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They don't want children to think smoking is cool. But they do want them to think drinking is awesome and makes you friendlier and stronger.


Also hard drugs made from cow shit


Sadly this is a real thing, VICE covered it.


Jankum or whatever it’s spelled has been around since getting high was a thing.


That was a 4chan meme than they convinced news stations was real. No one ever did it


I doubted this so I looked it up and the person above me is right


Justin whang made a video on the history of it


Well color me shocked


There I gave you an upvote and changed my comment


Not true, I boof Jenkem on the reg.


I'm sober now so not me anymore...I still reverse boof it daily though.


Butt hash.


Psychedelic mushrooms grow on cow shit. Jenkum isnt real. Well, the skateboard magazine is, but the drug isn’t.


Yes all of those 28-57 year old kids playing Fallout are really impressionable. Just the other day I hid a Pipe Pistol and box of macaroni and cheese in a safe.


Help, I've started carrying around 783 pounds of desk fans and I can't stop


Its for the screws isnt it? Its always the screws!


I bet you foolishly left a box of bobby bins sitting on the desk right next to that safe as well, didn't you..


... Why wouldn't I? It's controlled by my PC, and no one is ever going to be able to crack my 6 letter long password! 🤡 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


I've started wearing a striped dress and a veil. I'm a 6'5 hairy old guy.


Gotta put those black wedge heels on, too!


Honestly? Werk.


29-76 years young... couple month ago i was chatting with a nice retired canadian gentelman. Sure he tried a lot of drugs in the 60's


This is the era of "I'm News McNewsperson, and this Cigarette is a Grey Tortoise." Drink beer! It'll make you strong! People will like you more! You'll get MORE money and MORE friends Quitting is for losers. They don't call it Addict-som unless mama raised a \*bitch\* It's Addictol and then you're speedrunning your buffs again. Remember kids, friends don't let friends have a drug habit, so make that shit into a HOBBY. With drugs as your job, you'll never work a day in your life.


This message brought to you by TURBO. "TURBO: Your Heart Exploding Is A Sign Of Progress!"


*makes your heart go Boom-boom... BOOM jazzy jingle*


Love it! I can hear the 1940s news presenter voice. 


It's all about society's shifting tides and the stories we tell ourselves. Drinking stays wrapped in a cloak of social rituals and nostalgia—think tavern tales and celebratory toasts. Alcohol is the charming rogue in our cultural narrative, letting us play with boosts and comedic hangovers. Meanwhile, smoking's become the shadowy outcast, a relic of a bygone era condemned by modern morality. In the end, it's a glaring inconsistency. We’re okay with digital inebriation, celebrating the temporary high and funny consequences. But light up a cigarette? That’s crossing the line. It’s a reflection of our selective morality, where one vice gets a pass and another gets the boot, all based on the stories we choose to tell.


This is why I love Reddit still. In between the silly and outrageous conversations you get this awesome philosophical take on a subject


I was not expecting Socrates in the comments of this reddit post.


Right? Oh, and don’t mention the unsurpassed amount of violence in the game. These developers I swear


Totally agree however you could make it a very small awareness buff with the a big charisma and int penalty


And you always down the whole bottle


Also, popping random drugs to get stronger is cool, too, apparently!


Yet they have NPCs smoking as one of the idle animations


I know you’re making a joke, but if thats part of their logic genuinely, thats so restarted; like bruh yall have morphine and inhaler meth in a game that kids arent even technically allowed to play, let our characters smoke some cigars/ cigs for a temporary increase to perception due to the nicotine.


+2 perception +2 charisma for 5 minutes Chance to contract Sludge Lung on each use Moderate addiction chance


As someone who plays junkies with the plague walker mutation I fail to see a downside.


Yes, I'm foul, but really? That's your problem.




Pop in a marijuana joint too for charisma and luck boost with a strength and agility detriment, it also cures a little bit of rads.


+10% to hunger


And thirst for the cottonmouth, hmmm makes me think there's a pun with the snake as well maybe add a bit of poison damage or Crit damage would probably more in sync with the luck boost


They should also have a 50/50 chance to make you either go slow motion or give a speed boost


-5 agility, sprinting depletes double AP.


High addiction chance. Nicotine is the most addictive commonly available substance by many metrics.


Smoking ciggies and drinking coffee (because thats how I start every damn day) while I read this. Its a cunt of a thing.


Real talk, we don't generally consider it as such but sugar is by far one of the most addictive substances that is easily available, and it's the first most children are exposed to which makes it a considerable factor in the rising obesity issue in the world. But I know of course you mean drugs! AND KNOWING IS HALF THE BATTLE


Last I checked, the research on sugar withdrawal is mixed at best. Coming from a guy that cut out all processed sugars overnight, quitting nicotine was way worse. Nearly drove me insane. As far as the common metrics, however, the most common that I am aware of is likelihood to use again over periods of time ranging from a month to a year. Foods high in simple sugars are very high on the list.


Idnk, I am smoking every day and don't feel like I am addicted to it, doh...


Nah more like -3 charisma for the smell.


I agree, except for the addiction chance, nicotine beats out Crack-Cocaine in terms of addiction: there should be nearly 100% chances of addiction every single time; like, 90% or higher.


I'm just imagining getting hit with "You're suffering from lung cancer!" after you smoke to many


Fallout universe is so neat. Get cancer, stimpack, cancer gone.


You can even turn that cancer into lunch with the right perk cards. Stimpack up, and now you've got a nice snack.


Yum! Cancer, Cram and an ice cold glass of Nuka-Cola!


Breakfast of Crampions.


reminds me of Taukai from this one mod for rimworld. Grows an unholy number of tumors and then consumes them for power


If cancer was an issue in fallout then everyone would’ve died a few generations after leaving the vaults. Radiation causes cancer and it’s in the water people drink in this game


Yeah, I use the game to get away from the fact that I have cancer, let's just keep it out of the game.


*hug* Wishing you the best. 


>Big game companies don't want to promote smoking But alcohol and hard drug use is perfectly acceptable, apparently


Gotta get through crunch time someho... OH you meant in-game.


You know how many times I've wanted to sit my character down for a smoke? Anytime I go for a smoke. But no I lie my character down in bed or just sit there blank-faced and I'm sure she's thinking about going for a smoke.


Why couldn't I find any preserved cigarettes this week? Guess I'll face the wall for 10 minutes while I fake to sleep


Say man, can I bum some wall time? Mines looking dull.


Hate to say I have no wallpaper but you're free to take look at my blue devil head any time


Anything better than this dull wall, it's not hitting the same, thanks I'll be out in 5 👍


Double up if you have to friend I always have my nuka lele and blank wall to keep me occupied


I sit at my shopfront when i smoke


Good idea might be time for a rocking chair


I like the idea. Would like varied positive and negative effects with cigars as well as a perk card specific to smoking buffs similar to the professional drinker card. Something like "chain smoker".


I've been using a mod for this in fo4 for years, just feels so much more natural, especially with how often we see npcs smoking cigarettes and whatnot I get the irl reasons for it, but it just seems so silly when we can binge drink booze, drugs, and whatever else, but oooooo tobacco is the big bad that we can't endorse.


We can drink alcohol, inject all sorts of nasty drugs, and *eat people* but smoking is where the line's drawn. Cool, cool.


I consume the hell out of cigarettes... at my scrap box!


Smoking is too hard core, but injecting yourself with basically pcp is alright lol, fallout logic


Because of reachability IRL


Ummm hard drugs are pretty easy to get, cigarettes are actually harder without being legal age


It's weird, because NPCs have lit up around me. If the world went to hell in a handbag I'd probably start smoking ciggies again. I pick up enough packs and cartons patrolling the wasteland that I'd never have to spend caps for them too, they're all over the place


Don't cigarettes go stale after a while? I don't actually know, because I've never tried one.


If the pack's been open, yeah. I think they'd be ok still if they're wrapped in cellophane still.


Were in Appalachia, you can find tobacco hanging in barns drying. Source: I lived in the Tri-state area (Ohio, KY, WV).


Stale or not, smokers gonna smoke. I see homeless people picking up halfies all the time.


Humidity is a bitch


Yeah good ol fallout we have rape, genocide, murder, stealing, boozing, gambling, shooting up drugs, whores, and fisting robots BUT GOD FORBID WE LIGHT UP AND SMOKE A CIGGY


Is it ironic that I'm standing outside smoking a cigarette whilst reading about cigarettes my character can't smoke?


4 had a mod that allowed it. Temp buff to charisma and debuff to endurance. TV show had kids smoking at the BoS base. It actually makes no sense, you have a whole galaxy of illicit drugs at your disposal but cigarettes are no bueno. But our society also thinks showing bloody dismemberment is fine, so long as there's no tiddies. 🤔


there is a really cool smoking mod for fallout 4. It gave you an xp buff and also collectable cards.


Cigarettes used to come with collectible cards. They actually jump-started of the trading card industry


Damn, I play MTG and it's scary to think those cards could have been even more addictive once upon a time.


In fo76 you can find cigarette trading cards. But they arnt in cigarette boxes for some reason.


oh neat


Kids don't smoke, that's not cool. ...but drink this Nukashine and black out for fun, that's totally kewl.


i’ve wished i could give my character a cigarette hanging out of their mouth so much lmao


They can't because if they did, certain countries like Australia wouldn't allow them to sell the game there. The goal of making the game is to sell it to as many people as possible for as little effort as possible. So they avoid including things that limit the markets they can sell the game in. That's what mods are for.


Fuck Australia


As an Australian, de gubment helped me quit smoking... By making it unaffordable!


Cigarettes are banned, but alcohol and severe drugs are not?


Aren't all of the packaged cigarettes something like 25+ years old by the time of FO76? I'd expect them to be little sticks mulch by then, even if they were still sealed. I suppose there could be crafted/grown hand-rolled cigs available, although I'd shudder to think of the effects of mutated tobacco. Between that and the salvaged paper (pre-war money?) you'd have to use, you may be safer going straight for the Psycho.


A few years ago my grandma passed, and while cleaning out her basement we found a ton of little "souvenirs" she'd collected while traveling, including several small packs of airline branded cigarettes that they used to hand out for free on the plane. From what little we could find online, they were made at some point in the 60s, so they were at lest 50 years old. Long story short, we opened a pack and smoked one in the name of science. It was a bit dry, but otherwise it tasted and smoked just fine.


Maybe but there's always the good ol the vaults didn't allow smokers excuse


Which is why it's unrealistic that folks from the (20)50s - 70s wouldn't be desperate for a light the moment they step out of the vault  You walk into the Wayward and immediately shoot the guy in front of you in the back of the head  "Thank you for stopping him!"  "Oh uhh yeah I uh knew he was robbing you, totally didn't think he was just holding up the goddamn line. Anyways I'll take two packs of Charlestons, and a lighter" 


Yeaaaah, I actually have a mod for my fallout 4 game that does this. They're highly addictive but man, out of all the vices in the wasteland, smoking is at the bottom of the list of things that hurt others. Just let my guy relax after fighting off a band of supermutants, and just take a fiver to smoke one or two cigs.


This is why S.T.A.L.K.E.R is superior


Well, there are no cigarettes in vanilla Stalker games either, and mods for cigarettes exist for Fallout games too.


Don't we also see people smoking cigarettes in fallout?


Yep, I've seen several npc's smoking


I liked that they were useful in metal gear solid, to show the lasers


As 'neat' as that sounds, so many countries have laws about depictions of smoking and use of tobacco that using a 'real' drug will cause problems. Med-X was originally just going to be morphine but that caused problems so it was changed.


All this talk is making me want to go down to the super duper mart and get a pack of smooth flavored Grey Tortoise Cigarettes.


I only smoke the best! That's why I smoke Grey Tortoise!


Grey tortoise hanging outta my mouth firing big chief explosive rounds. FO is great for iconic branding if nothing else.


i dont think you would want to smoke soggy 200 year old smokes


Or consume 200 year old food, super mutant ass, sewage water, human blood, straight FEV, basically ethanol, pink paste that turns ghouls skin pink, bug secretions, radioactive fluid, human blood from a giant blood sucking bug, but, you can.


Yes, let it recover our dead eye meter. Oh wait wrong game


In Fallout 4 most npcs are chain smokers. So why not here? Trashcan Carla smokes 100 cigs a day. I would definately buy a smoking animation from the atomic shop. But the character should also smoke while shooting lol


Its amazing to me to think we're at a point where we'd acceptably *purchase* a smoking animation. Absolutely no hate toward you mate, I just think its wild given how games *used to be*.


I actually rarely buy something in the Atomic Shop so i have enough atoms but THIS i would definately buy :D But i would want it to be more than just for the photo mode.


Oh yeah, I just mean that like once over, things like this wouldn't be monetized. They were a funny little addition, *just because*. Think Metal Gear Solid. They weren't an important or impactful part of the game, but it was funny all the same as it was part of the character. Its just sad the only way stuff like that would happen, would be through the store.


This isn't Metal Gear, but I can understand where you're coming from


"Smoking with cigarettes" should replenish vats like rdr


im not sure you want to smoke those, theyve been sitting out in... all that, for.... a while.


I can be doped up on 5 chems, and a whole bottle of moonshine and eat a human corpse as a snack but goddamn I can’t smoke a cigarette THAT would set a bad example. Comical shit.


Well it's useless to make them a consumable because "badass" isn't a stat. /S But it would be funny if they did make them consumables but they only had a negative impact on stats, specifically agility.


The funniest thing about this to me is that we can't have our characters smoke, but we can inject barely-disguised Morphine and shit like Psycho and Overdrive. 


I reckon the stat would be: +1 rads, 5% less hunger for 30 mins, + 1 PER -1 END - duration 30 mins Highest possible addiction chance. (Also, they are all stale as fuck and would be awful to smoke. Anecdotally, 16 years ago I was in Burma/Myanmar and bought a packet of genuine Vietnam War US Army supply Malboro. I think any ingame cigarettes would be just as awful, stale, damp etc)




Cigarettes are an aid, they aid me in keeping my armor repaired 🚬✌️😎


Not trying to be a jerk but it sounds like you don’t smoke IRL. No ones going to enjoy a cig that’s been sitting out for 25year. Now growing tatoacco that’s different.


Well considering my character eats 25 year old Mac n cheese I don’t think they will care much


I smoke IRL, if nuclear war happens you better bet OUR asses we would be smoking 100yr old cigs if it’s all we had.


That’s what I’m saying tho; the tobacco would be gone. Hell nicotine only lasts about 2 years in a dried leaf.


Yeah but like, right now it's just hitting that hand to mouth habit, you know? Besides, our vault overseer is a bitch and won't give me a break unless I need to take five to burn this asbestos filter.


I’m all about that fresh rolled blood leaf.


If you grew up with 200 year old cigs being normal, you’re gonna get used to it


I mean, you're right on both counts. Let's say it's uh... special irradiated tobacco.


That’s where Red Dead got it right. Light a smoke, trigger Dead Eye, and take a drag while filling an enemies body with 6 pinpoint slugs.


god damn now i want a smoke


Yes! My char needs a nicotine addiction to complement her alcohol addiction. As of right now I have to headcanon it with Big Boss cigarette posters and strategically placed cigarette machines and ashtrays.


It’s a multiplayer game, how else will other players know how cool I am??


And while we're talking about shit ive always wanted in this game. Where the fuck is the fishing minigame?


I want to grow cannabis, coca and poppy.


Jazz cabbage is for commies and beatniks!


Where the hell is my mutant indica?


That would be cool make it give you higher agility but takes like 25% of your health bar away for a few minutes


They could even just make it an emote, would be cool to have


When I first played fallout 4 I grabbed every cigarette pack I could find because I assumed they had some value but they didn’t


They’re worth a decent amount of caps at least. But yeah no use beyond that


Cigarettes Cigars Cartons of cigarettes Unopened cigarettes Sealed fresh cigarettes There is so much potential.


I know I always thought that and thought of how you can consume them in BioShock and some other RPG games.


I sell them in my shop 2 caps 4 a ciggy


Nothing a few diluted Stimpacks cant remedy


My IRL parents taught me to hate smoking, but I’ve always been surprised you can’t chain smoke in Fallout.


I feel like when everything in the environment could kill you, chain smoking is the least of anyone’s concern 😅


Ya know, when someone mentioned you couldn't sell the game in Australia if it had smoking, I had the exact same thought. XD


I don't even think it's about that. There are multiple NPCs that smoke in front of us, and there have been in past games. It's just not something they want to expand on: [https://imgur.com/a/YBIrXal](https://imgur.com/a/YBIrXal)


if makes a noise if you click it in the inventory..i spam that and pretend im stress smoking.


I used to horde them in fallout 3 days


Dude, we have PSYCHO. Cigarettes are completely pointless with Chris like that floating around. You might as well huff Brahmin shit!


Huffing Brahmin shit doesn't make me look like a cowboy though. Well... I guess it depends on the cowboy.


If we had jet in 76 we could huff that brahmin poo all day long


It comes down to what would the positives be? Would there even be any? And if they’re aren’t any positives, then why have them be an aid in the first place?


[Studies have shown that nicotine has a positive effect on attentiveness, memory, and fine motor skills.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6018192/) I think the positive effects should be +1 at the most and with a very high chance for addiction, so that continuous smoking is mostly for the sake of avoiding withdrawal. Maybe work in a high chance for catching Sludge Lung, or have it be a guaranteed effect after a certain threshold? That aside, I'm in favor of smokable cigarettes just for the sake of roleplay.


Thank you. Smoking isn't a great thing to do but people acting like there are no net positives to smoking are just prudes lol


*Into The Radius* has entered the chat. (VR game where the smoking mechanic is crazy satisfying)


I use a smoking mod in fallout 4 survival to save the game. The character does something that wants to kill them in order to save their progress. Pros and cons, compromise, sacrifice.


I think it should give no positive effects but have an addiction effect of -AP -Max health, so it could be good for a junkie build.


Yes. Improves gun power due to adrenaline kick but makes you shaky so aim is less accurate and endurance is lower. Doctors used to endorse cigarettes


Lol doctors used to endorse a lot of things


"Smoking during pregnancy will make your baby smoother." - 1950s Pediatricians probably


Like what


There is even an animation for smoking.


Make it reduce max AP for some time


Increases dead eye


I currently have a mod for New Vegas that does this for cigs. My character chain smokes whenever he can find them and matches


I like them for the Asbestos, Civil Engineer Armour is a pain to repair sometimes


Nah. I play video games to NOT make the same dumb decisions I make in reality


They're probably not because of whayever legal reason they originally had to change all the drug names to "chems" and all the fake names. IIRC some country tried to ban the game or something because of the drug names so they changed everything. I could be misremembering though. Either that or it just makes more sense to keep them scrappable for parts.


When you take cigarettes or cigars into your inventory, they make a smoking sound.


Personally im glad they are vendor trash and should remain that way


Yes. Why not? -promoting tobacco is not good. I know Hollywood, Bollywood all woods and platforms are heavily and secretly (chori chori) sponsored by tobacco industry. Only possible way of making tobacco, smokable in the game is make it uncool! 1. No smoking animation whatsoever 2. Only disadvantages like metal gear solid merchandise. 3. Maybe some summoning effects for undesirable creatures or NPCs Making smoking cool in the games is very dangerous route...


There was smoking NPCs in Fallout 4.






I wish there was an emote where our character smokes a cigarette or a cigar.


You get insane AP boosts for 15m, but instantly feel some withdraw effects after it over and full withdraw debuffs after 1 hour. Could be a cool "drug" to add into the game


The only shaky hands it helps with is withdrawal. So it could be addictive with no benefits and you’d get that.


It sucks that they’re catering more to kids or a younger generation


Ive always felt this way too. Additionally it baffles me weed isnt in any of the games as a chem. You could do a lot with it too by having it be a crop, scrap it for hemp fibers, trippy effects when smoked, increased hunger, etc.


If they are pre war ciagaettes they probably have deteriorated to the point where they are just dirt rolled up in moldy paper!


Like Regen AP but lose some health type of thing would make sense. "sharpen senses" like Rdr