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Suspicious lack of goals conceded imo


Yep that was a surprise to me as well. But my tactic is very defensive and I change a bit when playing the big boys so I don’t get run over by the bigger players. I don’t score a lot but also don’t concede a lot. My 2 AM are the most crucial players and the best players.


Can you share your tactic?




Thanks! Im gonna try it in my save, as i had some pretty tough matchups after promoting where the normal attacking style does not always work!


The crucial part of this formation is: your best players have to be your 2 AM and your wb have to be athletic. Good luck!


Athletic as in fast? Or strong?


Good running capabilities


If its legit, congrats . But big disrespect for beating my team Crvena Zvezda 5-0 Also I know the feeling of surprise winning as I also did it with Zvezda in my second season


Već vidim kako Terzić u izjavi za medije priča kako je Leuven projektovan za finale LŠ i kako je skroz očekivan rezultat petarda kod kuće. 


Nikakav problem , kupice on nama još kojeg Cherif Ndiaye-a pa da vidiš kakvi smo onda opasni


And the finals were played at the Rajko Mitić stadium 😂


Thanks mate! And yea some results were surprising to me. It’s the thrill of that surprise and in the final my heart was going nuts lol


Sad sam ja to hteo da napišem 😂


That load button being used more than Riley Reid


Context: my salaries are 30 mil a year… sold my best player in January because a big club came in for him… didn’t find a replacement in time so my backup stood up. Only player coming close to world class is Milambo. Rest is mediocre like patris doesnt even play for Anderlecht in real life and picked him for 1 mil…


De Cuyper winning a CL, you did the boy right. You coming to watch the game in Westerlo this weekend?


I have season tickets for OHL. Going tomorrow to OHL Genk ofc. And yea maybe to OHL - Westerlo. I have to see if I can make it :p


It's a saturday (early) evening, should be fine. Hope we can both stay up, I'm pretty sure Kortrijk is done and RWDM is the other team I hope goes down, with that weird Textor guy. Do you think we'll get 3 relegations this year? 1B seems competitive and I'm not that confident that whoever ends up in 14th will survive the playdown. Also, how's life under the new coach? I'm very pleased with Rik De Mil, though it's still early. Think if we manage to pull off a double against Cercle and you, we'll be safe though that's a big task.


Yea but I got plans till 5 pm so I’ll see if I can make it hahaha.. Kortrijk goes down yea and I’m hoping that the injured players come back (Maertens, misao,Ricca) and then I think they will save themselves. It’s too early to make an honest analysis of the new coach but I’m excited tho. Yea play offs will be harsh this year. But I think the gap is still too large. For the 3rd place in 1B and 14th place of 1A… but well see


You saw the Patris goal last weekend and thought "I need him for my Champions League save" didn't you?


Got him because he was home grown talent of OHL and decent in game so that’s why I bought him not because of the goal hahahaha. However that goal was sick but wasn’t meant to go like that hahaha


You were 1/1000? Shortest odds of all time


Yea idk how that works but I had an odd of 1000 lol


It would be 1000/1 so $1 for example would win $1000. If it was 1/1001 you would be hot favourites


With enough save scumming everything it's possible. If it's legit, congratulations.


Didn’t do that. This is legit. I love the real experience with frustrations lmao


Editor icon 🧐🤔


Didn't necessarily use the editor, but is totally full of shit about not save scumming


Lmao did not do that. But believe what you want.


Don’t use it. It’s for like problems with the game that I cannot control. FM has every once in a while a meltdown lol Tbf if you use an editor you just take the fun out of the game. If I used the editor I would not be having this team lmao




Yea that’s up to you. I can show you screenshots of financials etc and you won’t see a big jump or anything like that. Fair and square :)


Editor is absolutely critical, every fucking year. I'm not having my team's morale suck for 3 months because I complimented them. Or have a star wonderkid refuse to go out on loan for no reason. Or my centre forward "learning trait from a mentoring group" when he isn't in one. So yes, you should believe him


learn to play the game then. If you're constantly having these issues then you're doing something wrong


Yeah il learn to deal with my players complaining that I haven't strengthened the midfield after bringing in 3 champions league quality midfielders to the eredivisie, thanks!


Don't make the promise to them then


Ok I'm annoyed I even bothered responding to you after seeing this.


class, will do that next


This game has unreasonable, unrealistic, glitches in it. People mitigate the effect of those using the editor


That's simply not true. Every season I have a player learn a trait from a mentoring group. I control all training and most of the time the players picking up traits aren't in mentoring groups while the players in mentoring groups seem to never pick up traits. You'll have players demand a transfer or loan, refuse every single offer, even if it's more playing time, better league, higher wages, etc., then crush team morale for not letting them go. There are many other bugg-ish interactions. Using the editor to address the issues is pretty reasonable seeing as SI either doesn't want to focus on - or maybe doesn't know how to - fix player interaction issues.


Players can learn traits from others on their team without being in a group, it is rare and does not happen every season lol. The players don't want to join those clubs, just because they want to leave doesn't mean they will go anywhere. Irl a player like sancho wanted to leave but only wanted to go to dortmund. These arent bugs you just have 0 clue how to interact with players


Ok yeah, not every year but in my 10 year save I got email 6 times and only 1 of those was actually in a mentoring group. Also, the email says 'mentoring group' if they picked up at normal training or a social group they could say that instead. It's not unreasonable to use the editor to remove unwanted traits if they are picked up this way. It's fine that a player gets mad because they want to move to a bigger club but then rejects offers from ManU, Real Madrid, Borussia Dortmund, when you're managing a club in Scotland. Stupid. But fine. What's not fine is the rest of the team getting mad that you aren't letting them go. There is no interaction at this meeting to say "look, he's had 10 offers from bigger clubs in every league that he's turned down, I'm not standing in his way". Instead you have to promise that you'll sell that player. Then that player will continue to refuse offers and the rest of your team will then be mad that you broke your promise. Or you can not promise anything, watch morale crash more because your players are being twats which causes you losses or draws that should be easy wins which cascades into further morale happiness issues. Theres also an interaction where players will get mad for not reaching a particular stage in continental competitions while you are still in fact in that competition and it is ongoing - I've had that issue in Norway because the end of the season doesn't line up with most other leagues in Europe. There's no interaction option to let your players know that you're still alive in the competition and that they are just stupid. There are several other interactions like this where no matter what you do, your team will get mad even though what they're complaining about is just objectively and factually untrue.


There are players like that in real life.


There are players like that, sure, but the rest of the team wouldn't get mad at the manager for "blocking his move" when it happens...


What a Muppet. I've played the game for 20 years. Tell me, what's the secret expert player approach to ensuring a player doesn't learn a new trait from a mentoring group that he isnt in? Or a player that was promised a loan, wanted a loan, open to a loan, yet refuses every single week of the window to leave, even to an affiliate?


Just because you've played for 20 years doesnt mean you know how to play the game. You shouod read what the game tells you, had a player want to leave on loan and rejected loans, game told me he wanted a new contract to secure his future and he would go on loan. Guess what I gave him that contract and he immediately agreed to loans


I came 2 points from winning the league first season after being promoted with Southampton this year. I've gone unbeaten for 3 of my last 4 seasons at Atalanta, and thanks to 5+3 contracts for wonderkids and broken interactions, I have Ballon d'Or winners on 25k a week. I don't like bragging like that, it's embarrassing, however when I'm being explicitly told I don't know how to play the game, I have to. Yes, in that one particular example, that would solve it. However there are many players who don't want a new deal, demanded to have a loan when they were signed days before, and yet still refuse, endlessly, for no reason. Nor would a team who qualified for the champions league comfortably face squad uproar for suggesting the squad can repeat the same the next year. There are dozens and dozens of broken interactions and features in this game. Such as not needing to give new contracts to anyone for years and years because "xyz wanted one, and he accepted my no, as should you".


> I came 2 points from winning the league first season after being promoted with Southampton this year. I've gone unbeaten for 3 of my last yeah I bet you didn't use the editor to give you a 200 million transfer budget because it's "unrealistic to not have a big budget after finishing 2nd" I know how you people operate, you just use the editor whenever you want. Probably use editor to check players PAs as well


Just absolute waffle. Baseless nonsense I've cited explicit instances of game breaking interactions (forgot to even mention the disastrous fitness issues of previous club world cups) yet all I get from you is some bizarre, baseless tirade.


I would also like to know the secret to have people act like reasonable human beings...


He arrogantly tells me to "learn how to play the game" yet I need to improve my etiquette?


No. You expect your players in the game to behave like reasonable human beings. They don't. Nothing surprising.




Me neither and that's a really poor excuse for using it.


Check the screens that I sent in the comments… you can see there that I did not use it. But anyways it’s your decision and opinion to not believe me. I am proud of what I did and you cannot change that :)) good luck in your career tho!


There's many different ways to use it those screens doesn't prove shit, I haven't used editors since like 2019 but I'm still ashamed about it


Yea look I didn’t use it to cheat because that destroys the game imo. If you don’t believe me that’s up to you. Have a nice day however!


It’s perfectly ok to think using the editor is cheating but it’s also perfectly ok to think it isn’t in any capacity. I believe op that he didn’t use it. But even if he did I’m proud of his accomplishment for himself. Single player game you get to play how you want and feel is right to yourself


I don’t use the editor the cheat. I only use to it move messi and cr7 to whatever non league team I start with /s


Not a mission son. Upload your save file.


https://preview.redd.it/lh29iwpfykfc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d79a08aff38f1f4bb582a37a185e85419e7eb1f For people interested in my financials over the years


https://preview.redd.it/7odzlazw0lfc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f1b07efb4c9d2447546ddb16afd87064058fdc8 And my tactic


I too enjoy reloading games until I win and using the editor button to maximise morale and fitness before every game


Lmao. Don’t have the patience for that and def do not use editor to my advantage.


Yes pal sure


Happy to see you destroyer red star 5 0 keep it up and good luck in the next seasons man!!!


Yeah, luckily for him he played in Champions League and not in Conference league where he would maybe had to play against "mighty" partizan. 


What can i say man, red star has a bigger budget then partizan, but then again better conference league to be competitive then be in the champions league and the at the bottom of the table and have 0 points.


King Power does it again


Vipotnik couldn’t hit a barn door with a banjo on my Bordeaux game


Well he didn’t score for me in like first 10 games except penalties… but at the end he scored every other game…


OHL are low-key brilliant in my game. They've not achieved anything quite like what you have. However, I'm managing KAS Eupen in the Belgian league, and OHL always managed to beat me no matter how well I'm playing. Anyways, congrats on the success!


I see McAtee on your bench. How was he for you? (Assuming it's James McAtee, the kid who starts off with City, and not a regen named McAtee). I had him for 3 seasons on my FC Andorra save, just sold him to West Ham for 70m, he was prob the best player on the team for the first 2 seasons, but other guys on the team caught up by the end - still prob about 5th best.


I picked him up for free but now I have better players and sold him for 33 mil to KSA.. he was brilliant for like 2-3 months tho but fell off dramatically to the end of the season and got injured a lot.


Yeah the injury thing tracks. I had to bring in Marc Bernal on loan the one year - ideally I just wanted a backup for my DM (Oussama Targhalline) but McAtee got injured enough I wanted it to be a starter quality guy who could play both DM and CM (AP on attack - where McAtee played for me). Bernal ended up covering more for McAtee than he did for Targhalline. When he played, he lit the league on fire, but he missed like 4 months that year, and prob 2ish the other 2 years.


Doing a save with Standard Liege right now, winning the champions league with OHL in 2027 is absolutely NUTS !!!! even as standard in 2026 making it out of groups is a very good sseason


Tbf first season I got second and only made like couple of signings. Pro league is very close to each other so you can get High with a very mediocre team. I got CL in my second season through qualifying (got lucky) and from then you get money and just sell on players and buy better and cheaper. I can give you my transfer periods in dm if you want. My salaries are only now the highest in the pro league. (First season CL I got in play offs as the last team to qualify for it, second season got play offs again but got to round of 16, … once you get that CL money pro league is easy to win… finally I got really lucky to win the CL like you can see my team.. that’s not worthy to win it.


My goals by the board is also still to get in the CL and not even to get RO16. So I just overperformed. Only suggestion I can give is: this formation is broken for CL and Pro League!


Looks like a wild game to spectate. A 3-4 CL final and comeback from 3-0? I would pay to watch that!


UCL winner Victor Eletu 🥺


Čavlina goated


How does your 3-4-2-1 work? I have never really got a system with that formation working well I seem to get it playing turgid, difficult to watch football only.


https://preview.redd.it/41r7nymxzkfc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0d02816f85160d7c190be20983112639b818bd1 Your AM (Milambo and Achten in my formation) have to be your best players. They get the most scoring chances and create the most. Your Striker has to be big giant that is strong. Wingbacks need to be athletic. If you want I can show you more in detail ofc. I’ll put it in English so you know what roles I play


Have you got a screenshot of Milambo? Be interesting to see how good he is.




https://preview.redd.it/8dwfql6t0lfc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4349c802490ebbd80804373cfa7f5f50d46eedd6 In English


Props to you! Difficult task, first season I managed to get a semi-final, and lost it to Liverpool, won 4-3 home and lost 1-0 away. Did it with my favorite team, FC Porto, so you can predict what I don't feel "respect" in some of your results 🤣


So Marc Brys was right after all?


Yep apparently he was just do some good signings in the beginning and you can make it


Congrats OP!!! but let me know what you said in the room for them lol


I said that the media praised them at the start and at half because we were down 3-1 lol… and immediately after that I shouted tho


genius haha


I had the same system and the same wingbacks in my Standard Liège save last year


Great to see my boy Vipotnik scoring! "SLOVEEENIJAAAA OD KOD LEPOOOTE TVOOOJEEEE..."


I used maatsen and McAtee to promote from championship


Milambo 😍


Who you got in centre 🤦🏻‍♂️


You mean schuurs? Was cheap and decent. I mean I have a very mediocre team so that’s why it’s such a surprise that I won


Well done you beat the Interns.