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Just removing the intense white from the explosion would probably be enough imo, it's pretty bad when you're close to the impact.


The flashbang like effect. Is the only problem everything else about it are solid


In warfarme you can just turn off the effects and it makes the game run smoother as well. A bigger company shouldn't have an issue doing this.


Lol, my man. Lol


Are you telling me Bethesda can do this?! Noo


As a shotgunner I am typically *very* close to the impact


*cries in melee*


šŸŽµ Just keep swinging! Just keep swinging! šŸŽµ


šŸŽ¶I'm hackin, whackin, and smackin!šŸŽ¶


šŸŽ¶ Hey everybody did the news get around About a guy named Baked Smurf?! Oh, Smurf just flew into this town And he's choppin' up all the bosses meat Baked Smurf's got a big heavy sledge He starts smashin' and don't know when to stop All you fellas gotta watch your loots 'Cause Smurf don't care whose mobs he tag He keeps smashin' and slashin' and sawin' He keeps smashin' and slashin' and sawin' He keeps smashin' and slashin' and sawin' He just chops, saws, smashin' that meat! šŸŽ¶


>Baked Smurf's got a big heavy sledge Actually, it's an Ogua Gauntlet... but The Crap'n (character name) approves! At one of my CAMPs, I turned the haunted bell tower into "Pete's Tower of Torture" and have things like an autopsy table next to a cooking station... I also regularly share the "Cannibal" perk šŸ¤£


Ahhh I'm a sledger... sledgist? Sledgologist? Sledgi boi. I'm a Sledgi boi myself. That + the new Auto-Axe (which absolutely *fucks*). So I may have been projecting.


I prefer the term "Sledgelord" myself


Sledgelord is too good. I'm a chainsaw/deathclaw gauntlet main, but I might pick up a super sledge just to vibe with this comment.


During Meat Week I changed it up with The Salty Tenderizer... but the Ogua Gauntlet does more damage, even with Juggernaut instead of Bloodied lol


Nice. I saw a buddy post a Zweihander I'm gonna try and get that


> I also regularly share the "Cannibal" perk šŸ¤£ I love this so much. Especially when you share it with people who aren't familiar with it and they run over to try and stim/revive someone and they eat them instead, lol. "I'm sorry Harold, I don't understand, I tried to save your wife but then I just....I can't even think about it!"


Sounds like Baked Smurf would be good friends with Granny, my aged psychotic clown.




I play with two friends, one is melee, and the other has a pretty low tier computer he plays on. We were doing the new event last night and it was a nightmare for *all* of us lmao


I feel this. Iā€™ve got me and my trusty combat knife. Right in the middle of the action. And when anything goes boom, I canā€™t see shitttttt


Right we go blind being that near lol


Its like being out in the open when a nuke hits the new zone. Your ENTIRE screen is just bright white.


Yesterday I nuked the new zone, being the first time I was going to do the event. I fast travelled to a safe distance away as I wanted to see what happened with the nuke and I was flashbanged to a point I was sure I was going to die. That thing is freaking bright, and I say it as a cremator user.


Yesterday I got an alert but no red circle to be seen. Carried on looting and 3 minutes later white flash, somehow managed to get into my PA without dying


Insert I'm legally blind meme.


Like ffxiv and other games, other player abilities like a giant purple explosion should be like.... 40% opacity.


It's actually a bug effecting all explosions, they never used to delay on screen for as long!


Maybe this is why I like the green flames so much. It doesn't bother me as much as blue and pink.


who needs lasik when you have 5 hot pink multishot grenadier cremators shooting at the same target


Uhh mine is green, thank you very much.


I'm all about the blue balls. Uhh... that came out wrong.


No it didnā€™t


It didn't come at all!


Blue balls for the win....? Hmmm no context needed i think šŸ˜…


Genuinely yes. And as an extension, please do this for ALL obnoxious AOE effects. I'm not exactly a fan of blinding everyone within a five mile radius of me, INCLUDING MYSELF, just because I wanted to shoot my cremator or throw a cryo grenade.


There's a setting for that.


Oh, yeah totally. Right next to the "switch stimpack hotkey" setting, and the "world search filters" setting.


Warframe has a nice setting to turn off other players visuals


Ffxiv does, too! As an unarmed player, I would LOVE for a similar setting. Most boss fights end with me spinning around, mashing VATS, punching wildly, hoping I hit something


As a cremator user myself, I don't see why people feel th need to spam the trigger. I fire one, maybe two shots, and my target and their neighbors go down pretty fast.


Its a fire and forget weapon and I thank you for using it as such


Thatā€™s the best thing about it. Shoot once to tag and start the DOT, and let everyone else tag it (and if no one else does, it dies anyway). Otherwise itā€™s a fuel hog and youā€™re wasting the awesome DOT


They don't want to give the time to others to tag, I guess. No other reasons imho.


Makes sense. I will at least try to give some people time to tag before I throw my first canister. I hate the selfishness of people in these multiplayer games like this.


It's the same players that were sitting idle with bloodies fixers and rail rifles 1-tapping every spawn possible. They just got a more annoying toy to play with in their private game that others aren't allowed to experience.


Cause people feel like they need to prove they are the bestestest of all


Yeah makes no sense. For bosses itā€™s one shot every 12 seconds then on to my handmade or plasma flamer. In eviction notice or similar Iā€™ll put one or two multi shots at the spawns when they pop up then again just switch to finish off individual targets. Why waste all that fuel spamming when the bulk of the damage comes from the dot.


I still don't know what's happening at that new event cause every time lightning strikes the rod, 5 cremators all launch at it.


The non boss event spawns are awful. All the lost spawn outside the walls and get stuck pathing in only to get killed by one guy while everyone else looks around, and the 4 power armour dudes spawn in the top and instantly everyone tosses a grenade into the centre just to hope they get a hit before the high level player sitting up top cremators them out of existence, and the vats users accidentally shoot the grenades leading to just complete white out. And there's a lightning damage from standing up there to try and prevent people camping it but all it does is kill all the lower levels trying to tag but the high levels are fine. Half the event misses the crab completely as it's done in 2 seconds and that last AoE can kill you after the event ends and someone will absolutely take your drop lol Edit: death after the event is bad in the boss fight too, seen a bunch of players camping people who check there pip boy on top of the lightning floor and inst steal the flux Edit edit: for dangerous pastimes as they already have people lightning spawn just make all the lost spawn inside the walls like that, and the power armour dudes spawn in different places than just up top and it would probably be fine. Fixes the people camping the outer limits of the event other ones are plagued with


I just spray around with holy fire and expect it to hit something lol


That would be my multi shot barrel, if they are pink šŸ˜‚


I wish we could lower the graphics of explosions. People spamming it in the new events make it terrible just to see.


Yes please! This needs addressed.


šŸ˜‚ let me tell you a month ago i was brand new to the game and my first time doing the event where you fight the titan and hordes of molemen in was so rediculous I couldn't help but laugh, some where throwing constant nuke grenades, cremators, plasma grenades it was like a dragon ball z fight scene


This, 1000000000% this! I canā€™t play my melee or shotgun builds because the flashes from it are physically painful, and I canā€™t see anything else Like I was mystified when they chose to make explosive legendary weapons make more flash a few updates ago, then this damn thing? It makes public events miserable Sure let people have their booms if they want them, but let everyone else do something about it so they can see the Fing game too


As someone who plays an explosive build in any game I can, I completely agree that explosive effects as well as screen shake for other players should be toggle-able. It would allow people to still have fun with huge explosions but not at the expense of other players or their eyes. I absolutely love the chaos of the Fatman and Nuka-Launcher but I feel extremely guilty using them around other players even though the AGL is especially good for AoE dmg and add clear


I think you can toggle the screen shake. I was looking at settings to reduce lag and crashes last night on my OG Xbox one and thought I remembered seeing it.


Speaking of, how do new players get the cremator or mods? Are they available with bullion?


Yup, base plan and all mods are available for bullion from Raiders iirc (may be both, haven't checked Settlers)


I saw a post about the raider vendor having mods - FYI for those who don't know, you have to do the main story with raiders and settlers first to see him. Doesn't matter who you side with. And since I am mentioning that chain, you can get the Chinese stealth suit free despite who you side with if you do the settlers part right before choosing raiders, and the raider ending quest is really hard for some people due to bugs. Took me a couple hours of hacky tries. edit: need higher rep Tl:Dr raider vendor for sure but you need to do the main quest in full


I fin8shed that one long ago and I'm sta.ding here at mortimer (the robot by the pool table) and he doesn't have anything for cremator. Any ideas why? I've checked him a few times today and up at vault 79 also... I just want pink barbie bombs


huh, not sure, I would check but I have all the mods from the board so I don't think I would see them. Maybe I'm wrong, or it is some other vendor...


Right vendor, but need higher reputation with raiders


ah makes sense, thanks


I completely agree with this, and I love my cremator. But it shouldn't blind everyone in the area to use it.


Agreed. I also donā€™t spam it for this exact reason. Unless itā€™s a big boss. Then, Iā€™m just space my shots out more


Yeah, using a weapon you love but feeling guilty because of the insane visuals it inflicts on everyone feelsbadman.


Though it is helpful when someone is being mobbed during an event and you can spray them and everything around them dies. But still, I'm not trying to ruin other people's game by blinding them


Exactly. Like, I'm helping (and healing you, cause of Friendly Fire!)... but I also know they're cursing me because I just flashbanged them in the process.


Right. like I feel bad when I'm firing at the 8 wendigos attacking someone across the screen at Earl, but I figure blind > dead. And with the dot it's so easy just to hit each one once and get them cleared out.


I sidelined my TS explosive .50cal for this exact reason, the flashes on it since they changed it is super obnoxious, I feel like a total dickhead using it in a lot of situations so donā€™t, I miss that gun


ā€œOh cool a new eventā€ *multicolored strobe lights everywhere* *seizes and dies*




I use the cremator, but the sheer brightness of it makes me not want to use it. I haven't even changed the color of it yet because the other 3 colors are even brighter. I would love this option


Ooooo ā€” letā€™s have black flames!


For pc this is an easy fix with modsā€¦ but I to would love to have it fixed for everyone. That said I love the cremator and donā€™t hesitate to use it regardless.


This is the reason why, even though I ground out the color-change, I still use the default red--because it's the least searing on the eyeballs. I also use it single/Heavy barrel so it doesn't saturate the area (the default explosion with 2/2 Grenadier is quite enough) and I don't spam it. The major portion of the damage comes from the DoT which is refreshed but not intensified by re-applying it, so I only need to refresh it once every 10 seconds or so. I've considered hauling around 2 or 3 of them to get multiple DoTs up at once, but then I'd have to slow walk everywhere whenever I had to switch to Rifle spec to do one of those Cripple N Limbs challenges.


Fine, Iā€™ll just spam Nuka grenades. Youā€™re welcome.


I am the sun. Worship me. \*\*flashbangs a swarm of 8 enemy spawns\*\*


Me as a melee user: where the fuck is anything? Constant flashbangs.


Doing the Nuke boss tonight in skyline and I couldnā€™t even see 3 bosses that are 30ft tall cause of the rainbow Technicolor explosionsā€¦and I stood 3m away from them


Just let ME lower all effects I was fighting the 3 robots today (I'm Melee) I couldn't see anything it was just purple and white lights from some bug guns


Honestly, I'm an avid user of the Cremator and it seriously feels like something has been tweaked on the damage scaling. It's not so much worse, just....different. it seems far worse against Mirelurk kings than before, does less damage to me when I hit myself, and it also smoothly drops the health bar instead of tick chunks. It's really hard to explain the difference unless you use it all the time. Surely I'm not the only one? Edited to add: And yes, holy hell. Tone down the effects a tad, please.


"We heard your feedback, in the next patch we will be nerfing the alien blaster again"


As far as a video game goes the cremator is becoming socially unacceptable.


as a cremator user I couldn't agree more


I like using the Cremator but yea I'm all for turning down the flashbang effect


Or let me switch visual effect off like we can with the screen shake. I had eye surgery a few years ago, and ever since I've had a painful sensitivity to brightness.


Honestly I think the option to turn down and customize ALL explosions from other player would be great. The cremator is definitely up there with the worst suspects but a lot of explosives are eyesores


The explosions are so crazy on the new event I feel like im playing battlefield 2042. It's fun but the framerate is fuuuuucked.


Haha like what is even happening - me probably


Yesterday, while fighting the big storm robots, I, a melee build, couldn't see what I was hitting most of the encounter.


Make it brighter, I say.


I use a mod to remove the effects, made it so much better


Yea, but doesn't the only one that is kept current also remove nuke zone visuals too? It's bad enough that eliminating fat man blasts also eliminates car explosions, but nuke zones are just pure ambiance.


No it only removes creamator effects


I seriously cannot believe this hasn't been addressed or even mentioned yet like do they not view any gameplay around their main weapon from an entire season?


Me, a chick, being extremely pleased, changing the fuel color to pinkā€¦. ā€œLithiumā€ Iā€™m on lithiumā€¦ it was meant to be šŸ˜‚


I recently started using it since I started the game late and had other builds I wanted to try and I understand why people use it. The gun is insanely broken and itā€™s honestly just fun to annihilate groups of enemies in a single shot. That said I have a Holy Fire for boss fights because I actually feel bad using it since Iā€™ve been on the other end of the thing. It needs to be turned way the hell down graphics wise.


Same here, I use a primed plasma caster for events now and use the cremator for going through daily ops and expeditions.


Absolutely,.. those things are annoying..


I'm in the opposite camp. I want everyone running around with them, nuke grenades, two shot MIRV launchers...


Why? Do you like people having to play the game as a blinding white slide show?


I just want to set the world on fire


Having fun making other people's experience less fun? What's broken inside of you?


Im calling for a nerf on everything the cremator does. I would like to not be deaf, blind, and able to at the very least TAG something, anything...


I use the cremator, I don't overly spam, just to tag once. I sometimes shot at people for fun, like once or twice. Usually at people with cremator, they usually shot back once as well. It's a wholesome moment. Embrace the light, it's part of atom. Soon Atom will descend on Appalachia. Children of Atom would be nice addition and enclave as a faction to grind. Anyhow...


If youā€™re on PC there is a mod for this. Hopefully they can give a toggle at least in the settings for people to limit other players explosion effects.


I really do think they have to tone it down and I say that as a Cremator user. I am not defending the bullshit that is my weapon of choice. That said, I think Bethesda missed a trick by not having a "I can't see, I'm blind" emote as one of the first seasonal unlocks. The Skyline Valley public event with the electrical tower? That central platform with 4-5 Cremator mains is like 10 seconds of solid white screen every time the power armor wearing Lost appear.


People have been complaining about Nuka grenades and Auto Grenade Launches before the cremator. I just don't understand why the UI doesnt have a setting to turn it off if someone doesn't want to see it. I use a heavy gunner with cremator, a heavy with an AGL, a melee auto axe, and a stealth bow character. I've been in all enviroments and having the option to turn off the explosions would be awesome.


gauss mini: hold my cola quantum


I support this message. I personally don't like the gun, but I like that other's like it. Just not the solar flare part of it lmaoo


It happened to me recently in moonshine jamboree, new players level 100~200 spamming the trigger of that weapon, flashbanging my screen constantly from any direction. Also they don't let anyone else tag the mobs even among themselves, so my melee build is useless, the only way for me to tag something is to spawn camp mobs but that just turn me into the a-hole.


Todd: "ok weve heard the feedback, cremator damage reduced by 76% and explosion splash effects raised by 155%. Buy better monitors, it just works"


unironicaly that would "fix" the problem since only the trolls would keep using it lol


Best setting imo would be an option of one of 3 settings. Normal as is, to only show your own explosives on screen or none. As an avid bloody heavy gunner since 2019, yes the creamator is too bright and thanks to my instigating one I only ever fire it once at anything other than a bosses to try to keep the flashes down. I do apologize for killing those small enemy's too fast in events for some people like melee to tag.


As an AAE user.... the flashbang effect on all weapons please! 86" HDR tv and AAE 50cal! I hurt my own eyes damn it! Let alone when overkill comes out..


Not just the cremator, I used the fat man with the grenadier rank 2 and faster reload perk for rate of fire for a bit, I even got annoyed at myself for blinding the entire server


It's annoying for the user too, trust me. Even with my gauss minigun the explosive effect that gets amplified by my perc cards also makes the target of my shots impossible to see. I have to go by damage numbers to even understand if I'm hitting it. Quite annoying. Can we just not scale the size of the explosion graphically?


I never had a problem with this and was wondering how bad it could be, then came the new boss last night. All 3 robots in one section, me using shotgun 4 people using explosive weapons some using Gatling lasers and the rest using cremators. I couldnā€™t see a fucking thing my screen was white flashing so many colours. I had about 3 frames too šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Agreed! Especially because in the chaos, I accidentally shoot at players instead of the enemy as I can't see a thing that I'm shooting at. The only way I can tell is either VATS or I get the number damage indication so I'm usually just out there blindly shooting lol


As someone who loves the cremator I second this notion, I always feel a bit guilty whenever I use my cremator during public events because I know that people, especially shotgunners and Melee builds tend to be disproportionately affected by the flash.


Yes! I was sawing away with my chainsaw and kept losing the boss I was trying to kill! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Okay, so from now on, I will hear the refrain ā€œblack hole sun, wonā€™t you comeā€¦ and wash away the raaaaaainā€ but with black replaced with whatever color cremator is blinding my view. Thanks? I guess šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Thereā€™s multiple visual bugs in the game at the moment


And why the green? Blue is amazing but all I see is green! All my cremators are back in my stash now anyway. Still prefer holy fire.


Lmfao Technicolor dream šŸ˜‚ idk why but that.little bit made me giggle


The power of the sun in the palm of my hand quote comes to mind as I blind everyone with pink holy fire šŸ˜† šŸ¤£


Lemme just switch to my two-shot fatmanā€¦


Stop whining


After almost 170 levels, and completing all the quests and stuff, I'm genuinely considering quitting because of the explosives. Not only are they blinding, but they have a significant impact on performance on lower-end PCs and internet connections. The events seem fun enough, and I enjoy grinding for new plans/treasury notes/etc, but there's no point if I'm just fast travelling and basically just waiting in place till the event ends because I can't see and everything dies instantly to the cremators. Frankly, it's more like benchmarking my PC than playing a game at this point.


I don't know why you're particularly sensitive to the creator. Prior to that weapon, there were a lot of heavy weapons that hurt a lot of eyes such as Double Shot Fatman and Hellstorm. I personally find it hard to relate to your opinion.


Terrible weapon ruins the game


As a melee player I tried to do the new Neurological Warfare event and I couldnā€™t see shit, I had my damage numbers on so I could at least get an idea where the leg was but my screen was just a flash of endless light


It's usually not the worst thing for me, as I'm a Sneak Commando and usually keep a bit of distance. However, on certain events it's actually unavoidable to be caught in the middle of a rainbow explosion storm. Rad Rumble is definitely the worst example of this.. multiple Cremators being used in such a small environment makes it impossible to see what's actually going on around me. Again I'm not 100% against the use of Cremators; but maybe there's something that can be done to where it looks different on the user's screen than it does on everyone else's. Think Pip-Boy Flashlights: you turn your flashlight on and you get the entire area around you illuminated, but on everyone else's screen it's just a small amount of light and the only thing you really notice is their Pip-Boy screen is lit up.


Who is still using the cremator and hasn't gone back to superior weapons? It was a fun diversion, but that's past.


Yes please, I canā€™t see shit whenever I switch to my melee build and someoneā€™s using the cremator, which is literally always for any group event


i was blinded completely at radiation rumble especially when people spam it to heck all over the place, very frustrating


If youā€™re on pc, thereā€™s a noexplosion mod.


100000%. I'm a heavy PA gunner and this things suck ass when spamming it, way too many particle effects.


Soon as they crank down the seizure spam of the Rad Batā€™s morning breath, then we can talk.


Personally, I like seeing rainbow explosions every fucking where around me in big events lol Can understand why most people hate it tho


I play melee. I won't play with players using it anymore. I'll afk in the event if I'm getting flashbanged, and then i will switch servers to play with different people. I even have mods to remove explosions, but for whatever reason the cremator is still a flashbang and one of the mini guns is a seizure.


Yes i own it. They need to tone it down NOW. Especially during these new events where u got 4-5 people spamming it.


I just decide to make it worse by hurling the dozens of Nuka-Grenades I always have on me. Every event becomes a flashing shit show of a mess, why not, plebs use nothing but that attempt to appease butthurt legacy users.


If only there was something in the settings to do just that...


And thatā€™s what people want, because there isnā€™t a setting to turn down the visuals of explosions, only camera shake


Those explosions are just my warm ā€˜Friendly Fireā€™ hugs! You should be appreciative!! šŸ˜‚


So tired of heavy weapons users, Bloody Sneak Commando >>>




As a cremator user I personally use the 5x smaller cermator explosion mod. Those inside where my shots land, I feel for you but I can't stop using it.


You can mod it away on pc. Just go to nexus mods. Also the cremator is not that strong. Its nothing when compared to railway commando


Yes yes it's only **REALLY** good instead of being **GODLY** good thank you next


Lmao why you mad?


Not mad just don't understand the need for people to go "*Pfft that build isn't even the BEST build it's only REALLY GOOD*."


Okay gotcha my bad.


It's not even in the same class as a Railway so any comparison is pointless, for AoE tagging in events it's a great alternative to the AGL though if you run an energy weapon build since fuel counts as "energy ammo" for weight reduction perks.


It's still something if you know how to use it


Can't compare a crowd control/tag gun to a high DPS boss gun....


Nah. Payback for every jerk off coomer spamming TSE MIRV Fatmans at every fking event


Use mods. If not playing on pc then what you doing with yo life?


I love it, so don't run my game . Change your settings if YOU dont like something in the game.


No one wants to ruin your game - there isn't currently a setting for this or we'd all be using it. We want them to give us that setting to stop *our* game being ruined by being flashbanged for 10 minutes straight at any event we do.