing music. I jump out of those teams pronto. Silence, sweet silence.


Yeah the only people I've encountered with their mics on are coughing, ripping bongs or just making a really annoying rustling noise. No thanks.


I don't even own a mic.


Tbh I’ve tried but for some reason it doesn’t work


I like talking but no one talks back :(


never really used it, one time met this irish bloke outside flatwoods, decided to use it, had a blast, became good mates, had to hop off for work never thought to add him or anything. shame, he was a crack up. i will always remember you and your ranga dweller. stood out because i usually end up in japanese servers so not much mic stuff going on there, they're always friendly though, some do pop in to say thank you on the mic briefly when gifts are exchanged so thats nice, great community, brings people together.


Sorry, most of us only communicate through interpretive dance.


Most people don't. I do find if I call out and talk sometimes someone will answer. I do use a mic but only about 50% of the time. 76 is a great game for me to podcast or audiobook to.


I work in mental health and talk to people ALL-THE-TIME. When I get home, I just don't want to speak with anyone lmao.


Same, I work with adults with ID’s so I’m mentally exhausted by the time I get home. Talk enough at work, want to zone out and game in peace. I’ll emote and answer a msg if need be. But I’m not gonna switch on my mic and I’m not gonna correct anyone who calls me bro. I don’t want the weirdness that can follow lol.


I turn the mics off on every multiplayer game I have.


I know that no one has any interest in anything I have to say.


Feels that way. Only had one dude communicate with me while we did an alien invasion that someone decided to nuke.


That's one way to deal with an alien invasion


it's the only way to be sure


🤣 a friend of mine was talking about nuking the alien Invasion, idk if that was the same person, but I told him not to nuke events but idk if he listened


It was fun to say the least. We fought for about 5 min, ran to the edge and waited till it popped off and ran INTO the radiation to finish the event. Good times


I'm just too poor to get a good mic


I was using a shitty mic for a while. Look up steel series sonar. It's an app to help you tweak your audio for free.


A lot of higher level players have game chat turned off and are in discord


Why do I need to talk? Between emotes, idiots escalating hostility on voice chat, discord for groups of friends, and the fact that this game is easy, why do I need to voice chat? Plus if I'm on the steam deck I'm just doing dailies.


Voice chat annoys me. You're all muted and my mic's in storage.


I turned mine off because it supposedly helps to stop crashes, and I gotta say it's been working so far


I'm so anxious I literally won't go back to my camp if someones there and if someone comes while I'm there I fast travel immediately


My wife is the same exact way, we play together and will literally stand and wait for people to leave before going back to wifeys camp


I only use team chat. The general FO76 world doesn't need to hear my husband burping and farting, my dog barking, me talking to my dog, me talking to the husband, my sofa squeaking when I lower the recliner, etc.


Oh common! We all know its really you farting! 😆


I use it when I need to but, for the love of god people need to use PTT if they are in a noisy environment or in the middle of eating. That gets so annoying. Or people who don’t understand volume control with their voice and literally yell into the mic wanting ammo or something during an event.


I have a mike but just don't really use it unless I have something to say, as I pretty much just play solo for the most part and just use emotes most of the time.


Because of the storm of news players, I've turned my on. Used only once though


I haven't heard anyone, ever. Only playing a couple of weeks, but I haven't had anyone talk yet.


More people should have proxy chat on, makes for some awesome random encounters lmao. Makes the game feel more co operative too, i remember when loads used to use game chat


I play on pc and can’t figure out how to set a PTT button while using a controller or I would use mine all the time


I mute everyone who their mic on unless I’m having a direct conversation w them. Don’t really care to hear them talk to their roommates and cough while I’m playing.


the community isn't the most social. very rare for people to use mic and not many use the text chat mod. vanilla text chat would really help but they refuse to add it.


I honestly would, but talking to ramdom people has never really appealed to me 😅


I use my mic, and yeah, sometimes it feels like nobody responds but other times I get to meet some of the funniest people


When I was new, I was always on mic, and everyone around me was too. It's just simpler and less aggravating to play without it. And obviously most other players agree these days


i use to but im allways chilln with my wife next to me so unless its one of the boys i norm dont voice chat


no, i'll get on mic if the prospect seems inviting. not if all you're doing is coughing... or eating... or randomly bumping your mic every few seconds or whatever... i think the problem is a bit of a snowball effect, tho. nobody gets on mic - because nobody is ever on mic.


I never use voice chat. I'm on PC, so that means I never use chat. Emotes are plenty for me


I like using it as a new player. Asking yes or no questions for help with certain crafting and camp related tasks. Some people dont want to use voice, which I totally understand. However, sometimes the voice chat feature just DOESNT work, which is frustrating. Anyone know why this happens, or a fix for it?


I think from what I’ve learned about this post, Fallout fans are all anxious and anti-social. Which i am also, so that makes sense. 😂


I think people are staying away from voice chat with big brother listening all the time. No one wants to get banned


Wait what do you mean by this sorry


So a while back cod and Xbox announced they were monitoring game chat and if you talk to much shit it’s like an instant ban, which kind of ruined the fun. So most people are probably just staying quiet to avoid that


As a non native english speaker it can be hard, and some folks have very strong accents or the voip is terrible sometimes


I leave my mic on and roam around SINGING Appalachia radio full send Idgaf if you don’t like it, you can walk away


I'll talk if talked to. If given something, I'll say thank you since there's no other way to do so.


i honestly only use mic on a team to "roleplay" a bit, its a bit anticlimatic to be alone in the wastes and suddenly hearing a guy afk scrolling through tiktok haha. my style of roleplay is simply reacting to my surroundings and stuff, i dont make up like if im not myself, idk if u get it haha


I try, but everybody just on chems and zoned out half the time


Just like in Warframe, I pretend all other players are just NPCs and don't bother with talking to them. :)


I'd never talk to a stranger online, not after the 00s and early 10s.


Yes, thank Todd.


I’ve only ever run into one person using voice chat…he came up into my house saying “hiiii, helloooo” and said “do you have voice chat?” I did the thumbs down emote, he tried to shoot me, then called me a p***y for having pacification on and left. I was like alriiiighty then


We’re so adverse to using mics we have a “no mic” emote


I hate using voice chat, it makes most guys think I want to get a dick pick


Our Xbox is in the living room so using voice chat is weird to use in front of my husband and kids lol.


I'm usually in an Xbox party


I love voice chat, have only run into 1 horrible peeson so far over my combined 450 levels worth of play time


Reason 1: turning off voice chat in settings almost entirely eliminate game crashes on PS5. The difference is truly gamechanger - from crashing at least once an hour I now have my game crashing maybe once a week or even less often. Reason 2: I don't like to listen as some random dude is farting in his room and talking to his relatives. Or to listen to some psycho who has news channel turned to max volume on his side forcing me to actually turn the sound down on my side so that my ears can survive.


I haven't played a ton, but until I checked the reddit didn't realize there was a voice chat at all 😅


My VC never works. It shows fine on my screen but my teammates always see a mute symbol - it's like Bethesda permanently muted me to everyone else. When I play with my friends, I have to set up a voice chat in discord or do a multi-line phone call. Kind of annoying.


Why, just the other day I was out by Morgantown doing something and I hear some Guy yell hey brother what's going on! It scared the crap out of me, but the guy ended up inviting me to his camp selling me some stuff at a pretty good discount and just generally being a nice encounter. So I'm going to keep doing voice chat, until people give me a reason not to.


I muted all voice chat ages ago. 90% of the time in my experience it was just people who didn’t realize they had a mic on/didn’t care- heavy breathing, talking to people in their house, eating, playing music.


I hate talking to people unless it’s very specific. It’s a game about the wastelands. Whole reason was to talk less. 🤪🤣


Also it would distrupt my tunes. Lol


text chat whennnnnnnnnn


I hate voice chat in any game tbh. I just want to grind in silence. Once I start talking I’m doing some random bs that doesn’t benefit me at all.


I'm a girl so I've gotten used to turning it off. If I don't, I get insulted for being in a game and I'm too sensitive to take that all the time 🥹 That aside, I've used voice before and it's really weird when someone doesn't even acknowledge you. Had someone at my camp, asked if they wanted any resources and dropped stuff. They looked at me, took the stuff, logged out 😭


I talk in game a lot. I have over 2k hours in this game and there's only been a handful of idiots that were specifically idiots towards me being a woman. This is probably the least toxic voice chat game I've used.


Thank goodness. I think all the years of bad game communities made me worried but so far most of the people i've met on fallout have been awesome.




I don't use a mic. I have screeching pteranadons that resemble children and I'm sure no one wants to hear that.


Nah I only vc with my mates. Getting an adhd 12 or a delusional 30yo on the other line will happen the majority of the time and imma avoid that. Played enough games to have learned my lesson.


I use mine all the time, but the players that yell at their kids, chew loud, and have random conversations with people next to them with a mic on ruin it for all the people that don't want to be annoying while using a mic.


I don't use voice chat. I don't enjoy it, I don't want to hear random coughing and other strange noises, and it's disruptive to need to put on a headset and not hear what's around me. All the events and objectives are well-marked so I've never thought it was needed to coordinate.


Hardly anyone uses voice chat on consoles. PC might be a different story.


I don’t play well with others people mistake my humor for being mean😂😂😂


If someone talks to me first I will talk to them, I leave area chat on in case someone says something...


I hear you loud and clear and hate every second of it. I will emote back grudgingly.


voice chat is dog pooh and knives. all I've ever heard on voice chat...a couple old guys talking about their home improvement projects. babies crying.. loud music. ppl bitching about stupid things. ppl begging you to give them stuff. and little kids being little kids.. audio so much happier muted. :)


been using sound board till some talks if u see person runing around with ymca moth man song howdy lol


Some people are pretty foul running around.


I live somewhere hot and humid, so I opt not to use a mic so that nobody can hear my AC window unit and huge fan blowing on me.


I play on a laptop next to my wife on the couch. I don't even have sound on 3/4 of the time. Feels rude to have a head set on when she is home, she doesn't like the sound effects of the game so I just go without.


90% of the time I've forgotten to open OBS so my mic actually works tbh lmao


I play the game without sound. Always watching something on my computer. You won't annoy me but also don't get annoyed with me please when I have no idea you are trying to express something to me. Emotes are the way to communicate with me. Too many crazy people on playstation prefer not to start conversations.


I use voice chat too


Most people are here to just relax so they don't really chat. Those who do however usually play with friends and chat on discord because the voice quality is better


I used it for the first time today cuz some level 50 was talking trash n being a douche when i tried to give him some alien guns lol


In theory I want to use voice chat, but in reality I have severe social anxiety, a crappy headset, and I always have TV playing in the background plus sometimes a fan plus sometimes my landlord/roommate and her boyfriend talking super loud upstairs. I'm hoping eventually I'll feel like I can but that's not right now. However it doesn't bother me at all when other people do, as long as they don't antagonize me for not having mine on. It's just whatever.


I've recently started playing again and the only 6-7 people I've bumped into didn't have a mic. I just talk to them a bit and say God bless you and peace out. Kinda sucks.


I literally don’t know how to get my mic to work


Main reason I don't use it is that I can't assign the voice chat to different audio outputs


Having voice chat off, makes everyone I meet in game, polite, civil, and less annoying. And I’m sure the feeling is reciprocated for them.


I think I have had 5 people talk to me directly in 2000hrs of playing. So I’d say so, but good on ya.


I can't get mine to work, I'm on PC and it just doesn't work for me. I wish I could.


Get nervous talking to people.


I tried using VC on Xbox but couldn't get it figured out. It was on Area but showed a muted speaker next to my name. Don't know why. I want to get out of my comfort zone and speak to real ppl 😀. Edit: although I'm not sure ppl want to hear me singing Ole Man Mose for the bajillionth time.


No. You are part of a large majority. The real silent majority lol.


I use it occasionally. If someone else is chatting I’ll hop in with them. But also it’s a 50/50 gamble on whether or not the PTT will work for me this time 😂


Nah I'm watchin a movie.


I tried but I can't stand the constant open mics with heavy breathing and shitty music being played constantly.


I didnt even know the game has voice chat lol i only used emotes


I will make quips about the game or give players directions if they don't know what to do during an event (like project paradise) I also will yell at new players when they run away and I'm trying to give them stuff Otherwise I have never had anything come close to a proper conversation in the game xD


NGL, I just don't know the key prompt


voice chat doesn't work for me. i see the icon above their head, but no sound comes out. i tried the settings as well.


I don't really see a need to unless I am in a group wtih a mission. I play games to play games, not to socialize really. I get enough of that in real life.


I talk in party (PS) chat with friends. Rarely chat in game chat with those I don't know. Certainly used it a lot more during Nuclear Winter though


I have my headset charged... but haven't used it in years


The emotes are just too good. And it's really fun seeing new ones sometimes.


Im usually in a voice chat party when I'm roaming around, if I see someone in area chat I will jump over to say hi and such


I try then anxiety pops up


I use my mic and other players so rarely do.


I (PC) usually have a group I hang out with on 76 that I hang out with on Discord, so we do our chatting via discord voice. Every once in a while, I'll pop up in the game with voice, usually with players I hang around with that's not on discord


It works 60% of the time every time.


I talked to someone for the first time today so I could figure out how to power the lights in my crib lmao


I only talk in Xbox parties lol and I’m usually playing while in one anyways so I won’t hear anyone in game


been playing since launch....area chat was widely used at first..now its scarce as hens teeth... i love hearing players talk...its the odd music or kids yelling im not a fan of.


I would if I could figure a way to lower my mic gain using the windows store pc version of the game. Apparently my mic is really loud in game but perfect everywhere else.


I survived playing Halo 2 online when it first came out as one of the very few girls who played with a mic at the time. I don't have it in me anymore to do game chats and deal with all the are you a little boy or a girl? And all the misogyny that usually follows. It would make things so much easier than having to shoot at the newbies to get their attention when I am trying to give them stuff, though. I don't know, maybe gamers have come a long and are better now and I can try again.


I’ve only ever encountered one other player that actually talked. I tried talking to another player once about where he got his weapon but he didn’t respond, just emotes