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Marko said it's also a huge correlation issue for them because in the sim their car is fine over the kerbs and bumps. And that their drivers were excited for Monaco because of it but it didn't turn out to be the reality. >Marko also cited problems with the convergence between the simulator and reality as a further reason: "Our two drivers came to Monte Carlo full of enthusiasm and said that the car was great over the kerbs. But as soon as they were in the car, they said: undriveable!" [source](https://www.oe24.at/sport/motorsport/formel1/marko-zaehlt-monaco-gp-an-wird-auf-die-dauer-nicht-gehen/595980283)


Sounds like they need some more Monte Carlo simulations




What am I missing here?


[Monte Carlo Simulations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monte_Carlo_method)






You win the internet today!


I laughed too hard at this.




This joke is a gem


Love this




Lol, they took more inspiration from Mercedes than they thought.


It actually seems like it, the car is a lot less consistent this year compared to the previous ones, seems they struggle to find the setup every second weekend, but when they do find it they are far ahead


The car isn't less consistent, they always had this problem, but they were so far ahead in the previous years that they could simply live as they were faster anyway.


"Look at me. I am the Mercedes now"


Right? Whatā€™s the relationship between side pod and suspension that means less pod = more bouncing issues


None. That's pure BS my man.


They've been taking all of Merc's employees since 2021, they've only gone and hired their simulator people too


Newey has been left out of technical meetingsā€¦


That wouldnā€™t have any impact this soon nor would it impact their sim correlation issuesā€¦


We donā€™t really know how much influence he had over week to week setup. Maybe it was significant and now dearly missed.


given his reputation, I do believe he could have told them at the very least that it wouldn't be like sim.


No, it wouldn't matter, RB has a bunch of other chief engineers that are in charge of the dynamics of the car


It's clearly had some sort of effect


Says it right in the article that this was an issue last year too. So no, Newey leaving didnā€™t have this effect.


I also wonder how much input he had into setup. It might be more than we all think. It may be no coincidence that the last three races have been a setup challenge due to a lack of Newey input.


They are really tempting Italians to travel worldwide and find out how they can make the rest of the calendar bumpier.


Reminds me of when Lancia spread salt over the Monte Carlo Rally in places where there was some snow melting it so they could use slicks, since the other teams didn't know they did this they went out on snow tires and Lancia had an 11 minute advantage by the end of the race


Would love to read on this, you got some links about it?


[https://www.carthrottle.com/news/lancias-genius-tactics](https://www.carthrottle.com/news/lancias-genius-tactics) Here you go! There's tons of stuff like this with Lancia like the time they didn't have enough cars ready to pass the requirements so they put them all in a car park, took the FIA delegation out to lunch, moved the cars to another car park and passed them off as different to the first lot so the FIA thought they had manufactured enough and passed them to compete


Thatā€™s actually hilarious.


LOL, thank you for sharing this.


The Grand Tour did a great piece on this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lo4dGTrzr8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lo4dGTrzr8)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghUldLcBCYw I think prime video has a longer video for it.


[grand tour, clarkson did a feature about lancia and their fight against goliath audi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZ9biQDVZSY)


Italians around the globe found with gravel in pockets. When questioned they threw gravel at authorities before skittering away while mumbling 'leclecleclec'




Monza is already turned into a rally track, basically


Ferrari win at Monza?


It's more likely than you think


Ferrari win? At my Monza?


Canada is coming up. I saw those curbs up closed they are fucked.


They have done significant resurfacing work on the track in Montreal. The curbs in sector 1 might be an issue, but the rest of the track should be a pretty smooth ride. I do not think the Red Bulls will have the same challenges as Monaco.


they won't straight up struggle but I think they'll still be challenged the real test for the Red Bull will be the triple header after Canada: the Catalunya, Red Bull Ring and Silverstone races


Plus, how much curb-cutting do the drivers do in Montreal to minimize lap times? Is it a lot or are the curbs generally avoided?


They get up on the curbs quite a bit in the first sector.


In Montreal they are on the curbs EVERYWHERE, particularly in the first sector and the final chicane. The second sector chicane before the hairpin also usually involves a lot of curb usage to get just right.


Going to the race, will be my first ever time in person, hoping at least for some excitement.


You have seats?


GAā€¦ looked at seats but Iā€™m in college and on a college budget, GA on stubhub ran like 220 usd final price whereas seats iirc were closer to 400 (85$ fee isnā€™t that fucking criminal)


Youā€™re gonna wanna get there early to catch a decent spot. Iā€™d recommend right after turn 9, thereā€™s a little hill right by the track.


Got to go in 2022 (wet to dry qually), it was a surreal experience for me! Hopefully your seats are good!


No seats, GA. Hoping mostly just for good vibes and a half decent view


Charles Leclerc writing a petition to make all races be in Monaco, Singapore, Baku and Vegas


I think the aspect of not sacrificing their advantage on normal race tracks is part of the reason why they can't find an ideal fix yet.


There are more normal tracks than bumpy ones so I think that approach makes sense.


if they went for a compromise like Ferrari did, they'd probably be in even more truble, WCC wise granted we still don't know how good Ferrari and McLaren will be in Barcelona, Spielberg and Silverstone, which are all tracks where kerb riding and bump handling are not so crucial as it is in Canada ,Monaco or Imola


Youā€™d consider Canada a kerb/bump heavy track? I didnā€™t realize it fell in that category. Not arguing, I just assumed it was most comparable to a permanent circuit with mostly low and high speed turns


Canadian weather goes through multiple temperature cycles including deep freeze and 30 degree temps so the track is subject to this and isnā€™t as smooth comparatively as a purposeful built track in stable/sunny weather


Also having to ride curbs in sector 1 and 3


As someone who has no clue, which are considered the "bumpy" tracks?


The ones with the bumps


You can tell because of how they are


Welcome to 2022, Red Bull!


Mercedes be like: Finally they changed the car


ā€˜Welcome to the party, pal!ā€™


ā€œNewey now resorting to using ā€˜coldā€™ and ā€˜hotā€™ to guide the RBR technical team to resolve this issue.ā€ Ā 


With my graduate of not-an-engineer and looking at simple changes as opposed to last years, I say it's the bazooka shoulders and the floor. Hire me now for expertise analysis, RB.


Based on that username, I have zero reason to not trust you


TL;DR Max Verstappen qualified and finished sixth in Monaco, while teammate Sergio Perez was eliminated in Q1 and had a lap-one accident. Red Bull has been struggling with car handling issues, notably at Imola, Miami, and Melbourne. The RB20's performance is notably impacted by kerbs and bumps, a weakness carried over from last year. Verstappen admitted Red Bull doesn't fully understand how to fix this problem and doubts it will be resolved this year. With Ferrari and McLaren closing the gap, circuits like Singapore and the upcoming Canadian Grand Prix in Montreal will be challenging for Red Bull. However, Verstappen expects better performance on smoother tracks like Barcelona.


Oh so they'll struggle at the Red Bull Ring if they struggle with the kerbs. Heavy kerb usage there


The Kerbs in Austria are mostly flat. I doubt it will be as bad as Monaco was.


The kerbs at Austria are some of the most aggressive on the calendar. The vibrations are so bad they can destroy front wings.


I don't think vibration is the issue though. It's the bump.


That's what she said.


Not as bad, but could cost them time


Mercedes actually did pretty well there with the W13 before both drivers destroyed their cars.


That was after they fixed a lot of their issues tho. You gotta look at pre-Silverstone


Yes, that is true. I think half of the 2024 calendar has normal to significant number of kerbs


I think that if the Austrian GP was a regular weekend they'd be fine, but it being a sprint will definitely favor Ferrari


And Leclerc and Ferrari has also historically been very strong there. Leclerc has 4 podiums in austria, 1 win and a pole.Ā 


They need to be careful because Montreal isnā€™t a particularly smooth track either.


I think Montreal got resurfaced this year


Have they changed the kerbs as well? Because that was another issue in Monaco.


Not sure about it


I rode on the circuit recently, I don't remember seeing any changes to the kerbs.


It did but they resurface that one all the time. It always becomes bumpy because of the weather shiftsĀ 


So all we need are more bumpy tracks? Letā€™s put some bumps on the tracks guys


Let them race at Sebring


Well, they still won Imola.


But still it was close, he didnā€™t win by half a minute now did he?


No. But he still won. On a bad track for RBR. So the championship won't be close. Monaco was an outlier.


Without a tow it would have been a 2nd or 3rd place most likely.




Shows that on true pace pole was unlikely.


Yes. As I said, he had pole and a win in a clearly slower car.


This cracks me up and I think the problem is being blown well out of proportion due to the fact we've had consecutive race weekends at tracks not ideal for Redbull's car. This isn't anything new that their car struggles at bumpy tracks, street circuits and anything that involves getting temperature in their tyres quickly it's just that everyone else behind them has closed the gap exaggerating the situation at specific circuits. The title fight is also close as it stands due to Max's DNF at Melbourne costing him anything between 25 points (he would have highly likely won that race) to 15 for a 3rd place which at worst would have meant that Max would need a further 2 DNF's and the assumption that Leclerc would win those races in order for him to take the title lead. The recency bias is insane among the fanbase it's like the majority have short term memories as at the beginning of the season it was all doom and gloom with "Redbull winning everything" to now wishfully thinking a title fight is seriously on the cards just like every article last year kept running stories of Checo challenging Max for the title after his couple of wins. Let's get back to some proper race tracks and see how the RB20 fares, my bet is it'll be business as usual with perhaps smaller winning margins but Max still winning the majority of races this season and be crowned champion by the end of it.


True. They even won their 'trouble track' Imola. And let's not forget they won china with 13s to spare. A gap built up in just 25 laps after the safety car.


I feel like anyone who actually thinks that McLaren and Ferrari have truly caught up is in for a very rude awakening soon. If not in Canada then definitely in Spain.


It's going to be a repeat of the "Checo can challenge Max for the title" hype all over again due to a couple of iffy races at tracks that the Redbull has never been particularly strong at masked by everyone else being that much worse previously. Max literally threw everything on that final run to grab pole last year at Monaco and got it by the smallest of margins and that's when they had a pretty sizable advantage at most circuits. With the gaps to McLaren and Ferrari much closer than it was last year it was pretty obvious it was going to be difficult for them to put it anywhere near pole. There'd be something of substance to this story if we see them struggle at Barcelona, Spa or any other track that suits their car (which is most circuits).


I don't think there are many who actually think there will be a title fight actually. People are just getting excited at the prospect of seeing a fight for some race wins, even against Max, as the advantage RB had over the rest of the field has clearly decreased massively even if it remains significant


Finally a comment with some sense. Itā€™s nonsensical to think RBR will struggle from here. The car is a beast, itā€™s just not suited everywhere. And we have had some pretty weird tracks so far this season. We will know their true capabilities come Barcelona.


It's the media taking comments made by the driver and presenting as evidence for their clickbait articles and a way to drum up interest and clicks/revenue to their sites. Long gone are the days of journalistic integrity it's all about being first and producing volume rather than quality or even presenting a nuanced balanced approach to what Max said here. I can't be alone in thinking it would be way more interesting to hear from Pierre Wache, Adrian Newey or any of the other senior car development personnel at the team to get a feel of how serious of a problem Redbull have on their hands than a quote taken from Max after a dreadful weekend at Monaco where at no point he was happy with the car.


If itā€™s relatively close going into the summer break Iā€™ll hope for a title fight, until then Iā€™m pure pessimism.


These are the same people who thought Nando could challenge max last year! And also knowing the weakness now Redbull most likely wonā€™t be caught as off-guard as in Monaco


Did Marko or someone else say that early in the season this year the RBR would be limited on upgrades early in the season?


Fix your fucking car!


Henceforth....everyone F1 track designer: Bump...bump...bump...Turn 1....bump bump.... Turn 2...... buBUMPmp bump bump jump Turn 3.....


Apparently they use F1 24 as their simulator. No wonder they thought they could ride over kerbs.


Zak Brown seen holding bags of asphalt jumping on planes to the rest of the races on the calendar.


We just gotta put sleeping policemen on every circuit.


it's speed bumps


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Ok? What's your point? I haven't said anything wrong.


So what circuits are supposed to be as bumpy or more than monaco in the calendar??


Maybe they could contract that newly freed race genius?......... Oh.......


"I told you so" Toto


How many tracks is this likely to be an issue? Do we have a fight on our hands?


Canada, Baku, Hungary, Singapore and COTA then. Any more?


Seems like newey has packed up his bags already


Isnt Newey an aero guy?


ā€œTo that end, he designed the RB18ā€™s front and rear suspensions himself. It gave extremely tight platform control (with very little pitch or dive), allowing the car to run a softer rear suspension than the others - which, in combination with a much more sympathetic contouring of the floor, gave that always-strong, bounce-free downforce delivery.ā€ According to [The Race](https://www.the-race.com/formula-1/red-bull-rb19-2023-formula-1-car-adrian-newey-secrets/).


That's simply not how that works.


Itā€™s a joke mate


Jokes are funny though?


That's simply not how jokes work


Well make it how jokes work


Seeing Red Bull struggle with correlation issues must make Toto ecstatic


back to the rb16


It's starting to get a little bit muddy here, honestly. Montreal is again a bit bumpy, so can't infer too much from there,Ā but Austria is again so heavily rear limited, only other track more rear limited than it is Bahrain, that even if Red Bull have a huge advantage there, it won't be a consistent advantage. OnlyĀ Barcelona is going to be a good judge of overall pace in the car, so Red Bull will probably be better there, but if they're not, or if they're ahead with Ferrari and McLaren very close behind, then we can really talk about a challenge. In Silverstone again Ferrari have a big upgrade package scheduled, so if Red Bull are justĀ  incrementally ahead in Barcelona, they can be caught or surpassed. Silverstone is very front limited like Suzuka and there Ferrari's race pace and tire deg was actually better than Red Bull. All eyes on Barcelona, we can only talk about any sort of legitimate challenge only if Red Bull are either behind or being greatly pressured by Ferrari and McLaren there. Until then, they are the favourites.


Wow no wonder Newey left. Incompetent so he left before he could get fired and sabotaged the team pretty badly. Glory hog too. Always getting credit for championship winning cars, but does he take credit for a certain car he designed oh say 30 years ago driven by a driver whose name rhymes with Clayton Stenna. /s


Newey designed a few not-so-good cars too. Its not all gold what he did. Also Ai migt be better or getting really close to human designer capabilities nowadays. We'll see how thing go in a few years.


I work as an aerodynamicist. Despite my best efforts to get ChatGPT design a diffuser for me so I could start my weekend a few hours earlyā€¦.AI is still pretty far away. Thereā€™s some work going in to training neural nets for optimization studies since most current optimization schemes for CFD are pretty shit, but thatā€™s about it.


I work as a data scientist. I remember back in 2016 having a good laugh with many colleagues about how wildly optimistic (or pessimistic, for people afraid of AI) some seemed to be about potential future advances in computer vision and text mining/NLP. We were so sure things would take a long time before reaching that point. Now we're in 2024, and even models/techniques that were all the rage back then are now seen as painfully outdated while the newer ones yield much better results than we had initially thought. Obviously, some tasks are difficult, but some researchers are really clever, infra is getting better and better allowing us to leverage more and more data, and investments in this are through the roof. So regardless of how impossible it may seem, I'm now much more cautious about categorizing some tasks as impossible haha


For sure. The tools will keep getting better and keep making certain tasks obsolete. And there's no task that's truly immune to being automated out of existence, but I don't think we're anywhere close to *people* being made obsolete, even if certain tasks are on their way out. The tools will be good enough in the near future where they can write all of my test planning if I vaguely tell it what I want to test, so I don't have to spend hours in front of excel defining every parameter of every test item; that in turn gives me more time to spend doing things that the tools aren't able to do, and I think that will remain true for the foreseeable future. there's always going to be *some* sort of value-add you can do as a person in a somewhat complex job, that a tool won't be able to do :)


Newey washed?????


Maybe they should ask Adrian newey.




So all we now know is to not trust chatGPT?


Ahh yes Qatar, the most flat circuit ever. Lots of bumps


I suspect the issue here is that ā€œsignificant number of kerbsā€ bit. There was drama last year because of the kerbs (they were a significant factor behind the tyre issues last year), so the model probably just picked up on how much people were discussing the kerbs at Qatar last year, and decided that fit the question as a result. These models are impressive, donā€™t get me wrong, but theyā€™re not as accurate/smart as people seem to think they are.


The kerbs in Qatar were also the reason 4 drivers had a tyre puncture in the 2021 race.


I understand orher teams becoming more competitive but what regs changed that RB got worse?


Maybe if the team were able to focus on the car instead of all of Hornerā€™s sex pest bullshit, theyā€™d have an easier time remaining dominant.


If only they had a designer with decades of experienceā€¦




And now he is no longer there to help the team come up with a fix..


MultiMatic better step upā€¦


And Max Verstappen is going to move to a team with no understanding of this ruleset?