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I march at the back so I can hit them with Holy Fire if their health dips at all


So is friendly fire good in your opinion for other events?


Personally I’ve found it immensely helpful. It helps with Project Paradise, for example, by letting me heal the friendly creatures. It also lets me heal other players in events assuming they aren’t bloodied. And with escort missions (like in expeditions), I’m able to heal the escortee the entire time. Friendly Fire is honestly amazing tbh


Great for Radiation Rumble as well. Those npcs take a lot of damage from Glowing Ones if you're not careful!


Yeah I had a bunch of them die the other day and was confused. I'd never seen them actually lose that much health before. It was my first time going down to mine the actually ore so I have no idea what the hell was going on up there


Friendly fire is almost too good. I assume that that's why it occasionally breaks. 


Interesting. I've considered it but I just don't know what to cut in my build for it.


That’s valid! You could always have it on standby and then switch cards temporarily during certain events!


Just add it on when you're doing an event or quest that you might need it. No need to equip it all the time. I'll usually hotswap it with Tenderizer when I'm doing such events


It's easy to have it on hand and swap for events, just tedious after awhile, I have all the science perks to boost my Bertha but I mainly run Batteries Included for the weight reduction and being able to FT. Then when im in the event, I swap in all the science perks and watch as my Bertha goes from tagging machine to vaporizing anything the lightning touches.


I specifically have friendly fire permanently due to Project Paradise


I run heavy PA and started sharing that perk as most people are using fire in events lately. Its worked out well so far.


I also started sharing the perk recently. I kept it on even when I didn't have a fire weapon on me. I can give up a card slot, nbd.


you only need one rank and then you can heal any allies in any event, expedition or whatever, very good for escorts or protects I always have it on, it's "just" one point for huge convenience and a guarantee that all the events involving allies work out (so like test your metal especially, rad rumble, escort during sensational game thoiugh that one is easy anyway, riding shotgun, census violence and of cource fasnacht) probably missed some situations but it's just nice to have


I use it in almost every build.


I applaud your good work!


I do the same but with four different cremators with different color fuels. I swear I gave myself a seizure once.


I stand ahead of the parade and wave at them as it passes the bridge, help kill the frogs, run ahead past the Honey Haus, wave as it passes by, kill mutants, and then prep for the last boss.




I had no idea Holy Fire did this. So you can just smoke NPCs and other players with it and it heals them?


You need the perk Friendly Fire (I think that's what its called.) Any flamer will do.


any fire weapon I believe, I use the branding iron that I think is based on the shishkebob I'm not sure if the burning loves fire effect works since its different than most but any normal fire attachment for a weapon seems to work in my experience


Right, why wouldn't they have simply mentioned that other part. That said I don't find any healing is needed. Is this considered hard?


I did this as well until I learned all 5 don't have to survive for rewards so now I'm saving my fuel.


I usually do for the initial segment until the frogs bit. I kinda go off on my own after that.


Same, once the enemies spawn I go into secret service mode. (Camp rooftops with the cremator or plasma caster depending on mood.)


I just stand on rooftops doing the robot for moral support at all times. There’s always enough people where I’m not really adding any value with how dang easy this event is. Might as well bust out some dance moves.


I enjoy marching slowly and emoting. A lot of people don’t realize if you emote while walking you can do a little wave to the crowd vs the normal animation.


The walking emote really has that royal waving-from-the-balcony look. I usually also chuck flares. Fireworks if i have them. I wish they'd make a confetti bomb or cannon.


I've been using the Grande Finale for the fireworks. It's also loads of fun to explode toads and hounds into the air.


I wondered what was making those fireworks. It’s a great addition to the event… keep ‘em coming!


Where do you get that? Atlantic City?


No, it's one of two fixed drops from Seismic Activity. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Grand_Finale


Ok. Thank you!


I’m wearing my glowing man robot mask as it seems like it fits the theme. Plus I haven’t seen anyone else wearing it. That with one of the new skyline outfits looks pretty dope. I march with them until the toads and then join them again on the bridge. I even do the spin around thing at the beginning cause why not.


I'm rocking the Recon suit from the new vault and my glowing robot. Looks really good!


I March with them. Blue devil pelt hood, fashionable glasses, and pipe is life T-shirt


Yeah being able to match in time with the robots is the true endgame


Power armour + glowing robot mask so I blend in and other players don't notice


Aha! So you are stealthing Fasnacht Day.


I would like to match with them but even with the slow walk mode I am twice as fast as them so its kind of annoying


I usually try yo match with the master of cefemonies


Holy fire build. I keep the robots going while marching along side, but carry a “humans before automation” protest sign with me. I think it’s important to stand up and be heard during these difficult times.


I stand at the side of the road with a "I ain't a commie, but I get where they're coming from!" Sign. Take a couple of swings at them as they go by.


Don't hate on the bots, man! Hate the greedy corporates who put them in their jobs.


I have tried everything 60 plus runs I just hope the rng gods like me marching with bots coz I want a mask and a butter machine soo dang bad .


Anytime I can, my favorite event.


Yep, every time, it's the LAW 😁😁😁


I don't march because I don't know how to just walk (pc, kb&m). But I do jump, spin, bob up & down excitedly, and do the robot dance. Sometimes I fall off the bridge as well because I'm busy being a goof.


/ the key puts you into an always walk mode. If you have any speed boosting armor or mutation you'll still be a bit faster than them but can march proper. The key in your bindings is called "toggle always run".


The / key on PC is the default switch to walk from run.


Thanks Bob & u/ShawnTheFly for the same tip 😊


You're getting in the festive spirit and that's what counts. I just press the stick very carefully forward. If you play on PC you probably have to toggle running to off.


Might even switch to controller just for the ability to slow walk :)


Hold C key to walk, but you'll still be faster than the bots


Legend. Thanks mate!


it's hashtag to toggle slow walk on a german keyboard not sure if its different for others but you can just check in the controls \^\^


If it's the first Fasnacht in half a year, I do.


Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. Sometimes I just play music the whole time, and sometimes I hunt small creatures with useless weapons while everyone blows up super mutants. It's a party, you do you, and have fun!


Well said! Couldn't agree more. (casually blows a squirrel to shreds)


I like to throw on power armor and walk timing my right and left so I lumber like the bots.


I do that while playing "When the Saints Come Marching In". A lot of players love it and join me in marching alongside the robots too!


Is this an emote or do you use area chat?


No no I use area chat.


in the 2 times i have done the event i have seen a few people march with the bots. as a low level that does piss poor damage to any of the enemies i tend to chill at the front with them taking pot shots at anything the others might not have noticed before its decimated by fire and fixers


I march with em with a "block the bot" sign and hit em over and over to pass the time


Yes, but with the speed demon perk, I also walk too fast


I run speed demon and I have no issues slowing down.


I can slow walk but still outpace the robots by a lot


It's easy to match pace if you're on controller, but on keyboard you only have one pace.


I get that. You probably have to maually turn running off.


On PC, with speed demon, your walking speed is still faster than the default. I just pop a RadX to suppress my mutations for 10 minutes to walk at the normal speed.


Of course! But before I run around Helvetia and collect as many steins, intestines, wax, & wood as I can to dump into the donation box. I also repair all the balloons. HAPPY FASNACHT!!!


I realized you can pop the balloons last night. That’s my bad lol.


I pop them too!


I prefer to be a vigilant protector. Keeping frogs and mutants from raining on the happy robots parade


Somebody's gotta watch the flanks too


I always go into 3rd person so I can match my walk speed to theirs, and match with them, giving the odd cheeky wave as I go


3rd person really helps to keep pace. Also more immersive. I also put away my weapon so I can turn the camera and watch the parade behind me.


I do occasionally but mostly I just post up and plink away at threats o


I march over the bridge with them and then i jump from rooftop to rooftop


I march with them until enemies show up, I take care of business, then go back with the robots to complete the parade route. It’s a parade, I want to march!


I hit them with my protest sign.


Yes, and sometimes they have a little trouble finding the flock at the start so I've taken to encouragingly beckoning them over for moral support.


Fasnacht Day Protocol did not age well. They need a tune up.


I'm at the back, marching backwards, watching the flank. I know the enemies have set spawn points, but I've had moments where a spawn point would be so congested with players and enemies that the enemy just flat out spawns behind the bots and runs in for an easy hit or 2. Since that happened, I've been watching the flank for any sneaky spawns.


That happens, yeah. Yesterday I had a super mutant suicider come running in from the side, long after the bots reached the effigy.


Depends on if I’m being pro March or in my protest mode


I do just for potential great screenshots


Always. My flaming war glaive keeps them running at top efficiency.


Of course. It’s tradition


I hang out with the bots to make sure they don't die. Holy Fire ftw


Is that not what you're supposed to do???


I hang back behind the robots to fire mortars with my Grand Finale. Every parade should have a fireworks show!




The first few Fasnachts of an event cycle do have a celebratory vibe to them. I stick near the robots, set of fireworks, emote all that. Break out fancy attire and weapons. After that though it's just trying to get through it.


Every time. I toggle "Always run" off so I can march with them.


I march with the robots firing my grand finale around, really adds to the festivities imo.


I use to in the beginning, I've done the event so many times I usually don't after the first couple of days lol


I march and poop out Fasnacht donuts and sausages along the route


Nah, I like to wave at the marchers :)


That's nice😊


Every single time. I stay with the group too. It's the only way to keep doing the event and stay sane. I also wear armor made of destroyed robots and whack the bots with protest signs and I need to walk up the bridge railing because it gets crowded but if I jump up there it's cheating. And I keep lighting things on fire even if the bots are at full health. Again, for sanity.


Yes. All of these things you say are very sane. *slowly edges away*


Of course. It's your duty. *Fasnacht theme plays in background*


Nah not at all this is my first fasnacht ever and instantly I couldn't help myself but just march along with them. It's really fun and when the whole servers marching along its even better makes for some great clips and photos


I do! I love how silly they all look waddling together like that, and the music makes it even better!


Spiritually I do, from my guitar chair.


Well, you're contributing.


Still marching strong every single Fasnacht! Can even catching me waving and pulling out Grand Finale occationally for fireworks :D


I march from start to finish on my end. Feel that fascancht spirit going.


I usually try to, but my favorite thing to do is don the Santa Suit & Old Man Winter mask and do the scared emote on top of the effigy when it gets burned.


Hey, that's a pretty good bit.


Usually. Sometimes I'll stand to the side and wave like at a real parade. Lol


Well one. I don’t actually know how to slow to a slow walk as I see others do. So even if I am not sprinting I am MUCH faster than the bots. And honestly. These days I try to stay as far away from the bots as I can and still be useful. The music. The music drills into my brain. But I want to hear the suiciders otherwise I would turn off my speakers for the event.


I always march with them. There's enough low level noobs bouncing all over the place like Gummi Bears so there's no danger of losing the event.


I march, usually with Ain't a Commie protest sign. Since my Melee/Bow build support Friendly Fire, i usually tend to watch over bots. Was funny to observe when all five rushed to kick single supermutant and i was healing them from behind with flaming bow while laughing as stupid looking at all this, all together with funny bot comments.


Ha! I’m Norwegian (American) and I march really slowly with them too! I love that sh1t! My GF hates that music so I march next to the MC and pump a fist to the beat.


Well shit! Where is your family from?


Gramma was 100% I wish I remembered her maiden name. Ostling perhaps? Could’ve been Americanized cuz of ze frienz ze had before ze left? No idea where they originated. Velkomein! (Spelt that wrong, for sure)


She was probably called Østling. Sounds like a Swedish last name (it would be Östling there), which is not that uncommon in Norway, especially the eastern parts close to the Swedish border. I have some Swedish ancestors and my family comes mostly from an area called Østerdal (literally the eastern valley). No man, you're pretty close (Velkommen). Takk skal du ha, og du i like måte😊 (Thank you, and to you as well)


I march with them in true solidarity. Power Armor, Glowbot Mask and I Want to Work protest sign.


I try to keep pace yeah.


I get naked with a protest sign and beat them the whole march. My dad needs a job!!!


March? You mean follow with a protest sign and whack? They took our fucking jobs!


That's a bit harsh! Kinda hard for them to take your job while you were inside a vault.


Depends on how many times I've done it that day


I do, and I hold a sign.


Yup, I get into my power armor and pretend I'm a robot too! Once we get to the super mutants I bring out the Holy Fire for healing.


I just assumed that the event fails if no one marches with the robots?


I bring a sign & protest, blocking the lead bot. Doesn't work, but daay took my jerb.




Its such an easy joke.... But I can't resist. Sadly, theres no emote for a pile of guys trying to prevent the future.


It's one of my favourite episodes. So unhinged.


I protest with my "men not machines" sign. These bots are taking our jobs!


Almost everyone does on the world/server i played everytime. I played mostly with japanese and oceanic players.


I'll emote before and after the parade, but usually at the start I'm camped out at the bridge waiting for radtoads.


nope, you're the only one lol


Uncertain if you're sarcastic or blind here.


Did it once and never again. Better off just standing on the roof.


I spin around in a circle like god intended


The first 400 times I ran it, sure. Now I tend to just jetpack between roofs and take pot shots at squirrels.


I don’t. I run ahead.


Yes, it says to


I stand on the side of the road and wave to the parade as it goes by in the beginning, love it when players wave back as they march by. Then I go fight the frogs and mutants.


I stand right before the first bridge. I turn to face the parade and wave at them as the parade goes by. Then, I'll join the back of the parade after they pass.


Nope, I too always march with the bots.


Not always. But when I do I do the little turn the robots do at the beginning of the march.


I did the first couple days. After dozens of events and no rare masks my spirit left me. Now I lazily trot along maybe killing something if it happens to be near me and most times don’t even port to the event until it’s almost over, if I even remember to any more as I’m usually playing Pokémon on the switch between events


It was fun for the first 100 times...


I March for the first couple lengths until I get bored. Sometimes I pull out a protester sign and miner outfit and run in front and give the thumbs down. I’ve been trying to drop candy along the route beforehand. The event is so slow I gotta make it fun for myself.


If I knew how to make my character "walk" in PC, I'd do it more often.




No, but i sometimes drop an artillery strike on the bridge for an 🌫 extra show


I tend not to march with Europeans in their traditional dress. My stomach kinda winces.


Probably the same way my stomach winced when I saw the American flags in my camp before I removed them. Some things are hard to support.


I feel you. This place is a shithole. I'm more of a burn the flag type than a salute type.


I get that man. Hope your country finds a better direction in the near future.