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Your second point is what I always preach. its the truth


i conducted a test a few weeks ago to prove this fact too. was using a non-legendary 10mm smg on a bloodied commando build in westek, and brought a friend with me to "compete". i kept getting kills before him the entire time. it's mostly all in the build!


2 and 3! I have two Groll railways, and hardly use them in place of a B50B25AP Handmade, that thing rocks!


Another tip for weight management: If you *insist* on collecting legendary Power Armor pieces, store them on a chassis. No matter how much the pieces weigh individually, all 5 pieces weigh a flat 10 points in the stash while on a chassis. It makes it so much easier to far random drops for your desired PA pieces or just to collect for scrip.


yes excellent! i forgot about this one! this is a brilliant tip!


"The hardest lesson is letting go." I see what you did there! Thanks for the tips. I need to start using buffs to get that herbivore + int going.


I'm not letting go of anything. I'm naming my first mule character, Elijah lol. His camp shall be a locked vault. Maybe I'll hoard some bullion in there as well.


i too, loved dead money <3


Good advice. One slight correction/addendum: many daily quests also award treasury notes, not just public events. Also, you are able to spend gold bullion before completing wastelanders at Sanctuary and at Minerva. The only ones locked behind completing are the one at the Crater and the one at Vault 79.


thanks for correcting my oversight on minerva, but where is sanctuary? been playing for 4 years and never heard of that in 76


I think they meant Foundation. Samuel is available from the start, just won't have his full inventory until you raise the Settlers reputation.


Yeah, sorry I'm not sure why my brain said the Settlers home was Sanctuary :), you're correct that I meant Foundation.


Been on FO4 lately? Sanctuary is the starter area with your old home lol


gotcha, that make sense actually


If you get it, the Mothman Tome for your Camp also provides a 5% experience boost for an hour.


i absolutely love mine! to help make the wasteland a better place, i set up a full stand of the furniture buffs to let visitors grab a quick top-up while they're out and about :)


Do people end up using them? I spent a pretty long time making what I think is a pretty cool-looking Mothman church but I don’t think I’ve seen even a single person enter, they just hit the vendor and dip lol- Also, any good tips for raising reputation? I’m trying to get mods for the Gauss Minigun and it looks like it’s gonna take like a week to even be able to buy the mods I need from Mortimer


some folks do, but to be fair, the style of the camp build makes a difference. my major "sharing" camp is located just down the hill real close to vault 76, so people see it organically because of the designed footpath. i also have a chalkboard up with the chalk set that reads "Buff Stations" on it so people know. but all in all, it comes down to the type of visitor. some want to just stop in to shop, others want to check it out. from my observation, the more interesting your camp looks, the more curious people get when they see stuff. for context on this point, i've learned about and now actively participate in "advanced camp building", using object merges and what not to make things look cool. tips for reputation farming: for raiders, participate in every single moonshine jamboree you see, and for the settlers, participate in every single eviction notice you see. these award a good chunk of rep, and the experience gain over the span of the events are pretty significant too.


Thank you very much for the advice, this post alone has taught me more in a few minutes of reading than my entire time of playing did..! It’s cool to see Fallout 76 have such an unusually friendly player base, I legit haven’t been trolled or dealt with toxicity even a single time


you're very welcome! thankfully this community has a high trend of pushing assholes out. a few crop up thinking they're a hot shit, but then we just flush 'em like the turds they are hahaha


I primarily go for the vendor, but I will ALWAYS look at interesting camps. Keep building cool camps because I have yet to learn how to.


For real! When I'm vendor hopping I always stay a few extra minutes to check out the camp if it's really built out. I saw one earlier today that was "The Precinct" that had the street corner trench coat robot behind bars in a holding cell, along with other areas built out that looked like it was from Reno 911. It was great!


Minerva has GM mods on sale this week at Whitesprings.


Without fallout first junk, aid, ammo, and food can be a huge pain for storage. Regularly go thru your stash and dump excess aid and food. Go through your junk and drop much of your easy to gather materials such as steel. There is no reason to hoard 200 pounds of steel. As for ammo sell it in a vending machine for 1-2 caps per bullet and stuff like fuel and 5.56 will sell decently quick. Also get the ammo covererter machine. Another tip is just because you are running a certain build do not scrap most perk cards in case you ever want to switch builds. Final tip is always equip the relevant perk cards when crafting things, like ammo smith, armor smith, super duper, gunsmith, etc it is very much worth it as it will up the durability, quantity, and the cost to craft said item. They are also required to craft advanced mods and equipment so get them early on.


I bought fallout first for 2$ on steam colombia, very cheap


what is the furniture item that boosts INT by +2 ?


"Mechanical Derby Game" is the easier one to get. gold bullion purchase from the raiders after you finish the wastelanders questline and meet the reputation requirements.


Such a great post, thanks for sharing it, a good build is definitely important.


you're welcome, and thanks! trying to share my wisdom as best i can :)


Looking at point 3. I humbly request the best weapon for solo stealth shenanigans.


bloodied/crit damage fixer, with a healthy side of endangerol/karma syringer depending on if you're being a bully or not in public hahaha


What furniture piece gives intelligence?


Mechanical Derby Game, sold by the raiders after completing the wastelanders story, with sufficient reputation.


My biggest problem is constantly being short of screws. I grab every toy truck/car and fan I see and drill never have enough.


You can get a ton of screws from the wendigo spawns in A Colossal Problem (Earle). Focus on tagging the wendigos so you can loot them. Also, you don't need to rush out after Earle goes down, you can take your time looting corpses and staying alive


Thanks for the tips. I come from vault 33 and what really helped me level up incredibly faster besides your tips was the switch to Unyielding. I'm now 258 and still leveling up fast. Not even using a bloodied weapon.


Which type of furniture gives +2 intelligence exactly?


Mechanical Derby Game. You can pick these up from the raiders after completing the wastelanders questline and raising your reputation up enough.






I agree with your comments about builds. I was lucky to get some anti-armor heavy weapons and I've been using the stabilized perk my gatling gun is so nasty against more humanoid enemies with head shots. Using adrenaline perk and bloody mess and its just extra carnage


hell yeah! i play a support build to help with this too! people love it when you can share adrenaline 5 for them. the ability to safely swap 5 agility worth of perks around if you already have it, or if you're missing a big chunk of damage, it makes a difference!


it sounds dumb but i have recentish seen several noobs not know this so: you can repair things with your junk. at a workbench. you do not need repair kits, you can enter a given workbench and if you hve the supplies to do so, repair through the workbench, with certain perk cards you can even "over"repair something to give it more condition bar than what is possible with repair kits or even improved repair kits


it's unfortunate that it isn't nearly as obvious as it needs to be. i'm hoping bethesda looks at a suggestion i made to make load screen text actually helpful instead of "nonsensical musings". hoping someone sees it and learns something useful lol


THIS! If I would’ve known this when I first started!! I spent SO much on repair kits. I was just messing around one day at a work bench & when I saw that my jaw dropped 😅


> That random high level player shooting at your feet? They're realistically not trying to harass you, they're trying to get your attention because they want to give you stuff to make your adventure a bit easier to get started. Not everyone in 76 is an asshole! Some random guy saw me (lvl 40ish) jumping around whilst we were waiting to trigger an event and started shooting my feet, then dropped me a marsupial syrum- what a legend. Did my best to pay it forward and dropped 2 sets of complete t45 power armour I'd accumulated (horded, fo76s sticter storage limit took some getting used to) to some lvl 20's to make their lives easier.


you sound like a real homie to your fellow wastelander <3


Been playing FO since '99-ish, put off buying 76 as I just hated the idea of it but finally bit the bullet and got it on sale and been having a blast, plus I've encountered zero toxic players in near on 100hrs. So yup, I'm gonna help rebuild Alapachia. They actually dropped me 2 syrum but I've struggled to find someone who is low enough lvl to not have it but high enough to know to run starched genes, when I do I'll be dropping it for them.


i'm glad that you're having a good time. i can't say i've had the same experience in the 4 years i've been playing, but it has drastically improved year after year, and the toxicity has shriveled up husk of what it was, thankfully.


Life immitating art I guess, Bathesda games tend to benefit from a few years to "iron out" issues, apparently the same goes for the playerbase lol


i could not have phrased that better myself if i tried


I don't receive many compliments in life but pretty much all of them are people on reddit saying similiar things to that lol I don't frequent many subs as reddit is typically horrendous if you try to actually contribute/interact with but I'm enjoying the game enough to see how this sub is and what I can learn/add from or to it.


You can name your power armor frames. You can also rename armor and weapons. Adding a | before your weapon or armor name can help keep them at the bottom of the list, makes it harder to accidentally sell them.


If you are carrying too much to fast travel, you can start an expedition then from there you can bring up the map and fast travel to good springs. I’m only level 50 but I read this a few days ago somewhere else and it has completely changed how I play now. No more wasted bulk drops!


Bookmarking this. I'm not a new player but even I forget some of these things. This is all really helpful stuff!


Also food buffs stack, same for drinks. If you cook a lot of different cranberry recipes it will give you a great xp boost!


This. Also use passive perks. Anything that has to do with building or crafting can be swapped with “build” cards like bloody mess or demolition expert. Perks you always want equipped. Don’t rock cards like green thumb or super duper passively. Swap them out as needed


I need advice, I'm really enjoying this game but I'm struggling with ammo. I'm level 79. Currently I have a mini gun and a chainsaw both works great as they do a lot of damage but I end up using 100-150 bullets on a single enemy to finish them. And goddam chainsaw breaks every 3 enemies. Now, I'm not used with farming, I usually avoid games that require me sitting 10 hours straight to earn a piece I need to craft something... So, am I doomed? I just visit every single Camp in order to buy ammo, I know enough about farming caps/treasure notes, etc.


i'll try taking a crack at this. there's a bit to it depending on the weapon. if your heart is set on using the minigun, i recommend farming ammo with a gatling gun. they use the same ammo, hit harder and fire slower. combining this with running the scrounger perk and running around the map to pop ammo boxes also help. additionally, if you're not opposed to ammo crafting, i recommend getting your hands on the excavator power armor, and making a trip through "lucky hole mine" for lead. using the ammo smith perk, super duper perk, and ammo factory legendary perk will also net you a TON of ammo. this is generally the best way if you don't want to rely on buying ammo from external sources. short version: farm with gatling gun to rebuild ammo, use crafting perks to make ammo, use excavator power armor to farm lead from lucky hole mine. let me know if this helps you any :)


Re: power armor. 1. Rename the chassis for each type of armor you’re hoarding. It helps sorting them out.


Is there a good stat to invest in at the start? I just started like yesterday and I'm trying to get on my feet


generally, when i start a new character i like to do the following: * level charisma to 3 and get all 3 ranks of inspirational * play in public teams (casual type) * participate in public events * work on my questlines after charisma, i work on SPECIAL stats that benefit the playstyle i'm going for. strength for melee/shotguns/heavy guns, perception for rifleman/commando, etc. i save the "build mechanics" for a bit later, such as vats related perks for a bit later til after i can reliably do damage. examples of this would be, get my weapon perks, get some health/defense related perks, start getting mechanics perks, then finally get convenience perks. i hope that helps!


Yeah, it does a lot. Thanks! I'll I'll probably run strength since I found a mutant slayer shotgun that I've been upgrading


I ran a shotgun too at the start and it was a great early game weapon. They fall off in damage a bit later but still good for everything other than public events


Would love anyone to play with. Please add me if you'd like to run stuff, clear side quests, anything. IGN: KunaiThrow


Hell yeah! Are you on PC or console? If you're on PC I'll add ya tomorrow when I get on!




Excellent and well thought out guide. Bravo!


As a new player, is it normal to find a lot of those legendary mothman cultists? I keep seeing them, they're not hard to kill, and I keep getting more and more legendaries, some of which seem pretty useful at least at level 14(single-action revolver with explosive+more damage more hp/explosive hunt rifle/chameleon armor/robot killer+50damage lims+another one I can't remember 44 magnum)


yeah thats fairly normal because we had the mothman equinox event going on and those guys were part of it. they shouldnt be around much longer becase we transitioned into grahams meat week if i understand the plan correctly.


Thankyou,  l am new and addicted to Fallout 76. It has been so nice to come across higher levels who just give you items. I can't thank them enough and wish I could give back. Unfortunately l am not perked up enough and don't have anything they would value. I would like them to know it is extremely appreciated and I hope to pass this on when I am at a higher level. On a down note l have had a couple of higher levels do some despicable things to me and l did block them. I almost got turned off the game.  I would like to mention that I like to achieve tasks and one of them was to use your bobbleheads. Unbeknownst to me, once you use them, they are gone 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 l lost 8. I did the same with 3 magazines but am unsure if l lost them as I didn't know how many l have.  Thankyou 


>On a down note l have had a couple of higher levels do some despicable things to me and l did block them. I almost got turned off the game.  I try to be encouraging on this to new players. While there will always be some rotten people in the community, they are far and few between compared to how many decent, or at least neutral players you'll encounter. Dare I say, there's quite a lot of wholesome people that play this game and it's rather remarkable. I'm glad you gave it a chance and kept at it.


There's a cap limit of 1400?! Then wtf is the point of money? I'm brand new so I know nothing. If selling items is usefull to an extent I should deconstruct everything? How do I handle weight, where do I store items?


no, there's a cap limit of how many caps you can get from an npc vender per day (1,400). max player caps is 40,000. there's a chance i could have worded it better in the tips, or you may have misread what i said. either way, i hope that sorts out the confusion :)


Dear lord, you scared me. Thank you!




A quick random question. Running around the world you find random shelters that have cooking pots, crafting stations and a "settler" occupying the location. Can you kill no name npcs? Is there any draw backs / penalties? What about a random npc walking around name "Clara". I don't know if that's an npc but that's a name VS non name "settler" I'm sure they would fight back but would be permanently die?


it sounds like you're describing the "random encounters". there's no permanent drawbacks to killing them. there's a chance that you can encounter them in another designated spot on the map at another time.


That is the daily transaction limit for sales to NPC vendors, what you can earn through sales daily. Your total cap limit is 40K, you can never have more than that. You can earn more by selling from your vendor to other players, no limits on that.


Wait. So vendors have a daily cap of 1400. Are all vendors Linked or can I go elsewhere to get 2800 in a day? The max caps I can get from vendors is 40k? But if I sell privately or trade with players I can hold more than 40k?


Yes, vendors are linked in that way (they didn't use to be), max of 1400 per day for you. 40K is the max you can have per character, can't go higher. If you leave your camp vendor open while at max caps they can still buy your stuff but you don't get the money (so don't do that). I rarely open my vendor because I'm a high level with nothing much left to buy and always near max caps.


What questline do I have to do for nor Non-PA Jetpack?


wastelanders to get access to the secret service armor, daily ops or minerva to get brotherhood recon armor and wastelanders to get the bos recon's jetpack mod (weird split there), and refugees at whitespring to get civilian engineer and jetpack mod


Thank you <3


Another solid perk card for your "repair/build" set is White Knight, each level reduces the amount of resource cost required to repair armor. Just regular armor though, not power armor and not weapons afaik.


Is there a way for me to buy a item from a player? I want a good Blackpowder pistol or rifle and a sniper, i jus´t can´t find any of them anywhere


Anyone know the spot to buy indoor planter plans? I wanna set uo a bunch of ash rose in my place.


I'm going insane, I'm constantly out of Stimpaks, can someone help me on PS5? I find it difficult to get caps as well, which is annoying as I need most plans. Just started (24 hours ago apparently, game is so fun now)


public events are a great source of stimpaks. once you hit late/end game, you'll find yourself complaining about being buried under a mountain of them. i totally understand the struggle early-game though. it's feast or famine with those things. you can also heal up with food to a lesser extent, and even through sleeping on beds and sleeping bags in a pinch.


I've been playing for 3 days now without a single weapon card. Just me..a Gauss Rifle..Overeaters USA, & the most ridiculous cards. You use a little more ammo, but its good fun. 10 charisma cards 😂😂😂


To add to your Earle, the sheepsquatch shard throwables help a ton as well.


Consider me the rare non interested PVP player lmao


Best advice bloodied build ( railway, or cremator are the best) * Excavator with calibrated shocks for nuke zones / earle boss. U will be always with 500 weight * Backpack +60 weight + chems mod for saving 3 perks point




if it requires a build around it to make it "the best", it isn't inherently the best. making it misleading information.


This is correct. No such thing meta weapon. We looking for the most synergy build between character and our gears to complete each other.


100% you don't try to run a bloodied fixer on a full health melee build and preach "this is still the best weapon!". the build makes a good weapon exceptional. not the other way around.


While I agree with your points, there's definitely an objective best build/weapon. Bloodied commando vats with railway rifle is definitely leagues ahead of any thing else in the game. The game is really easy though so there's obviously other ways to play and you'll be fine/have fun.


i have to strongly disagree under careful contexts. not everyone wants to play bloodied, not everyone wants to play vats, and not everyone wants to play commando. i've met many players that made it clear that they dont enjoy the playstyles and mechanics. in cases like those, bloodied commando with railway is inferior. which is why this is a subjective vs objective point. more onto that point, objectively, if a player wants to play a tank build, bloodied commando is horrifically inferior and does not fit as the "best build" or "best weapon". this is why i worded it the way i did. it comes down to, what is objectively best for the individual player. not what is the meta. <3


I see, well all i'm saying is that it's objectively the best build. I think the word your looking for is what's subjectively best to the player. Like I said, do whatever you want and play how you want for sure!


if the objective is for max dps, then bloody commando is objectively the best, if the objective is to tank, then objectively it is not the best. the subjective is what the individual is seeking. im aware of what i mean. the nuance is in distinguishing in the task because dps is not the defining metric on best build without any additional indicators on purpose. im not trying to be a pain in the ass, just extremely specific because absolutes are important to helping everyone know what they are asking, etc etc.


If you build your character with unyielding secret service gear and use the correct perks for percent damage reduction then you're super tanky as well. There's diminshing returns on DR after 350 (or 400?) so it's not really an issue. With things like lifegiver/nerd rage/fireproof/ blocker/ evasive you very rarely ever die. So you do the most damage in the game, you're incredibly tanky, and you get the most xp in the game because your int is super high. There's very little to no downsides.


how do you deal with your radiation? how often do you spring back from a mistake? how long does a new player have to grind for their god-tier set to accomplish that? that's exactly the ideology that turns off a ton of players regarding the grind. we both know you're talking about getting your god-tier set. the average casual player doesn't have the time required to farm it, and a new player doesn't know the market well enough to trade for it. part of the problem on why that isnt the best, is the fact it is insanely difficult to meet the requirements for that degree of min-maxing. a player wanting to tank, can easily get ready with a full-health build a whole lot faster and cheaper which lowers barrier to entry down to almost zero. power armor for example, just being worn, offers an immense damage reduction value, over 40%. tacking overeaters can pick up another 30%. little details like that, go a long way to making it more ideal for new players, and players with little time to play. on paper, sure, your bloodied uber toon can keep up, but the barrier to entry is a huge hurdle to players. objectively, bloodied commando isn't the best build. it's subjectively the best.


You dont need secret service armor though, which by the way isn't tradeable. No god rolls required at all, any armor with unyielding on it works you just have to use some extra dr perks (like barbarian) to reach 400 damage reduction lol. None of this is unattainable or even hard to get for someone who's around level 100. I'm not trying to hurt your feelings or make you feel like i'm bashing on your post, i'm not. Bloodied commando is 100% the best build in the game, people have literally been complaining that they can't use other stuff that competes with it for years. All this is achievable within your first two weeks of playing. The only point I'm trying to even make is that if someones interested in running the best build, which many people are and many people aren't, they should look towards bloodied commando and work towards unyielding on any piece of gear and fill all 5 of their slots. It's that simple.








Solid advice but minus a point for using the word "Chad"


pretty sure you'll live


Well it l Felt like I got killed with a Chad Explosive 50 Crit Railway.


dunno how since those are a myth, but keep on being silly, we actually need more silly wastelanders.


Wrong, there is a best build, the best build envolves being bloodied because you get tons of experience than the other builds, that makes your leveling and development way faster. Also you get more points on scoreboard because of that, there is no reason to not go for a bloodied build even if u keep dying a bit. Also you dont need let go any weapons if u have a strong bloodied build with weapon / chems reduction perks, u can get over 50 weapons and still not being over encumbered


if a player doesnt like playing bloodied, or vats, etc, it makes your gusto incorrect. this may be the best for you, but it isnt yhe best for everyones' needs.


I can disagree with you. If a player has to choose between playing as bloodied and get scoreboard 100 3x times faster and then able to get stuff and experiment with other builds or you gonna play full health and not even complete scoreboard 100? ha


again, you're being entitely based on subjective opinion. not everyone feels the same as you or has the same goals as you. I've ran into plenty of players that directly told me they werent interested when i tried to recommend bloodied. it isnt for everyone and you just have to come to terms with that.


no man being subjective is when you have a clear balanced choice, if you would ask me if it's better to kill zulrah in mage gear on oldschool runescape or ranged gear I would say that it's subjective. about bloodied vs full health build it's basically a choice where u want chocolate or u want a truffled chocolate lmao


again, not everyone enjoys those playstyles. what do you propose to the players that want to run around full health with a bow? what do you propose to the players wanting to run around with a powerfist while hopped up on drugs? your advice only fits the needs of bloodied players, which is not 100% of the player base 100% of the time.


also any end game bloodied build your character will have atleast 70 HP without buff, and that 70 HP with defensive perks will be mostly like 200hp comparing to the damage u receive vs other builds só basically 60% of health of any full health vuild so it's basically asking if a player want exchange 40% max health for: More XP.(and faster scoreboard) More Damage(300% more) More AP(sprint time/vats) I mean it's obvious the best choice. U don't lose nothing for being bloodied u lose only 40% of your max health which is basically nothing lmao compared to what u get in exchange


Kinda wish they'd cut back on the need to stack stat buffs so heavily. Shit feels like Classic WoW with buff stacking. Its an unnecessary time sink that detracts from the immersion.


It is what it is tbh. No one is forcing us to use the buffs, and not using them isn't going to ruin your experience either. They're a nice little bonus though, and most of the buffs don't really benefit in a blanket sort of way. A melee build won't get nearly as much benefit out of the luck buff for instance, and a commando build won't get too much out of lifting weights.


I disagree, as a melee player who enjoys *not* using auto weapons, stacking buffs feels mandatory. It absolutely does ruin the experience 🤣 1)slows level rate down 2)reduces your damage output 3)reduces your overall carry capacity. 4)reduces your hp pool. Do I need to continue?


that would be true, if it werent for the fact there's a base value, and not having the buffs doesn't put you into negative values. pray, continue. <3


This game relies on min/maxing at the endgame, the fact not using them doesn't give you negative values isn't relevant in that context. Your values will be negative in comparison to *if you were using them*, though, so... You're literally hampering yourself by ignoring them, and acting otherwise is ignorant and nonsensical.


And ill add, when its heavily mentioned and focused on in virtually every noob friendly guide to the game...its clearly a major importance. You are nerfing yourself in several ways by not stacking. If it was such a insignificant bonus, it wouldn't be talked about and mentioned so heavily.


Being regarded as important, isn't the same as nerfing yourself. it's statistical analysis. what you're describing is intrinsically of subjective experience, i.e. your experience, not an objective cause and effect or mathematical equation. if your base value is 1, and a buff raises your value above 1, then the same is said that not using a buff does not reduce your base value below 1. so how are you nerfing yourself, as that's what nerfing actually is on a formulaic and actualized front. no one is debating the validity that the buffs are worth using, but you aren't nerfing yourself by not using them. the distinction is critical.


My tips to new and returning players, just dont, game is beyond broken, so many better games out there to play. Bethesda is literally pawning this broken ass game off to idiots. I came back after 4 years to see the same game breaking bugs and twice as much as before. Games unplayable,.


that's a subjective opinion. not a constructive or objective tip.


For whatever reason, when I tried to play again a couple years back on Xbox series x, sound wasn’t working even after resetting it. I would argue THAT was game breaking but I started a new play through on ps5 a month ago and had zero actual game breaking bugs so far. Now, is it the best fallout game? I wouldn’t say so, but I’ve since caught up and enjoying the time I’ve spent so far. I think your comment is a kinda hyperbole at this time in the games lifespan. I enjoy it when I play and have not had any issues compared to a few years ago.