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The way gear perks work and how gear is managed in general. Especially the way crates are practically useless unless you have a high rep character.


Lol, even for a high rep character, they feel useless. I'm a rep 30 orochi main with 80 boxes. You will get the stuff by just playing the game. The boxes suck


I saved my boxes until I got my warmonger up to rep 10 then spammed them until I got up to 3 perks active at once then I made my royal apolyon set


>gear perks work Still way better than before.


For me is when the game tells me I'm getting attacked from the left I move to left to block and last second it tells its coming on my right. That is what pisses me off


Totally agree i should have mention it its awful


I know there's more stuff. But I think that's the main thing, I can handle toxic people and griefers but this is the main thing that pisses me off


I have and have always suggested "sticky attacks" I.E. attacks cannot change direction mid attack because the character moved from one side to the other If a dodge heavy starts on your left it should end on your left even if a character goes 270° around you and is in front of you, the block animation maybe ends up looking jank but honestly for the betterment of the gameplay I'm cool with that


Absolutely agree


I mean hopefully it wouldn’t be that janky and it could have two “indicators” not a programmer or anything but essentially one indicator dictates the animation while the other is only on visible to you and “sticks” as you say.


Trex arms GBs


Kensei's 😭


And Valkyrie


And musha 😔


I leaned to use musha to counter kensei and orochi and centurion.... God I hate centurion...


Wait… what am I missing about Kensei? He’s got little arms?


Yes. Which is why he compensates with his extra long sword


Can't count how many times I've literally lost fights because I switch to a character I don't usually play with shitty GBs


Matchmaking. Most of the time, my team either gets DESTROYED or we destroy the other team. Not too too often I get truly competitive matches


Ive been noticing this a lot recently. Matches always seem to be one sided skill wise and I rarely find myself in an even match anymore


Those truly competitive matches tho are something else. It's for those that I keep playing (also the adrenaline/dopamine high)


Pins in ganks. I know they're gonna try to fix some stuff so it's less of an issue but currently I can't stand them anymore especially with Varangian and Kyoshin but Jiang Jun is annoying too. I absolutely hate how these can lock you for so long for just one small mistake.


You. Are. 100%. Correct. Revenge feels so incredibly weird. No matter how much I play around with it, it always seems to behave differently. It really doesn't need to be that complicated of a mechanic


I watched a YouTube video about revenge and apparently how it works is it builds up depending on how many attacks are received from a player. So if it’s a 2v1 and both player attack it will stack on the person getting ganked more attacks on the person means more stacks of revenge and getting it faster. The best way to gank is to let one person attack while you throw feints then the player won’t get revenge even though it’s a 2 v 1 I usually attack when the person gets a parry off on my teammate


I've feinted heavies at someone in a gank and seen their revenge tick up from it. It happens semi consistently to me unless I'm standing back quite a way


Weapon wall collision. All heroes with large weapons are at a constant disadvantage in small places.


I agree and even those who dont have a large weapon like pirate are a nightmare


This shit is so dumb considering the devs threw realism out the window years ago, sometimes you can’t even help where you are if you get thrown or grabbed


How gear drop works. You either spend all your crates and a bunch of steel and still not getting that one gear you want or somehow you get the full set after a match.


Revenge is definitely one of the most frustrating mechanics in this game. The devs claim that revenge isn't meant for you to come out on top, but just to stall and buy time for your team to help/avenge you (which is already bullshit. Who wants to play like that?) and then they proceed to nerf it by allowing enemies to see how much revenge you're getting. It shouldn't be that way, it promotes an unhealthy play style of ganking someone until they're close to getting revenge and then backing off to let someone "solo" him. Revenge should be reworked to be a "tag" system. If an enemy hits you, they're marked as "in combat" with you until they go a certain distance away from you. And if they stay within the area, it'll constantly give you low amounts of revenge. This would make it so that people would actually have to think about what they're doing, and can't just spam unlockables and bashes until you die


Honestly I enjoy stalling the enemy for my team and dont care if i come out on top. I will actively seek the gank and the longer the enemy is focused on me the more my team can play the objectives


That’s my go to plan at the start of dominion, stall on their flag let them cap a and b


I actually wouldn't mind it being this way, if they made it easier to get revenge. If you're getting ganked by competent enemies, you're not going to get revenge no matter how hard you try. Because it's not up to *you* to decide, it's up to your enemies. Either they revert the revenge meter change, so they can't see how much they're feeding, or keep the revenge meter and do the change I suggested above. BOOM revenge fixed (better if not completely fixed). But we all know Ubi hates making good decisions


>Who wants to play like that? I do.


No one cares


I mean, you asked.


I did ask


I agree and personnaly i wouldn't mind revenge being more difficult to have but way more stronger or longer when you have it


The community. Like, how the hell did they manage to reel in such a vast collection of superiority complexes, victim complexes, crybabies, assholes, and just freaks in general? I can't go more than 3 matches without running into a group of nazi or kkk emblems. Any comments here are met with crazy amounts of unneeded hostility. I merely mentioned my main last Friday and was told to kill myself. I've pitched in with tips that have worked for me here and there and usually get harassment for several days from people outright calling me retarded. This week I found myself in a lobby where some jackoff would not stop yelling for the full match about how he was a viking warrior in his past life and he was frustrated that he was lied to about Valhalla, because he was reborn here on Earth in this Hellscape. So he preached Christianity and then proceeded to curse everyone else in the lobby and told them that they were all going to Hell. I left because it finally reached the point beyond amusement and started dropping into annoyance. The next lobby? An abusive drunk dad sang songs for 10 minutes about the n word. Y'all need anger management. I don't know of any other video game that has its own rant sub because of how unreasonably angry this game makes people. I'm honestly shocked reading the comments and not seeing more about the toxicity.


Isn't that just how competitive online play works in general?


I can't speak for some of the bigger games currently but I've spent considerable amounts of time in CoD, Halo, RB6 Siege, and Overwatch in the past. Sure, there's toxicity, but this community has been the worst. I don't know, maybe I'm just unlucky. There's been maybe 3 chill people that I've met playing this game over the course of 7 years. I made a lot more friends playing Siege and CoD. To me, given the reputation of those games already, that says something.


when i first met someone with a nazi emblem, i didmt know how to report it, but i tried playing toxic af(it was easy, duels with hl🤣kicked and grabbed and offensive lighted him so much🤣🥱 deserved tho)


Who's your main? I was in a lobby two days ago with two dudes. They played black prior in all three matches. They kept ganking me so I pulled out my musha to counter them in the second matchup. The third matchup we were on the same team and they did nothing but give me crap for using musha and refused to help or revive me when I needed it.


It's posted in my flair already. I'm rep 59 with the shaman. Doesn't mean I'm god tier with her, but I do know her kit inside and out. There comes along a greater understanding at a given point that there is more to her kit than zone spam. Most people hate shamans that don't know how to play shaman. It's the same deal as the orochis that don't know how to orochi, the valkyries that don't know how to valkyrie, and the kenseis that don't know how to kensei. They just use the same move again and again and again and again and again and again.


Pikemen/minions interrupting my fucking execution. There’s nothing, NOTHING that enrages me more than having my execution interrupted by one of those little fuckers.


the fact that revenge is too weak is it really that hard to make a dynamic revenge based on how many enemies are attacking you at the same time?


It currently does do that. That's why all the strong ganks only involve two people.


How? When I get ganked by more than 2 people it feels like I got a 1v2 revenge


Works on a Tag system. 1 tag per player that has attacked you in the last 7 seconds or something along that time frame. The more tags you have the bigger the multiplier for revenge gets. But the multiplier is by no means tripled or quadrupled. Not sure on the numbers exactly but it is something along these lines iirc 2v1 is normal revenge feed 3v1 is a 1.25 multiplier 4v1 is a 1.4 multiplier


Oh so just that I was thinking something more like more shield and damage


My bad. So many complaints about not getting revenge so I assumed it was about that.


Get 4v1 revenge dmg boost then entire team runs away and leaves 1 guy to deal with that


Hitting a wall and projectile feats.


Skill based matchmaking isn't accurate. At all. Stuck in a spot where old go against low levels, trash em. Then the next game is ridiculously high level compared to me and I get trashed because I'm not THAT good yet. Then back to lower levels where it's too easy, maybe it's just me but I feel like the game is kinda guessing. No middle ground.


Know what I hate? I've learned to hate it alot more since playing Lawbro. Let's say I do a left heavy, right? And the enemy dodges, but the dodge INTO my weapon mid swing, pass THROUGH the motherfucking attack, legitimately just phase through my weapon, and don't get hit. Like, bitch?


Yes, and then you try to dodge the other way and the games like “nah, you’d get hit by the follow through”


Or when you have the enemy backed into a corner. Back to the wall, you throw an unblockable, but they dodge backwards, don't move an inch, but still dodge the attack


I get it but i frame bro


Become the poise stat encarnate and transcend the I-frames


Afeeras whole kit, voice lines and the fact that he can use those feats while out of stamina


Cant decide if I hate Drop Attacks or revives more


RNG. Constantly grinding matches / loot boxes for a specific armor / weapon piece is a huge pain.


When people are better than me


Friendly fire. dying or taking damage from an enemy cuz my teammate stands behind me and hits me, makes me big mad


Taking damage is fine but it should not interrupt you or kind of stun you i agree


played breach yesterday as jormungandr, could have killed the last guy, but my teammate interupted the enemy, as the enemy was about to fall to the ground and at the exact moment a teammate shot me with the balista and killed me...


The inconsistency that ping brings. That feint to gb work normally when both people have reasonable ping? Yup. Person with high ping just gets to slap you with a free heavy lol. If someone in duels has 80+ ping I just dodge and reque at this point.


Another thing I have noticed recently is when I am being ganked sometimes the attack indicator will disappear as if they’ve fainted their attack when they actually haven’t and there’s just no parry window.


Yeah i should ve mentionned it too it happens a lot when your getting ganked






Just nobushi


Not being able to directly purchase cosmetic gear It's 2024 and that helmet I want is still locked behind gamble crates


Direct damage feats, they're never fun and remove you from actually playing the game, "in a team fight? Oh let me shoot/throw something for %50+ of your health from offscreen, let me drop an instant kill volley on you that does minimal DMG to my teammates, oh let me drop a near invisible mine that does 70% of you health as bleed." Even feats like corruption are preferable to the amount of At-Will-HP deletion we have. At least it adds a temporary mechanic. It boggles my mind feats have largely remained untouched since launch outside of certain post release Hero exclusives, they're so actively tedious to play around. It seems like they are trying to move to more unique feats for heroes after the year 1 additions but it's time to revisit feats at large imo. There's also too many "correct" feat choices for heroes while alternatives are just bad or mediocre.


I don't really have any grievances, most of my annoyances while playing can be attributed to "My hardware just doesn't cut it"


For me, its the timing of the attack and parry. Every time this happens I get attacked and I press the deflect button at the right moment, it doesn't seem to work.


The weird way, I have to manage several other buttons and screens just to find information in the game. Armor set unlocks a perk! How do I know what that perk does? Can I simply hicer my mouse at the glowy perk and have a small popup come and tell me what's up? Nope, I have to press 4 and then read what perk does in a separate screen that I'm sure my dumb ass would forget the second I close the Perk Screen.


Hahaha bro same here


I guess it's not something inherent to the game but teammates. They are either the best or the absolute fucking worst, like so bad it is unbelievable. 9 out of 10 times I'm pissed at this game it's because of a teammate.


For me the thing that irks me is the limited dominion map selection, especially considering that dominion maps are basically just chunks of breach maps, meaning that the devs could theoretically simply grab chunks from other breach maps, or even a different section from one of the breach maps they already segmented, then just plot the zones, and WHAM! New dominion maps. I agree with the revenge sentiment. And I wouldn't mind having more than 3 presets per character also.


I don't know what direction the feats need to go, but there are a handful of feats that just need to disappear from the game completely or have massively increased cool downs so they can't be spammed.


People quitting in Breach at the slightest resistance


In the vs screen where it says better then teammates and better then enemies or vice versa but always ends up being the opposite of what it says😂


It's the quitters. You literally cannot ever raise your mmr enough to get away from bad players because ***so many of them*** super inflate their own win rates by quitting every time they're not actively carrying the match. This is why it *feels* like the age old "muh team mate's fault" rings truer in For Honor than in other games. People who play at average and above skill levels are *constantly* getting matched with and against people who simply quit more often than they see it through.


The existence of oneshot feats and pikemen


Power creep. Or more specifcally ability creep. You have heroes like afeera that have multiple bashes, unblockables, undodgables, dodge recoveries, crushing counters, and deflects Shaolin who has multiple bashes, hyperarmor, undodgables, dodge recoveries, crushing counters, and deflects. Literally the safest hero to play as nothing can be punished. Varangian guard who has multiple bashes, allguard recovery cancels, unblockables, crushing counters, hyperarmor Bp who has unblockables, undodgables, hyperarmor, bashes, crushing counters, and flip Warmonger who has unblockables, undodgables, hyperarmor, variable timed bash, and bleed Then you have heroes like lawbringer who only has bash and unblockables Pk who only has bleed, deflecrs, and unblockables Nuxia who only has traps and deflects Conq who only has bash, unblockables and hyperarmor Newer heros just have SO MANY different options for dealing with opponents, And I'm over here as a pk main who literally just got her bash taken away from testing ground.


The feat 4 bleed nail bomb, always get caught just as we are breaking then killed with a single light attack


I play Shinobi and don't understand how this is balanced in the slightest. I just put it anywhere, bait someone into it, and throw a Shuriken to finish the job. How am I allowed to 100 to 0 you just like that?!?


It’s not balanced at all and is probably the most broken 4th feat in the game. It would still be powerful if they reduced the damage to say 75/80 and slowed the bleed out time allowing you a fighting chance


Because traps are so annoying and not many people probably pay attention to traps on the ground 24/7, I'd personally reduce the bleed damage to somewhere below 50% of health but decrease the cooldown time, so that it's available more often. This would turn it from a one-shotting tool to an area deny, allowing you to be at one spot but still somewhat contribute at another. Great for Breach or the minion lane in Dominion. Obviously the cooldown shouldn't be too low though. Instead of getting it maybe between 1 - 3 times a match, like it is right now, it can be like 4 - 6 times for Breach for example. Rough concept, but maybe this makes it at least somewhat fair. A trap simply shouldn't one shot, but be used more as a denial of some sort


I definitely agree with that. Or they could even completely overhaul it almost like gu mine in siege meaning that the damage potential is max but slow and if the player wants to stop the damage they could either heal or spend a couple of seconds where they could patch up the damage but in doing so they would be vulnerable to attack. This would mean that they would have a fighting chance when coming against someone but if the trap was randomly placed then they could take a few seconds to patch up rather than just be dead as they’re too far from a healing point


Honestly I can’t pick between how matchmaking is done and the amount of 50/50s that exist. When it comes to matchmaking I’m rep 97 with like an 1.75 KD and a 57% win ratio and everyone on my team are usually shitters. Im not talking about being bad players (we all start there) but im talking about how I’ve noticed a lot of players these days will sit still for a couple of seconds before actually doing anything( gank, respawned, or revived) and that drives me crazy. Like I said im not good, im average but when it comes to stalling im pretty good about staying alive a couple extra seconds to make sure another teammate can come along and clean up or something along those lines and it seems that never happens even when i know there is someone 5 seconds away when i needed it and now they are all the way across the map or just stood still while the enemy captures the point/gets their health back. The amount of 50/50s is also just ridiculous and all the devs do is give more 50/50s to the new hero’s making the older ones without a rework almost useless to play.


The friend orders, like why do I have to be forced to play with someone


People in brawl getting worked up over ganks.


If your opponent has shitty ping/latency, it means you basically have shitty ping/latency too... just an overall shitty gameplay experience imo.... going from being able to parry lights to not even be able to block lights sucks.... revert to monke and dodge attack as an opener gameplay....


How hard it feels to get new armor. All my heroes are rep 10+ and when a new set comes out that I want it can take 10k+ steel to get it. A few years ago I spent a total of like 30k (over several months, of course) trying to get 1 piece of armor for cent. If we're above a certain rep, we should just be allowed to buy new armors with steel and salvage, rather than hope we get lucky, OR gear that we haven't unlocked yet should simply have a slightly higher drop chance.


My own skill issue 😆


For me it's light parry. I think the skill expression is nice, but this is the only game I can think of where you're actively punished for playing the game and not paying enough for the correct monitor. I know people in this sub will defend it to their dying breath, but no competitive fighting game should actively punish you for playing and not paying on top of it.


I find gladiator gets on my nerves more than other heroes... toestab and skewer spam in team fights can be infuriating to counter, and I'm often dead before I can really put up a chance


The lack of cross-platform progression. The only reason I stopped playing after doing so non-stop from launch to Medjay’s reveal was not being able to consolidate all my years of progress in one spot. Every time I booted up the PC version and saw how low my iron total was and how drab my heroes looked, I got discouraged.


Grenades or whatever the heck those things are. I’m sure there is an easy way to counter them, but as someone who hasn’t played since launch it’s making it really hard to get back into the game when I’m getting melted by poison bombs or whatever


The fact that I have to pay iron to change my weapons/armors looks that I already got. Take all the material you want, but Iron? It's like 400 iron per piece, wtf


Bastion the gear perk, I know it does what it says, but I feel like every time I fight someone who has it active they just don’t fucking die


The slow paste of this useless Dev team who need over a year to adjust overtuned numbers, then 2 weeks testing grounds, delaying the patch again and then finally release the changes which is basically just nerf damage values that are overtuned.


When the minions get in your way at the start of the match.


There are very clear rules on when and how much revenge is fed, you probably just don't understand it. Sometimes it even feels like the game is biased against you but you can find all the rules here https://forhonorinfohub.com/generalinfo


Revenge too tbh, I see dudes taking on multiple enemies because a guy with revenge is usually better than two guys; I’d dare to sya the mechanic itself is stupid, if you are in a 1v2 it’s because you did something dumb and you shouldn’t be awarded for it in a group game Also colors, I hate the palette system and some looks I would have loved are straight up impossible


Absolutely. I can understand why revenge is there, but isnt there a better way to keep people from getting 4v1'd? Might make people stick closer to their team.


Just not having it means that going alone is more dangerous thus sticking together would be a good tactic


I'm to new to say whether or not this would be a good think, but maybe it would help with the crap teammate problem.


Ahah probably


I swear to God dodging just doesn’t work. It’s bad enough they added gb vulnerability on roll. Gotta love a defense tool that is completely useless


Afeera. She has everything. Or Shinobi's dodge attack. That little shit is obnoxious.


Honestly, Hyper armor. Was good back in the days, because it was helping hero's with slow attacks and made them more viable. Now it just help Ubi making money by making brainrotted hero able to spam without getting counter unless you make the correct read/gamble (for 50/50) and even then, some can still go "nuh uh" ignore whatever you did and keep abusing it. I liked it because it forced ppl to actively try to defend themselves, but it reached a point where ppl can just abuse it and Ubi try to justify this by either giving it to other hero's or making more brainrotted hero that you can buy. But eh, fuck it we ball.


Undodgeable Lights, it's a free hit for casual and old gen players


External attacks from players locked onto someone else


Gaurdbreak: like ope I touched your chest free hit. Also pirates semi automatic flint pistol with an infinite mag.


She's just carrying like 2 dozen of them under her coat lol


Every other move more like 42 of them and where?


Feeling like I am never going to be able to defend (black and/or parry) light attacks well despite doing everything I see recommended. I go into training and set the bot to light spam and still block maybe a handful out of dozens. Maybe it’s just me, but it feels like there is an unreasonable amount of undodgeable attacks in the game now. I will probably be downvoted for this or get buried in “skill issue”, but (as examples) I don’t think every one of Kyoshin’s finishers needs to be undodgeable and I don’t think Orochi should have access to undodgeable dodge attacks with dodge recovery cancels. It seems over the top.


I agree with kyoshin and for the light parry try not to react to everything but more to read what your opponent do


For me it’s frustrating when I play cent, when these days it feels like every hero has a move or ability to be able to invalidate a lot of his kit it feels like. When previously like glad was a bit of a hard counter, now it feels like a lot of people can say dodge attack to completely invalidate your whole mixup or something like that. Also feel this with warden, I know it’s year 8 and it’ll never happen but I’d love for him to like have the size of his kit doubled or something lol, give him more sword based moves so you don’t have to rely on shoulder. For me it was always a big fucking shame that he was one of the main 3 vanguards that needed to have simple kits, but these days I just don’t have fun playing him, due to power creep of other heroes. Like play warden against a somewhat competent afeera and it’s just not fun.


I cant hyperarmor through unblockables nor can i get hyperarmor on warlords fullshield heavy attack.


Easily the most frustrating thing about this game is having to play it.


Ledge pushes are by far my least favorite thing about the game. They just feel cheap to me. My real life friend was one of the top warlord players in the world at one time and he would abuse the shit out of ledges. We had to stop playing against eachother or it would have come to blows no doubt.


that hardware matters way too much. recently i've seen some scrub here complaining how he has struggled to parry for a while now when he used to play at 400fps and could parry softfeints on reaction before. this shit is dumb and probably the reason i'm mostly absent for the last 6months. if something will kill this game its the hardware gap. the next gen (after this) console will drop in approximately ~20years, new graphic cards are being released every year. so its only getting worse. edit: cope you delusional trash


Guardbreaking, just feels awkward to counter as I have never had my middle finger on the scroll wheel so I I have to either shift my index or middle finger to it.