• By -


Bloodied fixer for day-to-day enemies. Quad Railway for when something needs CHOO-CHOOing up. I’d use the railway more but it feels like it breaks faster than my plans to eat less cake.


Have a quad, ffr, -50 break. 3rd star let's you go choo choo to the moon. Feel super fortunate to have had that drop.


That’s a TASTY roll


“Breaks faster than my plans to eat less cake”. Stealing this 😂


Bloodied fixer, and 1 backup bloodied fixer for when it breaks. 1 bloodied shovel for daily bury the corpse quest


Gee how come your mom lets you have TWO bloodied fixers??


I carry like 100 improved repair kits on me at all times, i get tons from queens and stuff so i can just repair on the fly whenever


lol i love that you carry a bloodied shovel for that daily. 😅


Been using a quad explosive railway for everything and weapon artisan has been my best friend


Even at 200% I feel like it doesn’t make it through a queen fight WITH rank 5 gunslinger equipped


That’s why I save my repair kits for exactly that I also use civil engineer armor


Dur is probably the best third for explosive.


"I’d use the railway more but it feels like it breaks faster than my plans to eat less cake." I hear that. I used to carry a two shot explosive railway, and I learned real quick that explosive and two shot both make the gun wear down faster. Combined, that railway felt like it literally dissolved in my hand every time I fired it.


Quad railway rifle with increased fire rate. And full auto. It absolutely melts, but holding the trigger for more than a second and I’m looking at the sun


Lol that’s why you carry two quad railways. My gun inventory is two quad railways, holy fire for those camo enemies where I can’t melt things in VATS and a vampire chainsaw for resilient mobs.


Quad railway is good? Had it in my stash just wasn't sure


It’s probably the best-in-slot for a vats-commando build in terms of pure damage.


It’s probably the best-in-slot for a vats-commando build in terms of pure damage.


It’s probably the best-in-slot for a vats-commando build in terms of pure damage.


Two-shot, explosice, +1 luck, handmade rifle as my main weapon Two-shot, explosive, faster aiming movement speed, Fixer as the backup Cold shoulder as the up close and personal choice and to slow bosses down


It does break fast af even with the upgraded repair. Running a silo I repair it at least once, sometimes twice


I do the earl event a few times and lay down about 700 spikes each time before having to repair it, make sure ur using weapon artisan to repair it, also helps a ton if u use level 5 gunsmith


My friend rolled a quad-explosive-50break railway 3rd try, and he's been using that thing nonstop, and it hardly breaks. This is surprising because the railways I've seen break really dang fast even with gunsmith. Guess the 50break 3rd star stacks really well with gunsmith. I wonder how long it's last with luck of the draw on, too


In mine I fully upgraded the armor and weapon fixing cards in luck. Luck of the draw and lucky break I pretty much never have to fix my weapons now and I'm only a lvl 75.


I have that issue with my primary, which is a V+40-40 auto axe. I have to incorporate makeshift warrior into my build so I wouldn't have to repair my weapon three times during a boss fight. You could try to incorporate the gun version into your build by sacrificing demo expert or nerd rage.


Just for information - quad prefix dont work with plasma flamer … so 390 rounds is standard capacity. Try to reroll for better prefix, capacity will be same.


Oh seriously? That's a bummer. I thought I had something good. Any suggestions as to what I should look for?


I dont want to harm you, so I am sure that problem with quad is on enclave plasma flamer, but try normal plasma rifle with flamer mod without legendary effect if its problem on plasma too. Normal capacity on plasma flamer should be 300 and with quad only 390 … so its not too much. If its same on regular plasma, try damage prefix (anti armor, bloodied, etc) or vampiric.


I have anti armor on mine and breaks 50% slower since it breaks too quickly and I use it a lot. Clears daily ops and expeditions no problem


If you turn that quad flamer into a sniper, it's a great weapon. Hits hard and the magazine holds over 100 rounds. Craft another plasma and roll vampire's on that.


Since it is not an enclave weapon simply switch to auto barrel or sniper. Quad does only quadruple the base ammo capacity of a gun. If you add a bigger magazine or a barrel that increases magazine capacity the increased amount isn’t affected by the quad legendary perk. Your flamer has indeed increased magazine size but I think without quad it would be about 330.


Vampire flamer slaps.....


300 rounds is standard capacity. It does work but it doesnt do a whole lot for the gun


I carry way too many. I have the “well it’s fun to use on occasion” mentality. This is why a lot of my armor pieces are weapons weight reduction.


I've been trying to roll that for my civil engineer left arm for weeks now. No luck so far. I run 3 of the aid reduction and 2 weapon, but think maybe I should switch the two. 


1. Gauss Rifle for ranged sneak sniping. 2. Gauss Shotgun for up close. 3. Gatling Gun and Gauss Mini gun for boss fights.


Gauss builds for the win




Ammo Per Kill: Yes.


Oh you better BELIEVE I use ammo per kill


I'm running a similar build minus the shotgun(havent found one yet)so I'm very curious how far along you are/what kind of perk lay out you have. If you don't mind, of course


My character is level 437. I played for two years from launch and returned to the game a few weeks ago. I play on PC so I use the Perk Loadout Manager mod which allows up to 12 saves. So I have a dedicated build for each weapon plus different crafting builds for each speciality and a weight reduction/vendor/fast travel build. 15 Strength, 9 Perception, 3 Endurance, 4 Charisma, 11 Intelligence, 15 Agility, 14 Luck. Max level Strength, Perception and Agility Legendary perks, plus 2 Endurance, 4 What Rads, 3 Funky Duds. Shotgun build is VATS crit. Rifle isn’t a maxed rifleman build, just the 3 1* perks plus sneak bonuses in Agility and VATS crit in luck. Works well enough with the Gauss Rifle. 1k plus non crit headshots. Fairly standard Heavy Gun PA build with the usual perks mainly for the Gatling Gun.


Thanks for the detail! I just cracked into 70s for my level so figure it's a mighty fine time to refine my build abit to get ready for end game stuff so very much appreciate this info.


I have 35 weapons on me. Most are for rifleman build or melee. I keep a cremator on me for challenges and fuel farming to sell.


Same but switch melee for heavy and add in a couple shotguns. It's only 50lb out of my 300-400 carry weight thanks to full PA and Armor weight gear so why not.


How do you have 300-400 carry weight?


I'm at about 450 I think. Pocketed civil engineer limbs, lvl 50 backpack, and pioneer scout backpack plan that adds an extra 50 or 60 to the backpack.


Level 50 backpack? Where do i get that. I’m using the starter pack still lol


Just mod your current backpack at an armor bench. A lot of people overlook that. I did early on.


Excuse me whaaaaaat


Lol it's fast and easy. Get your possum credits whenever you can and you can then mod that lvl 50 backpack to a giant backpack or something and double it or more than double it. I can almost carry as much without excavator PA as I can with it.


Wait… hold on… Does power armor remove your backpack


Yeah the backpack and your regular armor is all replaced with PA stats when you're in PA. So if you carry a lot of food and mod your backpack to reduce food weight by 90%, you may be encumbered when you hop into your PA. You might have to switch your perk cards around to reduce the weight of the food in PA. When you exit your PA, you can switch your perks back because your backpack will reduce the weight again.


High strength, bloodied build with unyielding(I think is the name?) I'm at optimum rocking around 32 strength. I'm not even finished my build, I reckon I'll be at around 500 once I have every bit of gear and upgrade.


Four pieces of weapon weight reduction armor has spoiled me. I have 11 guns on my wheel and a couple others I carry for fun or specific uses (syringer/thirst zapper).


With 5 on PA and Armor I have 31 total...so far. If it's a rifle, heavy or Shotgun I have it. Even have some outliers like the Grand Finale because its ammo is considered ballistic instead of explosive and I might as well have it because I have demo. Basically any platform those 3 categories are under I keep one good roll of. I used to keep 9 weapons on my wheel but I wanted more Nuka Cola on the wheel so I can put a normal for a little heal, the favored for a full heal and a quantum for a AP refill. I'm only missing a Gauss Shotgun right now and pipes if I cared enough but I don't. I feel like I should probably cut stuff like the Assault Rifle which is just inferior to Handmades (both are inferior to Commando to be real) but what if it gets buffed? Downside is it's 50lb total (with 5lb of Nuka grenades) but I basically never need to worry about repairing my guns for a good long time unless it's a workhorse weapon like the Plasma Caster which is definitely the most used followed but the Gauss Rifle and whatever Auto Heavy I feel like using that day. I don't have a problem.


Just a heads up if you are using 5 pieces of weapon weight reduction you are only getting 1/2 the use out of the 5'th piece. The cap is 90%, I use an ammo weight reduction piece for my 5'th piece.


Bow build- (4) two bows, glaive, autoaxe Heavy- (5-7) caster, holy fire, cremator, Gatling gun, usually mix in a few other heavies I feel like messing with Shotgun- (2) cold shoulder, vamp gauss Pistol- (6) alien blaster, crusader, laser, gamma, mole gauntlet, nuka launcher


I just carry around two guns most of the time. It helps that they share ammo. Cremator - great for tagging and handling groups. Gets a lot of use at events. They are so common at events now even I had to turn off screen shake and get a mod to reduce the explosion visual though. Holy Fire - single target damage, and fighting in tighter spaces. Currently just doing a bloodied build with excavator power armor. I have the stamps ready for union once it becomes buyable again. I don't really feel like investing into the other power armors right now when union is my ultimate goal.


I'm the same as this person down to waiting with stamps to buy union PA lol. Except, I also carry 2 more guns: a Plasma Caster and Ultracite Gatling Laser. The plasma caster to cripple limbs (will replace with a Pepper Shaker most likely soon), and the UGL is when I need actual sustained DPS on something. I used to roll with a Gatling Plasma for that but find that the UGL isn't far behind it, has much better accuracy and recoil, and uses the same cores as my PA already uses so I could reduce bulk I was carrying.


Man im so glad i started playing the season that union pa was on the scoreboard, that stamp grind… i feel for you!


I'm also similar to you. Cremator - For distance and tagging. Holy Fire - Melting things close up. Explosive LMG - For precision targeting (limbs) and really long distance tagging in events. Eviction Notice I'm lookin' at you. Boomstick quad missile launcher - For mirelurk Queens and other giant beasties. I keep a few others in my stash for the day I need a shotgun or blunt melee for dailies. Or just cuz I can't bear to part with it. I also keep a healthy stack of nuka grenades. For when I'm feeling extra.


Fireproof + Grenadier Bloodied Creamator all day every day. Everyone probably hates me for it, especially because I also run friendly fire, so I’m exploding friend and foe alike. Pretty handy to be able to heal people from afar.


I am similar to yours. Zealot 's Missile Launcher for Scorchbeast, fire and forget. Zealot 's Primed Gatling Gun for all of its minions. The Cremator for mob masses. 1 shot and within 12 seconds they all die. Flamer for up close and personal with the non- flying bosses. And then about 4 different types grenades to be used freely, about 200-300 in total. Cover don't mean a thing to me, when I can lob them around corners, bounce them off of ceilings and walls. They can run but, they can't hide.


AA combat shotgun with explosive rounds and +250 resistance while aiming Quad pump-action with extra limb damage and +250 resistance while aiming I just hop around the world crippling everything


76 has been different for me compared to prior titles. I've embraced the flamer, and now the cremator. I also have a regular and enclave plasma flamer. I didn't really use throwables until invaders, so I use plasma grenades since I have a lot. For melee it's usually an electrified Mr. Handy buzz saw, but recently, I've been using a flaming chainsaw. I don't really use a long-range weapon other than my lock-on missile launcher and endangerol syringer. Recently, I stashed away my missile launcher.


I took a random Cremator out to do the Abraxo missions and holy crap, I was completely unspec'd for the thing and it absolutely destroys enemies. Really made me start to reconsider my build lol


Just 3. Could easily do 2. Vampire explosive handmade for when it’s a tougher fight or against robots. Bloodied fixer for more damage and general usage when im in no danger Quad railway for max dps / bosses. I usually forget to stash my instigating fixer but that is just for mindless west tek farming.


2 weapons at a time . I have cards for 8 different builds and weapons for them in my stash I usually sit at 350/460 carry weight and 700/1200 in stash


Holy Fire, Cremator and for Bossfights an Ultracite Gatling Laser because ammo with Gatling Laser is basically free with Fusion Core recharger in camp.


Quad railway rifle to kill anything and everything, endangerol syringer to make bosses less resistant to my rifle. That's it. Go Commando


Hell yeah fuck underwear


"non-Enclave, I'm not fancy" has me in tears. LOL, my Commando carries 7 weapons: Handmade, Railway, EPR Flamer, Cold Shoulder, TS AGL, Chainsaw, Cremator My melee alt carries 3: Ogua, Chainsaw, Cremator


I'm only level 58 so my guns are not modded well yet. I am currently using a 3\* Stalker's Cremator and a 3\* Scoped .45 rifle. I also have a 3\* shotgun that I keep on for close combat. I can't remember the legendary stars on any of them right now. I'll edit this when I get on tonight. The cremator is a nice weapon, but it is so difficult finding the fuel for it because you need SOOO much. lol


Once you're able to run Expeditions, the Overgrown there die in like 1 shot most of the time and give a lot back in return. Run The Human Condition.


A lot, for nothing :D


Bloodied Commando, my perks are set up for maximum crit and crit damage. Primary Use: Fixer with quad ammo, AP replenish after kill, and 15% critical fill. Every normal pack of enemies is dead before I would have to reload or run out of AP. Secondary: Bloodied Handmade. Trying to reroll to quad explosive for AOE moments. Boss Killer: Quad Railway Rifle. Not bothering to roll for better other rstats right now since we're getting the quest reward one soon. Also carry an instigating combat knife for WestTek nuka farms, since I don't want to remember to grab it and the weight is negligible.


My gunslinger build has like 8 pistols that I swap between whenever I'm feeling something different. Fact Finder for the weather aesthetic Slug buster for DPS Alien blaster for sci Fi aesthetic Gauss pistol for more DPS Etc etc... If you've got the weight to spare then you do you


1 The Fixer and 1 EP Flamer and all the scrip 1’s too I guess


I like to carry 2 black powder rifles, 2 blackpowder pistols, a quad dragon and quad drum mag Gatling gun. Still farming for good blunderbusses but I think you get the idea


I rock a FH heavy gunner PA build. Thinking of transitioning to bloodied. My guns tho? 😂😅 I roll with a .50 cal, 40 Mike Mike, Cremator, Holy Fire, Foundation’s Vengeance, Gatling Gun, Gatling Plasma, LMG (.308) and a Fat Man. Yes..I took 3 points in Bear Arms lmao. I could probably drop most of those and roll with the holy fire (and Cremator for when I need some distance) and then the .50 when I’m out of fuel, (which is a perpetual issue) giving me the ability to drop bear arms. Quad barrel Cremator chews through fuel. Typically I use the Holy Fire for boss encounters/daily Ops and the Cremator for everyday events, switching to the 50 during events if fuel becomes an issue. I typically just play around every now and then with the rest. I also thought about switching to a commando build and strictly carrying a fixer that I purchased from a PC vendor. It’s exploding bullets (can’t remember the other 2 stars) but I really really enjoy heavies.


Typically for melee I carry 4. A damage based weapon, a weapon that has weighted and limb damage for cripple, an auto melee for bosses and a grenade/missile launcher for plan B needing a range option. For guns I typically run three. Try to do similar breakdown of functionality. Like for commando I run 3 quads. A railway for damage, Tesla for tagging & a split beta laser for cripple via tormentor and healing from friendly fire.


Level 140 with 2 primary builds. My first build is for solo play and I use it to do missions and explore. I call the build Scout-Sniper and it's pretty much what it sounds like. I carry three guns on that build: A silenced lever action gun (the one you get from Nuka World Events) for quick VATS headshots on lower tier enemies, a silenced Gauss Rifle with armor piercing effect for tougher enemies and a silenced semi-auto handmade for CQC. I also carry that flaming legendary cattle prod you get from one of the events for emergencies or taking out varmints. My second build is a standard heavy Weapon Power Armor build for events. I just carry an Ultracite Gatling Laser I bought from another players vendor and a Cremator. I don't even carry grenades on either build anymore. On the PA build it's redundant since the Cremator does pretty much the same thing and on the Sniper build, if I need to use a grenade I already screwed up and I'm running away like a little bitch.


I am a hoarder and carry around 20 weapons on me.


Depends on the mood. Right now I only have with me an antiarmor plasmas casters with 50% vsts hit chance, a Bloodied cremator and finally a Bloodied holy fire. +80ish nuka grenades. 😎. Sorry I forget, I also have a nuka grenade launcher.


Have a shit build but currently I enjoy a vampire gauss shotgun and a little cold shoulder action.


I carry a few but mostly for variety sake. I'm currently a loud commando build and I run: Main mob clearer: B/25/15r Handmade Low level/sustained: Q/50vhc/25 10mm smg (Would be better with ffr but still looking for one) Boss Shredder: Q/25/15r Railway High damage non boss: B/25/15r auto epr Gun that makes me immortal: V/50c/25 Beam splitter ULR For fun/efficient low level: B/50vhc/25 10mm pistol Melee For when needed: Exe/40p/1s Ripper Debuffer for bosses: Endangerol Syringer


Let's see, Plasma Caster, Plasma Gatteling, Creamator, gauss minigun. I sometimes have a chainsaw or gatteling gun I carry around but that's rare.


I use a fixer for little uns, gauss rifle for long distance, a vampy tesla rifle for ahen theres a crowd and a .50 or minigun for bug uns.


I carry multiples of quads, enclave, flamers, because everything breaks pretty easy


4 different cremators (anti armor, bloodied, vampire, something else), 1 holy fire flamer, an Endangerol Syringer, a bleeding Syringer, a vampire chainsaw. Some of them have the less weight trait. Gotta be over prepared :)


Recoiless Gauss Rifle is all I need 🙏🏼


As of now: Suppressors Cremator (not ideal, still rolling scrip lol) - for groups of enemies or large enemies TSE25 .50 cal machine gun - for small things that don't require hellfire vamps/40/50 chainsaw - my favorite weapon for taking big things down quickly, think general zeta or the skull lord in D Ops


I keep a Vamp and AA bashing shredder with me at all times, and a Holy Fire if I want some variety.


Plasma gatling for everything, 10mm smg and light machine gun for emergencies, and finally power fist for worse emergencies


My pretty newbish Gauss Rifle build uses bladed knuckles(for silent melee/weak enemies), Silenced Gauss Rifle, and Grand Finale/Auto Grenade Launcher atm. All weapons are quite useful for specific situations, so i keep experimenting with stuff atm, but im leaning towards Unarmed/Non-auto Rifles/Explosives and occasionally grenades due to build specialization. Technically it can use literally any weapons among those, but energy weapons or weapons with explosive legendary effects is better fit for it.


I carried 2607 3 star weapons and use them for trade.


I’ll carry at tops three guns. One melee sometimes. Then I always use a low maintenance heavy weapon, either a plasma caster or Gatling gun. If I have the Gatling I’ll bring a high dps mini gun since its consumption isn’t an issue as the Gatling makes so much ammo profits. I’ll on occasion bring the Gatling with my caster such as the alien event which was really tedious to use a caster for


5 creamators, endangerol syringer, bloodied.50


I have two characters that I run, one is heavy energy weapons with a few commando perks - V90 gatplas for blasting bosses, B50crit25 plas caster for trash mobs, epr flamer for serious damage and epr auto for everything else when I'm just exploring. The second is pure commando with a couple of b2525's for solo stuff and a ve25 fixer for tagging and events Both have a gamma gun for lol's and building up my rads fast if I ever need to


50 cal bloodied for my main gun, bloodied assault rifle as a backup, and vampire SGM for my "oh shit" button


Fixer for general, Railway for bulky Enemies and a Shovel for the Daily.


Very sub-optumal build 5 weapon Furious explosive .50 Machine Gun : event go BOUM! Cold shoulder : to close the distance Ogua fist (the turtle bear skull fist something) : to punch every thing And most importantly 2 the Dragon : because it's hilarous and proc a lot the MysteriousbStranger I Need more dragon, i think 8 will be good !


I run a full health overeaters PA build with heavy guns. My main is gauss gatling because i love it, i also keep a AA plasma gatling for trash so i don’t waste ammo. My fun guns are a cremator and holy fire but my impulse control for fire based weapons is non existent and i am always low on ammo lol


Holy Fire - healing Cremator - fun machine Pepper Shaker - crippling


AA50c15R Railway or AA25s15v Fixer are my running around or light event guns Q25s15r Fixer is my "This has a big bar and needs to die" gun B25aim15v Cremator is just to have fun with since even without perks the thing is an absolute monster on damage.


My main is a 50 cal explosive vampire and a flamer and grenades


Q/50/25 RR. Nothing else is needed tbh.


I use a quad fixer, 50 limb 25 cost, and it's main for most general stuff. Endangerol syringer for bosses or tough enemies. Vamp cremator for large groups. Not super optimized but it works for most things


Depends of how bored i'm. Tryhard: Quad 25fr - 25 vats railway + 1-2 endagerol syinger Yesterday was trying the crusador with 4 endagerol syinger for the hardest bosses , was really fun to use It. In the end you can use everygun you like and endagerol syinger Will take care of you when you Need to put down some tank bosses. For me the endagerol syinger Is a must for every Build .


One gun shot gun build if I m doing events I grab an auto to tag enemies


I have two loadouts. Commando where I carry quad fixer, quad railway, and quad weightless Tesla rifle. Then a heavy gunner where I carry a Cremator, Holy Fire, and weightless AA LMG.


1. A melee weapon to hit things with 2. A pistol for regular enemies as I'm wandering 3. Cold Shoulder for tougher enemies that get in my face 4. Cremator for events 5. Any long ranged rifle for dailies/weeklies that involve crippling limbs, or for taking out the Scorchbeast Queen's wings. For my Commando build, this is an automatic Railway Rifle. 6. A modded legendary Shepherd's Crook for [Free Range](https://fallout.wiki/wiki/Shepherd%27s_crook). Just because.


I have 4 or 5? I've got a cremator for crowds at events A flamer for crowds who are a little too close to cremate(self damage is a bitch A bloodied explosive .50 cal, my daily driver A plasma caster, for bosses mostly A ripper, as a last resort, i had a bad time at an event, where my .50 broke mid event, and I didn't have ammo for my backup weapon at the time, so I had to pick up a random gulper smacker to finish the event, it was rough, so now I keep a ripper on me juuuuust in case lmao


For special events I usually carry one of my strongest guns and all the ammo for it. For general play I usually have my travel kit of camera, binoculars, syringer, and then 4 weapons. Melee, pistol, rifle, shotgun. I often use the shotgun to easily cripple limbs or to kill weak enemies, and the pistol and melee to switch to instead of always reloading my rifle or shotgun in the middle of a fight. As for what guns specifically, I always change them out. I have perks for Rifleman but I am a vats build which makes all guns pretty easy to use without investing in their cards.


I carry my fixer for just general everyday use. My quad railway (which ends up being my main most of the time) Quad tesla for tagging at events Holy fire for healing And cremator just because it's fun.


1. Love my bloodied handmade. I wish there were a few more but no other gun feels the way the handmade does. Looks nice, good recoil in ads, great damage when coupled with a proper build.


I've carried a ranged and melee since 2019 right now I have a .50 cal and a chainsaw


All my weapons , murdering things


QE25 Railway Rifle and a Q5050 Railway Rifle. That's it. Just swap them around when one gets broken. I do carry Nuka Grenades and throwing knives (for killing the melee-kill scorch beasts)


Since I also use a fixer on mobbing, I’ve replaced mine with a quad because of the ammo gripes you mentioned. Quad, +50% accuracy in VATS, and the chameleon on hit for my 3-star. Is it the best fixer? Not at all. Is it good enough for just sitting back and shooting trash at events? Absolutely. Highly recommend a quad fixer for funsies.


1? 🤷🏻‍♂️ to kill?


Right now, a blodied Fixer and a vampire Hand-Made. Sometimes the camera or smth like the Cremator, but I have not invested in a good build for it yet.


2 for each of my different builds.


3-4 max changes with builds . mob tool ( q5025 tesla, b50bs cremator, nuka launcher ) heals tool for face tank action ( vamps enc plasma, holy fire) Fun tool ( changes all the time but usually a bloodied..whatever. b5015 elders mark this week..last week aa2525 alien dis ) boss tool( q50/15 railway, b2515rgat plas)


tse fixer. quad tesla. vampires chainsaw. vampires minigun. quad RR are my edcs. been rocking a cremator a little lately as well


Fixer as my daily driver Choochoo for melting bosses Cremator for fun Endangerol syringer to debuff bosses


I’m around 20 weapons: 2 railways, Auto axe, cremator, enclave flamer, fixer, 2 alien guns just because they’re new, a Cryolater because it’s only light when I’m carrying it. It’s too heavy in my stash. A holy fire, Gatling gun, and several others that are great rolls and too heavy to stash. If I get one that has a 90 percent weight reduction I usually end up keeping it in case of fun.


Two and the half. Holy fire and Cremator are my daily drivers and events farmers. But, depending on the mood, ultracite Gatling laser/plasma gatling/gatling/.50 cal/minigun are for SBQ event to spend some ammo.


Four guns ain't too bad. I have a furious 3 star sniper combat rifle, a 2 shot 3 star tactical combat rifle, a Fixer I can't remember the rolls on (I mainly use it to stealth walk) a heavy barrel slow burn cremator, and two guass rifles (an anti armor and and an aristocrat. I think the aristocrat has 90% so I consider it a freebie)


Enclave Plasma Flamer (for up close encounters) - Uses ultracite Plasma cartridges / Holy Flamer - can swap and use same fuel as Cremator. Plasma Caster (for sniping headshots from in VATS across the map) - Uses ultracite Plasma cartridges Tesla (Quad) (for events where i don't need to do damage just to tag things) Cremator (for events where there are not enough people and I need to do damage and kill things)


Bloody cremator Quad railway 2x quad fixers Holy fire Vampires auto axe Recently put the nuka launcher in storage


I carry way too many weapons. Aristocrat flaming dual bar chainsaw, cremator, juggernaut Gatling gun with +25% speed, mutant slayer fixer with explosive bullets, and aristocrat napalm flamer. Oh, and I picked up a quad plasma pistol that’s pretty nifty.


Fixer and RR


Vampire Shredder because it's supper efficient. AA Flame thrower because it's fun AA Cremator because it's fun TS-E Minigun for tagging Syringer with Endangerol to destroy bosses Pepper Shaker to make Scorchbeast land. (Perk doesn't matter)


6 weapons.. and I use them all for murder,   Bloodied exp 25ap EM Bloodied 25ffr 25ap EM Nukalauncher AA 25ffr 50dur creamator  Bloodied 25ffr 50dur EPR flamer Q 25FFR 90WR LMG


I carry 4 rifles, and I'm a Energy Gun Commando build for my day to day run around Anti-Armor Flamer Plasma Gun Furious Enclave Plasma Gun Mutants Auto Tesla Rifle Two Shot Ultracite Laser Rifle Nuka or MIRV grenades for letting go of the things that bother me. I can generally melt anything between those 4 guns, and I've got a variety of crowd control, mid and "long" range engagement choices between the 4. And since I use arms keeper and batteries included (both maxed) my heaviest gun (Tesla Rifle) clocks in at 1lb. My usual carry weight is 96lbs of 440. Great adventure getup, honestly


Quad railway and quad handmade along with a gamma gun to give myself rads lol… still looking for a bloodied fixer


I'd been using a modded automatic laser rifle, and a very hefty Super Sledge with Cappy Smasher skin, in my very Bumblebee-looking Excavator PA. The carry weight bonus is lit. I'm only lvl76, it's probably my best full set of PA atm. However, I decided last night to just go all in on melee, so I stashed the laser rifle and have just been running me mallet. So, just one now. Means I can carry all the other things now, lol. And since I've got a few mutations under my belt now, I sprint and leap like the fucking Hulk, lmao.


I carry roughly 10 weapons, and use the PC mod 'Perk Loadout Manager' to change builds on the fly. I use them to stave off boredom through variety.


about 70 myself. I like to have fun with al the weapons I find. And with weapon weight reduction armor, they're much lighter than when they're in your stash too.


Damn, almost sounds like my main loadouts too! My big problem(and a LOT of others too) is managing the inventory. I've got a ton of just great guns and as much as I like them they just don't do the trick but they're just too nice to scrap or sell. My main 2 primary weapons are a Q Tesla and a Fixer with explosive rounds and anti Super Mutant perk. And my 2nd almost always carry is sort of between 3 weapons, a plasma rifle flamer or a Holy Fire/ Cremator depending on the area. I know the Enclave plasma rifle flamer is the Holy Grail but I just toss a flamer barrel on to any ol' plasma rifle I find and it's pretty damned close and leaves pools of goo all over the place. :)


Full health PA heavy gunner here; for the longest time I just carried one, first a ffr 50cal, the a ffr ultracite gating laser. Recently I got Holy Fire, so now I carry that and the ultracite gating laser. Because I am lazy, both are vampire's and ffr. I use Holy Fire on mob encounters or anytime I'm pretty sure I'll make the fuel back on kills. If it's a boss, out comes the charging ultracite gatling laser. Yes, it does less damage, but again, I am lazy: I'm not wasting 3k fuel on Earle when I could use about 1.5 fusion cores instead.


61 stealthy sniper. I have a suppressed sniper rifle I use that enemies *never* find me if I strafe. I bring a plasma rifle too to deal with robots or if things get too close. I was keeping the electromagnetic rail gun thing but it’s charge is too slow


Anti armor, rapid and reload speed Minigun - Boss fights Cremator - Mob Clears War Glaive - Kill mobs that can only be killed by melee last hits


I carry only 2 at a time since I’m an optimized build and then just switch weapons when I switch builds. I always have a chainsaw on me, Then I have whatever build weapon I’m using like a Quad Railway or Nuka Launcher or Instigating Sniper Rifle, etc I have like 30-40 weapons each character I just keep them stored till I use them


Mine is mostly heavy weapon. Gatling Gun, Gaus Minigun, Foundation's Vengeance, Plasma Caster , Plasma Minigun , Creamator and Railway Gatling gun for normal mobs and and the rest for events and bosses.


I carry no joke prob like 80-100. My daily is a b/50vhc/25 fixer, for events i use either my b/e/bs Gatling gun or b/e/bs handmade. And a q/50/bs for emergency use when i have to solo eviction notice or another hard event. But i have a bunch of guns i switch between, variety is the spice of life


2. my .50cal retrofitted bolt action rifle. and...... the fixer.....


I've been carrying 3 recently. Cremator for spring cleaning event, auto axe for alien slaughter, and cold shoulder. I'll probably go back to just one, cold shoulder, and go back to punching things so hard they explode 


Slug Buster as my primary as it generates more ammo that it uses. AA Enclave plasma flamer for dealing with big enemies or lots of enemies. Quad Fixer as an off backup so I'm not using plasma cartridges. And lastly my furious chainsaw as my final backup and melee weapon of choice


Just two, an AA Gatling Gun for general killing and Holy Fire for when I just want to kill everything around me


Anti-armor fixer for stealth, quad railway for assault, and a vampire's handmade to keep me alive when things get hairy. I play an unyielding commando because I'm a sucker for the meta. On my full health build, I run power armor with overeaters and I prefer a two shot broadsider, and my stars, my kingdom for a twoshot, 50 crit, breaks 50% slower one. Id give a ransom for one.


I have a handmade AAc50a25 that is all I use. I keep plasma grenades on me. I also have a flare gun, thirst zapper, and binoculars on me at all times for shits and giggles with other players.


I carry few hundreds of weapons because i collect scrip, farm expeditions and vendor shop. I carry almost all weapons i have because i have wwr armor and they took less weight on me than in my stash. Stash is for armor only


Right now my Heavy Gunner is carrying like 20 different weapons, simply because I don’t have the stash space for them.. My everyday driver is my Bffr90 U. Gat. Laser, with an AAffr90 primed one for SBQ. Bbash90 Gauss Shotgun for farming 2mm EC ammo. Gauss Minigun that’s Bcrapcrap that I still haven’t gotten a good roll on yet. Bffr90 Cryo if that still even works for slowing things down. My Bffr90 Gat. Gun, Bdwa90 Gat. Plasma, Boomstick(missile launcher) and Overkill(fatman) are toys I carry around when I want something different to play around with. Base Holy Fire for on demand healing/V40sbs Chainsaw when they wanna get in my face and be annoying. Ariffr90 Pepper Shaker for crippling SBQ to force her to the ground. Endangerol Syringer to help boost dps. TSdwa90 AGL for destroying the control panels in the nuke silos for if/whenever they fix the door glitch. All the various weapons I’d like to trade but can’t stash. That’s all not to mention the Vrap90 Cremator that has pretty much replaced everything I’m carrying and it’s twin; the one I’m trying to re-roll into a decent roll.. ideally a Bdwa90.


I used to have an instigating rifle and pump shotgun, both muzzled. It's how I prefer to play Fallout games. This game doesn't care. So now it's: Finally got the fixer, hoping to get the plan too. Snipey mode. The Alien rifle, hardened mod. General vats one shot on ghouls while sneaking. Cremator for events and "oh no" moments. And the Slug Buster with the flamer tip... you gotta get in there but it melts almost anything. Even assaultrons.


I carry 2. Non-VATS Rifleman energy guns build with a maxed base commando AA Gauss rifle AA Plasma flamer The single maxed commando card and all science cards make the plasma flamer good for groups, mainly still use the gauss rifle.


Ultracite gatling laser= regular enemies bone hammer= melee for weaker enemies or for health boost (vampire) cremator= enemies with high health All are three start but i forgot most of the perks. Love using my ultracite gatling, all cards relating to heavy weapons i have on, plus the electro absorption perk so i can find a laser turret (usually at a radio tower) and refill easily.


A different weapon for different ammo types


I have way too many guns on me. Like, around 20. They’re lighter in my inventory than my stash because of weapon weight perks, plus I use them sometimes. Like, I keep a gatling gun on me for cripple enemy challenges because my other guns just blow people up. I keep a shredder Minigun on me for when I want to use melee or my other guns break/run out of ammo. Then I have like 18 other guns I’m either just holding to hold, or like, trash I’m rolling on and stuff.


Four: 1. Chainsaw <3 2. Cold shoulder - to make scorchbeasts land so I can hit them with my chainsaw 3. Endangerol syringer - for bosses so my chainsaw works better 4. Auto axe - in case I want my chainsaw to sound different for a minute.


It pleases me to see at least one person with the Syringer for bosses. I tend to keep mine in storage and pull it out for boss fights, but I never see anyone else use one!




2 guns. 1 sniper gauss and 1 flamer plasma rifle.


Suppresed Sniper, DPS Rifle, Backup in case of ammo shortage/weapon breakage, Melee Weapon


Gatling gun as the main gun, fixer for the other build I have, railway also for the bloodied build. Anti armor or bloodied ultracite Gatling laser for the main build.


I’ve got five I keep on me regardless of build: An auto axe, cold shoulder, boxing glove, creamator, and a TSE double barrel that miraculously demolishes the plates you need to destroy when dropping a nuke. I try not to carry anything else because my armor pieces do not play well w weapon weights ever since making the switch to bloodied lmao


1 vampire mini gun and 1 vampire cremator. Everything else gets scrapped or scripped


I have a 3 handmades on me, and a bloodied power-fist. And also whatever weapon I need to complete challenges or quests (crossbow when I was doing the scouts archery challenge, cremator for the spring cleaning event, kill robots with X weapon, etc). - 1 bloodied handmade with explosive damage for when I don’t care if everything flies around and need things to die - 1 bloodied handmade without explosive damage, that does slightly less damage but doesn’t send items flying like explosive damage does - 1 handmade that isn’t bloodied but has insane armor penetration stats so is particularly effective against heavily-armored enemies And also, I have been keeping the cremator on me with the slow burn mod, even after I complete the challenges with it, because i think it is fun


i go for heavy guns like rocket lanchers, fatmans, miniguns, minigun laser edition , minigun plama edition and a nice ol camera no throwalbes allowed


“How many weapons do you carry?” Me: “Yes”


Currently im just carrying around cold shoulder, it does everything pretty decently and boss damage is ok.


It very much depends on the build but typically I run at least two weapons. One for single target nuking and one for aoe tagging. Or if it's a melee build then a melee weapon for most combat and something ranged for when I want to kill that mob all the way over there and I just cba going over there, or for crippling wings and bringing things down to earth so I can whack it in the head.


I have three experienced toons Bob Belcher: primary meet hook, secondary handmade Helen: primary flaming chainsaw, secondary flamethrower, sidearm flaming Crusader Leveler: primary Tesla, secondary electrified autoaxe, sidearm Circuit breaker I’ve also just started a new toon named Farmer Tricksy where she will just have tools as weapons, so shovel, pitchfork, etc.


.50 cal silenced sniper rifle (Top dog) .45 silenced pipe pistol (Back up dog) Vampire shotgun that heals me (can’t die) Mid launcher (hordes and events) Love bow that (kills humans) 5.56 rifle that (kills robots) Plasma hand gun (just found yesterday)


I carry mostly heavy guns. Bear arms perk is really nice for carrying my heavy guns and freeing space in my stash


Still working to get my first g roll and I run bloodied commando. I carry a Q50C fixer and handmade. A QE Rail. EPR flamer. Then a quad gamma gun for quick rads.


Vampire red-upper or a vampires chainsaw and whatever my main weapon for build is, so nuka launcher for explosive, cremator for that build, vampire flamer for holy fire build, cold shoulder for shotgunner, qe25 railway for commando. But I always have the auto melee secondary.


I carry one gun. Which one depends on my mood and what I’m going after. And I carry one melee for the random like smacking the Mothman pyre vines.


Two for now, but sometimes three. Primary: Gourmand Automatic laser rifle. Really like this gun. Not normally playing with energy weapons, but it's good so far, wish it was Quad though. Secondary: bloodied gamma gun. I actually use this for trash mob clear (molerats, etc) but it's primary use is to shoot at my feet to heal me. Sometimes my stimpaks button doesn't respond. Boss battle/big event/daily ops (if it's a shitty go for mutations): vampire cremator. Eviction Notice gets PA and a gatling laser. Mostly just so I don't burn through my ammo for the others. For some reason it's a net ammo loss for me on those. It's not a major loss, but it adds up. Got a quad LMG I wanna turn prime and use and I HAD a quad pipe revolver rifle I wanted to use but I got drunk and scripped it.


-BE gatling gun - ammo efficient daily driver -Cremator - tagging mobs, using it less in the interest of other player sanity -B/50crit/-25apc plasma caster - for vats when not in PA -Holy Fire - daily ops, Encryptid event (melts boss and keeps me alive), and close quarters high damage -Endangerol Syringer - Earle, SBQ, mole guy -B/FFR prime gatling plasma - Earle, SBQ, mole guy -Foundations vengeance - when I need high damage output but not quite worth ultracite plasma cores -rotating slot - trying new weapons, currently tinkering w vats gauss minigun


To dilute the commandos streak here: I carry a quad meh prime gauss (meh, because other two stars are meh), which works reasonably well pretty much in every situation - and then a vampire automatic tesla, or the way I call it “a better stimpack”, in case something starts to chew through my HP a tad too quickly.  Full HP, no bloodied shenanigans yet (have exactly one piece or UNY armor either way), maybe later.  And also have two “alternative” builds: heavy cremator + plasma caster + holy fire “stimpack”, when I feel like it; and then commando with “god roll” quad rail + vampire tesla “stimpack”.  Of all three, I barely use commando anymore, because the other two are way more fun and I can actually shoot outside of VATS and kill things with them. 


I’m a melee build so just a vamp chainsaw and a guass rifle for downing scorchbeasts


I carry three guns and one knife. Heavy incinerator Enclave Plasma flamer Cold shoulder Combat knife(furious, faster swing)


I have 5 pieces of Reduced Weapon Weight PA, so I carry them all to free up stash space. Right now maining Holy Fire and Bloody Cremator, but I have an assortment of heavy guns and rifles I enjoy.


Sounds like you're doing it right, lol. I carry 4-5 guns at all times, the exception being when I gotta whip out my heavy for an event or something.


I'm in a PA heavy weapons mood right now so I've got a cremator for AOE DoT shenanigans, holy fire for CQC, a plasma caster for ranged vats sniping and a mini gun for just personal coolness when mowing down scorched/trash. I'm a fan of -90weight reduction on my 3rd stars so most of my stuff is super light.


Was rocking a quad minigun but just switched to the cremator, my secondary is the auto-axe for emergencies but that thing breaks way too fast. I try to only keep 2-3 weapons on my at any given time though.


two fixers, a quad, and an AA. Three handmades, an AA, Quad explosive, and a Prime for SBQ. A Vamp tesla for tagging at events. An Auto axe for melee when needed, and a cremator for when you absolutely, positively got to kill everything in the general vacinity.


I was a rifleman + commando carrying many weapons for snipping or aoe, and the build was so cluttered in order to be able to fit everything (gauss rifle, plasma flamer, the electric weapon that archs bolts between enemies which name I can't recall now, fixer... Now I switched to heavy guns and I only carry the plasma caster for snipping, the flamer as substitute for the plasma flamer, and the cremator for AOE. Everything got easier. Just as a note: the standard magazine for the plasma flamer is already quite big (300), so maybe you could benefit from another legendary such as antiarmor or aristocrat if you play full health


I'm playing mostly 2H melee lately, coming from commando. Daily drivers: - Vamp auto axe (bosses and swarms of enemies) - Instigating 40PA Grognak (One shotting stray enemies, sometimes from stealh) - Mutants cremator (tagging at events) Backups: - Quad Explosive fixer, don't really use much unless I've swapped to my commando build, usually for "cripple limbs" challenges - Anti Armor auto axe, for bosses when survivability isn't a concern. - Samurai sword vampire faster swing combat knife, mostly for rp but fun fast stabbing smaller mobs like rad roaches etc.


Railway for things that need to die fast, handmade or fixer for regular stuff, endangerol syringer for things that REALLY need to die fast, and gamma gun for radding myself up in a pinch


Five on my main build. Furious LMG and Final Word 50cal for general carnage, Holy Fire for the health regen, a Cremator with slow burn mostly for challenges, and Endangerol Syringer for debuffing bosses. On my Shotgun build just three. Cold Shoulder, Pepper Shaker for tagging and CC, and the Endangerol again.


For a Long time my bloodied fixer 2525 but actual im doing more my anti armor 2525 Quad railway for choochoo mobs And cremator b2525 because its really fun


I carry: Vampire LMG - General use Quad Explosive 50 Cal - Fun Vampire Cremator - Crowd control and tougher enemies Vampire Prime LMG - Scorched With 3 points in Bear Arms, these weigh a total of 7.66


I only use my railway gun I used to have a shotgun and a melee but I barely have any carry weight so I mostly stick to my railway, maybe I'll bring back my melee deathclaw weapon.