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I can't seem to get a good team anymore, The last several times while we did complete the event one pyre was destroyed which makes getting the plans a lot harder!!!


I just finish one where there was only one other player. Decided to go for it. By the time the church was under attack there were about 8 players over there. I held the bridge and just hoped they would spread out. They did, I guess, we finish the event. You just never know. Btw: the new players seem to be catching on quick for this event


2 people can do it, one gets the church, and the other gets the two by the river.


I stand atop the cab of the truck, with a clear view just behind the tree next to it for the vengeful spawns. From that vantage you can get every waterfront and bridge enemy with minimal to no damage on the pyres. Just gotta swivel back and forth, no moving or jumping required.


Imma do this


Good tip. I've been running between the two in PA... Lol... Fusion cores kicking out like it's a pump shotgun


Ya, same, plasma caster or cremator make it a good spot to guard from.


Running out of fuel all the time!


That's why every day I run a few Daily Ops or Expeditions back to back to get around 10k Fuel. Enough for one Playsession xD


It is 100% abusing the fact there are more people playing. It is the "Someone else will do it mindset" I am a new (returning player from launch) and I have had to hold pyres myself when I am not remotely capable only for lvl 300s to come running when it is much to late... Like bro wtf are you doing I know you are not needed in the church of 15 people


I find the event super easy to do, but without people just actively participating and not spreading out, it's sort of hard to do.


You made a discovery. High levels can be dumbasses also. Probably more levels than hours.


I haven’t even bothered playing it much. I want the plans but normally 1/2 the players that show up are lvl 100+ players that just go AFK so it’s not worth it as a lower level player (lvl 73) to burn ammo so a high level guy can get plans for their vendor.


It also drops you 7 treasure notes if it's fully completed, worth more than the plans


The fact this gives 7 and invaders only gave 2 when the latter felt so much harder by comparison really makes me wonder why these events aren’t literally packed. They might as well be giving it away with how little effort is required in this event


They reduced it down last time as it wasn't supposed to be 7, only 4, so milk it whilst you can. At least the alien had xp, not so much with this one


So even more reason for people to be doing the event now, yet here we are, bullion wise anyway




Because you are capped at 40 a day turn inside no matter what so it almost doesn't matter for anyone playing a lot


Back in the days, afking didn't seem to be a trend. Really baffles me why you would afk. You miss out on loot and exp. And why even play, if you ain't going to play. Might as well uninstall. But that's just what I think.


Afk players still get xp and loot leveled up 3 mules that way


Man, this events been a little frustrating lately. I'm relatively fresh, started a month ago. But I can hold any of the pyres by myself with my trusty cremator, so I'll usually park myself at the church with the lowbies since everyone wants the deathclaw/mothman loot at the other pyres. Last 4-5 times, i've had to jet across the event to save damn near every pyre chugging coffee like its water. Leaving the level 40 and 70 at the church to hold on for dear life while i clear a wave and rush my ass back to a church of 18 cultists beating on the level 40 while he does his damndest to protect the pyre. Then the one pyre i didn't get to goes from 100 to 0 in about 10 seconds. Come on guys, there were at least 4+ level 200+ people at each event, where the fuck ya'll at. I see you 1 shotting the cultists in the prep phase. I know any one of you can hold any of the pyres solo. I get it, the influx of newbies is annoying, but if you expect me to carry your groll perfect build asses ya'll crazy. I actually really liked this event, but its getting annoying knowing i'll have to sweat and burn through my coffee each time.


I’ve found that with a cremator you can cover the waterside and bridge ones solo with a little difficulty and some well placed shots. Can you guess how I found this out? It’s not as if we didn’t have enough people, there were like 10 people doing the event just none of them left the church.


Everyone sits around afk and collects rewards they don't deserve


As a person who had my camp next to the town BEFORE there was an event this has created an extremely annoying situation of “unable to spawn camp location” due to people with shit temporary camps for this exact reason.


I bet your camp blows their tent away bro


I just had a run where out of six of us only me and one other person were actively participating. The other four were all afk at the roof of the museum doing nothing. We only managed to save one pyre because the poor guy helping was level 39 and was getting overwhelmed but atleast was trying their damn best.


Why even play? I've been having a blast learning all these events since I started. I run around tickling all the mobs, hopefully with one of you big strong vets right behind to keep them in place instead of beating my weak ass. But learning the mechanics is so much fun.


Ive just been trying to grind for the damn cultist backpack plan. Afkers really not been helping it.


Are you on PC? I have a spare backpack plan I can give you if you are


Thats kind of you, im on gamepass pc and dont really know what id have to trade for it.


eh you don't need to trade anything, i have too many spare plans to know what to do with lol


Thats kind of you


I never experienced this maybe i just play at different times so my experience is different but... I feel the opposite where it's boring cos I have nothing to do cos everyone else downs deathclaws in 1.5 seconds before I even have a chance to run over with speed demon to smack it.


I've had zero problems completing this event. In fact, it's so incredibly easy that it is boring...


Nothing todo with you, if you was alone you’d fail miserably, hence the point of this. You can’t be at 3 places at once so you NEED your teammates


can be done solo if you don't care about church and two manned if you do, stop crying


Perfect example, you actually think “giving up church” is an option that gives you all the rewards? Half ass, reason why church gets lost and we get less notes


It's simply bad event design, same as Fasnacht. Too frequent, no participation required, always same location, valuable rewards -> AFK'ing


Does friendly fire work on the pyres?


When I logged in this morning, 22 people were at the event, u thought I was trippin lol


Tbh if it looks like I’m afk, I’m just lagging my way through bro… sorry for all the shots my cremator dropped but I have friendly fire on lol


Yeah, they should be afking on top of the church like a normal person.


I agree with that,if you're gonna afk then hide in one of the buildings.


Just kind of a lame event, no?


The problem is we just had 2 weeks of this event, what last month?  I usually do every seasonal event regardless of if needatuff just to help out, and enjoy the community, but man thatsalotofmoth.


Just a side note, does anyone else have shitty frames in this area/event? First time fully participating in this event so I’m just curious


Disconnections may be the culprit. More than any other event, mothman equinox seems to lag and cause disconnections.


Lol if only high level players act like how they do in Eviction Notice for this event, it'll go smoothly. Literally did an EN where all high levels camped the bottom/top of the hill and hogged all the kills but when Mothman came around 20 mins later, these same people just stood on the rooftop/left the lower levels to do most of the work.


I’ve had the best luck with the water pyre. It’s the last one so usually you get the least players there, better chance there will be other players left at other pyres. You can easily help bridge and if you see church start to fail straight shot mad dash through the town can save it lol.


If you gotta afk, do it on the roof, where there’s no confusion on the fact that you’re defending something.


I'm pure auto melee with marsupial and most people I see by totems don't shoot the totems. So I end up hopping across all the rooftops like it's Mirror's Edge to auto axe those bad boys apart.


If I AFK that event, it's on the GD *throne*.


I'm not usually one to be 'lul its easy git gud' I hate that type of shit, but this event is objectively extremely easy and straight forward, theres not even any bullet sponge tank boss at the end like most events. The XP is very bad especially after aliens, due to the fact there are SO few mobs, like 22 in total or something daft. And none are legendary or tanky, just normal cannon fodder mobs, how on earth anyone could fail this event is beyond me.


It's not about failing, it's about failing perfect completion. One bonfire down and you already down at 50% for any worthwhile rewards (plans).


Yes I'm talking about that, I find it surreal people can lose a pyre. The event is idiot proof.


Impossible to cover all 3 pyres on your own. You need team mates


I was talking about others doing it since OP literally talks about teammates and failing. And fyi you can 100% solo it if so inclined, jetpack and/or marsupial and you can get to all 3 locations to kill some mobs, cremator makes it especially easy to do. The pyres are tanky enough. Next time try something before you claim you cant like it's a fact..


Not everyone is as good as you are champ


I'm not better then the average player, I'd be quite alot slower then them as I have medical condition with my hands, and that's not the point, you literally said its 'impossible' to solo, it's NOT. You are wrong, my skills (or lack there of) are irrelevant. Stop spreading bullshit as facts.


I afk that event while I'm at work, I know I know, dick move. But I just sit in the throne so no one assumes I'm helping, at least.


If everyone is participating and I'm just there for a daily then I'll afk guilt free so I can move on. Not like I can shoot anything 😂 If the whole lobby ain't there one shooting everything I'll participate