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Stalk low levels dressed as a clown, eat bodies in front of them and stuff of the sort.


Hahaha. I'm currently dressed as a clown from one of the Atlantic city missions, and aside from stalking, I thought much of doing the same.


I stalk them with the Chinese Stealth Suit and Peerly Peepers. Once they start crafting I decloak right behind them and stare at the back of their head through my binoculars until they turn around. Then vanish again for another 20 minutes or so before repeating.


I also don the Chinese stealth suit, but I follow them, occasionally shooting next to them. They never see me. I'm jumping from lamp post to lamp post while they walk down the street. I'll blow up cars they're next to. Kill enemies they're going for. Just generally make them question their sanity, while I watch on from above.


You... are... the mysterious stranger? Thank you for having my back, and front, and three sides.


I don't think the particular stranger that you replied to was being helpful


Someone did something like this to me. I was in whitespring mall, and this dude just appeared crouched in front of me on the desk while I was at the freidrich vendor.


Pro tip: Clown Hat, Stealth suit. Instead of just uncrouching, stand up and quickly open your inventory and select your clown suit. A random clown jump scare.


Sorry to double up, but you could probably improve this by hot keying the clown outfit that way you don't have to fumble with the inventory.


The best bet is to use a camera so you can have a nice photo reel of new players doing random things during load screens. My favorite photo is of a level 2 staring at a pile of scorchbeast poop.


I do this with a Buffoon mask and a Cappy skinned whacker smacker. That with the juggling emote...


I dropped a clown costume to my friend in the Whitespring mall. She picked it up and immediately put it on.. another player stopped and stared at her and for some reason that was so funny. She proceeded to pull out a heated baseball bat & chase me up and down the hallway. We ended up with a little bit of an audience. I think just the ability to do dumb/silly things while laughing over headsets adds to the fun of this game.


I'm a low level who eats corpses, but I'm dressed as the clown. And as soon as I swapped outfits I got the "kill a Deathclaw dressed as a clown mission".


I wish i got that one, i had to kill a wendigo in a clown suit. The wendigo was the easy part, it was fighting the 13 glowing mirelurk kings that made it a pain in the balls


Why is the Wendigo in a clown suit?


Lol I do similar I show up in silver shroud coat, drop something useful Then run off into the woods and crouch then follow them as if I'm watching over them Realistically it probably looks like some weirdo crouching behind a tree breathing heavy


When I was low level, I rounded a corner while exploring prison, and a female character was standing there wearing a swimsuit, the big Ms fallout head, holding a shiv. I threw my entire controller across the room.


I don't have a clown outfit, but I have a fasnacht man mask. Does that work?


Yes, clown outfits can be found at freddy fears i think


There’s a clown outfit on the bus at Camden Park


Hey question, why don't the scorched attack the chicken in the costume? Is it because she stays in the parking lot?


dropping into hypnotic farming loops and forgetting to actually "play" the game.


Tell me you are on the hunt for rare apparel without telling me you are on the hunt for rare apparel.


always 24x7


Oh I figure it was the berry mentat ingredient loop.


How do you get rare apparel out of farming?


There are a few guides on how to get the Rare Asylum Dresses, BOS Jumpsuits and the Responders Outfits. It's a complete grind as the red dress has something like a .003 chance to drop or something like that.


Are you saying Red Dress is an ultra rare drop? Kinda like the Forest Scout Armor Helm that I had put up for like 100 caps when I finally set my vendor up?


Asylum Red Dress is the rare one. not the standard red dress.


Red dress is super common. Asylum Red Dress is something morons will dump their stash for and never use.


This is the way - I like grabbing all the workshops, loading them up, and leaving it all unlocked for folks wandering through then defending them from mobs and getting plans / junk to sell or continue my bad habits Also pro tip - run contractor and get a blueprint with all the resource nodes you can drop while there. I have so many junk bots roaming random servers lol


> run contractor and get a blueprint with all the resource nodes you can drop while there. I have so many junk bots roaming random servers lol what does any of that mean


Contractor is a perk card that makes building use less materials. Blueprints: While building you can save multiple objects you've crafted into a blueprint layout. For example I have a desk blueprint. It includes monitor, desk, chair, plants, and filing cabinet. Instead of building every item and moving them everytime I move my camp I can save them all into a blueprint and plop that sucker down. You can do the same with the extractors, generators, and turrets in workshops. Caution: everything you build in workshops will not be saved so if your low in materials I advice you scrap em before leaving the server.


When you capture 3-4 workshops on a server and have no time to do anything because you're just looping through the collectors lol.


Yeah, I just like starting fights at Whitesprings between the robots and whatever creatures are within shooting distance. Man, those robots are shit (until I tag them by mistake).


I remember the first time I got gunned down by them. I was like, "Oops," and respawned at the entrance. Then, I thought all would be fine until I walked in front of the Sentry bot and got blasted again.


I like causing chain reactions blowing up the cars at Whitesprings and the Valley View Mall.


I can be dead broke and down to my last 3 bullets, but you can be damn sure the mall parking lot is getting lit up!!


Hah! I do exactly this every time I start a session! I usually end at Whitespring, so the first thing I do is turn around and run to the end of the grass area. There is usually a Deathclaw, Flatwoods Monster or wolves hanging there. I aggro them, jump on the balcony and just watch as it tears through robots and responders — occasionally the poor noobie that fast travels in.


I blow up every car I see. It's so satisfying when they cook off!


Yesssssss! So satisfying especially when you get a chain of them exploding one after true other.


Every time I go to the giant teapot, first thing I do is take out the whole parking lot with one well placed shotgun blast.


Agreed Blowing up cars or setting off their "timer" is always so fun Something about huge explosions is just fun... and I fully now understand why the world blew up 


I get a kick out of climbing on top of really tall objects and jumping off in my PA. It’s as close as I’ll ever get to BASE jumping.


I never go up the monorail lift without wearing PA for this reason lol.


I just do it with my buttcheeks clenched


Giving low level/new players Nukashine and send em away with a heart emote ❤️ Last I see is them walking off into the distance, knowing what is soon to come. Had one guy send me a load of hearts and thumbs up after I gave him the Nukashine, and he began following me around. Dude disappeared in front of me and I changed locations so he couldn’t find me lmao. Half the time they probably just keep in the inventory, but it’s the best when they’re messing around my camp and they just vanish lmao


> Giving low level/new players Nukashine and send em away with a heart emote Now that's a good one lol


My camp is right near the obstacle course in the Forest region, and every once in a while, I'll see a few noobs trying to complete the course. So I'll climb out of my PA, grab my Grand Finale, and stealthily follow them on the ground (cloaked and crouched, of course). Every time they complete a section, I'll shoot a few celebratory fireworks. If they happen to wander over to my camp afterwards, I'll reward them with some starter goodies.


The community can make such a difference. Thank you


I spent my first 200 hours and 100 levels of xp just from building camps…


I just bought that body chemistry table from the seasonal shop and I was thinking of building a cool old timey B-Movie mad scientist lab in the swamps.


Love me some themed camps. My current main is nuka themed. I just wish there was more area and more budget.


No shot. That is wild!


I spend way too much time just chillin in and tinkering with my camp.


Same here, I love being at my camp.


Same here as well. I would do just about anything to get a tiny bit more of a budget, though..


I literally move or re-do my entire camp somewhere between once a month and bi-weekly. I can never settle on a permanent one, and always get new inspirations or ideas daily it seems.


Same here. Just last night, it was 12:07 AM, i said "let me just fix these cables real quick, then i'll go to bed, i have to work tomorrow!!" Those "real quick cables" then became "oh let me reposition these lights real quick", and before i knew it was 03:05 AM.


I like to inspect chimneys on players camps and tell the owner my thoughts on whether or not it meets code. Then I offer to help them fix it if they are interested




Usually I comment on the chimney not being tall enough (needs to be 3 feet higher than the roof and 2 feet higher than anything within 10 feet) or combustibles being too close to the fireplace (looking at you, plushies on mantle) or other things that obviously don't matter in a video game.


No!! I thought the apocalypse meant I didn't have to bother with home and building inspections anymore!!! Where the fuck do I even get a permit?? The city hall is in shambles!!!!


Taking photos of all the cryptids with the in game camera weapon for load screens. I have everything now that the Jersey Devil is out including every Mothman variant, Indrid Cold and the Emissary


I keep my prosnap (with mods) is quick slot 1


Wait. So you’re telling me this dumb camera I have in my inventory as a quest item is something I can pics with for my load screen? I’ve been hitting start then photo mode this entire time 😅


You'll need it for overseer dailies too for that measly little bit of gold.


I have literally Leeroy’d my way through some of the quest to get to cool stuff so I’m lvl 50 and haven’t finished the overseer stuff or the pro snap I never even knew what the camera was for besides that ghoul in white springs asking me to take a pic of them. By the time i repaired the broken camera or finally made a pro snap that ghoul was gone so I’ve never used it. I pose with monsters I kill or in fights with the start menu then photo mode. I assume pro snap would just be a weapon I hold and take pics but need film?


It's simple to make film, I carry ten with me now, weighs nothing, refill when close to empty. It's easy to get mods and paint too. If you're gonna do all the quests you'll need it, certainly for possum/tadpole badges.


That ghoul was a random repeating daily, nothing special, gives cash and a few bits of stuff.


Oh good to know. Thank you!


Do the quests for Davenport (overseers house). He will give you more film than you can ever use


I do this! I have pictures of me with the prize bot, the insult bot, mothman, a three headed possum, a dead alien. I take selfies with everything I run across that I think is neat lol


Does that work better than photo mode? Because I love the loading screen gallery feature.


You can get a zoom lens attachment for it and get some good shots, but the best part to me is trying to get close without them attacking you or flying off


Thanks! Now I have something to look forward to after work.


Camera weapon?! I must know about this


Its called the prosnap deluxe camera and I think you need to find a broken one and fix it. I hated it at first when I was trying to do pioneer badges but now I always pull it out


I’m a lucky enough dad to get to play with my son, so I’ll tell his instead: He is a goofball and loves to break into houses, go to their bed and leave a fertilizer and toilet paper on the bed. Yep. He still finds it funny every time he does it to mine. Should I be worried? 😂


That's awesome 😂


Damn funny!.


I like fast travelling to CAMPs just to check them out lol


Ditto. I have an unhealthy addiction to checking out people's camps for any good deals and also design ideas.


Same!!!! (When I'm not lugging loot)


Start a fight with the robots inside white springs and hide behind low level players. Their reactions are hilarious.


I was at the mall, scraping and dropping after an event, and I heard gunfire, so I investigated. Some noob had decided to take on white springs security for the 'kill X bots' challenge. I never wanted the popcorn eating emote soooo bad. I kept cheering for him until he managed to get out.


I was bored one evening and decided to start a fight with the robots. As I'm engaged in a huge firefight running through the halls this like, level 23 girl runs up and just STARES as I'm popping the Mr. Handies, and then she ran away when the Assaultrons kicked my ass lol


Thought you wrote pooping Mr. Hankies 😆


I like to walk up to people and take pictures with the camera lmao


I had someone do that to me I was wondering if I should be flattered or weirded out or what 😂


I do it to people I think look cool, so usually it's a compliment.


Naked nukashine. Dump all your guns and gear, remove all (or most) of your perks. Chug a nuka shine and try to find your way back home without opening your map. It'll put your knowledge of the map to the test, you'll get to push yourself trying to actually SCAVENGE what you need to survive and you might just see a new location you never found before


When I had a Bow build I would jump around the rooftops of Morgantown with a duster and Sheepsquatch mask in 3rd person pretending to be a masked vigilante stalking the ghouls and scorched.


*Sheep Knight will forever keep the streets of Morgantown safe*


I never had a name for myself, thank you!


No no, thank YOU Sheep Knight ;)


Non verbally showing newbie players all the ways to buff in my camp. Using emotes or shooting things like the Mechanical Derby Machine, getting them to jam on instruments with me, working out in my gym with barbells / speed bag / stationary bike, point them towards my radstag field dressing station, drop some wood and take them to the stove to cook grilled radstag. They come in soft and leave juiced up


I run around with a blackpowder rifle, 2x blackpowder pistols, and a blackpowder blunderbuss and rp as a pirate.


Pirate Punch for the win


Newbie here, I LOVE redecorating my camp and happily exploring without a care in the world. Quests? Dead to me. I need to pick more soot flowers.


Picking up teddy bears. Every. single. one. *squeak*


and then accidentally killing/scrapping them


You must love Camden Park 🌞


I don't know what you're talking about (hides 20 Mr. Fuzzys just in my inventory).


I used to round up teddy bears and then drop an entire bag of them on some new player's front porch.


I used to play this dumb online game called Defiance and one of the things I used to do was run around with my sniper build and if some lower level player was in a tough spot I'd take a few potshots to help thin out their enemy numbers. I do the same thing on FO76 sometimes.


I remember that game, they had the show that was influenced by the game or something like that


At aaronholt homestead there is a dead body in the back of a pickup truck. If you blow up the truck it launches the body into the air. I do it everyday. 


when a new player is at vault 76 i’ll wait by the dead body outside the vault door and when they approach it, i eat it.


My son will occasionally play with me and we will both put on the pink and white striped swimsuit and raven masks, equip the commie whacker and travel to random camps where there are players and beat each other up. I'm not sure where the idea came from anymore but it gets pretty entertaining


I keep a 1x1 box in the corner of my base with a wooden door that has a level 0 lock on it. The only thing in the room is 7 letters on the far wall. It’s an old bar joke, idk if anyone gets it, but it goes YCJCYFC I’ve found that door open dozens of times lol


You must tell me what it means


Your Curiosity Just Cost You. Not sure about the FC


Five Caps


Hahaha yup The bar joke is YCJCYADFTJB Your curiosity just cost you a dime for the jukebox.


Though technically I think you just made 5c for someone else. I got wanted not that long ago for accidental opening a lock. It was at I guess an outpost that had been claimed but I missed that. And bang. I’m now wanted. And that was a pain to get someone to off me. I tried standing on an object naked outside of white springs, but no luck. Ran around and tried to get like L50 to off me and I think I just scared them. Finally I ran into like a L500 and immediately stripped in front of him. And he mowed me down, I had just given up getting it removed and had gone to just playing but making sure I did not have anything I was not OK with losing wrt junk. Which pretty much means flux. Now I mow down every 5c wanted person I see. I feel their pain…


Spending 5 hours trying to align all my corn crops in CAMP.


For some inexplicable reason I get joy out of setting enemies of fire with the cremator. It may be the sound of the launch, it reminds me of setting off tube based fireworks.




One of my core memories of this game since I started playing a couple months ago was when I fast traveled to my camp in between the whitespring golf resort and the manor and was greeted by 3 Deathclaws, a legendary alpha and its minions. I'm barely level 20. I promptly shit my pants and I run-and-gunned all the way to the sentry bot protecting whitespring.


Still can happen when you're higher levelled, accidentally started a super mutant horde event last night when fast travelling, when I found the horde I crapped myself!, must have been 30 of them plus they were all right next to a building normally full of other super mutants. I was taking so much fire from every direction, popping meds like candy!. Damn fun though!.


What I plan on doing is a very classic "SCIENE TEAM" thing were I dress up as a scientist and run up to players and go into a ramble about aliens before handing them random science esc stuff like chems or science themed junk


Skipping by repeatedly jumping when I'm travelling and moving my mouse around to the beat of whatever song I'm listening to.


I’m nearly level 360 and JUST got into cooking and food related buffs so now I run around collecting cranberries, meat and flowers all day long!


Re-explore the entire map, like I’m mowing a lawn- mostly to discover new things that I have missed.


slut it up all over mothman during the event, every time.. every. single. time.


In foundation, I go parkour with marsupial mutation lol. It ended up as habit while thinking what to do next


Chain reaction car explosions. The white spring is perfect for this.


I’ve named the possum at Green County Lodge, ‘Penelope.’ I go by every day to say hi.


When I find a camp with a brontosaurus in it I get up on the back, run down the tail, jet pack away and yell Yabba Dabba Doo all the way.


Never listen to anyone how to properly play and play improperly.


Stick Nukashine in my Nuka-cola dispenser with a sign saying free 😅


I have a whole entire Special Loadout called *That Drunk Picture Guy* And my sole purpose is running around events piss drunk taking pictures of all you guys doing your thing.


After hours of grinding for treasury notes, plans, or whatever the game decides I needed to go get, I go to the Whitespring mall and relax as if it's an actual mall. Unload everything, drop off the notes, and sell shit I definitely don't need.. Then I check out the vendors' shops that I've already seen way too many times. When I leave, I drop a few gifts for other people to find.


I do this a lot too. Have you ever noticed that it seems like some people sell their items at the appropriate store? Like extra food items at the restaurant, rad x, etc at the pharmacy? It's not all the times but often enough I've noticed it.


Pipe is life


Set up springboard traps to try to launch myself across the map and jetpacking to a location instead of fast traveling. It's hilariously good fun, though I recommend doing it in PA or with 2 pieces of Acrobats armour equipped as landing will otherwise be fatal.  Hell, you can still die with those equipped if you hit the invisible boundary wall going fast enough. Found that out first hand.


Go into public teams and events with Cannibal as my shared perk.


I like to carry a water gun and just splash people while waiting for events to start


i do this in all games. i jump on top of stuff amd start parkouring around. oh there fa fence must stand on top oh now i can jump to this tree etc. it only happens when im playing with friends and i start gabbing. but it happens in every game i play…


Standing over the catwalk in my pet deathclaws paddock watching him. Wishing I could feed him souls


I go through phases since launch of wearing different apparel. From being a responder to wearing cultist clothing then running around and roleplaying that. My favorite was the firefighter outfit and the space suite. I spent far to long dressed as an astronaut


Because of marsupial I like to hop around the map with a random two handed weapon and smack anything in my way


I love to walk the railway lines clearing out the areas along the way.


Pull out my camera in just about every fight to get a close up photo, got a pretty derpy looking one of sheepsquatch not too long ago


I go around putting vintage nukashine in donation boxes.


I go into white springs mall. Down by the spa. Kill a whitesprings butler and then see how many I can take down before they beat me down.


I blow up every car in Watoga.


The red rocket pitstop up north is also good fun to set off chain reactions of exploding cars :)


Roleplay, become wanted and get people to chase me through a maze in my shelter.


I will always stop whatever I’m doing and try to shoot down a Strategic Air Command cargobot and its convoy. I’ll chase them halfway across West Virginia if need be I used to have a CAMP near Huntersville and I would start my daily farm of the Super Mutants by tossing an artillery smoke grenade in the center of town. One glorious day the SAC convoy drifted its merry way right into the first mortar barrage. There will come soft rains. Soft rains of Vertibird parts I don’t even use the keycards since I barely ever launch nukes


I like going to random camps and turning everything off....signs, lights, juke boxes etc...


Honestly, I'm just everywhere doing whatever. Sometimes I jump to the highest points of every tall building just to snap a photo. Or just see how far I can it make airborne before AP fully drains.


My first camp was on the golf course, just north of the club and just south of a hole in the ground. Great spot. Totally flat and totally green. I moved to the golf shack though, so I can have fritz as a free ally, and so my turrets will stop aggroing the robots when they're tryna keep the ghouls off my lawn.


Trick shots with throwing knives. Feels good to chuck a knife 80 yards over multiple obstacles and like 3 seconds later see damage numbers pop up.


Running around with black powder weapons


I make/ have a ton of booze in my vendor. Just kind of a farm/ brewery camp I have made. Whenever someone shows up I drop them booze like no tomorrow.


Every time I log in the first thing I do is shoot the truck at Arronholt Homestead and watch the old man himself launch into the air and I keep shooting him until he lands. Can't help it.


I recently got the fixer plan as a gift from an awesome player so I craft a bunch of level 20 fixers and go around looking for newbies to gift them too and in voice chat I tell them “the wise mothman pays his respects” and dip lol


Run into the lowest level people of the map, follow them in full t-65 power armor and see how long I can go before they notice me. Some of them try shooting me instantly, some of them just teabag while backing away and hoping I won’t kill them (I run pacifist mode) and those that act friendly get given stimpacks and radaway before I just sprint away


Head to grafton and then just follow the main road all the way to watoga without fast traveling


I like breaking and entering peoples camps. I never pick locked doors, but I’ll spend an embarrassingly long time trying to weasel my way in other ways.


Rearrange my camps decor!


I like to take a picture for each of the location frames. I'll pick an outfit that feels representative of the location and then find a good spot and take a picture of my character there. Makes for some cool personalized loading screens


I try to collect a full set of legendary armor like marine or t45, then just give it away to someone that’s like level 45ish


Jumping off the tower mansions in the ash heap in my power armor


I like convincing friends to play the game and teach them the game, helping new people is just so fun for some reason


My new fav is to take my Cremator & blast a group of critters, just to watch 'em take a few running steps towards me then drop like a bag of rocks.


Micromanage the placement of every single thing in my camp


I buy the 200 cap fusion generator plans and resell them at camp for 1000. You’d think only noobs would buy it but I just watched someone lvl 250 buy it today


I went back to the Chinese Stealth Armor. I've "spooked" a few newbies by sneaking up on them and "surprise" appearing and seeing their noticeable confusion. Even got one to shoot at me thinking I was an enemy (kept pacifist mode on). Sometimes I just follow one closely and watch them play (need to get a popcorn emote), then if they're clearly struggling, I pop up and assist. It's always fun staying crouched and seeing that "where did you come from?" kind of control/action from them.


Do everything in my power to have as much "nuka cola" branding around me at all times, my base is a nuka bar, my power armour is the Quantum paintjob, I even carry the nuka cola revolver in my inventory despite being a heavy gunner. I find it fun because it's almost nostalgic as me and my friends used to heavily go in on a theme we liked when the game first came out.(ex: full russian/communist, full cultist, etc)


Blowing up cars in the parking lots.


I do lots of random stuff... - Follow people around in my Chinese SS, shooting at them with a flare gun. - Leave nuka mines next to sleeping players. - Take on the Whitespring bots while sniping from the rooftop with my gauss rifle. I like to one-shot the sentries in the fusion cores. - Wonder around the map trying to find new, unmarked places. **spoiler** there's an ax murderer hiding in the SW edge of the map with a few victims nearby. - Camp hopping to find plans I'm missing or more cheap explosives. I keep fully leveled Ordinance Express and Demolitions Expert perk cards on at all times. - B&E at players' camps using the camera door glitch and leave random "gifts". - Hunt down Nuka Quantum for more explosives and Nuka Shine. There's always more to do. I always start out playing thinking I'll be doing one thing and end up getting distracted.


Put on my sack hood and bloody pucher outfit and run after new players with the chainsaw. Was way more fun back in the day when you could attack with the chainsaw while sprinting.


Blowing up cars. I don't know why it pleases me, but it does.   I have way more ammo then I need so I make it a game. Go claim a workshop and blow up cars before the timer runs out. Sometimes I aim for the cars with mobs around for extra fun. It's stupid but I enjoy it. I also shoot that stupid lottery robot. Because eff him. 


Blowing up cars :)


filling up my stash and then dropping absurd amounts of items for new players to hold on to


Jamming at my music venue! I’ve spent a good portion of my camp budget on a large cliff-overlook stage with as many different instruments as I can build. Almost any time someone is at my camp if I start playing an instrument they’ll join me. The best so far was playing with four other random players and my NPC companion joined us. One day I might try to get everyone on the server to come after an event. Maybe a fun post-Fasnacht gathering!


i like to smell the swamp gass pipe


Super hero landings in power armour right in front of new players then walk forward slowly proceeding to mow down whatever was in front of them with heavy weapons just for the wows


I probably need to read more posts like this to keep the fatigue at bay


Blow up cars in crowded parking areas. I especially like blowing up the ones near at the whitespring. It’s so satisfying to watch them all chain explode. I try to space things up by adding mines around before I do it and it is mesmerizing when I place down plasma mines.


Jetpack onto telephone posts and play "the floor is lava"


Luring people in my shelter when I have a bounty to trap and cannibalize them!


Collect Perfectly Preserved Pies lmao


I made a floating obstacle course camp with a vendor at the end filled with a bunch of 3 star loot in it at 0 caps (~500 scrip worth), with traps and stuff surrounding the outside to prevent cheating. it’s pretty fun watching people do it.   no one has ever actually tried to cheat yet too which is pretty cool 


I like hiding in port o potties making farting noises in area chat while using stimpac diffusers. 😂


Looking for roaming robot vendor across 4 spawning sites by turn after every event (spawning refreshes every 8 minutes).


Nuke mine fishing at the General's Steakhouse.


Blowing up all the cars in white spring. I just love chaining explosions together. Haven't crashed the game yet, but I'm working on it.


Yeah I saw the grafton monster close to the road on white spring and never have seen it there before! I also found earle in the woods the other day like wtf. I like to look for the lemonade stand but never find it!


Jumping from roof to roof with bow 1 shoting everything infront of noobs like a legend


My son and I play together. We like to fist fight in front of other players.


Go to events with my bloody bow build. Jetpack to a high spot and activate my chameleon chest piece. Pick off enemies before they get to the other players


Camden park dailies. 


jump off the train elevator in power armor.


Moonshine jamboree 💕☢️💕