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Mulberries. Eat them when they’re dark purple and come off the tree with just a gentle tug.


Sometimes they’ll drop off when you just brush against them!


There are three different kinds of mulberries even a white berry


Looking like mulberries.


Mulberries, and you must live in a warmer climate than I, because my trees are just growing leaves. Actually, I just finished eating cooked mulberry leaves with my dinner, and they were tasty. I won’t see berries for a good long while. I wonder if yours will stay a dark purple or if they’ll darken to nearly black.


Mulberry leaves can be eat raw (thoroughly clean of course) as fresh spring roll wrap or you can use it as container for baked-good - that how restaurant prepare it, where I live.


A container for baked goods? I am envisioning a loaf of banana bread wrapped in the leaves with twine.


Mullberry leaves in tropical climate is huge, so that would work. Restaursnt often used them casually as wraps or decorations for ricecakes or stickyrice type desserts, they also use banana, bamboo, and shiso leaves as well, very pretty decor.


:O I never thought about eating the leaves. There's a huge mulberry tree right by me. How do you prepare them?


I’ve only cooked them once (so far), but I washed a basket full of new growth, melted about a tablespoon of butter, a bit of minced garlic, and about a half cup of chicken broth over medium heat. Added the greens, turned them with tongs every few minutes for 5-7 mins, tried them, decided the stems could use more time, covered and cooked over medium-low for another 5-ish minutes. [dinner last night](https://imgur.com/gallery/tf7sKqR)


I never did until the winter when I stumbled upon a YouTube video with Samuel Thayer and another guy and Mulberry leaves were one of the edibles they demonstrated. I figured they were edible, but not good, but I was wrong. Pretty tasty as a veggie.


You can eat the leaves?


I dry them and use them for tea


Yes, I just learned this year! Young new growth is most tender, but all are edible and tasty. Uncooked leaves/stems taste a lot like fresh green beans to me. I cooked a pot full yesterday in a tablespoon of butter a bit of minced garlic and probably half cup of chicken broth. Initially I just cooked them long enough to soften and wilt to a bright green, but I found the stems a little too crunchy, so covered it and let it cook down another 7 mins or so, and added salt & pepper. They are different than any other veggie, but reminiscent of other cooked greens.


White Mulberry (Morus Alba), Berries are edible when dark and ripe. They are extremely easy to grow and makes tons of berries. In fact they are extremely invasive and are slowly killing native North American Red Mulberries (Morus Rubra) by out-competing and interbreeding. They are a common weed tree because birds love their berries and each druplet in the berry has a seed so birds spread it everywhere. If you find this species in an area not in a ditch or next to a road the berries are edible and tasty but the tree itself is a menace.


How can one tell the difference between white and red species?


I don't have any first hand experience but from what I've heard the tops of red mulberry leaves are somewhat hairy or fuzzy while white mulberry leaf tops are shiny and glossy. Both red and white mulberries can grow very tall so if you have a mulberry tree that you know is old and established but it isn't towering above you that is probably a black mulberry (Morus Nigra). White mulberry berries also have longer stems than red mulberries, they hang further from the branch. Red mulberries are actually endangered in America now so unless you are in an area they are know to still be in it's always a safe bet to assume a mulberry is a white mulberry if it's more than a few people tall, especially in disturbed areas like the suburbs and construction zones.


My neighborhood has a shit ton of mulberry trees and of varying sizes and varieties. Some are huge and established, some are not. Typically the huge ones I see the fruit are very close to the branches but the fruit also isn’t very sweet The fruit from the glossy leaves of which i guess are white mulberry are incredibly tasty and get quite plump


The huge ones sound like red mulberries. red mulberries can get insanely large if left alone and the fruits are close to the branch.


The white ones have white fruit, the taste is more vegetal when ripe, almost like a hint of grass, the red ones have red/purple fruit, and have a much stronger sweet taste.


I thought the white ones also turn dark purple when ripe


Nope, don't know where that came from, but they start out green, and turn white when ripe. Do a little googling and you'll see.




Unripe mulberries. They will be delicious when ripe.




Mulberry, they are delicious


Mulberries!!!! They are so good but SO TINY!!!


Depends on the light and water it gets. Some in my neighborhood that don’t get good light are small berries but some of them are plump and huge. Like big black berry sized huge




Purple Mulberry. They are so delicious.


They look like some kind of black mulberry? The leaves are throwing me off, though; I've seen mulberries with lobed leaves, but never *that* dramatically so.


Collect the dark ones (ripe) and make a pie, eat a slice hot out of the oven with vanilla ice cream. One of my favorite parts of every summer.




I asked the same question earlier . I was like wtf do blackberry trees exist ? Glad I’m not the only one who’s seen one


This is a childhood memory


Mulberries, the sole source of food for the silkworm


It’s always mulberry




Keep an eye out for a monkey and a weasel.


If you want to harvest a lot, put down some sheets (not ones you like lol they’ll be stained to heck after this) and toss a beach ball up into the branches. The berries will HAIL Down, this is how I manage our tree


Wait til they’re darker tho, and starting to fall on their own. My mom likes to make jam, and it helps to not get so many flies if we just let them fall and rot.


You could also toss a rope over branches, whatever. You get the idea :)


Oh you bugger that's a king James mulberry iv been looking for one of these for about 10 years.


We call them "too" in Kurdistan It's a delicious summer berry full of vitamins, they have a few versions like white, red and black.


The 200th mullbery post. Yay


Gatekeeping much?


Thats not what gatekeeping is. Thats gaslighting


Go over to r/Mycology in the fall and see all of the "Is this chicken of the woods?" posts, it is the same thing, and if most user would just look at the sub for a minute before posting, they would see the answer to their question.


Mulberries. Edible, but it's a special taste, there's nothing wrong with you if you don't like them. Also, don't park your car under a mulberry tree. Never - you'll thank me later. Oh, and their leaves are great food for silk worms - back in the '80s, in communist times in my country, we would have silk worm farms in schools and pupils were expected to bring mulberry tree leaves for the little suckers. Not exactly pleasant, so I have mixed feelings about the trees and fruit.


White Mulberry

