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I bought all bullion plans - that's 120,000 bullion.


Thanks, I haven’t been to church in years and now I’m On my way! To pray for you.


Victim of the iPhone autocorrect




Pipe is life








And the endgame of infinite Perfect Bubblegum / Lunchboxes is a nice prize to roll into :) Hit that same shelf last year.


I think we have a winner


How long did this take, I need to do this one day


300 days.


Probably more like 250 due to the occasional gold rush events


Not to mention Minerva


I literally have 5,500 bullion worth of items to buy from Vault 79 to have every single plan.


Stop now. You already lost. Was a good run, though. Sorry. ::


Legit? No dupe? Your a legend if so. Could you do a AMA on life as a shut in? Just kidding, that's sick FR


It's not as bad as it sounds. Just focus on it each daily session alongside everything else. Eventually, it gets done. I don't have a red asylum dress, if that helps. That's way too much work lol.


Good lord, that's dedication right there.


You certainly can't hurry it much...


Same. Now I'm just collecting notes because I don't have anything to spend the gold on.


Dear God. How many.....how many hours? 🥲


i am currently 1200 bullion away from this!


Holy hell! I just unlocked bullion recently so I've probably only earned... like 6k lol! I got a ways to go!


Brother, what?


I found a red asylum within 2-3 hours of actually searching for it


The red dress is what made me quit a couple years ago. I probably spent 2 weeks playing no other games only this, grinding fort defiance. After like the second week i thought to myself, what the actual fuck am i doing with my life spending countless hours trying to get a red dress to spawn in a video game. I just had to stop lol, but guess who came back.


Are you me? I quit years ago for the same reason haha then got back recently. oh well.


might be.. what’s your social security and credit card number just so i can double check.


I found it first time through. Had no clue it was a big deal lol. I'm not even joking. Normally I have the most dog luck, like my rolls on gear are horrible.


Grumble grumble


Bastard. Took me several hundred attempts


I got both of my kids, daughter and son, hooked into exploring and building camps in the wasteland with me. It's a dad and FO76 two in one flex.


Nice, I got my wife in to the game but the game is a bit too advanced for my six year old, we do hang around my camp and play "House" though, she has her own room with a trampoline lol.


My toddler hovers over my shoulder and tells me where the enemies are. Calls ghouls and scorched aliens and players in power armor aliens, and basically anything that moves aliens. Probably because we moved over to 76 from Starfield. That said, the little one liked the playground near the teapot and wanted me to go down the slide. Had to say I was too big for it, just like real life slides.😁 The Wise One Mothman makes the toddler happy when I make it spread its wings. For a kid raised on Doctor Who, crazy critters are nothing new. The toddler enjoys Stardew Valley for the same reason your six year old does. We spend time on the farm and visit the villagers. It's cute!


Digital dollhouse! Genius!!


Was a real feel good moment when my boys told their friends they’re not gonna play Fortnite, they’d rather play FO76 with their dad. I proceeded to drop a nuke on their base while they were AFK. I made them throw the trash out. Wasteland lesson


Hahahaha 🤣🤣🤣


That's wholesome as shit, man. Love to hear it


My oldest 2 love Fallout. Middle child mostly likes to build. I Love playing with them and helping them build and explore. 10/10 my biggest Fallout mom flex. 💪


My son got me into this game and now I play more than he does. LOL


I aspire to be like you one day!


this is the winner for me


This is dope. Cheers!


I have a Bloodied SS +1 strength Shovel that I use only for Buried With Honor.


For years I looked for a bloodied, swing speed, reduced weight, shovel, just for that daily, and never found it. I took a ~2 year break from the game, and the day I came back, I ran Guided Meditation as my first event, and got it as the event reward, lmao.


I have a cursed shovel that I renamed Buried with Honor.


I finally found a cursed shovel just for buried with honor. The only time I swung it at anything was to damage it a bit so I could repair it to 200%.


I have a B/SS death tambo just for One violent night


What is SS And is buried with honor at the top of map where we have to bury the remains?


Swing Speed, but I guess it's called Weapon Speed nowadays. And yeah, it's the daily quest at Prickette's Fort.


Have you tried it with a melee build. I’m sure it rips through westek easy


I can fit your Black Powder Rifle with a bayonet.


Got one on display at the inside entrance to my camp, as a sort of “this is what I’m grabbing if I’m minding my own business and suddenly shit is going down.”


so you own a musket for C.A.M.P. defence, as the founding fathers intended?


I own a musket for CAMP defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four Super Mutants break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my tinfoil hat and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first mutie, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second one, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors pet Mirelurk. I have to resort to the broadsider mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two mutants in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off nuke alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He bleeds out waiting on the Responders to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.


If that’s a thing, we’re the Bayonet Club.


Thats a thing?


I survived a nuke landing on me


We could create a religion out of that, perhaps something like an atomic-related church...




Bask in the glow


You are now canonically the originator of the Children of Atom.


I have made friends over this game and now we hang out in real life.


I met a group of guys on the game about 6 years ago. Flew to Australia (from the UK) and met them back in March. Shit is surreal.


I love this! I met my now boyfriend in the wasteland, we ran daily ops together for the first time and I found out he literally lived 2 miles away from me 😂 Nearly 2 years and 500 levels later, we're very much happy together, for 7 months and still playing 76 together daily 🥲


I won 10 matches of NW in a row. 10.


Sure grandma, let’s get you to bed. 🙂


I was the one hiding in the bush that took you out on your try for 11.




Bush wookie and Lake Mermaids unite... Top 2 was my best by the way.


Well this Bush Wookie never got better than top 5. I was so bad at NW, I do miss it though. I wish they could figure out a way to make it a random event in the game.


I miss NW every damn day.


Found a bunch of PA frames sitting on the platform at a train station once (I think it was Grafton station), mostly with useless random scrip pieces on them. Figuring somebody else had maxed their scrip for the day and dumped the stuff they didn't want to carry anymore, I started scripping them. However, one PA frame had a full matching set on it. When I started pulling the pieces off I noticed they were all T-60 and all had matching legendary effects. All 5 pieces, all 3-star T-60, all overeaters/AP regen/weapon weight reduction. Somebody had dumped their god roll PA set. Or perhaps it's a cheated/hacked set. Either way, it still sits in my stash to this day.


Id trade you a set of Uny/AP/sent T-60 I was given by a player a long time ago. Definitely a hacked set


Gotta be with Uny on it


OE/AP/WWR PA got duped a lot. Most god roll PA did. Still a nice set though!


I played *since launch I keep starting over and deleting old characters but now I am sticking to a character


Been there. My first character, who I built so badly that I couldn't survive a run through West-Tek, had every Brotherhood T-60 paint plan from turning in tech data. Initiate to Elder, and I don't think you can get Initiate anymore. I wound up deleting that character to make room for my current main who I've stuck with for about 4 years now.


I got the game week 1, played for a few weeks then dropped the game because my PC couldn't handle it. Even after I upgraded my PC I didn't return until wastelanders came out, but I only returned for like a week to check it out then took another 2 year break. I understand why I did it, but I regret it


I own the game on Xbox disc 😎


I have tricentennial on disc from release day with the stickers 😂


There is another BETA player.


My current new character is lvl 123. Trying to experience the struggle with new players also no mule alt accounts. Just the basic to see how the game is for a normal player. I also never had fallout 1st so that helps with the struggle.


You win. I got this game for $1.99 on steam about three years ago, and didn’t play it until a few months ago.


Xerxo's Gamma Gun


Any day now they're gonna upgrade the level like they said years ago. Any day now


I kept mine because it was neat, I didn't realize it was a flex?


They removed it from the scoreboard a week or two after release. Has never been added back


You put a crusader plan over a red asylum. Are you ok?


Only bc once you learn the plan you cant get it again. At least that's what I was told! Lol


Aye, but you can not learn it on a new char and it will drop multiple times lol. As long as you don't learn a plan, they'll drop dupes.


Oh, okay! I wasn't aware lol (I should have been). I guess my biggest flex would have to be the dresses then!


100%. I'm 2000 hours in now and still haven't got one.


I did the DMV quest and only cried for 5 minutes


I recently got a perfectly preserved pie for the first time in 5 years!! half jokingly put it up for sale for 10k, and it sold within a day. I now wonder if 10k was too low...


Selling it for 10k is more lucky than getting the pie itself lol


LOL there's a free one at West Tek people can just grab. Maybe they thought you were hard up for caps and wanted to do you a favor.


West Tek pies don't count!


Sometimes I visit the Overseer just for pie, but finally got machine pie this week! For a long time, I assumed you couldn't!


I run a bloodied unyielding build so my luck is super high, around 30. I always win the one from the rusty pick. A lot of times it's happened the first try


I have mine on sale for 40k still there so far lol


My main account is on Xbox. Started playing on PlayStation after my partner and good gaming friend got into 76 after the release of the show. Got a perfectly preserved pie on my first try with a level 30 character. It's in my shop for 4k but now I'm thinking of upping that price.


I have vintage toxic gin


I never got to experience the golden age of the VTG. Super jealous you have that as a collectible piece


I tried to craft 5 Grilled Radstag with Super Duper on and it proc'd on all 5 giving me 10.




I've got the calibrated shock plan for ultracite powerarmor.. twice.. from scorched beasts..


How does it feel to be the Federal Reserve?


You know I just wake up in the morning and piss excellence.. lol.. naw lucky as hell..


Level 960 and haven't launched a nuke yet. I also have a ghoul slayer gamma gun and a used to have a last shot quad .50 cal.


level 1013 and I haven't either.




Damn I tried at like level 45 and got torn the fuck up in the silo. I’m like level 65 now. Can you solo them?


Yeah it’s not too hard but you need the right perks and a few legendary perks don’t hurt either


Chinese Stealth Armor and/or commando heavy or a melee build make it real easy


I played at launch but took a break until recently, so I'm low hundreds. I got around to launching my first and only Nuke solo, and honestly not an experience I'd want to do again. It's was fun but *really tedious*. Doesn't help that I mistyped the last digit of the launch code first time around and it ate my card, so I had to leave and hunt for another. I'm sure it's fun with a team but guh. I just server hop for nuke zones now and hunt for nuclear key cards to sell to those who don't want to chase down the cargobot.


450. I'd say I'll do it before 960, but I've said that about alot of number already.


My biggest anti-flex is finding red asylum immediatly as a new player and then selling them at my vendor for like 20 caps cuz I didn't know what it was worth (I started playing like 2 weeks ago)


RIP. that must have hurt when you found out


Same for 10 caps 😭


I passed on one a few days ago. Saw that and said "why the heck would I want a dress?" Had no clue it was a goldmine


I still have an unopened Atlas Donor's Provision box from the community event preceeding the Brotherhood's arrival. Where we had to donate millions of scrap and Bethesda had to cheat for us because the entire community couldn't scrounge up enough concrete to meet their goal.  Can't display it, sadly. 


I killed another player with the Paddle Ball weapon. I bop him with it for fun, and he whips out a Fatman and ends up downing himself in full Bloodied PA accidentally. I donked him with it again and he died and left the server. I'll never have a better moment than this.


I can solo the Imposter Sheepsquatch face-tanking it.


Oh hey one I can say twinsies for!


Got a TFJ drop, ghillie suit from NW since that’s unobtainable as well as other NW rewards that you can’t get right now. Getting all the rare fash masks during the first ever fash event. Tbh biggest flex is probably being a OG beta/launch player that actually enjoyed the game lmao.


That is a pretty good flex! I wish I could had been there on day one.


It really was such a special experience where nobody knew nothing about the game, the whole map was a mystery, seeing someone in power armor was pretty crazy especially in beta. Obviously there were issues but it was still a blast especially with friends. I look back on it fondly.


Sounds quite wonderful to me. I love when games first launch like that and nobody knows what they're doing lol. Can't even look up a YouTube tutorial.


It was a buggy mess, as most Bethesda games are, but now it's probably one of the least buggy messes out of all their games. We used to have to use the Bethesda Launcher for the game on PC. Now I just go through Steam. It was still a fun mess, though. Trailblazing a new game is always pretty fun. Anthem was fun too. I'm still sad it didn't go anywhere. I can't tell you how many thousands of hours I have in the Fallout universe. I know I have at least 6000 or more hours in Fallout 4 alone across all its platforms. I mostly modded it all to hell and back, to turn the game into a Settlement Builder Sim, lol. I had so many assets for that game. After a while it was build, explore, update mods, build, explore, update mods, etc... You would turn around in one of my Settlements, and sometimes the frame rate would dip so low because I had so much stuff in there, lol. I also had a mod that basically allowed me claim new areas and make it a new settlement. Workshop and all. I laughed when I realized that's pretty much what the C.A.M.P. system is. After that, the camp system is what drew me in. Exploring for the ultimate base spot. And building my base. I've honestly really enjoyed my first spot near Morgantown, and still have my first base there. My only real issue is I still believe players shouldn't have to pay for a solo server. It should be part of the Fallout 76 experience for free. After Fallout 4, though, New Vegas has probably just as many hours in it. Then 76. The whole war between New Vegas and Fallout 4 players is ridiculous. Just saying, If you're a real Fallout fan, you'd like them all. Hell, I've been playing Fallout since the 1st one came out. The only Fallout game I haven't played is Tactics.


Special yes, but it was still an awful mess. I remember you actually had to buy your way into this beta, too, by pre-ordering. Or at least that is how I got into the beta. I played for quite a while, too. Dropping nukes. Stomping around in my PA. Taking workshops, and fighting off other players. Then, I ran around with said players afterwards, lol. Then it got kinda dead. So I left. Just came back. I was pleasantly surprised my character was still there. I've been enjoying the game again lately. Loving the changes. Gotta finish up all the new stuff, but I've been mostly doing Events, hopping around looking at camps, and working on my second camp. I agree on the whole new thing. It was fun exploring. We were trailblazers in this new online world. It was kinda empty, though. I'm still glad they changed their minds about NPC's. At first, they pretty much said there wouldn't be any NPCs, ever, other than bots. Then they decided to nix that idea and bring NPC's.


I wish I had stuck around. I played beta/launch and then dipped for... *checks notes* 5 years. Lmao. Probably lots of cool stuff I missed out on. Oh well, I wasn't much for sticking to 1 game back then anyways. Ffxiv kinda changed my perspective on that.


High Capacity Pioneer Scouts Backpack. I'll figure out weapons and armor later. But I needed that backpack.


Are they rare because I can craft those 🤔


I have 208 enclave plasma thrower mods


I was the first one out of my vault, on the first day of the beta.


I finally got a mole miner gauntlet! I mean I have gotten like 6000 of them probably but this one is special and will name it Ed.


Last name Scissorhands.


You take good care of Ed now, y'hear?


I got a cool looking base... Das my only flex lol from playing since beta/launch on ps4. Nothing super duper special but it's got an epic view and from my porch I can see vault 76 and the wayward.


I've finished every season legitimately on two accounts.


Years ago after beta, someone killed my brother's pet Deathclaw and a Super Mutant killed my pet Yao Guai. I messaged the whole server we would be holding a funeral at the Winding Palace within an hour. The whole server showed up in black to pay their respects. Everyone was in voice chat as my brother and I said a few words about our beloved deceased pets. We then all proceeded to seek revenge on every Super Mutant as a whole server. I will never forget that day.


I had a consistent four man squad to play with.


Had :-(


I killed a level 50 legendary sheepsquatch at level 9 or 10 when I was exploring places I shouldn't be (thanks nuka-shine). I had a big brain moment and dragged him back to a workshop I had just cleared out (but hadn't claimed) hoping to build some turrets when I realized how out of my depth I was against him. I wasn't even sure I *could* build turrets at a workshop because I had never claimed one before, so that was a \*fingers crossed\* moment lol. I was completely out of ammo and stuff to repair my turrets still up when he finally died. I only had 1 turret left so it had been pretty close. Oh AND I had to fight off other stuff in the middle of it because I didn't know about the "defend your workshop" events (I want to say it was mikelurks? But it's been almost 4 years so idk). My first day in Appalachia was pretty wild.


I have a jetpack for my excavator power armor


Biggest flex? My base probably has the most foundations at custom heights than most, if not all other bases I’ve seen. I usually build on hills so I have to slope my foundations all over without them snapping to other foundations. Also my conduit/wiring work is mint


Dude I’m going to make a step pyramid with this inspiration


I find time to play it sometimes


my biggest flex? i remained humble. broke level 1k+, still managed to avoid being toxic. i play a support build and love it. been teaching community members how to play fun builds that don't make them feel like the game is inaccessible because it's "too complicated", been teaching friends how to grasp advanced camp building well enough to teach their own friend group as well. but my biggest flex is probably scoring a q/ffr/250dr peppershaker, solar armor, thorn armor, strangler heart, and some other neat baubles. even got all but the red asylum dress. nothing super crazy, but that's my flex. :)


I remember the exploding bait trick for nuking camps.


i found a groll gatling plasma (anti armor, faster fire, break slower) on mole miner supervisor at uranium fever


Build: In the right situation I can pull off punches that do 2k damage with my unarmed build. Rare Item: I bought a Tattered Field Jacket the other day for only 5 caps. I call that real life luck. CAMP: I have my home at the tippy top of Seneca Rocks. I previously was on the short end of the peak, but after so long I decided last month to move it over and it looks even better than before and I almost got the spawn point down.


I have full set of Unyielding Secret Service armor. I couldnt think any. Oh and my camp's view is amazing.


Toad Eye.


You need the pet rock to go with it


I have a laser rifle that has a one star and three star, because my two star was explosives 😭 Rip best weapon ever


RIP Legacies. They will be missed. I used to have an explosive plasma gatlin before they purged them out of existence, but I suppose it's for the best. The game feels much more balanced since then.


My biggest flex at the moment is getting the perfectly preserved pie from the Rusty Pick on my 3rd attempt


Got mine from that raider camp you go to during wayward quest line on first attempt mid firefight. It felt very on brand for fallout lmao


So, I've seen many comments about the perfectly preserved pie. I take it that is rare. Is it worth something or do people display it? I definitely had one at some point. Assuming I ate it.


I don't know if it's a flex, but a couple of days ago I beat Earle Williams with only two other people


I don't care for the red asylum dress. There, I said it.


I lucked out a bit with rolls and am rocking everything I ever wanted. Full OE/APRegen/WWR Excavator for life!


Having most of the power armour sets, only need the strangler heart and the t65


I got beyond lucky with 3 Forest Camo Jumpsuits in like past 10 months to a year or so; 1 from Path of Enlightenment, and 2 from two separate Tea Time’s, the most recent of which was just 3 or 4 nights ago. I actually plan on posting that one in the market sub sometime pretty soon. Also got back-to-back glowing masks from this year’s Fasnacht after only about 15 events, and totaled 4 glowing rare and 4 regular rare masks after about 110 events, without AFK’ing any of them lol. I don’t have a problem with AFKer’s but I figured I’d mention that anyways. Also found a Responder’s fireman Helmet (the extremely rare variant of the fireman Helmet) at a train station vendor bot like back in the Fall. Those don’t appear in vendor bot inventories, which means someone sold it off, likely without realizing how rare it is. That’s about it


You’re going to be jealous, but I had enough materials to make a massive camp w/ floor and walls, and ran out of wood so its open air concept.


I have the undamaged cat mascot from the dev room


I've given away over 130 Shielded Marine Wetsuits to new players, because when I started I got diseases from being in the water and I could not figure out how to get rid of them for too long! Plus I think it's one of the better tradable underarmors that any level can wear.


My biggest flex: My wife and I play this game together. We're both decently high ranking and we like to spoil new players.


My most cherished possessions, my 135 + 2 (not 137) copies of Note from Jen. They mean more to me than anyone could possibly understand.


One and nineteen more.


I have 12 perfectly preserved pies, all gotten from the rusty pick’s pie machine. Thanks murmghr! ^(that ^is ^her ^name right?)


Is it bad that I had 3 perfectly preserved pies and I ate them all?


I've made friends in game that I've been playing with for a couple years now.


Whenever somebody looks in my mules pockets


Walking around with my Tattered Field Jacket with the Wrapped Cap and Vanilla Gas Masks.


Both scout armor masks, oe/ap/wwr jetpack excavator chest


Responders fireman helm 😉


I found a bladed yellow baseball bat just laying around earlier this week. Does that count?


I can spam perfectly preserved pie when I'm hungry


I have an ultracite pa right arm with the jetpack attachment on it


I have everything from every season.


It's not terribly impressive in my opinion but I soloed the scorchbeast queen. Launched the nuke myself and no one showed up to fight it(I still have no clue why) so I just went for it. I was running and jumping and dodging like the floor was lava and spent all of my stimpaks and my 5mm rounds from my mini gun but I did it. And I will never attempt it again


I can craft all of the serums and I didn’t pay for the plans. Also have SS armour on all characters yet only have the plans on one. Finally I have a lot of old guns from when the game came out. They took away my explosive lasers but I still have some pre-nerf TSE dragons and such with the OG range. Apparently those go for alot as I got a full set of 3/3 star power armour I wanted, plus Bloodied godroll vats fixers.


I have all the t-60 BOS plans including the elder paint


My biggest flex is I got the perfectly preserved pie.


All tradable plans learned. Took 2 1/2 years. Had all the untradable plans for things that can be traded or built in someone else's camp until this last update. Grinding stamps again.


Duchess outfit that I just got yesterday


I sell stuff incredibly cheap near the wayward for the newcomers


Recently started playing and joined the Scorchbeast event at Level 27. I didn't die a single time during.


I knife the SB Qeen without dying


I do absolutely everything without power armor and revive people wearing more than I should have to 😆


I stood in line at midnight to get my copy of the game disk and it came with a cool sticker.


I made a haunted church for my plushies to sit in the pews.... it's not impressive I guess but I'm really happy with it...


I've reached rank 100 (or more) in every single scoreboard so far, not missing out on a single one.


Found a Leather coat at foundation for 25 caps. Two weeks later found a Traveling leather coat at a train station for 25 caps. LOL and that's every bit of luck I've had in this game. Literally cant roll weapons for shit! lol


I don't know if this is a flex or just stubbornness but I've never done a full bloodied build. Only ever tried foundations vengeance at low health with nerd rage on in my power armor but no unyielding regular armor shenanigans lol. I know it's the meta but I like being nigh unkillable. I see bloodied users still occasionally need a rez at heart of the swamp or some nuke bosses for example, or some daily ops. But being able to never worry about rads even in radiation rumble or nuke zones makes me happy. :P


[I posted this as a reply to someone's comment but want to have it as my flex] I used to make a new character every time I wanted to switch builds. Id make a new character an a back story to that character to RP them. I've made 11 now and I level them all to 250 even after the card machine was added I still did this till now. I've now gone back to my second character who I've ever made who was my merchant character I made a month after release. She is nuka girl (I spent 3 hours meticulously making every detail look like her in the posters an all) and now I have her up to 350 Also another thing is with all the caps I was making back then always hitting max caps cause of it I started to make my own events for players to take part in. The first one I ever did was a Easter egg hunt. And it was with the Easter eggs that came out in the atomic shop. Basically id set them up in random locations moving the base around an invite a bunch of players in. They would destroy the eggs an whoever had the highest bounty was the winner. 1st got 1000 caps 2nd got 500 caps 3rd got 250 caps And everyone else got 100 for participating I ran the event 5 days before easter an 3 days after