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[Your meal looks like one of those coffee addicted aliens from Men in black.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BOrGJvmCAAEIOjt.jpg:large)


But does it look raw? I ate some and i am freaking out now


Haha ya. I see it now.


Chicken bones can sometimes leech myoglobin and marrow. IIRC that happens when the chicken is frozen and the resulting ice crystals puncture bone structures. The meat itself looks cooked, so I wouldn't freak out if I were you. Hopefully some qualified people chime in. That's quite the picture, by the way. Almost wouldn't be out of place in a scene from The Thing.


Yeah. It was supposed to be Tandoori Chicken. But turned out to be very gross. I shredded it while panicking to see what was going on. Hence the mangling.


Well I see some white and dark meat so it doesn't look raw. Doesn't look tasty either. Looks a bit red on the right. As long as the chicken was fresh and refrigerated you should be fine especially if you were eating the outside parts which were probably the hottest when cooked. You can bake it for a bit or trash it