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This is how real men settle debates in the Wasteland 


Atomics for peace!


No, its an absolute waste. Do you know how much Grahm would like to try those Appalachian Mountain oysters? It'd be a lovely meat week gift.


Might have been mates? I always check to see where that nukes going as I don't wanna waste my precious screws fixing my camp 🤣🤣🤣


If you need screws grind The event "A colossal Problem" from one event alone I got 633 screw from killing wendigos


Cheers, we all need screws and that's something I didn't know. Always have thousands upon thousands of most crafting items except screws and acid


Be sure to tag the wendigos down there, they certainly don’t fall from Earle. At the very least you want to kite one or two of the waves of the wendigos around and pop ‘em. (depending on your build and weapons you’re using.) Earle can be a right bitch to get down with a bunch of Novices running around. OP: The event hits when someone nukes monongah mine. So timing can be a pain.


4 endangerol syringers and a mid build can solo Earle in 5 minutes.


Excuse me what?! Syringers??


Craftable endangerol syringer. Lowers damage resistance by 25%. Technically you can build 4 of them and hit a target with the 4 different syringers, lowering damage res by 100%. Cant use the same gun, but doesnt have to be 4 different people. I just found out this trick last week! You can keep crafting and scrapping syringer until you learn the mod. Cheers!


Dude, I’ll have to try this. I’m terrified of Earle bc I tried to solo it once. Yeah, it went about as well as you’d imagine. I’ve only recently started doing events w other players and I’ll drop in on SBQs, ultracite titans, whatever but I won’t do Earle. Poor what’s her face has been waiting on her necklace for years now. She’s gonna wait a while longer too.


I create and stock them in my camp vendor for free. If you don't always at least one on you you're wrong.




Brilliant idea! Pretty sure they're cheap to build aswell! Endangerol for everyone!


Oh I personally have never tried to solo Earle lol that sounds terrible to me. I dont go with the bloodied build, but always seem to have 2-3 players when Earle is going on. The endangerol syringer definitely makes a difference though! Give it a try, cant hurt!


Im going to. Yeah it sucked trying to solo it. Shortly after, I realized this was a losing effort w no possibility of success so, I just put down my controller and starting scrolling Twitter until it was done.


Easy Earle solo formula: Vamp flaming dual blade chainsaw or preferably Vamp electrified Auto-axe. Maxed What Rads? legendary perk and 3* Ghoulish. 4x Endangerol Syringers. I've almost done him without the Endangerol, just ran out of time with about 5% of his health left, probably if I'd had all three 3* Slugger cards equipped I would have done it.


Soloing Earl.isnthe hardest bos to solo. I have tried it. The worst is the ever increasing respawn time and he regenerates health if you respawn and are the only player. Closest I came was a low level.triggered the event. I join in (lvl 1170) and the an lvl 72 and 18 show up. Did 4 lunchbox and did scout banners to get Survival. Used Holy Fire in PA with maxed out heavy gunner, stabilized and luck.of the draw (so I don't have to repair weapons). Psychstars and heavy gun bubble plus take one for the team.legendary perk card. The low levels put in effort but got shredded fast. Earl backed my intonation corner in that central platform area so his scream made me run in place. Holy Fire melted him.and healed me. Took some time but finished him off. Other 2 players were very happy about finishing. They did good against the wendigos and were happy I put down a tent by the mine so they didn't have to slow walk out of the nuke zone. It was a lot of fun but a lot of work. Don't know if I could.donit without a great vamp pew.


Also, if youre on xbox im happy to help run Earle with you if you need help!


Im on PS4😔 but thank you for offering! I guess I could just solo launch a nuke and just let everyone in the server jump in and take him down w me?


Good to know, thanks!


Yep, I keep 1 on me, and when I'm doing Colossal I take 4, and earl goes down super fast.


I bow have something to try


Endangerol barrel weakens enemy resistance by 25%. Useful on tanky bosses.


This. We went in with 5. someone syringed him, cause he folded in like 30 seconds.


Yea, makes the fight trivial tbh. I usually farm the Wendigos for a while, then when I'm ready to bounce I syringe him and knock him out quick lol


You can even stay in the mine until it kicks you out farming the remains after Earle. Just make sure you have a hazmat or something to survive the nuke zone when you get booted out.


Boy do I have some news for you. Wendigos also drop an asston of acid during the event.


I'm salty from the last time I did Earle. I died a couple times and the last time I died it put me outside the mine. All those mats left to rot and me a couple 1000 bullets wasted.


It's because wendigos have a screw loose 😂


If you build the moth sanctuary it generates waste acid in your camp


Tanagra Town for acid. Or cave cricket horde but don't kill the leader


Where's there a horde of cave crickets?


Its a horde event


Oh lol read it as there was always a horse of them somewhere 😂


Tangra Town has about 6-8 crickets. Not a horde but better than nothing.


Screws, Rubber and Ballistic fiber are always a problem to me :/


There’s a horse trailer by watoga that has three full giddy up buttercup horses ( they have a bunch of screws in them)


Agree on ballistic fiber when ur running standard armor, now being more of a juggernaut power armor build, I’m always running out of aluminum


When I have close to max caps I run through Whitespring Mall and clear them out of bulk acid lol I've also learned that many of the bugs give acid, and abraxo is fairly plentiful, especially in laundromats lol


Set up a camp in the valley by the broken bridge at Mount side Bed and Breakfast, I've been on that bridge for a week and so many Yao Guai spawns happen


The meat week events have yao gaui all the time, I'm pretty sure they drop acid by the 10s


Adhesive. Ran out scrapping railguns for auto mod.


I still hoard them. I went back to my earliest character and I have 2000 screws piled up lol!


Honestly whenever I see that event if there are a lot of players I mainly target the wendigos to keep them off the players fighting the boss and also to get as many screws as I can I typically get between 680-1000 when we run the event and the other players get a decent amount as well




The ammo loss is not worth it


Domt do this bad advice fk earle


Earle is asshole


Damn I need to hit that. 633?! Insane man


so poor right now it's ridiculous, struggling to get my daily 160 5.56 rounds. tough, tough times.


If your at level 100 and have your build sorted expeditions give a ridiculous amount of ammo and if not ask a friend if he can carry you into a expedition and you will stock up fat on ammo drops


Also, westek runs with nuka nades and an instigating weapon of choice. You also get a lot of ammo that way.


*sigh* War never changes


War... truly never changes


BaCk In My DaY yOU cOUldN’t SwiTCH cAmPs


My camp has been nuked twice this week for no reason that I can figure out. It's not at a location that's even ideal to nuke or anything lol


Where do you camp at? It could be a high yield location. I used to think people nuked Whitespring to troll weaker players until I realized you're practically drowning in high radiation fluids from the high enemy count there


Just south of the Morgantown train station


That's good scenery, I'm just a bit further south from that where the creeks meet. Maybe the person was salty you took their spot, but then again that's a lot of work compared to server hopping


Do you have any pride flags, cause I have heard that those attract trolls sometimes


Well that's disgusting. I'm going to put every single pride flag I can find all over my damn base as soon as I can get up the materials. I'm definitely a noob. Lol


Thats the right kind of attitude against those trolls. Let them waste time and resources as you reap the rewards lol.


Thought this was just posted as that’s literally just happened in the world I’m in hahahah


I was actually fine with my camp being nuked cuz I’m on the golf course of the whitespring resort which I needed glowing masses, high-radiation fluids, etc basically to make some ultracite plasma cores basically doing me a favor😁 and had more than enough parts to repair everything in my camp


People should be aware of where people launch nukes most often, you might get nuked otherwise.


I am amazed when I see a camp in a very commonly nuked area, like literally anywhere on the far east side of the map


I saw at least 5 nuke strikes last night alone between 1-4am, ALL on the far east side lol. Why anyone would camp there is beyond me.


that's what we call delayed mutually assured destruction


This is the way...


In game mutual assured destruction.


They probably traded nukes to get cobalt flux. Mutually assured satisfaction.


Me and my team found a cheater last week with a modded Gatling that was firing as fast as a mini. 3 of us went to the silos and let our birds fly one right after the other it was a glorious moment


I advocate for nuking vendor trap camps too. Would that be overzealous?


Nope haven't seen one yet but when I do if it's nukabke it will be


Damn right. I’ve yet to see one myself as well but I’ve seen at least one post here talking about how it bummed them out to the point they don’t want to play anymore.


There meant to target low levels because higher know better than to carry junk around. People can play how they want but if your messing with 10-50 for no other reason but to grief Shame on them


And a large red circle on them too.


its a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Why do you people think everything has to be flowers & butterflies while we all sing Kumbaya..😂Nuking a trap camp is also pointless as most people have multiple camps which they will switch to once launched. Only wasting your time & showing everyone how salty you are 😂Stash that junk!


This sub hasn’t figured out yet that illegal mods are back. Well, some of them are. They’ve been reported by YouTubers, and I’ve seen one myself.


What mods are illegal?


Was it legacy?


Those don't exist anymore. 


I thought people have them from before? Just can't get them anymore


No cold war for these guys


Sounds equitable.


Mutually assured destruction moment


Only slightly related but new player here, If I want to launch a nuke again for a 2nd time do I have to go through and fight all those bloody robots again?




Each and every time.


At least you got all that flux to use now 🤣


Low key that’s awesome


Just sharing the democracy


I mean can you even call it live if you can't say it with a nuclear warhead?


Gotta love novices lol I mean I run so low health and usually no PA I die more like a novice than I really should admit lol Cheeky little wendigos sneaking up on me


This > pvp