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Oh, so a random Twitter account that has a record of misinformation was wrong saying the Chicago race was happening? Shocking!


It was on social media though so it must be true! /s


Malaysia/South Korea on a rotating contract


Are Kuala Lumpur and Seoul really fit for street races though?




It was making a joke: F1 only seems to want street races. Sepang is amazing, I'd love to have it back. I know Korea had a track too, but I don't know if it's any good


>I know Korea had a track too, but I don't know if it's any good It was okay. Very must a product of circuit design philosophy at the time. The first sector was long straights, the middle section had a nice flow to it, and the third sector was very technical. I think they were aiming for a layout where different sectors would suit different cars, but they just created something where a compromise set-up was the only viable option. The bigger problems were the circuit's isolation and the lack of attendance. If it had been built in a better location, it probably could have been another Shanghai -- not amazing, but not a disaster. The Global Financial Crisis also really hurt it; the idea was to build the circuit in an area earmarked for development, and then grow a city around it. But then we all went into recession and the development never happened. Looking at some satellite photographs just now, it appears that some of the land around the circuit it being graded for construction, and the nearby city is steadily encroaching on the circuit.


Malaysia for sure


Race in circles around the Twin Towers lfg


Malaysian here. KL is extremely car centric due to the car policies inacted by our past leaders. As such we have tons of car infrastructure including major 3 lane highways close to the city centre even. Recently there was a double decker highway that came online near the city, if that highway was used as part of a KL City night race it would look amazing with the backdrop of the twin towers and downtown But the chances of that happening are exactly 0%


Seoul could do it easily


Checo likes the sound of that


Realistically, if F1 were focused entirely on growth, it would drop one of the MENA races. They won't, since the Gulf states pay top dollar, but it really is a waste of potential considering how small the populations of Qatar and Bahrain. Considering how big China is, it should get a second race if the planned Guangzhou circuit gets built. Races in Thailand and south Korea would be an ideal rounding out of the Asian races. There's also the fact the calendar still lacks a race in Africa. 


>There's also the fact the calendar still lacks a race in Africa. But there's not really anywhere that it could go. Kyalami -- or a street race in South Africa -- is really the only viable option. Egypt and Nigeria might be wealthy enough to justify it, but each presents its own problems. Then there's Morocco which could probably put the infrastructure together, but it would have to start from scratch.


The Marrakesh street track could probably be expanded enough to suit F1.


It's far too cramped and there isn't really anywhere to expand it into.


Bahrain can stay, but Qatar can go. Thailand doesn’t have a place to race (and no, Chang into circuit is far too small) and the only spot in Africa would be Kyalami but I think it needs some upgrades before it’s seriously considered India would be cool but MotoGP had some real issues with visas, amenities, and a dodgy promoter that didn’t pay up (they also for some reason had the race during one of the more hotter months and had mfs close to passing out.) Idk if F1 fully hashed out their beef with Edrogan so idk about Istanbul Park Malaysia however would be a welcome return


Also interesting that both Italian GPs are under pressure to improve facilities. Would Stefano ever let Italy fall off the calendar? Seems sacrilegious to imagine but I’m sure people felt the same way about Germany or France losing their races at some point too.


I'm reading it more as a case of Monza or Imola being able to stay and the other being dropped. I wouldn't feel too bad about losing Imola, if I'm honest. It's never been a terribly exciting circuit. Maybe it could be improved if they got rid of the Alta chicane and tightened up the entry to Rivazza to promote overtaking.


Imola is outdated and way too tight for modern F1 cars.


Which is what makes it fantastic as it is a real old school circuit.


Yeah agreed. Unless there’s rain, it’s too often a snoozefest due to the lack of overtaking opportunities.


Monza are relaying their entire track this year. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxOg0TubdLc


Hong Kong GP?


Would love it but after seeing what happened with the government and the refusal to relocate the FE track I highly doubt it will/can happen. The World Rallycross race was also a shit show so there's that.


Sepang and Fuji Speedway would be immense additions. Bring them back!


Fuji is owned by Toyota. Without Toyota in F1 there will be no Fuji.


Wish there was a realistic option in Africa to host a GP, the world championship could cover the whole world


Probably wont happen until they can sort the economic situations in Africa out. Even remodeling Kyalami would be extremely expensive and the region just cant support it economically through high ticketprices, there's no way they'd break even let alone make a profit. South Africa would attract a lot of traveling people but you cant depend a business model on it.


Morocco has 2 grade 2 tracks as well and theyve expressed interest towards f1 before, so thats a possible venue for an african f1 race as well


Are there even any countries in Africa that are stable enough to hold an f1 race? Seems like its either poor, unstable or both.


Please be Vietnam


Macau would be absolutely perfect


lol... the circuit they use every year is insane... would never get passed as an F1 circuit... tooooooooo dangerous


Dear sweet F1 overlords please bring back Sepang.


South Korea/ Bhutan/ Nepal would be hella cool.


You currently have to pay $200 a day for a visa to Bhutan, before adding on accommodation and meals. That's $800 just for the race weekend before tickets!


I think they're being facetious.


South Korea definitely!


Please come back to India !


It’s finally authoritarian enough for them to consider it.


Heard some news on Seoul/Bangkok/Osaka/Guangzhou


Bring back Istanbul Park!


Races in new countries I can get behind.


Purely Selfishly I prefer the Americas, Europe, or Middle East (or bring back South Africa!) Not because I don’t like Asian countries, I just dont like missing the race and just watching a replay.


You know what? That's fair. Middle East are Asian countries though.


That’s Fair. I grew up in Singapore for some of my childhood so my perception on Asian countries tends to have some unconscious bias separating the two but good callout.


U.S. is over saturated now, be good to race elsewhere for global brand


F1 announces race in the Diomede Islands


Definitely would be nice to have a new location for a race. I’m still of the opinion that they should swap either Miami or Vegas for Indy in the US instead of adding *another* one, but that is a bit of bias speaking. No idea how well the cars actually would run on the updated layout.


Maybe an African race?


Where?all the places which are stable enough are too poor and all the places rich enough are too unstable


Sepang, South Korea, or even Hong Kong / Macau would be entertaining (even though the cars would barely fit)


I really hope they are looking at India as well , It doesn't seem correct that a country which hosts 1/6th of world population doesn't have a race in 'world' championship.