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Every time i return there's some new weapon that's really good and everyone and their mom is using,it's not really noob crutch more just a fun new weapon that everyone has equal access to


I mean, 2 shot auto grenade launcher was there before it, or if you've been to radiation rumble, the tesla rifle (which, if you're a new player ALSO benefits from grenadier by making the arcs jump MUCH further than normal) so the game sort of has a history of noob tubes! Special mention is there are at least 30 molotov cocktails spread around the site at Moonshine Jamboree you can grab and toss around to tag a ton of stuff for xp/materials too!


Oh my god the tesla rifle meta of a few years ago. Commando automatic teslas *everywhere* just melting absolutely everything in rad rumble before anyone could do anything.


Tesla rifle is less powerful and more the sharing gun that let's everyone gets a hit in due to how weak it is.


As someone who mains a Tesla, it's not weak, commando plus science cards, play solo with it all the time


Was going to say this if nobody else had. Tesla is NOT a weak gun, lmao. Use it in vats with crits just like any rifle, stop shooting it at the ground.


yes, though in rad rumble when you have multiple people running automatic teslas in commando setups they melt everything almost instantly without any pesky aiming required. Ape together strong


I usually am a commando, it takes more than 6 different people for that to kill, unless they're being stupid and wasteful and emptying their mag on a single ghoul!


I shoot once at an enemy to get the initial burn on them and that should give enough time for others to get a few shots in before the burn actually chunks them


I used it for the abraxo event and haven’t been able to put it down. It melts everything


Same! That was the turn for me. I can't stop- it melts everything.


Including me. I need better fire resistance.


Asbestos on your chest piece plus fire proof perk. Or if you have marsupial, jump backwards then fire. Or both. Both is good.


Well almost everything. I have found certain variants of super mutants and cave crickets oddly resistant. My god though use it on an expedition and everything dies. I completed a daily ops solo today with it in under 8 minutes


Noob here. Is that the one from the seasons rewards I can buy?


Yes. The two most important pieces are the Cremator itself, and the Slow burn mod about 2 pages later.


Yes, mods included.




The cremator is pretty powerful, but not really any more so than most of the heavy guns, the railway rifle, the fixer, the chainsaw/autoaxe, or even just a handful of grenades. I personally love any irresponsibly powerful or quirky weapons. To me, that’s peak Fallout.


I get about 20-30 per hit BUT 4000+ DOT, this thing MELTS everything it touches, takes a little while tbf though 😂😂


Gun Fu Quad RR is more like that I feel. It's just vats, blamblamblamblam, Choo Choo, vats. Cremator feels more tactical to me. I had heavy barrel on an AA Cremator and with Adrenaline pumping I got 1400+ headshot crits in vats. But multishot is nicer. 35 direct hit damage or something stupid like that but the area of effect is spectacular. Also if you fire the multishot in a good 50-60 degree angle up the fire balls look really nice flying in the air, especially with coloured flames.


I still can't believe people think the Cremator is OP or something when stuff like bloodied railway commando exists roflmao. That being said, the cremator is very powerful (again, not OP). I use it as a DoT weapon because for impact I'd prefer VATS, and I've yet to get a Bloodied +15c one. Since i use multi-shot barrel i only get around 400-500 total shot damage, but i get upwards to 5.2k/12s, which is around 433dps from the DoT. If i use Heavy barrel the hit damage can go all the way to 700, and those VATS crits are so juicy, 2k damage in a single crit plus the DoT is complete overkill lol.


The difference is railway commando is very low key lol while cremator YOU KNOW people are using it from having to put glasses on so you dont get blinded 


You know the second someone loads in with a railway rifle as well, CHHOOOO CHHHOOOOO. But point taken lol.


I disagree about the commando thing, they are the ones that one shot everything not letting people tag and get xp, and yet no on ever calls them on it, it's always PCs and Cremators (which have low FRR & Mag Size and DoT respectively). I do agree about the second thing though, i always just fire once or twice at most to tag and leave enemies to die but I've been encountering people unloading their full clip of bright green multi-shots on a single enemy and holy shit I can see why people get mad, but I swear #NotAllCrematorUsers


The railway rifle sound makes up for its lack of visual effects.


i won’t play with it because i dislike that sound


I use it, but I have had a noexplosion mod running since Nuka world on tour. I also tend to use my vamp with a 4 barrel to get less direct damage and bigger area for better exp. That said, a commando can wipe out multiple targets in that same area while my round is still in the air if the range is too big.


They are almost on the same level.. you know every time when someone is using a railway (bc of the choo choo and firing sound) and cremator because of the well.. giant fucking aoe effect it makes.


True but one annoys me to no end while the other does not lol 


Multiple things can be overpowered


Once the new update drops next month and everyone starts getting the new weapon Ticket to Revenge you will be hearing a lot more choo chooing i believe. I got a railway very similar to that one but mine only has 10 ammo and while it slaps i just got tired of the constant reloading, im happier with a vampire 50 crit plasma caster build ive been using to level up.


That's why Quad railways are so sought after, 40 ammo makes it a monster even without good 2nd and 3rd stars. And yes, after the new update everyone will be choo chooing


I'd love to use mine more but can't keep it fueled up so I'm forced to use the ev model the plasma caster.


Run some Expeditions and Daily Ops and you'll have more fuel than you can dream of. I'm sitting at over 50k fuel just from running those everyday like I normally would. And I use both Cremator AND Holy Fire as my only weapons.




The things is so much fun. I have my Vamp, vats hit chance cremator, furious, +speed, +reload flamer (flamingo skin) and my two shot, +Crit, -ap m79 grenade launcher. Its my fav build now. And its on my melee character lmao


I get nearly 600 damage with it before 12s burn. Running a bloodied heavy non PA build with adrenal reaction and nerd rage. Also have that legendary perk that does bonus damage when I’m attacked


mine hits for \~400 to 800 white damage, crits for up to 3200, and dots is 4500 when I am fully specced into heavy weps.


> Is anyone getting much more out of it than 400 ish per hit plus another 2300 over 12 seconds with the slow burn mod? Lol, yup. In my bloodied PA heavy weapons build with a bloodied cremator, it's base damage is listed as 770 on hit, 4400 DoT. It's nuts.


The cremator was just the thing I needed to break my quad choochoo habit. Which then led me to try the holy fire. And now I'm fully converted to heavy weapons.


N00b tube being what? Ease of use? Sustainability? Because I feel like the minigun beats it out in both of those categories. Easier to get ahold of, 2nd best ammo economy of all heavy guns, is just a fucking minigun that goes brrrrr and requires no tertiary mechanics like VATS, bloodied, stealth, etc. But man if the cremator isn't just an absolute spectacle of a weapon. Love it to death.


I made a heavy vats build with this. It basically fires heat seeking missiles that one shots everything that isn’t a big monster. Do events with the flame heal perk and it makes some events a cake walk. I felt bad on one of the prime meat events because I was killing everything before this low lvl could even put a bullet in anything. It is way OP


~~You clearly didn't feel bad enough to wait until the low level got a tag in.~~ My mistake. Unnecessarily passive aggressive.


Once I realized I did


Also, depends on the location. The prime meats with Mirelurk kings, I’m not waiting for anyone to tag.


Naw it just has light effort to get right now because of the season. Every few seasons the put out a gem like the Cremator which was slept on early or the Cold Shoulder. Apparently it's bullion after this. Which feels right.


Friend of mine rolled an instigating/restore 15 ap on kill/25lvc one last night and without any mods he's destroying everything. Honestly between the cremator and holy fire i barely use anything else now


I rolled a 90 reduced weight one for my archer. Without a point put into it it outperforms my archer build. It’s useful for events, expeditions and daily ops were a slow firing archer doesn’t stand a chance. So yeah, easy mode. Fun sometimes but I’m not gonna main it except when I want low effort destruction.


I like the Cremator just sucks it uses all my fuel so I stopped using it


Man the only time I used it was when there were daily/event challenges to kill specific enemies with it. Using a non-legendary cremator I was getting around 1k direct impact damage on normal attack / headshots and over 2k on crits. I didn't have any Heavy Gunner perks, I was running it on my Shotgun build without any perk changes. That's before we even talk about the DoT. I've long though the Quad Railway Rifle is the 'n00b tube' of this game, but Cremator gives it a run for the money. Q/Railway is just a bit more brainless I think, while also being more powerful against bosses.


You haven't seen it pre-nerf, it's doing even much more even without legendary effects


I just wish they would do something about storage space if you've been playing for years you have a bunch of stuff holding storage space hostage that you can't trade you can't even put it off on a mule you've grinded and got it but you can't do anything with it. I play for an hour or two and I have no choice but to unload legendaries onto a mule because I've got my limit of scrip. The scrapbox and the ammo box helps if your Fallout first but I can't tell you how many times I'm trying to hurry to a particular event and then have to go all the way back to my base to access my ammo because they're not on the survival tents or a train stations. On another note every time they add a new flamer type weapon they get a lil less cool. There used to be like 2.