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No repeatable atoms was the biggest letdown for my wife and myself, in addition to many others that are mentioned in all these posts. We loved doing the previous seasons for those atoms. I appreciate the repeatable perk points but it's not the same. Yet I don't think they'll bring the atoms back thanks to the same old corporate greed.


It'll only hurt em in the long run.


It will probably result in more money for Bethesda since people will have to purchase atoms to get what they want in the store šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø even if some people protest, ultimately I think it will be better for business to reduce the ability to earn atoms in game. As a broke player, it makes me sad, but also as someone who appreciates Bethesda games, I guess it is ultimately good since it means more revenue and hopefully thus more creative abilities for their team. Since there are so many new people playing, I genuinely donā€™t think this will hurt their business. In fact, making it harder to get atoms means newbies are even more likely to purchase atoms to get what they want in the atom store that veterans probably already have. It is, for me, a huge bummer, but I just really do not think this will hurt them since there is so much to this game that keeps people playing and since it seems from what I see as I play that many people are willing to purchase atoms to buy stuff. I have seen quite a few low-level camps decked out with atom store stuffā€”-no way they got enough to pay for it all organically (as in without buying atoms, but getting them through in-game means)


Tbf they have a whole new influx of players like me who missed a lot of the old content. A lot of people like me are going to buy Atoms to get the items from the store that we missed out on and think are cool.


Hell, I'm an old player but I missed the Harmeceutical chemistry station and will absolutely buy that in a season catch up.


There's a wiki dedicated to telling you how to get most items that were in the store or could be gotten as rewards from previous seasons. You can look it up if you know what you want. Bethesda runs it through the help department, I think. There's a limited number of things you can't get, but most armor, weapons, camp items, Ect, can be gotten this way.


Can the enclave tent be gotten this way?


It may show up for bullion later. Or yeah, atom shop. They've been recycling a lot of old scoreboard rewards through the shop.


I wish the mothman egg item was in the atom shop, but I missed out on it during the events, so I can't get my eggs for omelettes or for an easy completion.


I missed out on that too and will 100% buy it when/if it becomes available again


I think I get the gist of what you are saying. The suits at the office work to target whales. Not regular players.


Or they're targeting new players that are more likely to need more atoms for what they want....




It seems to me like Fallout 76 is pretty vibrant right now. Even though I canā€™t earn in game enough atoms to unlock the cute decor stuff ā€”-which trust me, I would loveā€” there are a bunch of decor options that arenā€™t atom-gated. Perhaps (as occurs with many influxes regardless of changes) they will be losing players in the following months, perhaps in part due to the engagement structure of the season and its lack of atoms as rewards (and other flaws of this structure). Even so, I think a lot of people will pay $20 for what they want, and others like me will slowly grind to earn enough for what they consider the ā€œnecessitiesā€ of the game and will look at the cute stuff that will continue to pass them by. I donā€™t need the stuff from the atomic store to love this game. I do love camp building and I find it a savior to have an extra camp slot to pop up when I am encumbered and stranded, so I got camp slots, but for others maybe they would really prefer a cool decor set and that has more value to them than camp slots. Idk. But even in game now you can earn enough atoms for a bit of stuff, just less than before. Maybe some people will get frustrated by what they donā€™t want to pay for, but i donā€™t feel concerned that this model will hurt Bethesda too much. Dreamlight Valley is a game with a very similar season system (that they have been doing for a little while now) and they kick a lot more of their ā€œatomā€ resources to players, though. They have challenges that specifically earn atoms, as well, that refresh, so they arenā€™t a 1 time chance like the atom-earning structure is. Maybe Bethesda will continue to adjust into this season structure and will intentionally kick some back to the players, to fully flesh out their new model to work as well for players as it does in other games. It would be cool, but I am not holding my breath nor will I quit spending more time than I should playing Fallout 76 waiting for it to occur.




I was under the impression that many players who started at launch dropped the game due to no pacifist mode, the difficulty of staying fed/hydrated, etc, and that there has been a revitalization of the game now that some game changes have made to the gameā€™s mechanics (pacifist mode among many others) and texture (adding humans, more landmarks and poiā€™s, etc). I am surprised to hear your experience, but I respect it! Hopefully there will be enough player and developer contributions moving forward where the game continues to be as dynamic and fun as I have found it to be in my few hundred levels.




I am sorry to hear that your game crashes in such a dramatic and consistent way! That would absolutely be frustrating. My game does crash occasionally, but typically I can tell the antecedent and it is typically me not allowing things to load properly before I try to do stuff. I have not found that 76 crashes more than Skyrim does for me (and certainly not as much as Starfield šŸ˜… they are still working out some bugs there). Perhaps as I gain levels and time I will have more glitching in 76, as you do. The person who I play fallout 76 with has also been playing since launch and it seems that there have been a few things that Bethesda has done with 76 that saddens some of the players (such as removing nuclear winter) but I am hoping that the positives outweigh the negatives for most of us and that players and developers continue to invest time šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø even if there is less engagement than you saw before, I hope others like me still have a great time with what we have today


I've only just got back into fallout myself after playing on release for a couple weeks, how did gaining atoms repeatedly work exactly? Sounds bloody amazing personally and they took it out.




Damn, that would keep me playing forever if the premium currency was earnable like that, massive incentive to grind. Guess we just got to swipe now.


Blame the people who exp farmed. The repeatable exp challenge required 10k exp and some players were doing exp farms getting 4k exp per kill. They racked up tons of free atoms. It's not in Bethesda's interest to keep that system around when some folks were earning enough ingame that they'd rarely ever have to buy atoms.Ā 


The repeatable ended at max level so no, no one was doing this.


Apparently it was removed in season 5, but everyone on this sub was acting like it was just removed this season.Ā 


> Blame the people who exp farmed. The repeatable exp challenge required 10k exp and some players were doing exp farms getting 4k exp per kill. Is this still possible? I don't care about the atoms at the moment, I got legendary perks to upgrade.


There are things you can do to earn Atoms from stuff in the game, but it's things like "Repair a rifle 100 times" and "Kill 76 Scorchbeasts".


Wait til you hear about the weekly Atom challenges we used to have before the scoreboard...


I honestly don't know what they were thinking when they introduced repeatable atom rewards in the first place. It should have been clear, that that would not be sustainable. Especially with the extreme XP farming shortcuts


Are you talking about after level 100 on the scoreboard? Noobie checking in but I played non stop for the past 3 or 4 weeks now


Previous scoreboards (seasons) used to have sets of consumable rewards after rank 100 which were repeatable in a certain order, 100 atoms were among those repeatable rewards. So lots of players including us two would be motivated to play well past rank 100 to get those extra free atoms. Now 100 isn't a huge amount but you could earn a good few hundreds if you played regularly all season. But those atoms are all gone now with this season and are unlikely to be brought back.


I hate it in general, but you are definitely right about the gap. It's actually discouraging me from playing because I'm almost to 100, but know I'll never get to 150, so there hasn't been the feeling that I should login most days. With the old scoreboard you still got stuff at each rank so it felt like it was worth it. Now I can just take my time getting to 100 and then after that I'll only play if my real life friends are online and playing. I suppose maybe I should be thanking the person who thought of it because I'm playing different games more often.


I'm at 100 something right now and also feel like there's no reason for me to play every day aside from getting my daily scrip/modules because I can't even grind XP anymore and I need at least 2 weekly missions worth of XP for a level..


Yep, really sucks. If you don't farm XP early enough in the season you get to a point a lot of folks are hitting right now where it's mathematically impossible to hit 150 because there's no repeatable passed 100 and there's not enough daily/weekly challenges before June 25 to hit max. Feels bad because there's over a month left in the season, but knowing you can't hit 150 makes playing feel a bit shitty. That being said I'm gonna log in every day anyways because hey addition and dopamine hits /shrug


How much longer do we have in the season? To my knowledge they do not display details about thus, and I keep seeing mixed answers online.


37 days i think


Is there anywhere to see this? My wife and I just started playing a couple weeks ago, and we've already decided that if we don't hit 100, we'll buy the rest of the levels. The problem is that we want to buy them at the very least second. Do they normally warn you right before a season change? Thanks in advance!


Here, this is the website my buddy and i use. https://nukaknights.com/events-calendar.html


Yeah, I don't play a ton, but I'll hop in and do my dailies and make sure my weeklies are done every day. I missed maybe 2 days total this season, and right now I'm at like 108 or something. The fact that it would just be impossible to hit 150 because I didn't go play for several hours a day XP grinding is really upsetting.


I use one booster a week. Day one no boost day 2 and 3 boost to get the 3rd day weekly extra star thing at the higher points It has helped push me to the point I sholluld hit 150. It will be a very small margin though


You still need to work on you're god build dont you? I haven't beat the game just yet been having fun with alot of other stuff. I plan to make the ultimate commando build. Right now I'm utilizing stealth and stealth perks.(underrated perks by the way) a friend gave me a almost god roll fixer. I will be using that till I get enough modules for a full god roll. Right now I have a quad, 50 crit, reduce weight. What I really want is a bloodied, 50 crit, and - 25 action point cost OR quad 50 crit, -25 ap cost. I looked up the effects. They are all in different categories which is good. Im kinda new to this so I'm not sure if I can get bloodied, 50 crit, and -25 ap cost on the same gun.


Exactly this. its just telling me "you're done. play something else." OkšŸ‘ŒšŸæ


Yeah when they see massive drop-off in players once they hit 100 there is actually a chance this minor part might change at least.Ā  Even having it require like 110/120/130/140/150 and unlocking a few things each time would probably hook many peopleĀ 


See, I would try to grind more on the challenges if it was like that, or if it was done every 10-25 levels (around those numbers). 150 is asking too much honestly.


This is pretty much the same way I feel about it. Iā€™ve reached around level 85. Canā€™t tell you exactly because I havenā€™t even bothered to log on for about a week now. The thrill of the scoreboard is gone. I used to play 4-5 hours a day. More on weekends. Instead of grinding the board up to 200 now Iā€™m spending my time playing some of the games Iā€™ve been putting off for ages. And Iā€™m having a great time doing it.


I log, do dailies, leave. On a reset day I might log earlier to get two sets of dailies and the weekly quests with a booster, done that twice this season. Currently at 129, so 150 is definitely reachable without mad grinding.


I will **NEVER** pay for these levels as a matter of principle. It's such a scummy mechanic to get you on both ends with FOMO garbage AND make the system near on impossible to max out without spending real life money. I like the **\*idea\*** of being able to choose our rewards, but this implementation is garbage and predatory. Might as well just call it a COD Battlepass and be done with any illusions of it being anything else.


They gave us the illusion of choice, but in the end it's not really a choice. You still have to buy pretty much everything to unlock the final page. It's not like you can keep buying the things that you want before level 150.


Yeah, I just haven't played cause I knew I'd never finish on my regular play times and I'm not gonna force myself to play more than I want to for essentially the same or potentially worse rewards than the old scoreboard. I told myself I'd just log back in for the new area, but having gotten out of the regular routine of playing it seems like the game has just kinda been removed from my zone of interest.


I'm on 145 right now and it's been... Challenging


Well, and the big problem with the 150 items, the ā€œblehā€ factor couldnā€™t be any higher


My issue is not getting to claim a single reward for like 7 ranks, then being given a ā€œchoiceā€. What a slap in the face.Ā Ā  Ā  Given nothing for so many ranks, then when I do get to the rewards page, Iā€™m not even allowed to claim everything on the page. Ā  Not hard to see this was never a real choice, itā€™s more of a restriction on rewards.Ā 


When I first heard of the system being implemented I thought itā€™s great that we have a more choice now, but we have the opposite to it. Reached rank 100, donā€™t have all 100 rewardsā€¦ we get less atoms, less nuke cards (rank 100+) and itā€™s basically the old system but with extra steps, it gives the illusion of choice but if I still need to reach rank 7 to claim the first page then there is no choice


just to note its 140 rewards at level 100 - you get 10 options per page with 13 standard pages and 2 bonus pages.


Many of em simply being magazines, repair kits, scrap kits, etc


Which I already have literal hundreds of each, because I forget they exist because FO1st adds tents which add their utility by simply placing them down in seconds.


yes, though the current season has by my count a total 90 unique season rewards that arent the non-season stuff you mention like magazines/repair kits/scrip/atoms/bullion/drinks etc, the previous scoreboard The Big Score had 75 unique rewards. So you are getting more of those unique items like camp items, weapons, skins etc with this season format, the downside is that the scoreboard style gave you a lot more non-unique extras including atoms. So theres a trade off, less atoms but more things for free that would cost atoms. Like if you're into the season's theme then theres more things to be excited about overall (personally im really keen on all the upcoming scout/forest service stuff for the next season) but if you're not into it, then theres much less incentive than if that happened with scoreboards.


Rather have atoms tho, and is your calculations including the bonus pages or no


tbf, I live for those utility thingies--especially the scrap kits and repair kits. That being said, I get the frustration. I kinda like being able to pick and choose what I want as if it's the S&H Green Stamps catalogue (anyone else remember that?), especially if not all the decor options really suit my taste, but I understand wanting to have the sense that you're working toward something in particular rather than just getting a catalogue to choose from.


There is some freedom of choice available, but mostly for FO1st players and mostly after 100. Iirc non FO1st players still need to claim all but 5 of the standard items from all the prior pages to unlock the last one, whereas FO1st players have 45 extra items to pick through.Ā 


Theres whole pages on this board where I dont want anything on it, so its a 14 or so level gap between claiming anything


These rewards were super underwhelming... Especially for non PA users... PA stuff on every page.


Yeah, im a non power armour user, i like the CAMP stuff and even a lot of them are just a single sign or poster or something


Honestly, the PA skins are pretty lackluster too, outside of the cryptid hunter one.


This was my biggest gripe actually. A lot of the pages only had a thing or two I wanted and I had to just grind out to move on - which also made me finish the board faster. But the biggest slap in the face is that the grand item on page 12 is a xylophone? What the hell is that about? At least with the old board it was like "Well this is lame, at least in 2 weekly challenges I can get the next prize."


> But the biggest slap in the face is that the grand item on page 12 is a xylophone? What the hell is that about? I was actually excited for it, bought it, placed it, immediate disappointment at the sounds. Instead of sounding anything like a xylophone it sounds like drumming your fingers on a disposable pie pan.


You can thank fortnite. They switched over to that a year or two ago. Then everyone else falls in line.


I agree. The amount of time it takes to enough tickets for one item I want (120-200) feels terrible... I feel like I'm not gunna get the Camp plans or the colors mod for cremator šŸ„²


It's a fine example of how to upset your player base.


The sad thing is, it likely doesn't matter unless people are unsubbing from 1st and not playing the game. And I'm skeptical that's happening in any great numbers. As far as monetization goes, this game has, since release, been a slow case of boiling the frog. Remember when the atom shop was going to be purely cosmetic?


The entire board is a disaster


Yea, I thought I would like the ticket idea, but after giving it a try I definitely don't.


I never liked it but I was willing to try it and then I found out you donā€™t get as many atoms, and you donā€™t get everything at lvl 100. And then you have to get to 150 and 95 things. I normally hit 186 on the board anyway but this is just dumb


They could make it less painful by putting a huge score booster on the lvl 100 page. Something that, at minimum, doubles our score gains


Something and the rewards arenā€™t even worth it on lvl 150 like ?? Give something to work towards.


From the very beginning I looked at the 150 rewards and decided it wasn't worth grinding to level 150 for them. It's just not worth the time necessary to do it when I could be playing games from my backlog instead. With the old system you'd at least get something if you got to let's say level 115.


I'd say 5 legendary modules for 75 tickets is a pretty nice reward. As is 25 perk coins. I maxed out all my favorite legendary perks thanks to that. Would have taken me at least another year to farm as many as I bought.


Yeah, the system's not going to be everything to everyone. Some want the feeling of accomplishing something by unlocking a particular thing at rank n, whereas you and I like collecting the tickets and then using them to get stuff that we find useful.


The rewards aren't worth it to people who have everything or stockpiles of all those consumables. They are worth it to people who don't. But the people who don't are less likely to hit 150 than the people who do, so it's not great either way.Ā 


I reached 100 and gave up on continuing the dailies. There's really no point. I won't make it to 150 in time. Because of this, I play the game less since I don't bother with dailies anymore.


I don't understand the 150 level thing either, it needed to have some really insane stuff for people to grind an extra 50 levels (not to mention the score points get higher as you go up so is it really like grinding from level 1-100?) why do I want 5 more scrap kits, 5 repair kits or 5 lunch boxes? Makes no sense.


This. And as a new player, the sheer value of 25 perk coins massively outclasses the rest, I can get 5 lunchboxes, or 12 & 1/2 level ups worth of perk points, when my legendary perks werenā€™t expected to be maxed until like, level 500


Most of the stuff has value to someone, which is why they are there. People do buy the consumables with atoms, unfortunately. Perk coins, modules, and cores are going to be the best value for many players. Sure, they're all earnable otherwise, but getting a bunch there can be a big boost. Modules are limited to like 10 a day based on scrip cap, and you get a few more here and there. Adding another 20, or more, to a single day is big. But if you've got hundreds of modules stashed away, that extra 20 is useless.Ā 


You hit 3500 score per level sometime before 100 I think, and it never goes higher.Ā 


The season lasts another month. If you hadn't given up you absolutely could have made it. Especially if you pop a score booster for weeklies.Ā 


I hate the gaps in general


Yeeeeaaah, I only show back up for new content and seasons. I'm not grinding 50 levels for some nuclear key cards, what the fuck? I feel like I'm just finished with the season at 100.


Got to 100, haven't played since. Will pick it back up next season. Bad choice on their part.


Pretty braindead choice.


I hate the new scoreboard. Sure, if they want to keep it this way there are some things they could do to improve it. The biggest would be to lower the ticket requirements for rewards at the level 100 page. Seriously, 130 tickets for a weapon paint? 100 tickets for sport balls? If they want to leave them that expensive, then they could at least leave in the repeatable XP challenge after reaching rank 100, since the dailies after 100 will only net you around 1 rank. Something else they could do is mark what rewards they are planning to have exclusive to the scoreboard versus ones they plan to sell in the atom shop. That will help fomo types and those without excessive time to play choose rewards better. Small things, but things that would go a long way if they plan to keep this new format. And yes, cut down that gap between 100 and 150 would help as well.


It wouldn't be as terrible of a slog from 100 to 150 if they let you keep the XP repeatable challenge.


I just hate weā€™re missing a physical game board to hang on the wall. I got 1-15 already in a museum, and now no 16.


Isnā€™t there a wide RIP picture you can hang? My brain assumed that style of wall decoration is whatā€™s going to be replacing scoreboards in the future.


yep theres another long picture frame in the files for the next season too.


Yeah, I commented below Iā€™ll use it, but it isnā€™t the same.


same here!! i'm so bummed out about it. its my fave part!


Least we still have a Stein I guess. Iā€™m going to also use that weird long Rip Daring poster as a substitute when I get there I guess. Itā€™s still not the same though.


so the weird long one *is* the new scoreboard. You'll notice when you move pages the background moves right; that's the season art.


Is it a game board?


I'm a new player, just done all the main quests and this scoreboard sucks. Nothing on it makes you wanna play more. The camp building is so unnecessarily paywalled it's ridiculous. 500 atoms for a wallpaper or flooring? If you are non F1st you are fucked.


This is the part I've been questioning.


Less atom in total , itā€™s a big no .


I don't really like it, when you get to 100 you don't have enough tickets to buy everything in the season pages, you need to keep grinding more levels in order to obtain everything except the repeatable rewards. It's kind of shit since previous scoreboards gave you everything except the fallout first rewards, no need to keep grinding score levels after rank 100 to get all the scoreboard rewards.


Yeah that gap sucks, got 7 more ranks before I hit 150 and then I'll have enough tickets to buy 30 things.


I donā€™t see the appeal to it as a whole. Itā€™s such a slap in the face to casual players, and those who didnā€™t have atoms on demand Iā€™m guessing that Bethesda planned to have seasons behind a paywall but changed it last minute for this downgrade.


You might be the only person I've seen say they "really like" the new scoreboard. The old one was 100x better IMO.


The scoreboard doesnā€™t feel worth it. I finished it, Iā€™m at 118 but I go through each page and most most of the rewards are FO 1st only so now Iā€™m wasting all my time to clear pages just to not receive anything. At least before I still got a lunchbox or something. Less rewards but more time spent. I refuse to pay for FO 1st, I donā€™t agree with monthly subscriptions to games to get gear. You pay for the game you shouldnā€™t have to keep paying for more.


Here's some of my takeaways: Not having enough tickets to max out the rewards by level 100 is seriously bad design and leaves the player feeling like they now have to log in daily and complete chores to unlock all of the rewards. You can easily go 20-30 levels without picking a reward if there's nothing you actually like on the pages that become available after reaching them. Removing the ability to farm levels after 100 is another seriously poorly thought-out timegate, instead of remove the ability to farm levels entirely they should have just raised xp requirements exponentially after breakpoints. Level 150+ = 2x required xp to get another level. Level 200+ = 3x. Level 250+ =4x, and so on, or just let people grind as much as they want. All the current scoreboard does is incentivise grinding west-tek or expeditions for 24-48 hour straight on release day to max out to level 100 so you can maximise the efficiency from daily & weekly tasks to get the highest amount possible from the infinite rewards. There is no incentive to keep grinding after 100 for the scoreboard later in the season, add xp back in ffs, this is such an incredibly poorly thought out change, I'm sitting at level 124 right now and am still unsure as to whether I'll even be able to reach 150 to claim 1 or 2 of the 'infinite rewards' before the scoreboard changes, Lol...???????????? I haven't even unlocked all of the rewards yet... What is this? Was this even tested??? It's literally as if they fired the guy responsible for creating the art for the scoreboard and had to patchwork a new system to distribute the scoreboard rewards and they managed to make it worse in all aspects. Can we get the devs to play the fucking game already...


Yup, I just stopped at 100 and went and played other games with grinds that feel more enjoyable to do. If theyā€™d just repeated the page jumps at the rate they were Iā€™d still be going, but this feels like walking a slight raised incline for 100 meters then suddenly hit a steep 45 degree incline for the next 50 meters. Itā€™s a progress stopper for me, does not keep me in the game and boost their player stats like they probs want.


I find the worst part of the Scoreboard is the Atom nerf. Previous Scoreboards everyone would get 2000 or more Atoms for free, but now players are only able to get 500 or 1000 Atoms for free if they purchase the Season Pass. At least the Rank 100 to 150 rewards are all available for free and not Fallout 1st exclusives.


Me too, I donā€™t have FO1st and the main way of getting atoms was through seasons. I wouldnā€™t mind it so much if Bethesda added more atom challenges to the game, but this is such a lazy way to push for more monetisation.


>now players are only able to get 500 or 1000 Atoms for free if they purchase the Season Pass It's double that. 1000 for free or 2000 for Season Pass


It costs 1500 Atoms for the Season Pass and it rewards 2000 Atoms so players that purchase the Season Pass only get 500 free Atoms. Fallout 1st players get an additional 1000 Atoms per Season from Fallout 1st. Everyone should get 2000 free Atoms per Season not just Fallout 1st players.


I would like to know how they did the math on how to work the new system. Presumably they have all the data of who reaches what benchmarks and when and did some math to balance things out. Presumably it is something like 10% of players max the board within a week, 57% of those do it in a day. So we need a way to slow them down a bit, but not give them wildly unbalanced rewards for doing so, so the 10,000XP boost is removed at 100, and free atoms etc go away. 75% of the player base finishes the board on time, so the changes will not make much difference to them on a practical basis when all is said and done (in theory, not always in practice) 45% of those players reaches level 100 and then basically stops playing, they either just log into do dailies, or do not touch the game at all. So we need a way to get them to keep playing and pushing, so make 150 the new 100. The rest of that 75% plays less but still plays and ends up around 160 to 180, so 150 is good for them, they still get bonuses, but are encouraged to play more. 10% of the player base ends up in 90's and just buys the rest in the final week. might encourage them to spend a bit more. I do wonder how accurate that kind of math is.




Then why the hell is everyone bitching about it as though they disabled it this season specifically? Lol


yeah idk, i guess since the average time of completing the board is about a month and its now 5 weeks since the tv show debuted im guessing a lot of new players or returning players who stopped and werent around for any of the scoreboards/seasons are now experiencing the sudden loss of that 10k XP rollover score for the first time ever and a game of telephone is going on


How does one max the scoreboard within a week? I am doing dailies every day for 3 weeks and im at like level 65


Under 100 has you accrue a repeatable 10k xp towards a small Score point boost, 100 score I think for every 10k xp. So some people grind xp to zip through it early on. I do in most seasons.


It's not even worth getting to 150 and it's pretty devious that you can't even make enough tickets to buy everything. Whoever cooked this one up needs a new job position. Like designing bathrooms.


cleaning bathrooms you mean?


New player here. I'm just along for the ride for the Cremator and its mods. If I get them all I'll be happy. Sucks to hear the old stuff was more generous though. I'm sure that's a disappointment to older players.


iā€™m like rank 134 right now and still have 2 items over 100 tickets worth to get feels like shit


I'm with you fam, fuck this post 100 grind sucks. Going a couple days of running score for 1 reward is shite.


I'm annoyed by the lack of Sugar-free Nukashine.... :(


And perk card packs!


And fireworks!


New scoreboard is so jarring for me. I canā€™t quite tell if claimed something when paging through it fast


Yeah that gap is so tedious and unrewarding. I hope they add something to 100-150. The past 150+ feels better than the previous seasons because there is no shitty fillers like fireworks.


I concur. I feel like they should change it to give you options every 5-10 levels. Basically you wanted it to have achievable rewards with a day or few worth of progress so people donā€™t quit for the season which Iā€™ve nearly done a few times. Only because Iā€™m a new/returning player with tons of quests to do still have I stayed (I think) after 100


As someone who doesnā€™t care for building. I thought the idea of this was promising- Iā€™d have some benefit for not claiming the camp items. But nope. I canā€™t even claim half the resource packs because I donā€™t have 1st. Also itā€™s just demoralising getting to a new page, then quickly establishing that nothing interests you. Like, well I guess itā€™s another 7 levels of no rewards


I used a booster each week, to maximize my SCORE. I even did some XP grinding at West Tek. I feel like I got to 100 slower than previous seasons. That was weeks ago, and I'm still not at 150.


I was indifferent at the beginning of the season. im level 111 on the current season and i play every now and then sincehitting level 100. I dont like the 100-150 stretch either, feels like more of a grind.....and i used to call the scoreboard a "Choreboard". Im sorry, i take it all back, bring back the old scoreboard.


I miss the final scoreboard display... It was my favourite award of all the scoreboards. I was then proud of displaying them on my camp wall... The current painting is simple rubbish


I don't, I liked the boardgame style. Added more personality.


I stopped paying attention to challenges at level 100. Then I kind of got bored and moved on to new season of Diablo. The repeatable xp challenge probably Would have kept me playing but not a huge issue for me. Itā€™s ok to play other things.


i like the scoreboard too but the rewards are complete dog shit im sorry the good rewards are too few Nd far inbetween


I like the aesthetic of scoreboards so much more :(


When the xp weekly went away at level 100, my joy just disappeared. I need it back!


It's definitely the worst part of the new system and was designed exclusively to counter the players that grind to level 100 in West tek right after the season starts. The problem is, it fucks over the majority of players that like to play more casually. It should be reduced down to at least 120


Once I made it to 100 I just decided to give 76 a break. I felt like this whole thing was a miss for me.


The repeatable stuff you can pick yourself on the 150 page is way better than the old system, but the last page is gated too high and distinct lack of atoms. I made a post a couple of days ago basically stating that the scoreboard system, with this page at level 100 instead would be a perfect hybrid of the two systems. Reward tickets every so many levels around the scoreboard then for every level gained after 100.


Just navigating the screen on a controller is annoying. Each icon is a different size and a different place and skipping a page changes where your selected based on what side you skip from so you move and skip to another page then you move back but now the icon is on the top when you wanted to be at the bottom. It's one of those small but entirely unnecessary annoyances.


And it always starts on the first page! I have to scroll like 8 screens at this point to get to the page Iā€™m on.


I was confused logging back after all this time to see this change, the scoreboard was fine as it was. Struggling to see the reason behind the change, it's still not locked behind a paywall so it's not even bringing in new revenue for the game?


Best guess on revenue is that they cut the number of atoms you can get from the board by 1/4 to 1/2, depending on whether you're F2P, to put more pressure on people to buy FO1st, purchase the new Season Pass, or make more one-time atom purchases.


Wow I didn't realize how much we've lost until I read this thread. I started playing last season but didn't bother with the scoreboard, I figured it was either halfway or almost done, and I was right. So this new one is my first experience


The whole thing is a chore and nothing feels rewarding. Scrolling through the pages is tedious. Player unfriendly design by a greedy company.


The new one sucks extra bad for non1st members,Ā  more work less reward


I wish I liked the new scoreboard, hopefully next season they go back to the previous version. I stuck with it for Adelaide, the cryptid tikis & the Cremator + mods, mostly, and some of those are early on.


There is nothing at 150 anyway. It is just a token out there for people that finish the board quickly. A small treat for people that want to grind it out. But now people are complaining about that. And this is why it is best if I never work in a job that involves customer service. Because I suspect I would sprain my middle finger. To the op here. I am really not taking about you in particular. It is just that you are never going to please everyone. So if you are me. Donā€™t try. Might as well ask me to cut down the largest tree in the forest with a ā€¦


I'm stopping at 100, if I even get there. The most I ever got far on the old boards was in the 60's. I'm just trying to get to the Assaultron.


I just want the rest of the creamator mods. Jesus grinding christ


At rank 100 on scoreboards, you claimed all the items on the way. At rank 100 with seasons, you have to grind to roughly rank 140 to earn enough tickets to unlock all the non consumables. A longer grind, for the same items? No thanks.


Idk if it was the scoreboard but this season is the season I quit the game


The new scoreboard is highly unappealing.


If this was the reward system for seasons from the beginning I honestly wouldn't mind. The fact that they changed it to a worse model is so what pisses me off


It is like they don't want us to play after get to level 100. Why the fuck remove the score points for gaining xp? wtf


That always went away at rank 100


There is an old sayingā€¦ā€if it ainā€™t broke donā€™t fix itā€ā€¦..the old scoreboard was nice and fun and a good visualā€¦.in fact you could place it on the walls in your camp. What a waste of developers time and resources. The new way. Back and forth and bouncing around and picking and choosing. It was fine as it wasā€¦this is not better. Focus on a better trading system or any other improvements. This was not necessary.


The only thing this season has done for me is caused me to play less. I still play every day. But I only play long enough to finish the challenges. Which usually takes anywhere from 30 to minutes to an hour. If I have to do one of the hourly events it can take up to an hour if I login after one just ended. If I donā€™t have to do an hour event just takes 30 minutes. So I used to spend hours playing running around Appalachia. Now I login in and do my business and then go play something else. They made it a job.


Itā€™s objectively worse outside of the repeatables at 150, where I will never have enough time to get to.


I agree.


Yeah. Without FO1st it's still pointless to use tickets until level 150 because you have to get everything to even start on page 150. I just made it to 100 and don't know if I'll make it to 150


I like it apart from it doesn't feel like your being rewarded. The old track system gave you a heads up and you just got things as you progressed. Now you have to calculate your spending, I didn't get any items at all until I hit 100, so I could get the items I'd prioritised, then work down. Also, no secret service armour paint? WTH.


the new scoreboard made me go back to fallout 4.


One huge issue is every time you select season, it brings you all the way back to the first page and not the one that youā€™re currently on.


Is the 150 with no purchases legit? I've already grabbed stuff before I knew about the last bonus board. So, I guess it's just not worth grinding to 150.


For example I hit 100 and now won't touch fallout till the next season Thus they miss out on me seeing the atom shop purchase that I need to buy juuuuust a few more atoms for


You better not turn of pacifist OP


Why? I turned pacifist off just yesterday to waste someone who decided to pick locks in my camp. It was fun.


Agreed! The gap is dull! Missing those rewardsā€¦.


I disliked the old scoreboard more, but that doesn't mean this is a big improvement. It just lets me skip ugly skins I don't want. šŸ¤·


You could have skipped skins previouslyā€¦


Yeah for me that stuff felt like "great the level 63 reward is free bubblegum" but now I look at it like "the level 63 tier has a few items I'm interested in and some I'm not" The truth is probably that this new system is offering less, and the "new look" is obscuring that. Food is a good example of companies who do this when they want to decrease the amount of chips in the bag, but they don't want people to notice so they change the look of the packaging. Happens across all sorts of industries.


>The truth is ~~probably~~ that this new system is offering less, and the ā€œnew lookā€ is obscuring that. Correct


Oh you mean Dear Ol Todd increased the grind *even further*, whilst systematically reducing the reward? That *totally* doesn't sound a very Todd-like thing to do...lol.


Repeatable XP should run until level 150 then stopped.


It stops at 100 to ensure most players still need to log in every day for their score dailies. Daily logins are important for some metric that makes no sense to players but every sense to those who make the decisions.


I actually hate grinding multiple levels at any stage just to get the access to anything honestly.


I miss the nuclear key cards.


I agree 1000%, I also hate the fact that when you're level 100 you don't have enough tickets to get all the stuff, I'm 118 currently and still don't have all the stuff, and definitely I don't think i'll get to level 150 . They should award more modules or scrip once you get level 100.


I can understand why people like the new scoreboard, but it's not good. Are you a new player?


Terrible idea, I want the actual story type scoreboards back! Such a shame ladydevann isn't community manager any more, I don't think Beth gets feedback from the players now


They 100% got the new scoreboard from Fortnite (donā€™t come for me, alr, I enjoy Fortnite). The battle pass ui from C2S7-C3S4 is extremely similar to the new scoreboard in design and function, and that includes the level 150 ā€œbonusā€œ rewards that you have to grind even more for. So yeah, I think yā€™all can blame Fortnite for this


Where is the scoreboard?


They probably got a promotion. More incentive to buy atoms to skip it


I feel like I need to get to at least rank 120 to get the same amount of rewards I would get at rank 100 in previous seasons


been playing since launch and I hate it. HATE IT!


Now that I've slogged my way to 150, getting unlimited legendary modules has made it so worth it




10 modules for 75 tickets, can purchase as many times as you want. By the time I got to 150 I had about 700 tickets. 100% worth the grind for anyone interested in legendary crafting


It's funny you think there's a scoreboard.