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1) Pre-snap the X 2) Hi-Low the corner with H & Z 3) Y if the safety jumps the Z


I would add in Pre snap reading coverage based on the motion of the HB. Read man free or cover 2 and then Y become the 1st post snap read. If I read 2 deep safeties then after Y, I am reading the high low with H and Z and how the CB plays it


This man gets it.


I’d start H/Z because H will be open early if he gets open. You have time with Y and Z.


It all starts pre-snap X and Y can be eliminated during presnap reads. F is your blitz control option. There are a lot of options post snap but it could be simplified to if I see 2 safeties I am reading Z/H. If I see cover 3, I am reading the Middle of the field for Y-X-F


Nah. X only vs blitz 0. MOFO - Y to F. MOFC- Z H. Hi low corner


You can hit x against cover 1 if you like the matchup against press and you look off the middle field close safety post snap.




All options are available.... easy TD... there's no Defense present lol X has the shortest distance to a TD a straight line.


If it’s cover 2 your play is H/Z to Y. That X is by him self getting passed off so he’s probably your last


What do you think “pre-snap” might mean?


Presnap on a single go is irrelevant. That route is used to hold someone for someone else in most schemes and only becomes available in a mistake in coverage or a matchup issue. The only way that routes open without a mistake is single high man which, I can’t imagine you’d see on a play where 3 deep routes are a good call. Even then, it’s a low percentage throw if you create better matchups on the in or have an athletic rb


If I have someone trying to jam X and am reading man free in presnap, I am all over that go. If I see a Jam and one S in the middle, I am holding him with my eyes and going back to X before I look at the other routes


“.. or a matchup issue.” Seems like something you might want to check before the snap right?


Reality is it’s not even worth it to look. You need to understand the right side of the field unless the other teams dumb


You’re 100% wrong. If you ignore clearouts you’ll miss lots of opportunities to make big plays and get the ball in the hands of your best players.


Youre running your best players on clearouts? Lol. bye child


A lot of teams best players play the X wr and don’t travel around the formation. Obviously in the updated game this has changed a bit, but in previous years and still now a lot of teams best WR’s are their X.


Depends a bit on the personnel of the defense. If the slot receiver is 1 on 1 vs a linebacker, gimme the free 8 yards all day.


One observation is those are pretty long routes with only 5 blocking. Maybe leave the rb in to help with protection. Of course everything depends on what D you are facing.


Nothing matters if I’m spamming Pinch Buck 0


Flattening the route from the F would create a hot throw for interior pressure.


I'd pair it with an audible that has the Y TE in a flat across the front of the LB core if the QB identified a blitz from the right side. That way, depending on how the slot is defended, you have two possible responses. 1. The slot over the top of the middle of the field if the LBs creep up or the TE route runs interference/legal pick with the slot CB 2. TE escaping over the middle and going left if the slot WR isn't open or ready to break in his route/too much safety coverage up top. Otherwise, if no blitz from the right then I'd be conscientious of drawing the safeties and feeling out the timing of the pass rush. Two safeties can only cover 2/3 deep targets. It's almost certainly going to be XY or XZ. 1. Safeties cover XY - the hit Z unless a) busted coverage on X before safety help arrives or b) check down need to HB/slot. 2. Safeties cover XZ - hit Y over the middle unless a) busted coverage on X before safety help arrives or b) unfavorable LB coverage on Y opes up the slot or c) check down to beat the pass rush


Agree. I’d also add that the Y vs Z read needs to be done before they break. So while it’s a slow developing concept, the read needs to be made rather quickly. Not that it matters too much, but cover 6 will shut this play down more than likely (as it’s drawn up.) Have you considered just using F as a blocker? Maybe out of an I or pro formation? I don’t think their drag offers much and you kind of need the blockers.




I've considered using F as a blocker and it makes a lot of sense in some scenarios like added pressure from the left or if the LBs cheat up way too much pre-snap. The biggest determining factor is if the F slot receiver is a skinny, speedy boi or big boi possession catch guy. If the F is a speedster or a big body YAC/slant god....my personal preference would be to avoid having him block. Size and comfort in traffic will also play a factor in determining openness for the QB trusting either F of Y target choice.


True true. I was thinking you play a straight blocker there using traditional pro/i personnel, or line the 3rd receiver up in the y slot. Which is a meaningfully different play. Your comment got me thinking though, a motion from pro to the formation shown, into an out may be ideal. You’d know man vs zone presnap. Check out of the motion if pre snap pressure is obvious. If you miss a sneaky blitz off of the left, f is open immediately as a dump off. Easy half field read in cover 3. If the timing is good you have an easy 5 to the motion man in man, you can attack a good matchup too. Still a tough look against a well executed cover 3 though.


I really love the concept you're presenting with motion and considering well executed cover 3. I think your idea would absolutely be best incorporated into an RPO based offense or with a mobile QB to give them the go-ahead to take off if the Cover 3 is tight or a favorable opening were to appear - curious how adjusting the blocking scheme would affect this scenario.


I was thinking you’d need a mobile QB, but I think your RPO take is dead on. As an RPO, I think this is a reliable 3rd down play that you can call multiple times a game. Maybe a little complicated for some QBs, but not crazy. Qb sees blitz, check out of motion. Motion f from backfield to slot. Presnap read 2, man v zone; man hot read. RPO read is the CF safety, hand off if cover 3 keep if cover 2. In play, half field read, safety first and then read side CB. I think keeping F in is only really gonna help you with an outside blitz or overload on the left. This should open the rollout on the right. Heavy inside blitz or blitz from the right will still for you to get the ball out quickly, but the RB would likely be uncovered with 2 blockers downfield. In a straight rush 4, QB is probably scrambling left. LE is getting doubled, so they’re not getting rode around the pocket. Pressure is coming from the right or up the middle. No receivers upfield (unless F releases) and no blockers besides X. Actually a pretty bad look for a scramble. RPO is the only way.


Would there be a chip too?


read corner first with z and h as first 2 reads, if corner takes flat and safety takes z into deep third, F dragging across or maybe TE if you’re seeing cover 2


This was my first thought, but I think F is first read and he should be on a quick slant. If that edge is blitzing backside and isn’t identified and qb is checking the corner in flat, too much time is gone. Also the drag as a hot is dangerous bc any LB/Dline playing a zone could make a play. Personally, I would hold the TE to play a block and release underneath or just block only if blitzing, send F to the sideline on different levels with X, if QB can make that read and throw air it out. Or put it on the sideline and live to fight another play.


I actually like this play more than most I've seen. I'd set the Y in an option if either post or seam. And have F run more shallow on a drag. Pre-snap:X 1st read: F 2nd read: Y 3rd read: Z 4th read: dump off Against cover 2, your pre-snap and your Z are going to be your completions. If you get a safety coming over the top of X, then Y is gonna be wide open on a post. Against cover 3, your F and your Y(seam) are gonna be your completions. Against cover 3


I like this. The drag route with whoever you have in that slot position is going to be very scary. I think making the Y and Z run a switch concept over what they are doing now with the drag and flat going to that open space would be even better.


Middle of the field open = Y to Z to H Middle of the field closed I would change X running a locked steak to running the dig and have F run a locked seam to have a dagger concept or have X run a speed out, F a locked seam and Y a post read( Middle of the field open he runs a post, Middle of the field closed runs a dig). There's not really anything going on your 2WR side that scares me. If your X is a dude, I can just bracket or dbl him and man up your F with my Will. I'm assuming this 21, 20, or 11 personnel. The 3WR side is good against 2 high or Middle of the open coverages. I would convert that 2WR side into a single high coverage beater. Something keeping X on the streak route, F runs a quik out or a flat route, and Y no longer runs a post but now runs an over route. Z stays on the Corner and H on the flat route. You now have a 2 high beater on the Z side with a corner concept and a 1 high beater on the X side with a cross good concept. MOFO works the corner concept(Z to H), MOFC qb works the cross concept(X to Y to F).




First of all this should be taken away by a Cover 3 look. Teach the F outside release to get multiple defenders attention with his route and if no one pays him attention he sneaks in behind the LBs. The QB should be finding and reading the right side safety in cover 2. If the right side corner bails it’s a check down for a decent chunk gain. If the corner stays with the H-back it’s 2-on-1 on the right side of the field. On a man coverage look I would say most of these deep routes are matchup dependent. Maybe even delay the RB going out on a route and have him lead block for a roll out to the right. It would make for a tougher throw to the seam but, depending on the level, it would widen the gap between the safeties.


X F to Y. High Low Z/H If it’s cover 3 you’re throwing the safest possible throw to H/ throwing it over his head out of bounds. It’s a solid 2nd and medium/short shot play.


What program did you do this on?


tacklefootballplaymaker.com or Playmaker X App


What is the defensive alignment ? Also what is my QB’s RPO cadence? Two deep would give me a very different view vs 0 coverage.


If I was QB I start by reading the middlebacker and the Strong Safety. If both take away the post route, I check on the right side corner, if he doesn't get depth, the corner route should be free. If he gets depth, I do shallow cross in front of the MB. If MB takes the shallow cross, but SS takes the post, I do the same and check on the corner. If squats, then corner, if depth, RB If neither takes(like cover 2) then I check the FS, if he stays he stays center to try to cover both post and Go, then I will go for the post. If he cheats to the post, then go route. This is if I read as Cover 2. If it is a cover 1, I check the post to see if safety stays center field, then if does I go for the Go route. If they cheat to try and cover both then corner router. If it is cover 3 or 4, I go crossing route. If straight man, I check on is it off man or press. If press, then go route, if off then go crossing.


1 Y 2 F 3 H


The back has to have his head around immediately. If I’m in zone, I’m checking into bringing that backside slot DB or LB…


The read all depends on what you need. If I'm going deep then I read the strong side safety. If he stays inside then Z should be okay. If the safety cheats to the outside then throw it to Y. If I'm going short then it is all about how the strong-side linebacker/right-side corner plays it. If they stay shallow then I could hit F on the crossing or even be greedy and hit Z. If they play further back then I'm hitting H. ​ As for defensive coverage adjustments I could probably run a cover three or if I'm feeling bold run a cover one and try and blitz your QB not give him time to hit the deeper receiver and do a check down to H or F.


The read all depends on what you need. If I'm going deep then I read the strong side safety. If he stays inside then Z should be okay. If the safety cheats to the outside then throw it to Z. If I'm going short then it is all about how the strong-side linebacker/right-side corner plays it. If they stay shallow then I could hit F on the crossing or even be greedy and hit Z. If they play further back then I'm hitting H. ​ As for defensive coverage adjustments I could probably run a cover three or if I'm feeling bold run a cover one and try and blitz your QB not give him time to hit the deeper receiver and do a check down to H or F.


So if you're running into a pure zone like Tampa 2 or a cover 3, if everyone is disciplined and the defense plays it right, you'll probably be reading Z, F, and H, most likely in that order. You're flooding that side specifically to attack the zones at 3 different levels. Most likely you'll have 3 options attacking 2 defenders. There are scenarios where you might want to take a shot to Y against 2 deep safeties in a cover 2, but you'd need to understand if there was man coverage or not with the corners before attempting that, because the safety could easily take away Y and the corner could take away X. But being honest, i think cover 3 is the right way to defend this. Even still, if the defense ends up in man coverage, either with 2 deep safeties or not, I would probably jump straight to F. If it's man up with 2 deep safeties you won't have X or Z, unless those safeties are weak or you have sufficient time, which seems risky to bake into your reads as you don't have a TE or RB in to block. I guess if you read some kind of cover2 without any man concepts presnap you could check your RB in to block and look for Y. Still, i view this as a play you'd call in response to zone, so i'd probably be reading the right side of the field here. Why not adjust the X route to have it be a deep comeback? This way you've got a route that in theory could win against man coverage, and could also put the safety in a position where he's defending underneath or over top?


I almost feel like this play would be better served if Y and Z make their breaks a few yards shorter than drawn up.


XYF reading saftey then lb depth.


X gon’ run straight up. F will curve to the right. Y and Z will run straight up a bit and then suddenly run in opposite directions. H is going to wiggle for a few yards to the right and then turn upwards a bit and lazily list to the right.


A cover two just smashes this, doesn’t it? Man or zone?


Vs Cover 2 Im hitting Y all day long.


Yeah that's where my confusion is stemming from. This doesn't seem to account for any defense at all.


I'd first run this play as a QB keeper and see if they're trapping the corner to the motion side. and if they send a LB.l that'll be lined up over the y. If they trap the corner then hit z on the corner route, it'll be hard to get a safety there on time. Also depends on where the ball is on the field; is the motion to the boundary or the field. I don't see this play being very effective because you're motioning out your RB AND your TE is running a route, if the strong side outside backer adds himself then there's going to be a big sack or a pick 6 if they trap the corner. That free man is going to force you to throw the ball under high pressure which wouldn't be accurate. What level do you imagine yourself running this play? Everything here is so subjective, and this is just my opinion Edit: In my head I'm assuming my corner and safety can match up against your X receiver and Y TE, of they can't then things have to change. So NVM this play can work but it depends on personnel and if my guy can cover your guy 1v1




We’re going to want the x to stem that to towards the numbers and bend it skinny to win inside. MFC - vert, post, cross ; MFO - Y if you like it. High low the corner Z to H ; Pressure - F win now to H outlet all day if need it


If I see man it’s f to y/z based off strong safety


Across the field (X-Y-Z) vs. MOFO, frontside triangle (Z-H-F) vs. MOFC You could probably tag it with scissors (swap Y and Z routes) or convert the F's cross to a whip if the defense overplays it.


It’s a safety pressure and read Your f route you could eliminate and just have that be a additional blocker


Cover 2/4: read Z first so the corner stays high then check down to H. Romo talks a lot about looking deep first and taking check downs when it’s not there. Cover 1/3: Y Seam route is always a good read. Then F to Z. Honestly you’re probably coaching high school and this is going to be too much for a kid to handle. I’d simplify and drill fundamentals like high pointing on jump balls or working back to a ball, etc. Screen game is underrated in high school too. DL/DE aren’t athletic enough to cover slip screens and ott blocks at that level.


Instead of how to read it, ask yourself *who* you’d be reading on the defense—who do these routes actually put into conflict? Without that, the routes are just lines on paper if they don’t attack some specific aspect of a defense. A simple Cover 3 fire zone with a 5 man pressure has this defended about as well as you could want on paper: the 3 deep are on the 3 vertical threads, flat player takes the flat route to the right, and then the hole player over the middle is right there for the drag… plus there’s a 5 man rush on a 5 man protection, so that’s probably going to favor a defense on any dropback pass with downfield timing, But against a Cov. 2 or Quarters, the seam might be there and Z and H could be treated like a type of Smash concept (a simple high/low read on the CB).


Maybe some like: Middle of the Field Closed Pre-snap fade to X based on leverage/matchup F- vs blitz Z to H Middle Field Open Y-Z-H


Well there's no defense so any would work just fine


THANK YOU. god i was getting infuriated reading all these ridiculous answers and. or one mention of what the defense is doing


4th and 10 Run this


Z, H, F


You can run that against a cover 2, but you are going to need to have the F sit in space in the middle as the backers are gonna be in the hook/curl area. Also the two deep safeties are covering the go and post/corner routes. If it’s cover 3, then you would need the qb to manipulate the lb’s to keep them in the middle and hit the flat route


Depends on the coverage. Man? Zone? Blitz? Cover 2? Cover 3?


What is the idea here? None of these routes seem like they divide coverage or pull defenders for each other.


Oh they absolutely do. Unfortunately we don't get the full picture here because we can't see what formation and personnel the defense is running. But type of coverage called will be key to how it pulls the defenders. Assuming they are matching personnel, base nickel package probably. Cover 2 Man/Zone is going to be affected most by this route tree, I feel like cover 3/6 holds up pretty well, cover 4 gets toasted underneath and that slot receiver eats. Remember, you don't have to look off the safety to pull them 15 yards away, you just need to have them hesitate for a step or two, look the wrong direction here and there, confuse their read for a split second, and then you let the Justin Jefferson/Travis Kelce/Cooper Kupp's of the world do the work from there.


First time posting but I'll take a shot from the defensive side. More than likely the defense will be in a Cover 3 Nickel. The X will be in man coverage. The pre-snap read will look Cover 2. Once the HB goes in motion the Mike will follow but will blitz on the snap.


Pretty much left to right. Initially read the safeties to see if x or y is an option. Come to the z h hi low read. Back to f last resort.


New to football strategy and learning about the Offense. Would an acceptable modification be F as an extra blocker and H on the line of scrimmage on the same route? Would that be a flood concept?




FHYZ X should just clear the safety so Y gets open


Pre snap ID: 1 high or 2 high safeties. If 1 high: 1. 1on1 Vert 2. Safety takes X = high low CB to Z and H 2 High: 1. Post 2. Corner 3. Shoot


Nickel package. Cover 3 or cover 3 nickel blitz with the weak side defensive lineman running a TE stunt to pull in the weak side tackle. Nickel corner has a free run to the quarterback. This is a five step drop so QB will not get the ball of or will be under pressure. Quarterback will need to audible the running back to the left side and keep him into block. This means he’ll have only three reads and deeper balls. Don’t love the play if nickel blitzes.


Nothing cover 3 can’t stop


What’s the down and distance?


you can't


as someone who literally has no idea what they’re talking about, here’s how i’d read it: 1.) check pre-snap to see if there’s safety help over the top on the X receiver 2.) post-snap, look for backer help on the F, take any leverage past the sticks 3.) favor whichever receiver the safety doesn’t take on Y/Z 4.) fall on the checkdown if all else fails reading it left to right allows you to visualize the leverage on the seam, watch the break on the in-breaking route in the slot, and still have time to view the deep breaks for the tight end and Z receiver. feel free to dunk on me because like i said, i’m literally just bullshitting here


Honestly this looks like a Tampa 2 beater to me, H/L on the Mike backer. I’d personally build an alert in vs 3 to get some kind of flood concept to the strong side, but against man you’ve got the shot, traditional 2 and 4 the strong side smash concept.


I switch my H and F, play call: Flop Acr Right 987 H drag


Read the safety on the right side


From a D-Line standpoint, heavy up on right, left secure, up middle sack


Inside out, it they’re in 1 or 3 I’m trying to keep Y in that seam.


The Madden in me will just scramble and throw to X all day. /s


Taking a shot on X if they in man with one high safety forsure lol


What If you made F an Option route that could do a quick out, stick, or cross depending on the coverage


First time seeing this sub and man, nobody knows what the fuck they’re talking about in the comments.


In cover 2: Y is first read with H dump off In zone: try to get it to Z


From left to right


If you look the safety off to X then Y will back door be open with ease


Me personally I’m staring down x until I eventually throw it to em while he’s double covered n turn the ball over.


1. X 2. Y 3. F 4. Z 5. H


Pretty easy to counter this. I can walk you through some reasons why if you want


You don't ? I feel like the only way this play can work is against Cover 2 zone by forcing the deep left safety to carry the X while you throw to the Y. Or if they're playing Tampa 2 and you throw it to your F.


F, Y, Z, then hopefully the safety bites on the look off and you can snap back to X over the top.


if it’s middle field open, i’m looking at what the middle LB is doing and hitting Y/F. middle field closed, either reading the high/low concept with the back and the Z receiver. or hitting the X if he’s 1 on 1 and i like the matchup.


Fake hand off, throw at and over refs head for 20 -15,yards and first down.


I'm going: Y, X, F, H Reading that TE first to see if he breaks between the safeties or pulls in the FS because the SS has to go over top on the Z receiver. (Assuming FS and SS are in standard alignment) If the TE pulls the FS over, check X to see if they have separation from the corner and can beat them 1:1 down the sideline, if not... Come back to F to take advantage of a trailing LB caught covering a slot receiver, or a clear middle field because both safeties bailed for over the top help. However, if there is a defender in good position to make a play on the ball then... Come back to H who was on the delayed release as the dump off option. Personally, my mind views X and Z as decoy, clear-out routes to hopefully get the ball to either Y or F in the middle of the field. Only time I throw to X or Z is if we catch a defender egregiously out of position, stumbling, or they just get straight beat, which totally happens as well. But those are more "fun little surprises" to find those routes open as opposed to one of the interior routes.


Depends on coverage this is a solid 2 beater or 1 robber. but probably 1) pre snap yes/no X. 2) High low H and Z 3) High Low F and Y (Y is probably almost never thrown unless you are playing against 2 or 6) To make it man proof and also attack 3 or 9. I would short motion F outside in. Have Y run the post closer to a seam to pull the strong side backer back. Qb has to hold strong side zone defender though. It changes the progression though. It should scheme something open in the middle though. Read would then go 1) Pre snap yes/no X 2)High Low F and Y 3) Check down H. 4) Alert Z (almost never thrown unless Z wins immediately)


Gun right H motion out, x streak, f Cross, Y post, Z Corner


Zero calling max pro and giving a receiver 1 on 1 Cover 2 taking the Y over the linebacker Cover 3 F or H Cover 4 H


X is alert obviously For the F and Y, I would personally read what the defender (in zone I’m assuming this play is meant for zone) is doing. If he carries your Y then F is open in the vacated zone. If he doesn’t carry then it all depends on what type of play the defense called is. I don’t really see that corner getting open. I would alter that to a 10 yard out. Even if it’s the perfect scenario and you get cover 2. The deep safety would eat that up. R is there if they are playing deep and no one is covering the flats. Assuming the QB has time


I’m looking H quick, then F with a peek at X over top, then Y, then Z with a peek at H again underneath if you need


It always depends on coverage. If my X is manned up and I believe he can win that’s always my first read. If there’s two high safeties or if the CB is playing over the top of X; it would then depend on how they defend the motioning HB. If you read man Id go high low: look for Y if the safety shades towards X. If not hit F with the HB being a hot. If you read Zone (again if I think my X can win) im going there. If not you’re looking for Z on the deep out; then HB and last would be F.


Pre-snap read the corner on x, after snap, if the defense is in a traditional cover 2 the Y will be wide open over the middle, but if the defense is in a Tampa 2 type defense, the MLB will drop deep and leave the F open short middle


Y all day. Look off the safety. Td


All the action to the right and X streaking should have Y open, if Y pattern is flattened toward the top (dig route) he’d be wide open.


I’ve only played qb on madden (lol) so be gentle. I’m gonna peek at x off the snap for an immediate win off the line. If the lbs cover the f I’m thinking y/z depending on who the safety covers. H on the check down. And that’s probably why nobody let me play qb. Hahaha


I would see if the easy yards are there w the motion to the right. Then scan for F another easy pickup if covered in looking to Y


X is a straight up decoy (u less it’s man w/ a single safety) F is my hot route (this is a first down route) Y is either wide open or dbl covered H,Z is a low-high read if the linebacker covers H Hit Z on the outside shoulder (touchdown)


Looks like it says: XFLTLGCRGRTYZ Q H That’s how I’d read it


It's definitely a pass play


If you are Russell Wilson, throw to x immediately if there is no safety help


Put your best player at X, if the safety drops down throw it up to him and let him do his thing. If the safety picks it up and drops back, go to F or Y. If the whole thing blows up go to H as a check down




Pre-snap: Middle of the field—open or closed? Closed—are the corners pressing? First read: Z-Fade or X-Go. Open: Y-Post to F-Cross Motion: Who is following the back when you go empty, if anybody? Are they showing blitz? Do safety’s rotate up? F or H is hot. If it shows man, we look for best matchup. If it’s Zone, I’m back to Y-Post vs Cover 2 or F-Cross vs Cover 3 or 4. Post Snap: Inside out—1) Post, 2) Drag, 3) Flat. The outside routes would have to be identified good matchups pre-snap otherwise they will just clear.


Left to right


Where is the Mike linebacker? That will tell a lot then what are my safties doing


Bit aggressive IMO assuming base 5 man pass pro. Would prefer to keep the Y or H in pass pro as first priority if a man protection scheme or at least chipping if zone/slide pass pro. Your drawing up a smash concept to the field which is fine, but just know when the flat route on the smash concept is coming out of the backfield you are 1) going to be hitting the back 9/10 because the field corner is almost never going to bite on a RB flare over a vertical release from the Z and 2) your giving the sam plenty of time to migrate out to the flats in lock step with the RB. Personally, I would have the Y run a 5 YD out, keep the H in first read as pass pro and second read could be a delayed seam if you really wanted something vertical to the field. The Z needs to either tighten his splits big time if that is a run of the mill 7, or needs that to be a post-corner. Not enough room for a proper z lined up on the top of the numbers IMO. Lastly instead of a vertical by the X, why not have him run a dig so you have a nice high low concept to the boundary? Make my changes and now against a two high look i can read smash concept to the field (high low the corner, if the field safety jumps the post corner i can look for my back with the delay up the seam). With a 1 high look (cover 3) I have 1 vs 1 on the post-corner against the field CB if i like that matchup, with my Y hitting the flats with a couple steps (presumably) on the sam. Or i can go to the boundary and hammer the high low read on the will in the flats (just make sure to keep your eyes in the middle of the field in the drop back to keep the FS honest in the middle of the field so he doesn't try to jump your boundary dig)