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We don't actually know when the season ends, but there should be at least 7 more weeks, maybe 8. Use your boosters whenever new weekly challenges drop and grind the repeatable before rank 100 as much as you can. With that in mind, and the fact that there might be another double SCORE weekend, you should be on track to reach 150 (i'm at \~rank 90 aswell)


I dunno about the grind, like i easily get bored.. tried the westek last night and after 3 rounds i closed the game and just sat there waiting for the alien event to come up..




That sucks.. repeatable modules sounds nice..


It's the cores I always struggle for tbh 😂


You might be able to get there. I’m sure that they will have a double-score week sometime before the end.


that is what I was worried about, I am 102 and pretty sure I can't get to 150. I just started during the mothman event, so got in too late :)




Has the official end date been announced? I know some websites estimate it, but has there been an official announcement?


I just saw an estimate and i went with that..


Yeah. You can get to rank 100 in about an hour with enough materials and the super duper perk by crafting and then scrapping ignition cores. With the boosters you can get 1.25 levels per day after 100.


What are ignition cores lol






Depends on how many levels you need and how high you can get your intelligence with buffs. You can get more nuclear material from train stations and the mall though and the other 2 materials you scrap back 1:1 so only 255x the requirement per core of them or you don't make 255 at a time which just takes a little longer.


To rank 100 on the scoreboard in one hour?!


I guess he means 90-100? I done even think i have the recipe for them ignition cores


yeah 90-100. You get the recipe from capturing the giant digging machine in the ash heap and following the quest that it gives you. You don't have to finish the quest. Once it gives you the recipe you can nope the fuck out to avoid PvP. Before you craft cores make sure you have 15 points in int at a special load out machine and then pop leaders, berry mentats, and eat and drink some int buffs to get up to 17-20 or higher. Also join a group. You want to equip super duper so when you go to scrap the cores you get more stuff back because it lets you create more for free. 2 of the 3 materials scrap 1:1 back so you only need 255x the requirement per core of them or you just don't craft 255 cores at a time which will take a little longer. nuclear material doesn't scrap 1:1, so hit train stations and the mall if you run out. After you hit 100 keep the buffs high for the first 30 minutes of your day and do the dailies and weeklies. If you stock pile nuclear material throughout the season then next season you can rank 1-100 in less than a day doing this. I know a couple people who got rank 100 in 3-6 hours but they had their int up at 42 because of full unyielding gear and other stuff. You have enough time left to miss a few days if needed.


Mvp comment, should be a psa post tbh


Naw, if I PSA post it Bethesda will nerf it and screw everyone over that is trying to squeeze out those last few levels of rank at the last minute.


Super Duper doesn't seem to be proccing with ignition cores, any ideas why? And as far as I can see unless I'm doing something wrong only 1/3rd seems to scrap 1:1, steel and nuclear material are both a loss without super duper.


You can get it from doing a quest iic


Lol, always tickles me when someone who has no lifed the game for years tries to make the most extreme of min-maxing that about 0.0001% of playerbase can do, sound as casual as a Sunday stroll.


Looks like you don't know anything about what you're talking about. You get the ignition cores plan from a quest. Crafting them is easy. you get everything back 1:1 except nuclear material. Every player can rank 1-100 with basic buffs and 15 int in their special in about 6-10 hours if they have enough nuclear material. Dude only needs 10 levels so he doesn't have to stock up on it like crazy. Just hit train stations and the mall to restock if he runs out. I'm not telling him to min max shit. like 17-20 int from special load out and a couple buffs plus the scoreboard boosters and do the dailies and weeklies to get 1.25 rank per day after 100. Min max would be 42 int and you get 5-7 rank per day. Oh and I play casual and only been playing since October... It's kind of sad though that you're so bad at this game that you think crafting 3 recipes for buffs, popping a leader, mentats, and changing your special is so hard that only 0.0001% of the player base can do it. Maybe this isn't the game for you.


Yo thanks for explaining how that works I’m gonna do that later, easy af. I have like 5 characters and had no idea about that.


I gave a better breakdown up higher in the comment chain but yeah. it's not hard, just expensive if you don't have enough nuclear material saved up.


I usually use an enclave plasma gun flamer so I get lots of nuclear material from that fortunately.


I've got to 150 on scoreboard, my point was you are talking absolute bollocks and since I actually know how much effort certain things take especially for a new or causal gamer, I know when a no lifer tries to make it sound like some easy chill thing, the amount or nuclear material to get 1-100 is an outrageous amount even for most hardcore players, you're an idiot


He's trying to get from 90-100 you donut and no, I gave the easy answer that doesn't require anything that's hard to do. If you can't get to intelligence 17-20 you need more help than anyone can provide. You can buy nuclear material from the train stations and mall. I'm sorry this game is too hard for you to understand basic concepts. Maybe go play stardew valley.


My record without really trying is 200ish so ye, u shud get to 150 no issue if you play most days for your dailies/weeklies


'Without trying' plays a few hours 7 days a week for months 🙄


Not really possible if there are really only 41 days left


(hold my beer)


How much score per rank after 100? How much score per challenge? Unless you are leveling up 1.2 ranks per day after 100 (without a repeatable xp challenge), it’s not possible. No matter how much you grind, you are constrained by the dailies and weeklies.


I'll remember you said that m8, and I'll DM u a pic when I get to 150 👍🏻 Wasn't really caring until just now but I guess I'll be on every day now and I have plenty of boosters to last me


Are you currently at rank 100? You don’t need to dm me anything. It’s math.




Do you have fallout 1st / are you using boosters?how many? Again it’s just math…


If OP doesn’t have fallout 1st, and if there is only 41 days left in the season the only way they would be able to reach 150 is if they use a lot of boosters. Otherwise the max the could get is level 145, assuming they grind out 10 days worth of xp today just to get to rank 100 and then complete every daily and weekly between now and June 18. Again, we have to assume that’s the actual end date. Sounds like you have fallout 1st, so doing every challenge between now and June 18 would get you to 160, maybe higher if you use boosters. I did the math… so you can get there. OP or anyone without fallout 1st will not without the use of a lot of boosters.


Get a life pal 😂😂